FREE Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will receive one advertise ment FREE each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be govern ed by the following rules Limit your advertise ment Jo 20 words, area code must be added to phone number and, due to repeated requests, please. include your county lor buyer and seller conve nience. all advertisements must be mailed to the of fice by Tuesday or same will be held over for next week's paper, nq business , advertisements accepted ! Include your .Lancaster Farming mailing label and mail to Mail Box Market Lancaster Farming P O Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 No Phone Calls Please For Sale- JD F 125 4x16 3 pt plow $550. Oliver 2x14 3 pt. plow, $l5O. Sch Co. 717-648-9022 For Sale- 5 yr. old stan dardised carriage horse, over 16 hands, sound. Titus 2 Martin, East Earl, R 2 Pa. Lane. Co. For Sale- Wooden outside toilet, can. move easy, good shape, 717-354- 5039 Lane. Co For Sale- 1 pair rear STractor steel wheels, 26” hub $225, Ben A. Fisher, 10943 Wowersvdle •RdT' Newburg, Pa 17240. For Sale- Electric & coal stove combination, top & grades in very good condition, 717-776-7692. For Sale-Aluminized steel silo roof for two 16 ft Silos an tripod for two, like new. $BOO 215-267- 7349 For Sale- 478 New Holland Haybme, 620 John Deere tractor, 56 New Holland Rake, New Idea Cut-ditioner, Lane Co 717 859-2792 For Sale- ‘65 Ford truck 3/4 ton w/trailer hitch, '66 Ford truck 1/2 ton for parts, $6OO. 717-665- 5824 Lane Co For Sale- Rebuilt 471 GM Diesel Power Unit, 717- 354 0449 fior Sale- Two used *8 4x38 rear tractor tires, good shape and cultivators for a Farmall Super C. Perry Co 717- 834 4587. Wanted- Lily Lamp with 1 to 10 shades on Lily pad base, must be signed Tiffany Studios Balt. Co. 301 374-4177 For Sale- One McCormick Deerme 15-30 and one FarmalT F-30 tractors, Both runnng, 717-423- 5950 after 4 p.m Wanted- Used 10’ silo unloader and roller mill, 717-364-5522. For Sale- White 543 4 row corn planter, no fertilizer, Planted 110 acres, 53000. Luz. Co. 717-256- 3452 for Sale- Ford haybme, New Holland 717 chopper 2 heads, International H tractor, Massey Harris 30 tractor, 717-675-2687. For Sale- 20 old time paper weights, $250, firm, will pay postage for shipping, 301-374-4724 ffrlto Co. tS Sale- JD No 2 bale ejector without remote hydraulic cylinder $l5O. Northampton Co. 215- 252-7659 after 6 p.m "Fdr'Sate‘-~33"wire rabbit pens with some homemade feeders an nest boxes, self watering for 75 pens, $l5O Berks Co 215-589-5228 For Sale- JD Hay Crimper, good shape, Lane. Co Joseph H. Beiler, R 1 Box 141 Drumore, Pa. 17518 For Sale- TO2O Ferguson tractor, 3 pt hitch, heat houser, new rear tires, call after 6pm York Co 717-993-2142 For Sale- Oak veal calf pens, $l2 50 each - you disassemble 301-658 6938 Cecil Co., Md For Sale- Ford 8N Tractor, rebuilt engine, new' starter, gen . muffler, new paint A-L cond, field ready, $lBOO or best offer, Leb Co 717-865- 2870 For Sale- Feeder Steers,'7 Angus & Holstein and 2 Holstein- Approx, wt 375 - 400 lbs 717-349-7281 Franklin Co ,For Sale- Cherry- walnut and ash logs, make offer, John M. Hostetler, Reedsville, Pa. Box 123, RO #17084 ' For Sale- Sex Sal Link pullets, 21 weeks old in August $3 05 each Order now for this price Israel S Stoltzfus, Kirkwood For Sale- 3 Surge milker, 50 lb pails With electric pulsators and timer and some parts, $2OO. Daniel M. King, Morgantown, Pa RDI Box 100, Red School Road. 19543 For Sale- 7 1 /i h p Lister Diesel, working condition Also 8 can cooler with copper bottom. Leroy B Stoltzfus, Paradise RDI White Oak Rd., Box 185, 17562 For Sale Two seated Mennomte carnage, Lane. Co 717-656-8531 For Sale- Fox Terrier pups, ready to go in 4 weeks, nicely marked black & white. Place order now John K. Esh, Ftt 1 Kirkwood, Pa. on Liberty Lane. . For Sale-, Myers,mower-, conditioner with 8' IH mower, balanced head, like new $lOOO or best offer, extra knives, 215- 285-6313 Berks For Sale- Insecticide attachment for JD 494 corn planter, like new, $lOO 201 689-3332 Warren Co. NJ For Sale- Parts for 1972 Chev Malabu, radiator exhaust system, back bumper, front floor mat, backseat, 717-374-4401 For Sale- Pittsburg 12’ Disc harrow, McConnell 20’ cart type harrow, 3000 gal truck tank with meter, hose & reel, Luzerne Co 717-256- 3309 Wanted- Old farm, camp, or land in North CentraL and North East Penna Must be m good hunting and fishing area 215-799- 4467. For Sale- 1972 Chevrolet cab, and chassis, hscenced for 30,000 lbs, new paint, $3BOO 1971 Super Beetle, sun roof, $B5O 717-426-2181 For Sale- Milk tanks - 800 Mueller Ht-form, 600 Jamesway, 600 Milkkeeper, 264-6007 Franklin Co. For Sale- New Holland Model 65 baler with thrower, good condition, 717-378-2315 Wyoming Co. For Sate- Soybean Seed, Jakes 106 - Williams 1980 Certified seed (cleaned) Monroe Co 717-629- 0777 For Sale- Quarter Horse mare, 3 years, professionally trained, exceptionally good disposition, fast learner, AQHA registered, Chester Co 215-932-4728, For Sate- 2-yr old Reg Morgan Stud $l2OO Greenbrpke, 1 set metal pickup truck racks, like new $l5O 301-432-8292. For Sale- Farmall A, good condition, Chicken slats, 717-872-7659 nest, hog feeder, nice heifer due soon Call 717- 733-6802 For Sale- COMBINE-Int 315, 12 ft gram head, exc condition, $6OOO Service age bull, reg Red Holstein, $6OO Mon tgomery Co 215-754- 7637 Wanted- Whizzec- motor bike or parts or old Schwinn bikes 717-354- 9127 For Sale- Lime, fertilizer, chicken manure spreader mounted on C 750 Ford, air brakes, 5x2 tran smission, good condition, Perry Co 717-444-3784 For Sale- AC 6G track loader, $4OOO Eddie-301- 398-3231 Cecil Co, MD Amish girl, 24, desires lawn, garden jobs or cleaning, l h mile east of Ridgeview Mennonite Church, 3841 Ridge Road, Gordonville, PA. For Sale- JD H manure spreader, $2OO. Co-op, 3 section disk plow puli type, 32” disks, $BO Montgomery Co.-215-679- 2176... For Sale- Hay Rake - Ford •w/3pt hitch $350. 2 Platform scales - $lOO each One to 600 lbs /one to'3oo lbs 301-734-7769 after 5 ' Wanted-JD 70 3pt must be in. good cond, 215- 257-7491 For Sale- 350 JD crawler with industrial loader and ripper. Lane. Co 717- 733-8239 For Sale- Winter cab to fit wheel horse garden and lawn tractor Reasonable _pnce Honda trail bike 90 Excellent cond, 2000 ong miles Lane. Co 717- 872-5263. For Sale- Poultry Equip 18- 6’ Shenandoiah waterers, wagoner floor feeding system with 3 hopper bins and gear boxes, 717 374-1285 or 717-374-1623 - Snyder Co For Sale- New Holland 975 Combine. 13 ft gram head with cab Columbia Co. 717-458-6828 For Sale- 2 row Stauffer transplanter in exc cond Wanted- Oliver corn picker, 73H for parts with good wagon elevator Cumberland Co 717-532- 7922 For Sale- A very nice 6 month old Simmental bull calf sired by "Beat" 301- 848-4736 For Sale- Wilson 375 gal bulk tank for parts NH 331 spreader for parts NH 28 foot bale elevator, 717-956-2357 Union Co. For Sale- Farmall 400 D engine or hole tractor, .717 NH chopper. Farmall H block, Augusta Co 703- 363-5383. For Sale- 8000 BTU Fedders air conditioner, 115 volts, 12 amps, $5O Coldspot Oehumidifier, $25 717-845-8285 York Co Wanted- Three point hitch - 2 row Ford cultivator, Schuylkill Co. 717-889- 3653 after 6 p m For Sale- Jersey Ist Calf heifer, fresh 4/30/81 Easy Milker, $550. Nor thampton Co. 215-588- 3082. For Sale- Books, studying the German Language, $3 each “Winning the West” by Theodore Roosevelt, $75 Howard Eastland, Jr., R 1 Box 339, Port Trevorton, Pa 17864. For Sale- Antique tractors and horse-tread, 717- 549-3185 Tioga Co , Pa For Sale- Massey 410 gas combine, 16 ft head IH4 bottom roll over plow, 609-259-7225 Monmouth Co.NJ. For Sale- Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding, 16.2 hands, Dark Bay, 5 yrs. old, $B5O Cecil Co Md 301-398-0923 For Sale- IH manure loader, fits C, Super C, 200, 230. IH last hitch, 2 bottom, 14 Inc Plow New Holland 357 grinder mixer, Col Co 717-784- 5261 MAILBOX MARKET -For-Sale>-1975-ffrt 'track, 478 motor - new- 14’ Omaha dump gram-bed, new engine, new tires, extra sides and tarp, 510,000 Cumberland 717-532-2935 For Sale- 1975 Gleaner M Combine, good condition, 15 ft. gram head, Burlington Co, NJ 609- 298-0823 For Sale- Two new never used 9x15 A/T Tracker Tires by Goodyear, Harford Co Md 301-692- 6920 For Sale- 1H 816 mower conditioner, 7 ft, good condition, 5475 Call after 6 215-679-6588 Lehigh Co. For Sale- Truck bed - 20 ft Omaha 5 ft gram sides - twin cylinders, reservoir tank 4 pump, fold up cattle racks, very good condition, $4OOO 301- 692-6364 or 301-692- 5629 For Sale- Westgo rock picker $llOO, Pioneer chain saw, $5O, 469 NH haybine knife, $35 12 Pioneer made hyd. fit tings, $2 Chester Co 215-286-9391 For Sale- Cornedale ewe, 6 yrs, legistered, very tame, produces excellent wool plus lambs, $75 Franklin Co. 717-328- 2614 For Sale- 3 Toggenburg doe kids, can be registered, 8 weeks old, 2 grade kids 717-949- 3638 Lebanon Co. For Sale- 6 Bnllion cul pack seeder, exc cond Pratz mixer, good con dition after 6pm 717- 477-5520 For Sale- Avocado refrigerator, good cond, used generators for garden tractors standby, one PTO op cord Lane Co 215-445-5309 For Sale- l‘/i story shed to be removed, best offer 215-445-4521. lane. Co. Wanted- Windmill any useable condition State price and condition. Yoder’s Handle Shop, RD I, Meyersdale, PA 15552 ,SomersetCo..>— _ For Sale- Stauffer 2 row tobacco planter, 2 seated carnage on tires Lan caster Co 717-733-4423. For Sale- MINI LOP rabbits, with papers, $25 00, very loveable pets, NZW with papers, $lO-Ce Co , MD 301-885- 2134 For Sale-15 old cars, 1930 to 1962. Cecil Co 301- 398-3805 For Safe- Australian Shepherd, 7 month old female/papers Blue Merle Housebroken, affectionate $75 Sch Co 717-366-1777 or 717- 385-3071 For Sale JD 720 diesel tractor, ps, pony start, A-l tftes and paint, $2200 Fred Co 301-775 7678 For Sale- 24" wood planer, good shape, $6OO 301-482-6963 Caroline Co, MD For Sale- used M&W turbo charger for JD 4020 diesel tractor, complete, 814-445-8710 Somerset Co For Sale- Furry, carpeted Dodge van, excellent condition, $2700 Great looking, gentle horse, 5 yrs old, $475 Nor thampton Co 215-767- 3979. Wanted- rotary mower for Farmall Cub, Burlington Co. NJ. 609-758-7272. . For Sale- 11V4' aluminum boat, class A trailer, spare wheel, 3 1 /2 h p motor, oars, preservers, anchor, $450. Lancaster Co. 717- 397-2376 For Sale- Male AKC Collie, 6 weeks, also AKC Collie stud service Elvm Hess, Conestoga, PA (Lan caster Co) 717-872-5522. For Sale- Reg yearling Angus bull, ready for service Cumb Co 717- 776-5931 For Sale- 5 yearling Holstein heifers, vac cinated and dehorned, 3 yearling Holstein steers, home raised Cumberland Co 717-258-6139 For Saie- Like new storm -front carriage and 354 NH grinder mixer, good cond , CL Esh, Rl, Box 181 Newb u rg, Pa 17240 For Sale- Farmall Cub tractor with C-3 Int mower 58” good cond , $l5OO Belt pulley for cub, $75.215-495-6662 For Sale- 60 sawed locust posts, also JD crimper $llO Cumberland Co. 717-532-5221 For Sale- 14 ton hopper bin, 55'x8” PTO transport auger 2-300 bu JM. Gravity wagons, 13 ton gear, Girette man lift, all the above new, Franklin Co. 717-762-4985 For Sale- Cargill isolates comp w/concrete flooring fencing, heater, waterer 4 feeder, ready for immed use 717-872-8508 Wanted- Canvas for a McCormick Deenng gram binder. Lane Pa 717- 548-2676 South Lane Co W3nted- Tandem dump trailer Steel or aluminum Any length, For Salt 1 CA Allis Chalmers, Lane. Co 717-665-^865 For Sale- hay & straw, shovel to corn shelter, 2 bottom 16” cast bottom plows, 717-529-6239 For Sale- 50 head feeder pigs, 40-50 lbs Vac, wormed, Lane Co 717- 354 8238. For - Sale- International 268 cultivator for Farmall, 504 Berks Co 215 552- 3227 For Sate- Int. 4-row corn planter, Model 455 w/Grandy Insecticide boxes and extra plates, also, one Farmhand Bate Buncher. Berks Co 215- 5622707 I need young replacement cows, need not register or classify, must have nice udders and milk' No dealers. Lane. Co 717- 354-5060 For Sale- 450 IH-diesel tractor, good shape, newly painted, belt pulley, fast hitch. Sch Co 717- 875-1111 For Sale- Lely Wheel rake, -3-pt.' hitch, good corfp , Franklin Co 717-349- 2664. For Sale- J D manure spreader, Model L $350 Also JD 3 16” bottom plow - No 55A - $125 Both are very good, Franklin Co 717-532- 2700. For Sale- AKC Reg German Shepard pup pies, Parvo shots & wormed, very nice, ready after May 19th, 717-349- 7757 For Sale- 32’ Mayrath hay & gram elevator with IV2 hp Century motor gram chute & hopper, Perry Co 717-789-3963. Wanted- One or two used 13 6x38 tractor fires Lane Co 717-626-5438 For Sale- 355 NH grinder mixer, Long discharge auger $4200, like new, York Co 717-456-5762 For Sale- 3 pt 2 row cultivator also 2 -14 9x24 tractor tires, 60% tread, $75 Lane Co 717-354- 6405. For Sale- 1 set -VW van car seats, $25 Ford Child safety car seat* $l5, Meyers jet pump $l5, Sears riding mower, 7 hp $75 489-6164 Limerick, Montg. Co For Sale- 600 ft of black elastic 1” water pipe sed one time. Lane. Co 717-733-6077. For Sale- Goat, buck kids, 2 mo old, Nubian-Saanen cross, polled, $4O Lane. Co 717-738-1739 evenings. For Sale- baled hay 1 30 per bale, 717-842-8618 after 6pm Moscow, Pa. area For Sale- corn silage, good quality $35 a ton Lane Co 717-284-4921. For Sale- Sawed and round locust posts, oak and hemlock fence boards. Split rail fencing wire fencing- 717-442- 8972 For Sale 50 lb potato bags, used opce 717-898 7386 Lane Pa Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1981—847 | MAILBOX MARKET j For Sale-1968 Chevy walk in, 12’, Boyertown body, equipped with 76 Chevy 350 engine, Oliver 70 row crop, motor sound 717- 273-7063 Lebanon Co For Sale- mixed hay ~717 249-1195 Cumberland Co For Sale New F2L912 Ouetz Diesel. 20 to 32 H P with electric start and hand clutch Lane Co 717-733-4453 For Sale- 1973 Ford pickup Vz ton, 302 motor, 3 speed, good shape, $l5OO, 215-795-2137 For Sale- JD 3020 gas, wfe, with 4 bottom plow and snow plow, MF 300 combine with grain and corn head, 717-473-3988 For Sale- Hampshire sheep, 1 ram, 3 ewes, and a few lambs, Christiana Area 215-593-6488 For Sale- Mounted sickle bar for AC "B" Lycoming Co 717-546-3047 For Sale- New Idea 41 ft 8 in gram auger, pto drive, York Co 717-244-8141 For Sale- 3 pt Int 531 plow, 3 bottom 14 in 215- 445-5832 For Sale- Stainless steel meat cutting table with white poly cutting board, 8’ long 3’ wide S S backs plash, $195 717- 656-7270 Lane. Co Lancaster Farming Subscription Service CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Attach label from current paper and at tach In space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $7.50 per year or $13.00 for two years in PA. MD, DE, NJ. NY, VA and WV. (All other areas - $12.00 per year, $20.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Form is to be used for new subscriptions or change of address only: No refund*. j When writing us about your i ■ subscription please attach your I I Lancaster Farming mailing label j I here and mail the whole form to: J | LANCASTER FARMING. I I P.O. Box 366, Lititz, Pa. 17543 j PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check one) □$ 7.50-1 YEAR D512.00-IYEAR □513.00-2 YEARS □ $20.00-2 YEARS □NEW SUBSCRIPTION □CHANGE OF ADDRESS ENCLOSED IS A □CHECK DCASH □ MONEY ORDER (Pitas* supply information in full.) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE MAIIBOX MARKET For Sale- Fox No 046 harvester, 2 row corn and pickup head, good con dition, $750 717-367- 3662 Notice-will buy milk turned down by your dairy or smaller amounts For Sale-1000 gal manure tank Lebanon Co 717- 949-3791 For Sale- JD 47 manure, loader with fork and mechanical dump, stands and brackets for JD 2020 included, $450 Lancaster Co 717-354-7317 For Sale- front end loader for AC model G Wanted AC Model G for parts Orange Co. NY 914-258 4543. For Sale-1974 Dodge mini home, 23’, 32,000 miles Phone 717-364-5482 For Sale- farm belt, 6"x75' endless, $4O. Berks Co 215-689-5554 For Sale- NH 7 self unloading wagon with NH running gear, $lBOO, good condition. 301-692- 5224 Harford Co., MD Wanted- used portable hog scales 607-356- 3200 Steuben Co, NY For Sale- Hay wagon, new, all finished oak bed and high sides, $llOO with 8 ton gear, $l5OO, Carroll Co Evenings 301-635- 2481 (Please print) .BOX •UNTY. lIP CODE
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