108 Ac. low interest owner fin ancing on this low priced Montour Co. fertile farm, will divide in smaller tracts. Call Carl Diller at KINGSWAY REALTY RE Salesman t Auctioneer 717-569-8701 , 656-6717,464-2233 CENTRAL NEW YORK OFFICE 510 ACRE OTSEGO COUNTY FARM: retiring owner offers this farm with 75 cow barn, 2 newer 20x50 concrete silos, calf barn, two good 8 room homes, mobile home, 60 cows, 40 YS, 5 tractors and all machinery All buildings in nice shape $375,000 complete or $225,000 bare Offers wanted NEW 50 COW BARN-EASTERN NYS: 180 acres just abov? Albany Very good 36x110 tie'stall barn has milkhouse in center 15 ton grainbm Cozy 4 bedroom cottage Buying large farm, asks $143,000 IF YOU APPRECIATE GOOD LAND see this 350 acre farm with 295 tillable class 1-3 soils in very large, easily worked fields Top water supplies on this farm Extra room and bright hip roof barn milks over 100 has new 90’ addition, new milkhouse with 2000 gallon tank, large manure room 2nd barn for young stock 3 silos Sturdy farm home plus mobile home 32x40 drive-thru corn crib FIRST TIME LISTED OR ADVERTISED $2BO 000 liberal financing available - CHOICE FARM LISTINGS ALL ACROSS THE STATE. FREE LISTS. FLI MCTOVtI m, mmhH* Gettysburg Z 334-11+4 ■ 1 ■ Westminster I X ■ aoi-MMtW) X I W yang i X CJlMYorlcSt Hanover * B f* 632-6400 Z *S3assoPWMW* I i York Co. 95 acres, 80 tillable dairy farm, 5 | ZVt story frame home, bank barn, 3 silos, I ifreestall barn and milking parlor need to I ■ be completed, 5250,000. L-3546 I I Adams Co. 40-acre broiler & hog farm, 5 I ZVz story frame home, country location, A x $140,000. Sellers will sell 10-30 acres J I separate $1,300. acre & up. L-2933 | IL-3284 Adams Co 82 acres mostly | ■tillable land, 2400 ft. road frontage. A 1*124,000. X IL-3452-9 Gentleman’s Farm, Excellent! i condition throughout, 2'/z story home ? I with large kitchen, 5 BR, 2 baths, 4O’x6o’ ft z barn, chicken house, hog shed, presently f I set up for sheep, area for horses in barn. 1 la ac. tillable, 3 ac. woods, 13 ac. ini 1 pasture, (10 ac. fenced) t x L-3402 Adams Co. horse farm, 100 acres | I all fenced, 104 x 120 ft. horse barn with | * riding arena, bank barn, stone civil war! I home, modern rancher home with pool. 5 I Nice setting at $310,000. May be pur- ft I chased without rancher home and 10" I acres for $230,000., 12% financing. | I L-3162 Adams County Dairy & Layer! | Farm, 136 acres, large brick home,! 122,000 bird layer house, dairy barn, silo, * I bunk feeder. Sellers will sell dairy & layer ft x separately to two simultaneous buyers j I $310,000. I | L-3327 Juniata Co. Dairy, 85 acres'* f mostly tillable, large ft Z brick & Rt. 75 & f I TuscaroraMMSreekT additional acreages for lease or purchase. I I $lOO,OOO. Owner financing available. | J L-3469-1 Adams Co., land 100 acres! M level 75% tillable, balance wood land. 2 | $135,000. Located near 136 acre dairy &l I poultry farm. x ! Dan Rodgers 717-632-3468 I Office - 717-632-6400 WIMPLE REALTORS SLOANSVILLE, N.Y. 518-875-6355 x REAL ESI ATE CENTRAL NY FARMS 139 ACRES: 70 acres tillable 44 stanchion dairy barn attached heifer barn new pole barn 2 silos 2 family home on country road just 'h mi from main highway in Oneida Co Price - $165 000 91 ACRES; 60 acres tillable, presently used as a horse and beef farm 2 barns measuring 150x60 and 70x30 with brand new 2 family Colonial home located in Oneida Co Price-$135 000 70 ACRES, operating dairy farm 60 stanchion dairy barn with 16x40 silo, *3 outbuildings bulk feed bin, 2 Ig ponds and 7 bedroom Colonial home located on main highway in Madison Co Price - $l2O 000 OnMK« TsSZJffZI, William A. Dobs, Broker Dobs Real Estate 105 Main Street' Oneida, NY 13421 315-363-3610 /NORTHCENTRALPA. \ _ FARMS & M INVESTMENTS ToSefl TIOGA COUNTY: - 100+ AC dairy farm, 34 stalls, new barn cleaner, 20’x28’ Harvestore silo on lease, bulk tank, milking equip, nice 3 br. house partially remodeled. Much much more. Priced at $83,500. W-542. PH: 717-724-5921. TIOGA COUNTY - 2 parcels of land in beautiful Tioga Cty. Great area for hunting, hiking, snowmobilmg, etc. Fantastic views, Hrdtp Rd. & nghtaway. 13+ ac. just $7,150.00 23+ ac. for only $9,900.00 Owner terms poss. Call now. 717-724-5921 W-482,484. JUST LISTED - 140 acre dairy farm,in the heart of Tioga Co. 50 stalls, bam cleaner. 2 bulk tanks, milking units, 18 x 55 silo, 20 x 28 Harvestore, 3 bedroom house, partially remodeled, other out buildings, owner say’s sell at only $140,000. W-545. “AFFORDABLE FARM” - Overlooking the Cowanesque Dam in Tioga County, PA, on NY border, 100+ acres, approx. 40 tillable, 50 tie - stall bam w/mow conveyor, 20’x60’ silo, w/unloader, fair to poor house, major cleanup needed around buildings, frontage on 2 roads. Priced right at just $85,000. #M-209. POTENTIAL FARMETTE - 35.3 acres (18-20 tillable), pond site, spring, large 2 story bam, + garage. Beautiful views with southern ex posure; perfect for an underground house. Build your energy efficient home in the country. Just $25,000. M-114 PH; 717-662-2138 CALL OR WRITE US FOR OUR FREE LISTS! „ M Tls^c^ecm^ omces:Area Code - 717 TIOGA & POTTER Counties call or write WELLSBORO. 120 East Ave - 724-5921 WESTFIELD, 108 Mam St. - 814-367-2249 MANSFIELD. RDI, Box 41 - 662-2138 OUR »1 AIM IS SERVICE MAILBOX MARKET For "Sale - Best Offer Meyers hay crusher, 7’ Reason for selling bought haybine 215-944- 0222 For Sale- 3 brooder houses, McCormick parallel rake, 10 hog farrowing crates Mt Joy 717-653-5811. For Sale- House, very good condition, garage, Barn, kennel, large lot, Houtzdale Clearfield Co Good hunting, fishing, $18,500 Settle Estate 215-536-0598. For Sale- 2 green broke riding horses, 3 yr old 15.1 h grey filly or 4 yr old 151 h chestnut gelding, both gentle Asking $B5O each 717- 359-5281 Adams Co For Sale- Case 1270 dsl, tractor, 135 hp, power shift, 1000 pto, wts, 290 hrs , exc cond. $18,300 or best offer Lane Co 717-872-8659 mailbox market For Sale- AC front end loader with bucket & blade, or 175 $250 717- 464-3136 For Sale- 2 used tractor tires & 1 tube size 13 6x26” Harry T Rudisill, 4011 Emig School Road, Dover, Pa 17315 For Sale- 1950 Chevy panel truck, original owner, new exhaust, fuel pump, good tires, in spected, 41,000 original miles, runs good $5OO Lane Co 717-898-7322 For Sale- Applicator for Beacon Hay Preserve ready to go $2OO JD 4 row cultv w/brackets for JO 60 and 3010 $375 3 hp Copland compressor $25 York Co 717-229- 2346 For Sale- IH 80 combine, new cylinder bars & concave WESTGO rock picker, pull-behind, hyd lift A dump, cyl mcl. York Co 717-993-2201. MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- USDA yearbooks on Aj»r j_c ull ur e 1920,21,26,27,30,61 $5 each or will trade tor others. Carroll Co., Md 301-374-2273 For Sale- IV4 hp NHand6 hp Int Call 717-266-2982 6-9 p m For Sale- 1971 Lincoln Continental Mk 111, Classic, 77,000 original miles, garaged, no rust, exc cond $2499 or best offer Lehigh Co, call after 6 pm 215-967- 1967 For Sale- 2 yr. 300 gal Century Sprayer - $1,500 2-80 bu 12 hole hog feeders 717-243-5768 after 7pm Post hole digger, Danuser s7oor Ford 909 3 pt. 5 ft rotary mower $550, MF 3 pt. 3-btm plow $4OO, all in perfect shape, Balt Co , Md. 301-472-2527. TOGGENBURG BRED DOES. 3/4 due June $B5, American due July $9O, Purebred milking 9 lbs $125. Gloucester Co , NJ 609-694-1487 Wanted to trade pure Cheviot ram lamb for one of, same 717-442-8317 Lane Co For Sale- MH 80 combine with 12’ gram head, new engine, very reasonable, Cumb. Co 717-776-5735 For Sale- NH 401 hay crimper, first class condition, best offer, W Paul Halsey, 709 Old ailesville Rd, Pylesville, D 21132, or 301-452- 8621 For Sale- ‘7O F-700 10' dump, 74 Ford F-350 12’ stake dump, 45’ storage van trailer, TD-9 loader on tracks, steel shelving & pallet rack. Dauphin Co 717-692-4444 For Sale- JD 14T baler, pto drive works good $350, 2 4 hole gav self feeders for hogs, 1 new $175 for both Ship pe ns burg, Franklin Co After 6 pm 717-532- 7002 Ark Seal Insulation blower, exc ,cond, 354: 5056 Lane Co For Sale- Cherry Burrell Model Han D 2 bottle filler, good cond Free to food home 2 chnauzers Lebanon Co 717-964 3097 For Sale- 1979 Chevy Cheyenne PV truck, 10 ser, 6,000 miles, very clean Maroon & gray, 305 VB, AT, PS, PB, Air conditioning, AM/FM radio, tinted glass, dual fuel tank, vinyl interior, rear stop bumper, rally sport wheels, HR 78 radial tires, dash gauges & sliding rear window, 215 445-4441 Springer Spaniel female, AKC, 3 yrs old, good hunter Sold to good home only $45 215-326-8061 Chester Co Reg Hampshire rams, market lambs 717 859- 1094 Lane Co Tomato boxes, 30 lb size, 30 cents each Acme fan shutter w/motor. -new 30x30 $4O 150,000 btiu oil burner, like new $5O Lane Co. 215-995-6067 Wanted- 20,000 tobacco plants during the first half month of June Daniel S Martin, RS, RD#l, Denver, Pa 17517 For Sale- 17 high producing ewes, mostly Suffolk, horned Dorset ram, FFA project, must sell Priced very neg Lane Co. 215-267-2553 For Sale- Int 5 flail chopper, $450, Int 56 blower, used 1 time $1450 Call 215-926- 5177 before 9am or after 5 pm Berks Co For Sale- Waterers for chicks, traps, wire, fish bowl, old bed, feed cart, electric heater Lydia W Nolt, RD3 Box 153, Ephrata, Pa. 17522. SAANEN DAIRY COATS FOR SALE- 2 purebred yrlng. milkers, well bred & For Sale- NH 24’ bale milking nicely. 2 month elevator, good cond old American doe kid & $495, 8' truck cap with purebred buck kid. All slide-in bed unit $175, Nl prices to sell Special 7 single-row corn husker discount to 4-H'ers. 215- $4OO Berks Co 215-682- 683-6834. j 6344 after 5 30 p m. Lancaster Farming, Satan MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Hoi. heifer TB tested, approx 600 lbs $475 Dauphin Co 717- 657-0606. For Sale- IH 400 cyclo corn planter, liquid fert insect, boxes, no till, monitor, 4 row, ready to' plant, must sell, Hunt Co 201-735-7068 For Sale- 1350 lbs good wire fence, purebred Barber Collie pup, purebred Pointer male pup, New Zealand rab bits 717-626-6516. For Sale- JD H w/cultv, 1 btm, 14” plow, 2 section harrow, York Co. 717- 225-4514. STOCK TRAILER. 1977 model, 6’6" ht, 6’ wide, 14’ long, good cond Brakes on all 4 wheels. $2OOO or best offer. York Co 717-792-3205 Free pups, mixed Eskimo, white with black spots, about 6 wks old. Amos E. Fisher, S Cherry Lane, Ronks, R 1 Wanted- rear end for 67 GMC truck w/10,000 lbs rating, prefer either high spd or w/2-speed axle York Co 717-292-1150. For Sale- Favorite in cubator, 300 egg capacity, new, never used $2OO 717-438-3563 after spm Perry Co Farmall Super MIA, good cond. $lBOO Lane. Co 717-786-4568. For Sale- Old Red painted bam boards, call eves Lane. Co. 717-665-4871 For Sale- Dunham-Bush 3 phase cooling units, Simeon Beiler, 123 S Belmont Rd, Paradise, Pa For Sale- McCormick binder in perfect shape, ready to hitch. Samuel F Conley, RDI Box 444, Etters, Pa. 938-4163. For Sale- McCormick Deecing threshing machine, 28” cycle, 46' sep with gram blower, 6" 75’ endless belt. $l2OO 717-354*7938 Lane Co For Sale- Wagner front -end loader for Ford tractor, backhoe at tachment from Ford tractor, Lane Co. 717- 733-4606 For Sale- 400 gal Girton milk tank Samuel S King, 90 S New Holland Rd, Gordonville, Pa 17529, Lancaster Co For Sale- MF 520 wing disc, $1250, 3pt hookup cultv, $9O, 13' Brady field cultv $750. 717- 354-0338 Wanted working milk can cooler for Dauphin Co Dairy Fair, call or write Tom Williams, 2400 Fulling Mill Rd., Mid dletown, Pa. 17057, 717- 939 7584 For Sale- Young service age holstem bull. Daniel B Stauffer, RDI Box 416, Port Trevorton, Pa 17864 Snyder Co For Sale- 24' Airstream trailer, exc cond also GMC PU 13,000 miles, loaded - Will sell together or separately 301-838- 4391 For Sale- Big Dutchman auto poultry, hog & livestock cooling system, $l5O & 1469 self propelled NH haybme $3OOO Chester Co. 215- 273-2195. For Sale- Proven 2 yr old Dorset ram $lOO, good size and configuration 717-367-3273 Dauphin Co. after spm For Sale- Farmer Boy hog umt, model 70 hd 1 yr old-must sell $2BOO Cumberland Co 717-532- 6819 Straw For Sale. Fayette Co 412-785-6427 Wanted- Information or reply from someone who has Australian terriers 717-648-9053 Nor thumberland Co 'day, May 23,1981—845 | MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Ford 5000 dsi.. 8 sp wf, good rubber, good cond $5OOO or best offer Cecil Co. 301-658-5712 For Sale- 2 Reg Holstein cows, one due in July, one in Sept One grade cow due in July 717-235 2735. Wanted- JO 60 pulley & grill or tractor for parts 717-243-4505 Cumb Co. For Sale- 4 horse Lister dsi. just overhauled $650, Louden litter carrier Sylvan S. Fisher, Paradise R 2 Wanted- Small pony safe w/kids, preferably a mare, must be sound. Call after spm Lane Co. 215-445- 4110 Must Sell- Purebred Yorkshire boar. Spirited general purpose horse, free trial. Best offers Raymond Stauffer, RD2 Martin Rd , Stevens, Pa 17578 Red Run, Lane. Co For Sale- JD three section lever harrow, 9' wide $l5O 2-16.9x30 tires, Vi tread $l5O Lane Co 717-354-9916 For Sale- IH 430 twine baler, 6 ton hay wagon, IH 10’ transport disk, equip like new Berks Co- 215- 777-2072 For Sale- Pea hulling machine, 2 bu size, used 1 season 215-445-5321 FAIRBANKS PLATFORM SCALES s'x6' 5,000 lb. $3OO, 9 Agstar nursery pig feeders 4’, 132’ nursery fencing 7’x9'4l4' long, 32” high. 717-949- 3965 For Sale-18’ silo roof It is made for a distributor, food shape $3OO. John M tauffer, RD 1 Box 279, Port Trevorton, Pa 17864 Snyder Co Driving Show - June 27, 1981. My Lady’s Manor Club, St James Church, Monkton, Md , in formation 301-692-6453 Harford Co For Sale- 3 hp Quincy compressor,-1 yr. old, 3- hp compressor both good shape, also Morgan stud service Stephen L. Stoltzfus, 351 East Eby Road, Leola, Pa 17540 Lane Co For Sale- Top buggy, good cond Lane Co 215-445- 4183 For Sale- NH elevator, hay mower, crusher, rakes, mounted corn planter for Farmall H or M, plow, disc, pto combine w/bm. 717-' 345-4882 1 pine hutch, 60" H made from used pine, 52" L boards unfinished, 18’ W $l4O 717-632-9383 York Co T Sickle bar mower, ready for the field, extra nice 215-286-9591 For Sale- Owatonna 9' haybme, good cond $950 Ford 2 row 3 pt corn planter, fiberglass fert hopper $225 Berks Co 215-944-0121 For Sale- Dorset & Cross ewes, aged, yrlgs , lambs V/i yr Cornedale ram reg, yrlng. Dorset ram, lamb rams Montg Co 215-754-7404 For Sale- JD 336 baler/thrower, NH 477 haybme, JD 494 A planter, JD FB drill, Nl 2 row picker, gravity wagon, roto-hoe, make offer Balt Co 301 374-2020 Jersey-Bull • 17 months for sale or trade for other Jersey Dorset ram for sale or trade Berks Co. 215-286-9676 For Sale- 3 Agway water cups, never used, large curved blade Z'AxT for tractor or truck Extra seat for Scout 717 432- 4597 For Sale- Reg Suffolk yrlng ram, also 6 wk old bunnies Lane Co 717- 786-7716 Kittens, free for a good home. Lane. Co. 215-445- 6807 Located between Fivepomt ville & Bowmansville. Wanted- Large bell for college chapel, 32”-36” across Please contact W Klemm, RD»S, Box 92, Newton, NJ Sussex Co.
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