VOL 26 No. 29 House passes Ag Area bill with 192-1 vote BY SHEILA MILLER HARRISBURG With a vote of 192-1, House Bill 143, the ag area legislation that has been in the mill since January, finally passed off the floor of the House of Representatives on Tuesday. “I’m pleased it passed,” remarked prune sponsor of H 8143 Representative Noah Wenger, 99th District, Lancaster County. The legislation now moves to the state Senate. Voting against the bill was Representative Richard A. Geist, a republican from the 79th District, Blair County. HB 143 provides for the establishment of agricultural areas, created by farmers and local government officials on a voluntary basis. Wenger explained fanners or others who own as an aggregate at least 500 acres of viable agricultural land can request their Inside This Week’s... When you were a youngster and followed your parents to the dairy barn, did you have a dream of one day milkmg-your own cows? Well, two Lebanon County cousins had just the boyhood dream and now are in the midst of having it come true. See how they’re doing it in a unique combination of the past and future... A 26 -* May marks the sixteenth summer the Susquehannock State Park, Lancaster's only state park, has been open to the public. Filled the self-guided nature trails, picnic areas, and open meadows next to the Susquehanna River, the park is the retreat for families seeking rest and recreation...C2 Meet Lancaster County’s Poultry Queen, Heidi Miller, as she talks about her reign, Also, try her favorite egg recipe, Instant Egg Pickup ..C8 Sunflower oil has been used as a diesel fuel replacement, but there are still some rough edges to smooth off in the trial. Read about the home grown fuel as an alternative to Arab 0i1...04 RE6UIAR COLUMNS Editorials, MO; Now Is The Time, A 10; Ask VMD, A3B, Joyce Bupp’s column, C 5; Ladies Have You Heard, CIO; Ida’s Notebook, Cll; DAIRY Juniata DHIA, C 33; Potter DHIA, C 33; Perry DHIA, D 8; Franklin DHIA, D 9. HOME AND YOUTH Homestead Notes, C 2; Home on Range, C 6; Kid’s Komer, Cl2;- FFA News, Cl 7-21; Safety, C 22 local municipalities to establish ag areas. The areas could consist of one contiguousarea or two or more non-contiguous areas or parcels. Once the fanners request an ag area be formed, the local govern' ment would follow normal public hearing procedures: posting a notice; allowing a 30-day period for comments; submitting the proposal with amendments to the planning commission and the Agricultural Area Advisory Committee (establishment provided in HB 143 after local government receives a petition from farmers to create an agarea); commission and committee reporting findings and recom mendations within 45-days after receiving the proposal with modifications from the local of ficials; holding public hearings and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1981 giving notice to those affected; voting. All this must take place within 180 days of the proposal’s sub mission. If the local officials adopt Grazing Holsteins and some alfalfa provide an appropriate backdrop for this milk wagon, which was still used for deliveries in Baltimore in the 1930’5. Now, it’s among items being sold this weekend at'Martin’s carriage and Gypsy moth about to begin \ 2-million-acre forest snack LANCASTER - It likely only made its appearance within the past few days. Presently ranging in size from only a quarter to possibly three quarters of an mch, it will soon grow to a length of two and one half inches. But what it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in the form of a voracious appetite. And there hes the problem. The dununitive pest, of course, is the gypsy moth, which is just now beginning what will likely be a the proposal, it goes into effect immediately. “HB 143 is part of an effort to conserve, protect and encourage the development and improvement of state agricultural land, and to record attack on area trees and forests. “We expect the worst infestation the state has ever had,” according to James Nichols, Chief, Division of Forest Pest Management, of the DER’s Bureau of Forestry. “In all likelihood, approximately two million acres of forests will be defoliated.” That amount of forest land ex pected to be affected is quite a jump over the past two years. In 1979, only 8,000 acres were defoliated by the gypsy moth. Last L.F. celebrates Dairy Month LANCASTER It’s hard'to believe a whole year filled with news and features has passed since Lancaster Fanning was preparing for the 1980 June Dairy Month issues. But here it is that tune of year again and L.F. is once again gearing up for an issue that will make you want to skip dinner and the next milking. Dairy groups, producers, and others who want to take part in this year’s salute to dairying are in vited to get involved. Send us a story, call us with an idea, or let us know when your special meeting dates are for the Farm Calendar it’ll all add up to a super month. Once agam L.F.’s Home Section will be chock-full of mouth watering recipes that use bargain dT# Dtss ‘PETS retain a strong, prosperous agriculture in Pennsylvania,” states a summary of the legislation. “It is important to the (Turn to Page A 34) wagon auction mear -Intercourse. For more information and photos on this nationwide collecting craze for horse-drawn vehicles, turn to page A-20. year, the total increased dramatically to some 440,000 acres. And now the problem is expected to spiral again by nearly five-fold. The previous major problem year was 1977 when a total of 1.3 million acres was defoliated. “The state is still largely basing its long-range program on biological control,” Nichols ex plains. “Eight different parasites which feed on the gypsyv moth had been dairy ingredients for delicious, nutncious meals. And best of all, these recipes will be the tned-and true favorites of our readers. To the cooks who share their ‘secret’ dairy recipes with L.F. readers, a special Dairy Month gift will be sent to show our ap preciation. We’re keeping it a surprise, but the gift is guaranteed to delight any cook. So you don’t miss out on taking part in this Dairy Month celebration's special June 6 issue, be sure to send us your news by Tuesday, June 1. Paid advertising for the issue is also due that day. Give us a call at 717/394-3047 or 717/626-1164. Or, write Lancaster Farming, Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543. Will Dairy Month be ‘udderly’ terrific? It’s in the bag! $7.50 Per Year (Turn to Page A 34)
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