INVENTORY REDUCTION AND CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT • TRACTORS - LAWN A GARDEN EQUIPMENT - CLOTHING A BOOTS - MISC. FARM ITEMS SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 at 9:30 A.M. Location. 5 miles southwest of Harrisonburg, Va Directions* Exit No. 62 of Interstate 81. go North on Route 11 to first traffic light, turn left onto Mosbey Road to Route 42, turn left onto Route 42 1-block turn right onto 257 West - cross cement bridge, turn right onto Route 738 1 mile to Shen viewon left, Rockingham County, Va TRACTORS Leyland 2100 Diesel with cab demo; New Leyland 262, Diesel, Synchro Trans; New Kubota M4OOO Diesel; New Kubota 85100 Diesel; Ford 5000 Diesel; Case 870 Diesel; Mustang 1000 Skid Loader; Farmall Super M; CaseV-A. NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Pittsburg 5 Tooth V Chisel Plow; Pittsburg 4x16 Trip Plow; Pittsburg 6 Foot, 3 Point Disc* Harrow; Kory Tandem; Axle 12 ton Gear; 2 - Modern 6 Foot 3 pt. Blades; Woods 7 foot 3 pt. blade; 7 Gyro, 3 pt. P.T.O. Spreader Seeders; 3 12 foot Pasture Harrows; 3 Modem Commando 5 ft. Rotary Cutter; 2-10 Ton E-Z Trail Wagon Chasis; 3-Kory 10 ton Gears; WoodsB4 - 72 - 48 inch Rotary Cutters; E-Z Manufacturing Forage Wagon; Papec 16’ Forage Wagon, with Roof, 3 Beaters. USED FARM EQUIPMENT Hesston Model 500 12’ self propelled Mower Conditioner; Hesston P-T-10 Late Model; New Holland 469, 9’ Haybme; New Holland 23 Hopper Blower; New Holland P.T.O. Trough Blower; Cory 12 Ton Gear; 2 Grove Hydraulic Forage Wagons; New Holland Whirl-A-Feed No. 27 Hopper Blower; Big Valley 3 point P.T.O. Mist Sprayer; J.D. 3x14 Trip Plow; J.D. 79012’ Roller Harrow; cross Saw Buck; LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 3 New Jacobsen 8 h.p. 30” Riding Lawn Mowers; 3 New Jacobsen 11 H.P. 30” Riding Lawn Mowers; Allis Chalmers 312 Lawn Tractor with 48” Mower; New Lawn Boy 21” Lawn Mowers including Model No’s 4551 and 7268; New Jacobsen 20” Lawn Mowers New Honda Lawn Mower; New Honda F4OO and F5OO Roto-tillers; Kubota 2 Bottom Plow; Cyclone Broadcast Seeders; Homelite STIOO String Trimmers; Lawn Boy String Trimmers; Echo Gasoline String Trimmers; Jackson Dump Trader. CHAIN SAWS - ALTERNATORS - PUMPS 8 New Homehts Cham Saws; new Echo Chain Saws; Selection of Used Cham Saws; Niagara 2250 Watt Alternator; new Homebte 3000 Atlemator; Homelite Water Pumps New; Handy High Pressure Washers New; Echo 202 Blower MISC. FARM ITEMS INCLUDING CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR New Farmaster round bale Feeders; New Farmaster 8' 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ and 18’ gates; heavy duty round bale feeder with skirt; Misc. tires; wrench sets; garden hose; heated cattle waterers; hand tools; garden tools; barbwire; Marlate 50 insecticide; Dairy Fly Spray; Misc. Dairy Supplies; gas tanks; top links; 6 mill 40x100 Silo Covers; hundreds of pairs of boots and shoes including Tmgley, Arties, work shoes etc ; New Woodmaster stoves and furnaces; Suburban fireplace insert; Comfort Glow kerosene heater; and many many other items This is only a partial listing. Items may change due to daily business transactions. Auction by Shen^mui ENTERPRISES VV P. O. Box 407 Dayton, Virginia 22821 Telephone: 703-879-2586 Auction Conducted by John E. and Paul E Martin Auctioneers 717-733-3511 - 717-733-3305 Ephrata, Pa. Door Prizes Ist Homelite 150 Chain Saw 2nd Homelite STIOO String Trimmer 3rd Thoreson 3/8 Socket Set All adults who register for an auction number by 9AM are eligible to win these door prizes Winners must be present to win Drawing will be held at end of auction Terms: Cash or check. Out of state buyers certified funds of check with bank letter of credit. All consigned items must be on the premises by April 30,1981 Pood at Auction Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MAY 2 - Public Sale Shamokin, PA 1 block of Antiques Collectibles, ea St 0 f Rt 61, Ines Gar- Rugs, Sterling Silver, diner Estate, Dockey and Located of Dockey Auctioneers 809 fc Sunburg St, in MASTERSONVILLE FIRE CO. THIRD ANNUAL SPRING SALE SATURDAY, MAY 16 at 10:00 A.M. At Fire Hall in Village of Mastersonvilie, R#4, Manheim, Pa. HELPING US-HELPS YOU Sold by Donation & Commission New & Used Items Appreciated Deadline for Advertising Items May 2nd To Advertise Items Or For Further Information Call 717-665-4138 717-665-6238 717-367-9423 All Proceeds for Mastersonvilie Fire Co. SHORT NOTICE TWO DAY PUBLIC SALE DAIRY HERD, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, FARM EQUIPMENT, TRUCK SOME HOUSEHOLD Due to having sold farm, will offer the following at Public Sale on the premises, located 7 miles south of Spring Grove and 3 miles south of Jefferson on Route #516 thence turning East onto Krebs Road Vz mile in York County, PA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,1981 at 11:00 A.M. Sharp 66 - HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS - 66 30 DAY HEALTH TESTS, PREGNANCY CHECK 45 Cows and Heifers m milk; 5 Due by day of sale; 2 bred heifers; About half of herd fresh since January; 12 due in June, July and August; Others in various stages. NOTE: This is a young type, good uddered herd, most first, second and third calf with a lot of milk. Herd bred to Curtis. 600 gal. creamery package bulk tank and compressor. High pressure washdown milking parlor, needs repairs. THURSDAY, APRIL 30,1981 at 11:00 A.M. Sharp TRACTORS, FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD, TRUCK 1967 Dodge Truck with 12’ dump bed, good running order John Deere #4OlO diesel W.F. with 4020 kit and transmission; John Deere #3OlO diesel W.F., dual hydraulic; 1979 N.H. #4BB-12’ Haybme; 1978 John Deere #4O Spreader with hydraulic end gate; 1977 N.H. #27 whirl fed blower; J.D. Single row harvester with pick-up head; J.D. #55-12’ Combine with #234 2-row com head and cab; J.D. #24T Baler with ejector; J.D. #125-4-16” mt. plow, 3 pt.; J.D. #145-3-16” Seimmount plow, 3 pt.; 1980 J.D. 13-7 Disc Gram drill; Cylinder operated; J.D. #494-4 row planter; J.D. #328-8 row trail field sprayer with 200 gal fibre glass tank; Gehl forage harvester, used 2 seasons; New Idea forage harvester; Brilliard 10’ Transport, cylinder, spring tooth harrow; Brilliard 10’ packer; J.D. #640 side rake; Rubber tire wagon; Long 32’ corn and hay elevator with motor; Mayrath 16’-4” gram auger with motor; J.D. #I6A chopper; 3 J.D. hydraulic cylinders; 2 Gould shallow well pumps; 8’ Truck camper; Wagon load small farm tools; Winchester Model 12 16 gauge pump shotgun; Maple hutch cupboard; Maple kneehole writing desk; Odd dressers; Electric sewing machine; Bed steds; Empty canning jars and articles too numerous to mention. NOTE: A real nice 2-day sale of cattle and equipment Lunch stand reserved. OWNER. LARRY L WAGNER RD#l, Brodbecks, PA Phone: 717-235-2774 CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, AUCTIONEER idaville, PA Phone: 717-677-7479 MAY 2-1 00 P M Russell Kegg's Crown of Quality Pig Sale Held at the Bed ford Fairgrounds, Bed ford, PA Ken Brubaker Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 9 00 AM Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods, But chenng Equipment, Tools, Guns, Lots or Silver Coins, Located Rd 1, New Pro vidence along Rawlinsville Rd, Providence Twp, Lancaster Co, PA (Take Rd 272 about 8 miles south of Lancaster, at railroad arch turn right PUBLIC AUCTION Of Real Estate, Antiques & Household Goods FRIDAY, MAY 1 at 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 2 at 9:00 a.m Real Estate is located at R.D.2 Mount Joy, PA in West Donegal Twp. along Old Harrisburg Pike, approx. Vz mi. E. of Rheems & consists of a Ig. lot of land approx. 120'x200’ erected thereon a Brick & Stone Rancher with 6 rooms & bath, finished Rec. room in basement with stone fireplace and 2-car garage attached. House has storm windows and screens throughout and is heated w/oil fired furnace. This property is a lovely home in excellent state of repairs situated in a beautiful neighborhood. Property shown by appt. only by calling 653-4668. The following items will be sold Friday evening: Two-seat 1 horse sleigh. Garden Mark 5 h.p. reel-type riding mower, lawn cart, garden & carpenter tools, tool chests, digging iron, 4’ cast iron water trough, wagon wheels, housings, rosettes, ropes, bridles, horse collars, hames w/brass knobs, dehon bull rings, various animal related iterot. bar-b-que grill, bird bath, % bu. baskets, berry boxes, wooden boxes, canning jars, buckets, and some household items. The following items will be sold Saturday beginning at 9:00 A.M.: GE stove, 2 refrigerators, chest type freezer, Maytag wringer washer, dbl. tubs, 2-pc. living room suite, Shonmger piano, grandfather clock, single bed w/box spring & mattress, pots & pans - some stainless steel, roast pans, gypsy kettle, steel skillets, tin ware, hanging lamp, snack trays & stand, luggage, linens - table & homespun, feather pillows, dbl. bed blankets, afghans, Ig. assort, of all kinds of dishes, glassware and bnc-a-brac including some Hershey Dutch Day pieces, silverware - srv. for 12,5 small rugs, rugs (9’xl2’ & 12’xl8’). LEHN WATER BUCKET w/orig. pussy willow painted on runs (mint cond.), 2 bowed front china closets (1 oak & 1 w/hghts), farm table w/5 bds., 6 plank bottom chairs, 6 half spindle chairs, 3 jelly cupboards, blanket chest, wood box, cedar chest, 3 organ stools (1 w/ball & claw ft.), shelf & mantle clocks, water tables, small tables, Empire dresser, dressers, child’s rocker, 2 Ig. copper kettyles, iron kettle & 3-ft., brass bucket, brass cuspidor, iron door stops (dogs & frogs), Tiffany style lamp shade, parlor lamps, horse collars & hames (some w/rmrror & paintings by Ben King), rosettes, gold Hamilton pocket watch, deep frame pictures, 1897 Henry Moser painting, mirrors, 5 wool shawls, quilts, lots of BASKETS, jugs, crocks, bottles, Effanbee doll. BELLS: CONESTOGA HAME, 3 strings SLEIGH, short straps, saddle, shaft, store door, street car, hand, cow, lots more. CHINA German, R&S, Nippon, Bavaria, Nontake dinner set - srv. for 12, salt & peppers, 5-pc. bathroom set. GLASSWARE: 40 pcs. MOON & STAR, punch bowl w/cups, some Heisey, 2 water sets, wine set, sugar shakers, tooth pick holders, master salts, and many items not mentioned. Collectors, don’t miss this sale to be held under tent. When registering for buyer’s number, all non-local persons will need to furnish 2 LD.’s. Real Estate will be offered at 2 p.m. when conditions will be given by Attorney. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, Certified Check or Bank Letter of Credit Sale Conducted for: MRS. HARRY K. SMITH (Smitty) Auctioneers: Long, Shaffner, Heisey Attorneys: Alspach & Ryder Food By Elizabethtown Mennonite Youth NOT RESPONSIBLE FOB ACCIDENTS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981-D23 onto Miller Rd , go about 1 mile to Rawlmsville Rd and turn left, go about 1 mile to sale near Clear field Church, Mrs Silas Graybill Owner Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst Auctioneers SAT MAY 2 - 930 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods Located along Old Susquehanna Trail, just west of Exit 11 off 183 Mrs Warren Martin Owner. Blame Rentzel Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 130 P M Feeder Pig Sale Located 1 mile south of Lebanon, PA Take Rt 897 north from Schaefferstown at lona, turn on Mine Road, turn left at Fox Road (at Newmaster's Store) Con ditions by Alvin H Martin Merle Eberly, Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 930 A.M Public Sale of Shop Tools, Farm Equipment, Quilts, Located midway between Gettysburg and Lit tlestown, PA at Two Taverns along Rt 97, formerly 140 Isaac Stoltzfus Owner Dennis J Plunkert Auctioneer SAT MAY 2 - 11 00 A.M Foothill-Acres Farm Milk ing Herd and Close bred heifer dispersal, at the farm, from the north take exit 1 from Rt 84 at Port Jervis, take NJ Rt 23 south 10 miles, turn right at Rome’s High point Exx on ontoCo Rt 519,f0110w 519 for V/z rules & turn left onto Co Rt 647 tor 1 mile Then turn right onto Coykendall and then bear left onto Armstrong Rd and first farm Ike Hamm ing Family. R Austin Backus, Inc Sale Mgrs A Aucts SAT MAY 2 - 10 00 A.M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment and Household Goods, also Large 32x70 Tobacco Shed to be removed Located bet ween Mastersonville and Milton Grove midway bet ween Chickies Church of the Brethren and Hies tand Bros Mill, Rapho Twp. Ella Mae Keagy, Owner Rufus Geib, Auc tioneer SAT MAY 2 - 930 A.M. Public Sate of Horses, Machinery, Household Goods and Antiques Located in Western Perry Co 1 mile west of Blam O Merle Gutshall Owner Dean Shull Auctioneer SAT MAY 2-900 Public Sale of Heifers, Steer, Household Goods, Quilts, Books, Misc Located 3 miles south of Chambersburg, Franklin Co , PA Turn west off US 11 onto Social Island Rd , V* mile to Shalom Chris tian Academy SAT MAY 2 SAM Public Sale of Tods, Household Goods, and Collectibles Located in the village of Bannerville, RD 2, McClure. PA. Heg genstaller and Sons, Auc tioneers 814-349-5387 SAT MAY 2 - 10 (X) A M Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Misc, Trucks, Household, Trailers, Sawmill, Antiques Located B & N Stables, Largo, MD Washington Beltway (495) to Exit 158, Central Ave (Rt 214) V« mile on left Jimmy Cox and Carol Burruss Auc tioneers SAT MAY 2 - 10 30 A M Farm Machinery, Hand, Lawn, Garden, Farm Tools and Supplies Located 2521 Laurel Bush Rd , 3 miles south of Bel Air via Emmorton Rd MD Rt 24 St Mary’s Rd and Wheel Rd m Harfora Co , MD Carrington Sullivan Owner John H O'Neill and KC Travers Auctioneers SAT MAY 2 - 10 00 A M Pu blic Sale of Farm Equip ment, located at his farm XVi miles north of Rt 26 on the Houserville Rd at the Houserville and Le mont intersection, 3 miles east of State College, PA or 1 mile west of Nittany Mall, State College, PA Centre Co Robert M “Dick” Walters Owner P F “Bud" Wasson Auc tioneer SAT MAY 2 - 930 A.M Public Sale of Farm Equip merit, Tractors, Lawn 4 Garden Equipment, Clothing and Boots, Misc Farm Items Located 5 miles southwest of Har risonburg, VA. Directions Exit No 62 of 1-81, go North on Rt II to first traffic light, turn left onto Mosbeyßd toßt 42, turn left onto Rt 42, 1 block turn right onto 257 west, cross cement bridge, torn right onto Rt 738 1 mile toShen-viewon left, Rock mgham Co, Va John E and Paul E Martin Auc | tioneers
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