Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication FRI MAY 8-7 P M Dnv- Special Dairy Heifer Sale mg and Riding Horse Sale at Keister’s Middleburg at New Holland Sales Auction Sales, Inc, Rt Stables 522, 3 miles East of Mid- FRI MAY 8-6 30 "PM dlebur S’ 5 m,les West ot AUCTION SALE E.K. & A.D. WAMBOLD GRAIN TRUCKS, TRAILERS, FARM MACHINERY, SHOP TOOLS & 34 ± ACRES OF WHEAT THURSDAY, APRIL 30th 9:30 A.M. Sellersville, Pa. Everything Sells To The Highest Bidder NOTICE- Due to the death of A.D Wambold, E.K. Wambold & executors have decided to liquidate and are selling out completely. Everything in this sale belongs to E.K. & A.D. Wambold Grain. LOCATION. The Sale will be held at Wambold's farm, 217 Ridge Road, Sellersville, Pa. From Exit 26 of the PA Tpke , proceed north on Route 309 to the Perkasie exit and turn left. Proceed to the stop sign and turn right onto Ridge Road and proceed approx. 1 mile to the sale site on the left TRUCK TRACTORS, DUMP & FLAT TRAILERS, TRUCKS 73 Diamond Reo C-1166D8L T/A Conv. Tk. l’i actor, Cummins diesel, fO-955AL trans, good, 70 Freightliner WFT75b4f f/A COE fk tractor, Detroit diesel, Fuller Rf9ls trans, good, Parker 3ADA3O, 30 Alum f/A Dump frailer s/n 52168, tue & tarp racks, very good, Parker Air Lilt 3rd Axle Uo be sold separately;, 70 Frye 30 Alum f/A Dump frailer s/n 8150570, ine & tarp lacks, good, Frye 28 Alum i/A Dump frailer s/n f2l32bbbPA, tire & tarp racks, very good, 24 5/A Grain frailer, tan, Fruetiaut S/A Open fop Grain frailei, pool, U Ford F-700 Uump/Stake fk , very good, 71) Ford F-750 Dump/Stake fk , good, b7IHC 1700 S/A Dump fk , good, 52 IHC L.lBO S/A Dump fk , lair, 44 IHC K 7 Dump fk , fair, 57 White WC-20-Y Make fk , lair to poor w/good body, 74 IHC 200 Pickup, tan to good FARM TRACTORS, COMBINE, FARM IMPLEMENTS & WHEAT A-ClBO Farm Tractor s/n 180 G-8315, good, A- L Ul5 Farm Tiactoi s/n 19649, w/A-C TS-SUU loader attach , good, A-C DI7 Farm Tractor, (air, JO Mod. A Farm Tractoi s/n 634301, tan , JD Eoosa Combine b/n 845068, good, JD Mod F Ui am Drill, tan , Oliver 06(1 Four Bottom Flow s/n 13475, tair, JO bob Three Bottom Flow, good; JD Two Bottom Plow, fair to poor; JD 10’ Teitiluer Lime Spreader, fair, New Holland 3l)t) Manuie Spreadei b/n 7058, tair, A-C 410 Biding Mower, Anerib Biding Mower, Woodb CBO Rotary Mower, A-C 19 Lawnmowei, (2i Haivebt Handlei 20 Chain Belt Conveyoib, Screw Convey orb, (2) haivebt Handlei 16 Cham Belt Convey orb, Little Giant Cham Belt Conveyoi Dragline, King Wibe Cham Bell Conveyor Dragline, Farm Wagonb, Two Row Flantei, New idea Rake, 3 Section Hanow, Kotaiy Hoe, Cultipackei, Seedei & F'ertiluei, Coin shellei, Cob Blowei, Hammer Mill, Cultivators, Disc, 34 ± Aaes ot Wheat SHOP TOOLS & MISC. Lincoln 200 amp Welder, Knipco Space Heatei, Batteiy Chargei, Leßoi 0226 Fower Unit, Frebbure Washer Steam Cleaner, <2j 12 ton Truck Hoists, Cham Saw, Tire Jack, Elec Dull, Tanks, Spark Flug Cleaner, Misc Saws, Steel Trusses & Posts, Farts, Augei, Hand Tools, Chains, Shackles, Nuts & Bolts, Vises, Lubeis, Bench Grinder, Wrenches, Anvil, larps, Hog Feeders, Bail Hooks; Gram Shovels, Corn Samplers, Barbwire, Wooden Cabinet, Rocking Chairs, and many other items TERMS: COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY IN CASH OK GUARANTEED FUNDS ONLY. EVERYTHING SELLS REGARDLESS OP PRICE Write or call loi dei>a iptive bi ochui e VIIisMIEIIER AUCTION CODING. Route 309, Montgomery vide, Pa. 18936. Telephone (215) 699 5833 Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI MAY 8, 530 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI MAY 8 - 700 PM Valuable Real Estate at Public Auction Located along US Rt 30 5 mile east of Abbottstown in Paradise Twp , York Co, PA Annie A Moul Owner Clair R Slaybaugh Auc tioneer FRI MAY 8 9 30 AM Bernheisel Estate Auction of Real Estate, Household Goods and Antiques Located at 239 W Mam St, New Bloomfield, Perry PUBLIC SALE OF POWER SHOP EQUIPT., HAND TOOLS, CHERRY & WALNUT LUMBER MON., EVE. MAY 4 at 5:30 Sale to be held in Miliersville Fire Hall, 25 E. Charlotte St., Miliersville, Pa. Rotatilier; metal utility cart; 10” DeWalt radial arm saw; Rockwell table saw motor; stand w/tilt top; 6” Atlas joiner w/42” bed; Rockwell shaper wV’ spindle & IHP motor, 12” Craftsman band saw; Rockwell drill press w/tilt head & attachments. Power tools; shop, hand & garden tools; good lumber; fishing rods & reels; bird’s eye maple dresser. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Sale by MRS. FRED R. HASHINGER, JR. Auctioneer Howard Shaub, 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst, 464-3190 PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2 10:OOA.M. B & N Stables, Largo, Md. - Washington Beltway (495) to exit 158, Central Ave. (Rt. 214) - Vi. mile on left. Watch for sign. FARM MACHINERY, MISC. 20 or more tractors - Fords; Int. Farmalls; John Deeres; Fergusons; Allis Chalmers; old McCormick w/xron wheels; riding mowers; lawn mowers; new & used 3 pt. hitch equip - plows; cult.; discs; york rakes; scrape blades; bush hog, fertilizer spreaders; post hole diggers; scoops; boom poles; grader boxes; carrier boxes - also some pull-type and 1 & 2 pt. hitch equip. - planters; plows; cult., discs; harrows; etc. - manure spreader; sickle mowers; loader bucket; wagons, bale elevator; horse drawn equip ; scrap parts; tools; hardware; tires; oil tanks; fence posts; steel beams; steel plates; steel stairs; racks for pick up; camper cap; walnut lumber, more. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, SAWMILL 1956 Ford F6OO Dump truck; 1948 Willys Jeep; flatbed trailer; horse trailer; storage trailers; trailer frame; axles; 1953 Chev car for parts. ANTIQUES Rnd. Oak pedastal table w/hons head & paw feet; Ige. gold-framed mirror; oak china cab; oak Morris chair; oak parlor tables; oak rocker; oak chairs; treadle sewing machine; oak folding table; beds; chest of drawers; school desk; chifferobe; old hickory porch rocker & chair, sleigh bed; Victrola records; kitchen ware; glassware; bottles; jars; con tents of old barn; old tools; more. HOUSEHOLD Wood cook stove - white porcelain w/water reservoir & warming ovens; metal wardrobes; reclmer; f’’e cabinets; Armoire; round table & 4 chairs; baskets; dishes; pots; pans; more. Not Responsible lor accidents. Terms: Cash, travelers check, etc. On tractors & implements - 20% down, balance in 7 days. No items removed till paid in full. Auctioneers: Jimmy Cox, Upper Marlboro, Md. Carol Burruss, Newville, Pa. For information call: 301-336-0751 Co, PA Kling’s Auction Service SAT MAY 9 -11 A M Real Estate 2PM Public Auc tion of Real Estate, Con struction and Building Equipment, Building Materials, Motor Home, Location Take Route 422 West from Reading or East from Lebanon to Womelsdorf, at Womelsdorf take Route 419 North to 2nd road right 3 miles to property on left From Bernville and Route 183 follow Christmas Village signs IVz miles past Christmas Village Jefferson Township, Berks County, Pa Sale by Melvin S and Nancy K Allgyer, RD M 2, Bernville, Pa John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers SAT MAY 9 - 900 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Antique Tools and Per sonal Property Located from Lancaster, PA take Lincoln Highway East to Greenfield Rd (At Donut Tree) and turn north onto Greenfield Rd and pro ceed to sale Across from Mellmger s Cemetery Sale by Elmer H Buckwalter Ira Stoltzfus and Son and Jay Leary Auctioneers SAT MAY 9 - 900 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods. Trac tor, Tools and Car Parts and Cars and Truck Sale of the Liaa M Brown Estate Located about 12 miles south of Red Lion or approx 5 miles no-th of Delta along Rt 74 next to McKendree Church in York Co, PA Robert L Sechnst Auctioneer SAT MAY 9 - Public Sale of Real Estate, Steam Engines, Well Drilling Items, Tools, Misc and Household Located 1 Special Notice Tscheschlog Estate fcfA Absolute Public Auction fm of vlXg Outstanding Real Estate Approx. 268 ACRES "To Be Sold To The Highest Bidder Regardless of Price”. FRIDAY, MAY 1 1:00 P.M Located Along Mineral Spring Road, Coatesville, PA. To Be Offered m 4 Separate Tracts And As A Whole. Tract tfl 28.6 Acres; Tract #2 51.2 Acres; Tract #3 83.5 Acres; Tract #4 94.5 Acres. Land Situated in West Cain And Valley Township. A Great Portion of Land Borders Coatesville Country Club. Road Frontage Along Route 30, Mineral Spring Road, Zaleski Road, Rainbow Road. This Land is Presently Being Developed with Open Tracts of Farm Land, Wood Land, And Mineral Resources found throughout. TERMS: 15% Down Day of Auction, Balance within 30/US Days. Sale For, WILLIAM TSCHESCHLOG, Deceased ind. Valley Bank, Executor And Henry Tscheschlog Real Estate to be Sold on Mineral Spring Road. Location at 1.00 P.M Friday, May 1,1981. Sale Conducted By The: J. Omar Landis Auction Service Jay M. Witman Box 501, Apple & Robert Streets Ephrata, PA 717-733-7917 or 717-665-5735 Call or write Auction Firm for Area Map of THE *9BI royal sale & ANNUAL FEMALE SALE at the farm, Royal Charolais Company, GREENSBURG, PA. SATURDAY, MAY 16 12 NOON 65 LOTS 30 POLLED CHAROLAIS BULLS (The largest Charolais Bull Sale in the area) 35 FEMALES TH | BU^ LS: , THE FEMALES: • For the commercial man • Fall cows/calves end purebred breeder • Spring cows/calves • All are Polled . Transplants • Guaranteed breeders • Open Heifers (backed by Royal integrity) Breeding privileges to any • 11 years of performance Royal herd sire, and progeny testing • Guaranteed easy calving • Classified by Herman I S^~^= ’^ S * =^====WJ * Purdy *j DELIVERY *jl • 20 sons of Expectation « Delivered to your farm (Polled) | for only $lOO per animal. [ National Grand Champion a | For Catalogs Write: BUZZ GAREY, Sale Manager Box E. 100 Walnut Lane, Morrisville, Pa. 19607 (215) 295-6664 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—D25 mile east of Mandata PA, ‘/j mile north of Rt 225, 5 miles south of Herndon William C Brosius Estate Dockey & Dockey Auc tioneers SAT MAY 9 12 00 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located at the square in village of Schaefferstown, go north 6 mile on Rt 419 property is on right, follow sale signs Gregory and Karen Trautman Owner Ebersole and Shoop Auctioneers SAT MAY 9 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Farm Machinery Ponies and Equipment etc Located along Rt 444 leading from McEwensville to Tur botville, 7 miles north of Rt 80 by way of Muncy ex it or 15 miles northwest of Rt 80 by way of Danville, Exit 18 miles southeast of Williamsport, PA Alfred S Rovenolt Owner Paul Land Rank and Randall Runyan Auctioneers SAT MAY 9 11 00 AM Public Sale of 11 Acre Farm plus 1 building Lot, Located at west end of Frystown, Go to blinker light in Frystown then go west on Frystown Rd to Meckville Rd turn right to property, located, approx 2 miles from Frystown In terchange of Rt 78, Bethel Twp , Berns Co , PA Melvin S and Emily P Zook Owners Elton and Alvin Horning Auc tioneers SAT MAY 9 - 10 00 A M Public of Real Estate, An tiques, Household Goods, Lumber Tools and Truck, located at 3 W Kendig Rd , south of Lancaster, Village of Willow Street, West Lampeter Twp . Lan caster Co , PA (Between Rt 272 southbound and Rt 272 Northbound) Sale by Mr & Mrs Lawrence A Foulk, Howard Shauband Roy C Probst Auc tioneers SAT MAY 9 - 1000 AM Consignment Sale by Elmer Stauffer, located along Rd 11-15 at Port Trevorton, 8 miles north of Liverpool, 9 miles south of Selinsgrove, Farm Machinery, Etc Frank Snyder and B D Imes Auctioneers SAT MAY 9 - 100 P M Ayrshire Dispersal of Milk mg Cows and Bred Heifers Located 7 miles northwest of Selinsgrove on Rt 204 between Kratzevilie and New Berlin, Snyder Co Sale for RoyW Kline Managed by Milt Brubaker SAT MAY 9 1100 AM Public Sale Bonnie Brae Auction Spring Mower Sale Located on Rt 724, Spring City, PA 8 miles west of Valley Forge for information call Rick Moyer 215 948 8050 Bonnie Brae Auction SAT MAY 9 - 10 00 A M Public Sale of Household, Antiques, Valuable Real Estate Guns and Gold and Silver Coins Charles Braun Owner Fairmount Twp , Red Rock Mt Area, Rt 118 north l‘/r miles past the crossroads at the foot of Red Rock Mt, V< mile past Ricketts Glenn State Park, Same side of road across the road from the Fairmount Twp Fire Co Nevius Auction Ser vice SAT MAY 9 - 10 30 A M Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Farm Machinery, Located 6 miles southwest of Mt Pleasant Mills, 10 miles northwest of Liverpool or 2 miles northeast of Oriental, near PA Game Lands Mrs Mildred M Arney Owner Hoffman Jones and Longacre Auc tioneers
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers