026—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 < . n ithwest ot Mittimtown, . . PA, Long Bros Auc P l— ' —^*—, **" , ** , ***"** ,^", *^*** p ® tioneers Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MAY 9 - 10 00 A M Public Sate of Real Estate, Wood working tools. Anti que Car and Truck Located along Manatawny Rd , ‘A mile north off Rt 562 at Earlville, Earl Twp, Berks Co, PA Ellwood G Brutnbach Estate Frey Auctioneers SAT MAY 9 - 930 AM Public Sale of Gas Engines, Guns, Antiques, Located along Hoff Rd, Ext Heidelberg Twp, 1 mile south of Porters Sideling (Porter's Sideling Rd intersects 116 ap prox 3 miles southwest of Spring Grove, PA) and on the north side of Lake Marburg Dam breast Kenneth and Helen Stam baugh Owners C C Miller and Sons Auctioneers and Clerks SAT MAY 9 - 10 00 A M Autotore's Auction of Real Estate, Household and Collectibles Benton Rd 2, off Rt 487 North of Ben ton, 3 miles turn at camp Levine toward Elk Grove 7 miles, 2 mile Sellers - Canadian Aces John Autotore and John Jr Auctioneers MON. MAY 11, - 2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner WED MAY 13 - 1 00 P M Public Sale of Commer cial/lndustrial Warehouse, 1 1 acre tract. Personal Property Located at 25 Commerce St, Mountville, PA Estate of Edward F Froelich Claude F Smith and V Ronald Smith Auc tioneers WED MAY 13 - 7 00 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located at 756 Lafayette St, Lancaster, PA bet ween Fairview Ave and Laurel St, 1 block east of Manor St Sale by Agnes V Reynolds nowaro Shaub and Roy C Probst Auctioneers MAY 14, 15, 16 Martin’s Tenth Annual Carriage, Sleigh and Antique Auc tion at Martin's Sales Pavilion, 2 miles east of Intercourse, PA Martin Auctioneers Inc 717-354-7006 THURS MAY 14 1100 A.M Public Sale of Real Estate Located in Craley, PA York Co Laura M Frey Estate Jacob A Gilbert Auctioneer FRI MAY 15, 530 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus S Son, Auc tioneers SAT MAY 16 Royal Charolais Annual Bull Sale and Royal Female Sale Location at the farm, Greensburg, PA Managed By Buzz Garey, Garey Cattle Sales, Inc 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, PA 19057 SAT MAY 16 - 930 A M Goodville Community Fire 2nd Annual Benefit Auction Breezy View Christian School located on Rt 441, Vz mile north of Columbia, PA, Lancaster Co SAT., MAY 9 9AM-3P.M 24 Homemade Quilts, Many other donated items and crafts We will be accepting donatio ns until sale time For more information call 717-684-7624 J Everett Kreider Auctioneer Co Sale Held at the Goodville Fire House, Local Auctioneers SAT MAY 16 - 630 PM Danville Livestock Market, horse sale Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner SAT MAY 15 Juniata Co acreage at Public Sale, Located 16 miles ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A T LINDEN FARM PRESENTS ULTIMATE 1 MAY 23, 1981 At 11:00 A.M. SELLING: 60 lots of outstanding (Cows) Sim- t mental Female (Breds, Pairs & Open ♦ Heifers). ♦ For Catalogs Call or Write Linden Farms LaGrangeville, N Y. 12540 S / LINDEN FARMS Kenneth Creese, Herdsman Tele 914-223-5904 Farm #914-223-3032 ♦ ♦ ♦ CAITLE FOR SALE AT ALL. TIMES* 9 HORST’S MILL SPRING AUCTION LAWN EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, TRACTORS FRIDAY EVENING MAY 1 4:00 P.M To be held on the premises at the place of business at RD 7, Lebanon, Lebanon County, Penna. Turn off Route 419 bet ween Schaefferstown and Cornwall onto Rexmont Rd. and continue south to place of business. Wheel Horse 7 hp ; Bolens 1050, Bolens G 10; John Deere 60, John Deere 56 rider; Roof 8 hp rider, Massey 7 hp hydra; Massey 88 hp ; Toro 10 hp rider with rear bagger; Massey 7 hp.; Massey 14 1.p.; Yardman 5 hp rider; MTD 8 hp. nder; MTD 5 hp. rider; Toro professional reel rider; Homehte 7 hp.; Sears LT-10 hp.; Jacob son 7 hp rider; GE electrak E 12; used snow blades for Massey and Bolens; Snapper rider, asst, of used power mowers; 1 set 5’ gang mowers; 2 B&D reel elect, mowers and other grass equipment 1954 F6OO Ford Truck with dump and good gram body 8 hp Giant rear tine tiller; 5 hp MTD shredder; used chain saws: McCulloch 310-16”, McCullough - Pro Mac 510-16”, Rem SL9 -16”, Ford 14” and Sears 19”, Bnnley plows and cultivator; cordless and elect, line trimmers; gas groomer; Hoffco power scythe; Parker sweepers, mini bike parts and spreaders. Corona kerosene demo, heaters, Bulldozer battery fencer; hedge trimmers; high wheel cultivators; wheelbarrows; bench vise; flower pots, lawn rakes, Malrm fly bait; rolls of root ing paper and lots of other items to numerous to be mentioned. Note: Due to everyday business, some items will be sold and other items added. Business open all day during auction. Here is a chance to purchase your spring lawn and garden equip ment at auction prices. Sale order to be small items at 4:00 with larger equipment starting at 6:30. Conditions by: HORST’S MILL 717-949-3330 Harry H. Bachman- Auctioneer 867-1809 SAT MAY 16 - 900 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Collectibles, Household Goods, Located at 12th and Line St, Sunbury. PA near Hospital Hazel and Paules Gibson Owners. Dockey & Dockey Auc tioneers SAT MAY 16 - 200 P M Sale of Real Estate Noble Rd between Nine Points and Christiana, PA 2 miles west of Christiana, Sadsbury Twp Lancaster Co , PA Sale by Hamilton Bank, guardian of Wm Wood Kersey Bradley Auctioneer aeftr iDsamiimp KAKLEHMEK, ♦ OWNER I 9i4-22J-JsBb ♦ PUBLIC SALE of 11 Acre Farm plus 1 Building lot SAT., MAY 9 @ 11A.M. Located at west end of Frystown. Go to blinker light in Frystown then go west on Frystown Rd. to Meckville Rd., turn right to property. Location - approx. 2 mi. from Frystown Interchange of Rte. 78. Bethel Twp., Berks Co. REAL ESTATE Land: 11 acres all open ground. Terrain level to gentle slope. House: 2Ms story frame, tin roof, cement floor basement, coal hot air heat. Ist. fir. has kit., living rm., fam, rm. & utility rm. 2nd. Or. has 5 bdrms. St full bath, water supply by well St pressure system. Barn: 40’x32’ frame bank bam, tin roof, open stables. Garage: Cement block 2 car, also IVa sty. bnck building w/fireplace. Storage Bldgs.: (2) 18’x32’frame. Comments: This property is located in a very nice area, all level ground around buildings, .some old shade Inspection anytime by appt Terms: 10% dn. day of sale. For information call: HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. 215- 286-5183. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT 225’x225’ all open ground with very nice location. Terrain very gentle slope. Located @ northwest comer of farm, to be offered separately or as an entirety. Terms By MELVIN S. & EMILY P. ZOOK Elton & Alvin Horning Auctioneers HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Main Street Morgantown, Pa. 215-286-5183 COMPLETE FARM DISPERSAL CARL & CAROL DEMING BARTON, TIOGA CO.. NEW YORK having decided to discontinue farming we have been commissioned to sell on: FRIDAY, MAY Ist @ 10:30 A.M. at the farm on Diamond Valley Road, off Halsey Valley Road Tioga Center, N.Y. - in Tioga Center <Rte. 17C) use Halsey Valley Road to Diamond Valley Road. Watch for Arrows. 100 HI-GRADE & REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE 100 62 milk cows, a top group of fresh cows; some springers; 20 for fall - DHIC Records - RHA over 13,500 individual records over 20,000 M Sired by A.I. Sires - Bred to top Eastern Bulls. 6 bred Hfrs., 25 yearlings, 10 calves. Necessary Cattle Vet Examined - 30 day Blood & T.B. Ready for Intersate NOTE: A good uddered dairy. Milking well. Cows will suit. FARM MACHINERY Farmall 966 - 4 remotes, 3 pt., a top tractor; J.D. 403 C - 3 pt. new rubber; J.D. 720 D - 3 pt.; IHC 3200 Ser. B Skid Steer; JD 24 Industrial Skid Steer; JD 4x16 auto reset plow; Brillion 20’ held cultivator; IHC 12’ transport disc; IHC 16’ drags; IHC 449 4 row com pltr.-liquid fert.; 3 pt. Fert. tank; JD Grain Drill; JD 35 chopper - 2 row com & pick-up head; 2 IHC self-unldmg wagons; Kools Blower; silo pipe; Owatonna 216 mower-conditioner; IHC 35 rake; IHC 430 baler & thrower; Kuhn tedder & rake; 2 throw racks -1 a new multi-metal, plus raise. - not many small items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK, LUNCH AVAILABLE OWNERS CARL & CAROL DOMING FARM FOR SALE AT PRIVATE TREATY: by contacting auctioneer-broker or owner. Farm consists of 275 acres 175 tillable, bam with 67 ues plus box stall; 1500 Mueller tank; Surge Pipeline; Patz cleaner; 2 silo’s; bunk silo; bunk feeders; large heifer bam; good dwelling on black top road with excellent access. Terms available to qualified parties. AUCTIONEER & LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER HOWARD W. VISSCHER Nichols, N.Y. 13812 Phone 607-699-7250 PROSKINELAND & EQUIP. AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 2 10 AM Oxford, NY. 6 Miles South of East River Rd. * CHOICE CHENANGO COUNTY FARM * 739 ± Acres Land - Modem Dairy - 3 Rental Properties - Offered in tracts-combmations total 10 miles road frontage - 5 miles Chenango River frontage. TRACT #1; 300 acre Dairy Farm, 250 cow bam, 2 large silos (#la-one 25x90 Harvestore w/Goliath unloader-to be sold separately- Harvestore Co. completely restored after 1980 fire damaged, motors new, holds approx. 1000 Tons). TRACT #2:75 acres woods. TRACT #3: 20 acres farm & woods, V* acre pond. TRACT #4:48 acres w/shale pit -45 farmed. TRACT #5; 19 acres farm. TRACT #6: Rental Complex - private setting w/Chenango River frontage - mam house w/7 apts., duplex, 3 mobile homes, 40x100 bam. TRACT #7: 50 acres river bottom farm - river frontage. TRACT #8: 60 acres nver bottom farm - river frontage. TRACT B: 140 acres farm -1500 ft. frontage on Rt. 12 & nver frontage. TRACT #10; 12 acres - includes 6 acre lake, TRACT #11:15 acres - some woods - Lake Warn frontage. TRACT #l2: No. 4 Willow St., Greene, NY - duplex, large lot, 2 bedrooms each, alum, siding, storm windows, fumace-lyr. old, in sulated, village water & sewer. TRACT #l3: No. 13 Water St., Greene, N.Y. - 3 bedroom home, large lot, small bam, village water & sewer - needs work. SHOWING: By appointment - Contact: Town Crier, Ltd. - Roger L. Theiser, Broker - Fulton, NY (315) 539-7141. TERMS: CASH - 15% earnest money payment required auction date and balance at time of closing and delivery of deeds, at which time possession will be given. Assumable or owner financing on some properties. Sells subject to owners confirmation. NOTE: All acres are approximate - no guarantees - while all information was gathered from reliable sources, prospective buyers are urged to inspect all properties prior to Auction date and satisfy themselves as to acreages, boundaries, etc FARM EQUIPMENT: MF 65 diesel; Oliver Super 77, gas, wide front; Kmght-Lil Auggie mixer-feeder wagon w/scales-new 1980; 1978 Clark Bobcat 632 loader w/cab, hydrostatic drive; Gehl manure spdr., 250 bu M hyd. tail gate, piddle chain; 9 concrete bunk feeders; mow conveyor w/motor; Fox Custom 90 forage hrvstr, 2 row com & wide pu heads; 3-Dione self unloading wagons, 3 beaters w/roof, flotation tires, heavy running gears; White 18 ft. wing fold disc; Int. Cyclone 6 row com planter w/msect att.; NH 469 Haybine. Note - all machinery serviced by H. Smith Equipment of Norwich. MISC: Surge milking parlor equip.; glass pipeline; 800 gal. ice cool tank; haylage unloader & elev.; 54 bags Agnco fert. 6-24-24; 15 bags com seed; 2-300 gal. fuel tanks; 275 gal. fuel tank; cattle duster; 2 water tubs; 10 steel gates 12&14’5; 2 hay mow fans; 5 steel I beams 20-24 ft.; assort. 20 ft. steel pipes; used lumber 2x6, 8,12’5; planks; used blocks; bolts; used steel roofing; Locust posts; firewood. FEED: 400 Ton haylage in Harvestore; 250 Ton corn silage; purchaser will have 30 days to remove feed. TERMS ON EQUIP.: Cash Auction Date - Lunch Available. PRE-AUCTION REGISTRATION: Auc tioneers will host pre-auction registration at Howard Johnson’s in Norwich on Friday eve., May 1,1981 - 7 to 9 PM - stop by to view real estate slide presentation • register for your buyer’s number - ask questions and get acquainted. SALE MANAGER’S NOTE: Fanners - Dairyman - Investors plan to attend tins large auction. Mr. Proskme has relocated to Florida, thus a complete dispersal auction. Opportunity to own some of Chenango Valley’s best farm land - dairy facilities - homesites - rental property or farm equipment. Remember - the real estate will be offered in selected tracts, combinations and total. A size to fit all. See you at the auction! SALE ORDER: EQUIP-LAND-FEED. JAMES PROSKINE, Owner Ph: (607) 334-6569 TOWN CRIER LTD - Roger L. Theiser, Broker Fulton, NY (315) 539-7141 AUCTIONEERS. Stanley C Huckabone. Sr. & Associates County Rt. 33, Pennelville, NY (315)668-2049 Odle-Cumberlin Auctioneers Brush. Colorado (303) 842-2822
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