D24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date Monday, 500 P M of each week’s publication SAT MAY 2 930 A M Public Sale of Antiques. Furniture, Clocks, Hand Tools Located 3'/z miles NW of Taneytown, Carroll Co . MO Turn off Rt 140, formerly Rt 97 at Baptist Rd, travel VA mile to sale Estate of John Daneker Calvin L Amoss Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 10 00 A M Public Sale of Contracting and Building Equipment Located take Rt 495 to Exit 27 (Dulaney Valley Rd) North 7 miles to Paper Mill Rd east ap prox 1 mile to Old York Rd , north Vz mile Mrs Faye Miller, Owner Jervis S Marshall Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 - 10 00 A M Public Sale ol Tram Col lection, Household Goods and Real Estate Located in Huntingdon Co , Centre Union on Rt 26, north out of Huntingdon near stan ding stone Golf course Mrs Jack Leffard Owner Harold Carper Auc tioneer SAT MAY 2 11 00 AM Public Sale of Machinery, Holstems and Milking Equipment Located King’s Run Rd , watch for arrows off Rt 44 at Ceres NY 10 miles from Shmglehouse PA 17 from Clean NY, 28 from Coudersport Mr & Mrs Kenneth Bell Owners Si Pepperman Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 10 00 AM Proskine Land and Equip ment Auction Oxford, NY 6 m.les south on East River Rd James Proskine Owner Stanley C Huckabone Sr and Assoc, Odle Cumberlin Auctioneers SAT MAY 2 12 00 P M '/an Blarcom’s Select Heifer Dispersal Located 5 miles north of Troy PA Bradford, Co PA j. 5 miles south of Elmira NY at Former James Fmnerty Farm D O Rockwell & Assoc Sale Managers MON MAY 4 2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON MAY 4 - 5 30 P M Public Sale of Power Shop Equipment, Hand Tools, B 112 AC Riding Tractor, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, Held in Millersville Fire Hall, 25 E Charlotte St, Millersville, PA Sale by Mrs Fred R Hashinger Jr Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst Auctioneers WED MAY 5 - 9 AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located V 4 TAKE NOTICE STOCKER FEEDER SALE mURSOAT, APR. 30 OVER 1,000 CALVES AND CATTLE Angus, Hereford, a lot of good quality stock in this sale STOCKER SALE STARTS AT 6 PM ROCKINGHAM - Livestock Sales, Inc DIAL ,34-6765 Rt 11, South Harrisonburg VA mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst. Auctioneer WED MAY 6 700 P M Feeder Sale at Four States' Hagerstown, MD WED MAY 6 - 600 P M Cecil Co ASC Committee PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE Construction and Building Equipment, Building Materials Motor Home SATURDAY, MAY 9 11:00 A.M. Real Estate at 2:00 P.M Location; Take Route 422 West from Reading or East from Lebanon to Womeisdorf, at Womelsdorf take Route 419 North to 2nd road right 3 miles to property on left. From BernviUe and Route 183 follow Christmas Village signs IVi signs past Christmas Village. Jef ferson Township, Berks County, PA. 27 Acre Tract of Land with approx. 232 feet of road frontage plus a 60 foot right of way. 18 Acre Tract of Land with approx 280 feet of road frontage plus a 63 43 foot right of way ZONING Rural Agricultural REAL ESTATE TERMS: 10% down day of Auction, balance at final settlement within 30 days. NOTE These two fine tracts ofland could be considered for a variety of uses, including the Gentleman Farmer who needs this extra acreage To inspect these properties please call Melvin S Allgyer at 215488-6981 These properties to be offered separately and as a whole. 1973 International 3500 Backhoe with 12 and 24 inch buckets. Good condition 1976 International Loadstar 1800 Series Dump Truck 64,000 miles, 440 engine, air brakes, dual tanks, 36,00 GVW, trailer hitch, very good condition. STONE MORTAR MIXER with Wisconsin Engine, 3-pt. Hookup Cement Mixer; Dial-N- Angle Portable Saw Table; Port-A-Screed Concrete Vibrator; Marshalltown No 30-4-1 Power Troweler; Ceramic Tile Cutter; Port-O- Brake No. DL-1260; Sears 4 H.P Roto-Spader; 300 gallon Skid Fuel Tank with Pump; Ideal 4x5 Metal Scaffolding 7 Sections with 6 Castors; 27 Adjustable Roof Jacks; 4 Pole Jacks; 32-Foot Fiber Glass Extension Ladder; 4-Foot Aluminum Concrete Float and various other Floats and Trowels; Sears 2000 Watt Portable Generator; Grindstone; Forge; Berger Transit Level with Tripod and Rod; Hot Air Furnace; Wheelbarrow; Buckets; 2 Hand Tampers; Shovels; Rakes; Milk Cans; Century Trailer Sprayer. Lumber and Building Materials Lots of Lumber including 150 Board Feet Dried Walnut; Dried Heavy Rough Ash, 2x4; 2x6; 2x10; 2x12; 2x12 Scaffold Planks; Colonial Casing Molding; s’x6’ Bow Window, Lot of Miscellaneous Building Lumber; 22 pair 5’10” Old Wooden Shutters; lot of Old Terra Cotta Shingles; Misc Building Materials including, Shutters, Nails, Aluminum Siding, Plywood, Pipe, Ceramic Tile, Screens, Shingles, lot of Bundles of Wooden Shingles, Electrical Sup plies, and many other items too numerous to mention All herein information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. 1978 Coachman Leprechaun 22-Foot Motor Home Built on CMC 35 Vandura Chassis, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Dual Air, 23,000 Miles, Self- Contained, like new. Auction by, MELVIN S. & NANCY K. ALLGYER R.D. No. 2, Bernville, Pa. 19506 215-488-6981 Henry Steiner Attorney Auction Conducted by, John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 - 717-733-3305 Ephrata, Pa FoodatAucti-a Auction of Gram Bins, 125 E High St Elkton, MD Harold S Hill and Son Auctioneers THURS MAY 7 Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneer THURS MAY 7 - 7 00 P M Machinery and Stock Truck Public Sale located on south side of Port Royal, follow direction signs off Rt 75 at 6th and Market St Mrs Harold H "Whitey” Moyer Owner Long Bros Auctioneers BONNIE BRAE AUCTION SPRING MOWER SALE located on Rt. 724, Spring City, Pa. 8 miles west of Valley Forge SAT., MAY 9th 11:00 A.M. Hundred of lawn mowers to sell; ndmg trac tors, riding mowers, rotary mowers, reel mowers, sower tools, hand tools, Guns, Cars, truck, etc. We sell on commission for you A great opportunity to sell your surplus or buy needed equipment. For information call Rick Moyer 215-948-8050 AUCTION 215 -o^a-soso 2 BONNIE BRAE RD • SPRING CITY PA 15475 PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES & GUN in Mechanic Grove, along Route 222,3 mile south of Quarryville, Pa. SATURDAY, MAY 16 10:00 A.M. ANTIQUES Many kerosene lamps, some with wall brackets. Many extra burners; globes, wicks, one with china base, cherry drop leaf table; large wardrobe; single pedestal table; upholstered love seat; Victorian sofa, 6 cane seated chairs; old picture frames, small cherry table, old pictures; cherry Wmthrop drop leaf desk; oak drop leaf table; oak wash stand; glass spoon holder, 22 Indian head pennies (3 in the 1800’s l; brass 3 bladed knife; Plula. 4 gal. jug, F.H Cowden 3 gal crock w/blue design, brass twisted stem candle holders; ladels; saf fron box; iron elephant nut cracker; brass locks & keys, solid oak dining room suite; round pie crust table; dough board; bottles; 4 drawer wood filing cabinet; high chairs; ice tongs, large roll top desk. 1903 LC. Smith 12ga. double barrel (nice) 30 in white Fngidaire elec, stove; Whirlpool 500 Imperial dishwaher, kitchen exhaust fan; refrigerator; Franklin woodburmng stove; floor lamps & table lamps; elec, clock; hair dryer; elec can opener; 2 elec, irons; heating pad; 2 ladder back cahirs; maple ex. table w/6 matching chairs; 2 small tables; clothes tree; coffee & end table; 2 double knee hole desks w/arm chairs; occasional chairs; child & adult matching captain chairs; book shelf; 2 knick knack shelves; 2 school desks; maple comer cupboard; childs maple roll top desk; swivel chair; baby crib; mattress; bassinet w/skirt; dressing table w/bench; maple candle stand; Windsor chair; brass fireplace set, screen grate & andirons; iron wood rack; cedar chest; small slant top desk; all kinds records; 2 vol. Bicentennial illustrated history of limited States 200 yrs; other books; iron bed; pillows; doilies; wash basket; table cloths; market basket; 2 radios AM & FM; kitchen utensils; dishes; Kodak camera; hand hold & table release for camera; UHF converter for TV; utility cabinet; 2 tier table; hats & boxes; Christmas decorations & tree stand; 12x18 rug & others; 20 calendar & Souvenir plates, Lititz & 3 presidents. TOOLS, ETC. John Deere AlB high pressure washer; Black & Decker work mate bench; Black & Decker bench grinder; John Deere hedge trimmer; 2 new 14 in. recap & others; 3 bicycles; 2 elec, ad ding machines; filing cabinet 2 drawer; big wheel tricycle; childs picmc table; porcelain top wood table, aluminum storm door; gal. tubs on stand; childs wading pool; toys, games: books, Lincoln logs; Transcontinental bolt bins w/hardware- tool box, 4 large sleds; ply wood, croquet set; saw; pick; axe. Many other articles not mentioned. Terms by, H.SPAYD 786-1071 J. Everett Kreider - 786-1545 Steve Petersheim Lunch furnished PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 9,1981 10:00 A.NI. “Sharp” FairmountTwp. Red Rock Mt. Area Rt. 118 North - VA Mile Past The Crossroads At The Foot Of Red Rock Mountain. V* Mile Past Ricketts Glenn State Park Same Side Of Road Across The Road From The Fairmount Township Fire Company “Many Garage Tools" WATCH FOR SIGNS "Rain Or Shine" HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, GUNS, GOLD & SILVER COINS Deacon Bench, Odd Chairs, Dishes, Pots, Pans, Sofa Bed, Movie Screen, Movie Lights, Metal Table with Umbrella Top, Knick Knacks, Phone Gossip Bench, Elec. Black Angus Roto Oven, Large Pewter Coffee Pet, Sears Upright 16 Cub. Ft. Freezer (like new), Elec. Fan, Hoover Elec. Broom, Floor Lights, Pictures, Coo-Coo Clock, Old Wall Mirror (Nice), End Tables, 2 pc. Sofa, Small Tables, Folding Cot, Maple Drop Leaf Table (Nice), Ashley Wood Burning Stove, New Dart Bd., Floor Scrubber and Polisher, Port. Air Conditioner, Beautiful Antique Oak Coat Tree, (Large hand carved Pmecone on top, 4 Brass Hangers, Curved Legs with Lions Feet), Oak Porch Swing, Outside Wood Swing Set, Small Cast Iron Columbus Stove, J.C. Higgins Girls Bicycle, Wizzard Motor Bike, Remington Limb Saw, (Cham Type), Thor %” Elec. Drill, Powerlite Cham Saw, Black and Decker Rip Saw, Bits, Drills, 4 ft. Level, Reading Chain and Block, Hand Saws, Clamps, Brooms, Rakes, Chisels, Shovels, Ext. Lights, Car Jacks, 6” Bench Vice, Garage Creeper, Rotary Lawn Mower, Lg. Hyd. Floor Jack, Schauer Battery Charger Wheel Pullers, Lg. Craftsman Tool Chest (7 Drws.),Small Socket Set, Wrencnes, Drivers, 60 or more Open End and Box Wrenches, Pipe Threader, Pipe Cutters, Timing Light, Sledges, Hammers, Tool Boxes, Pipe Wrenches, Canvas Tarps, Pressure Tester, Air Impact Wrench, Calipers, Pinch Bars, Block and Tackle Pulleys, Heavy Rope, Chains, Craftsman Table Saw with Motor, Wheelbarrow, Garden Tools, Black and Decker Hedge Trunmer, Gas Powered Weed Wacker, Elec. Weed Wacker, Picks, Simplicity Wonder Boy, (700 Sm. Tractor with Snow Blade), Ax, Hatchets, Hand Log Splitter, Outboard Motor, 10 x 10 Metal Bldg, with Screens, Volunteer Travel Trailer (10 ft. long, 7Vz ft. wide, 6 ft. 4” high, Sleeps four, Refg., Stove, Beds, Tables, The works ready to go; very nice condition) Many Garage Tools Too Numerous To Mention. REAL ESTATE AT 1:00 P.M. 5 Acres Plus - with 12 x 60 Mobile Home with 21 x 14 Room Add., Plus 14 x 18 Closed m Porch, Large One Car Garage, Good Well Water, Bath, Oil Heat, All Convemences, All in the most Beautiful Spots m Northeastern Penna., 200 ft. Road Frontage along Route 118 - Vt mile north of Ricketts Glen State Park. State Game Lands All Around. The Best Hunting and Fishing You Could Ever Want. DON’T MISS THT ciI GUNS, GOLD & SILVER AT 2:00 P.M. Springfield 45-50 12 Gauge Shotgun 6.5 Italian Rifle GOLD -2%$ PCS. (2) 1851 -1899 -1908 -1913 -1929 SILVER DOLLARS 1882 -1885 - 1886 - 1887 -1889 - 1896 - 1897 —1899-0 —1899 S Statements made day of sale take precedence over previously written materials. Not Responsible For Accidents. Terms of Real Estate: $3,500 Down Day of Sale Balance in 30 Days Buyer Pays All Transfer Taxes. Household and Other Items: Cash or Good Check If Known By Auctioneer. To View Real Estate Call Auctioneer For Appointment Ph. 752-4214. SELLER: CHARLES R. BRAUN NEVIUS AUCTION SERVICE Mifflinville, Pa. 752-4214 AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Bonded DAN NEVIUS- Mifflinville Pa. 18631 <' Ph. 752-4214 OLENKNECHT- Orangeville, Pa. ' Ph. 1-683-5955 v Apr. - FRED ANTOLICK - Hazleton, Pa. Ph. 1-459-1379 Clerk-JAY LEIBY Lunch Lunch Lunch COME EARLY - WE MOVE FAST Now Booking Auctions (or Summer Give Us A Call —We Do It All Farms —Mach Antiques Household Heavy Equip complete auction Clip And Save This Ad. Don't Miss This Sale.
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