D22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Public Sales Register FRI MAY 1 630 P M Heifer Sale Held at G M Livestock Market, Dun cansville, PA Selling 300 - 400 Holstein heifers, Registered & Grades FRI MAY 1. 530 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI MAY 1 - 10 30 A M Complete Farm Dispersal for Carl and Carol Deming Barton, Tioga Co , NY on Diamond valley Rd, off Halsey Valley Rd , Tioga Center, NY, in Tioga Center (Rt 17C) use Halsey Valley Rd to Dia mond Valley Rd Howard W Visscher Auctioneer FRI MAY 1 - 600 P M Public Sale of Old Barn Timbers, Farm Equipment and Household Goods Located 2 miles south of Littlestown, PA along Rt 194 at the Glen Jen Farm, Glenn N Lippy and John W Rinehart Owners Den ms Plunkert Auctioneer FRI MAY 1 8 PM Allegheny Steuben Reg Holstein Calf and Bred Heifer Sale at Camsteo, NY Located at the club barn on Rt 36, 10 mile south of Hornell, 5 miles south of Camsteo, NY Sponsored by Allegheny Steuben Holstein Club Wm Kent Inc Sale Manager and Auctioneer FRI & SAT MAY 1 2 Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques and Household Goods Located at Rd 2 Mt Joy, PA in West Donegal Twp along Old Harrisburg Pike, approx Wz mile east of Rheems Mrs Harry K Smith Owner Long, Shaffner and Heisey Auctioneers SAT MAY 2 Hubert Charolais Ranches SALE - a dispersal of the Missouri division, at the ranch, Richards, Missouri Sale managed by Buzz Garey, 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, PA 19067 SAT MAY 2 - Tenth An nual Consignment Sale Mt Zion Rd Church of the Brethren, Fredericksburg Fireman’s Park, Rt 343, Lebanon Co, PA 8 Auc tioneers SAT MAY 2 Juniata Co Real Estate, Located 1 mile north of McAlister ville along Rt 35, Long Bros Auctioneers SAT MAY 2 1100 AM Public Sale of Real Estate. Antiques, and Household Goods Located 5 miles south of Quarry ville off Rt 222 at Little Britain Rd to Ashville Rd, east to Tayloria or 6 miles north of Oxford west off Spruce Grove Rd Sale by Mary E Whiteside Auctioneers Lloyd H Kreider, Randal V Kline and Gary L Shirk SAT MAY 2 Show 200 Sale 700 Pennsylvania State Shorthorn Sale, held at Mercer 4-H Grounds, Mercer, PA For catalogs write Harry FoulK, Rd 2. Mercer, PA SAT MAY 2 - 9 AM Consignment Sale held by the Mt Zion Road Chuch of the Brethren Located at Fredericksburg Firemans Park SAT MAY 2 IPM Stock Reduction Sale of Lawn 4 Garden Equipment Located off Ephrata exit Rt 222, 1 mile West on 322, left on Pleasant Valley Rd Owner Wes Stauffer Sales & Service Auctioneers John D Kilmer & George E Stone, Jr TUES MAY 2 - 630 P M Annual Heifer Sale at the Green Dragon Livestock Sales, RD4, Ephrata, PA SAT MAY 2 - Eastern States Morgan Horse Sale. Eastern States Ex position Grounds, West Springfield, Mass, Mel Manasse Auctioneer 607 692 4540 SAT MAY 2 - 1 PM Public Sale of Stock Reduction of Lawn and HEIFER SALE FRIDAY, MAY 1 at 6 P.M. G&M Livestock Mkt, Inc.. Dun cansville, PA. Take Route 220 North from Bedford exit off PA Turnpike, 10 Mi. South of Altoona, PA. SELLING 300 to 400 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Calves to Springers—A Few May Be Fresh— Registered And Grade All Animals MUST Have Valid PA Health Charts. Consignments will be received until sale tune For Information Call; SHERM CLICK (717)248-0960 fred McCartney (717)349-2393 WAYNE FREDERICKS (814) 793-3370 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 23,1981 At 10:00 A.M. Upper Mahanoy Township, Nor thumberland County, Pa.: IVi miles Northeast of Boyer’s Butcher Shop, KLINGERSTOWN, Pa.; 20 miles Southeast of Sunbury; 5 miles North of Gratz and Route 25. 64 ACRE FARM 8-Room Dwelling with Bath; Summerhouse; New Well. This farm has approximately 50 ACRES TILLABLE, 5 Acres Wooded, balance Pasture with a small stream. FOR INSPECTION CALL: (717)425-3313 TERMS; 10% down the day of sale, further terms and conditions to be announced when real estate is offered at 10:30 A M PERSONAL PROPERTY including- New Lumber and miscellaneous Household Items GLEN W. SNYDER & SUSAN SNYDER Owners George & Mike . ■■ > ■■ Auctioneers & Realtor DEIBERT (717)425-3313 _ PUBLIC AUCTION GRAIN BINS MAY 6,1981 AT 6:00 P.M. The Cecil County ASC Committee, through an agreement for sale of loan collateral, will offer for sale at the bin site, 180 Elbow lane, Newark, Delaware, the following: 3 - 15,000 bu capacity gram bms/full drying floor, unloading auger, stirring device, 3 HP aeration fan (2 - Read, 1 - MFS Stor-Age) 1 - Farm Fans gram dryer/motors 1-400 amp. control panel 1 - Read 1500 bu. wet tank/related equipment 1 each - verticle auger/dnve; swing auger (25’ x 6”); discharge auger; pit auger; and 2 - 20’ augers/drive 1 - Cardinal 65’ leg w/platfonns, 1200 bu./hr. capacity/8 way turn head 5-8” downspouts 8 - Ajax, single phase, electric motors: 3-2 HP; 2 - 5 HP; 1 -7% HP w/starters & complete electnal hookup. 1 -15’ Cleanout auger All items are three years old (used 1 year i . Financing for buyers may be made available through Commodity Credit Corporation to eligible borrowers Terms; Cash - 25% down payment, balance within 15 days. Commodity Credit Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For inspection and full details contact the Cecil County ASCS Office at 301-398-4411 CECIL COUNTY ASC COMMITTEE 125 E. HIGH STREET ELKTON, MARYLAND 21921 Auctioneers Harold S. Hill & Son Garden fcquipment located Ephrata Exit New Rt 222, ‘A mile West on 322, turn left on Pleasant Valley Road Terms by Wes Stauffer Sales & Ser vice, John D Kilmer and George E Stone, Auc tioneers •fiM SAU C OF ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURSDAY EVE., APRIL 30 At 5:30 P.M. Sale to be held in West Lampeter Community Building, Lampeter, PA, along Route 741 behind the Fire House. 3 piece Maple Bedroom Suite; Cedar Chest; 2 piece Laving Room Suite; Floor Lamp; Table Lamps; Wooden Cabinets; Formica Table & 6 Chairs; Double Box Spring and Mattress; Zenith Stereo (Radio and Record Player); Kirby Sweeper; Double Box Spring and Mattress (extra length); 2 AM-FM Table Model Radios; Pictures; Flower Stands; Rockers; Chrome Sunbeam Mixer; Chrome Osterizer Blender; Pole Light; Desk; Stools; Dishes; House Plants; Aluminum Kettles; Tupperware, Sheets and Pillowcases; Tablecloth; Ideal Books; Quilts; Books. Dining Room Chairs; Comforts; Blankets; Sliding Board; Stuffed Toys, Tricycles; Games; Puzzles, Baby Furniture; TOOLS Hahn Eclipse Reel Type Mower; Craftsman Reel Mower (push); Lawn Sweeper; Pm Oak Trees; Electric Sander; Argus Slide Projector; 35mm Camera; Instamatic Camera; AM-FM Motorola Radio and 4 Speakers; ANTIQUES 1 doz. Bread Blade Knives; 1 doz. 3 Prong Forks (never used); 6 Leg Cherry Drop Leaf Table; 4 Cherry Chairs; Creamtop Milk Bottles and Dippers; Creamtop Rulers; Milk Bottles (Rohrers, Penn Dairies, Hershey, Musser, F.S. Miley); Old Rocker; Pink Depression; Green Depression; Ranger Joe Cups; Tin Coffee Pot; Copper Teapot; Agate Pitcher; Lunch Kettles; Johnson Brothers Ironstone, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms by, DAVID H. & MARY B. LIVENGOOD AUCTIONEERS Robert E. Martin & Son, 656-7770 Frank L. Steller, 656-8195 Refreshments by Ladies Auxiliary of the Lampeter Fire Company SENNETT LIVESTOCK SALES Sennett, N.Y. 4 Miles East of Auburn, N.Y. on Route TOP JERSEY DISPERSAL TUESDAY EVE., APRIL 28 AT 8:00 P.M. 83 HEAD 83 1. From Gaylord Loveless, Skaneateles, N.Y. His complete Jersey dairy of 70 head. There are 13 Reg. & the balance have been up dated to O.A. on the Genetic Recovery Program. So m the future there off-sprmgs can be Reg. by meeting the requirements of the American Jersey Cattle Club 33 cows of which 8 are Reg., 11 bred heifers, 11 open heifers for fall breeding, 15 calves to yearlings of which 5 are Reg. There are 8 cows recently fresh, 5 due from May to July, 11 are due from Aug. to Nov., 9 due in Dec. This is a top producing AI sired dairy that are all home raised but 1. There are 5 real nice Reg. heifers bom from July thru Nov. This dairy has had all necessary shots and will be vet, exam, by Dr. Sears. 2. From Silver Springs Farms, Syracuse, N.Y. - 7 head all Reg. 16 yr. old cow that is VG 86. Last years record 9,389-5.7 536 fat., Carm Colonel Dau.; 4 yrs, old due April 30; Carm Colonel dau. just fresh from an ex. dam.; 4 yrs. old Golden Faithful Dau. fresh April Bth. Last yr. record 10,292; Sleeper Karen Lavender Dau. due in July; Pacesetter heifer due in July from a VG 89 pt. Golden Faithful with 552 Fat. A show winner heifer due in July from a Golden Faithful oam with 10,320-546 F 3. From Henry Luchsinger, Syracuse, N.Y. - 6 head of top grade Jerseys -1 cow fresh April 14; 1 just fresh by sale day; 2 heifers due in July; 2 -10 month old heifers. If you need some good Reg. & Grade Jersey cattle make plans to attend this sale. AUCTIONEER-ROBERT SHAYLOR, TROY. PA. Managed by, SENNETT SALES, Hicks & Spingler Livestock Inc. BARN -1-315-253-3579 KEN -1-315-834-9266 808-1-315-252-1037 FARM DISPERSAL ALFRED AROUSE RD, LODI SENECA COUNTY. N.Y. having sold the farm and discontinuing farming operation we have commissioned to sell on TUESDAY, APRIL 28 @ ll:OOA.M. at the farm on County Road 137 - V/z miles south of Lodi, N.Y. and Rte. #414. Watch for Arrows. JOHN DEERE 4440 Diesel, full cab-A.C., factory duals, full weights, 730 hours, excellent IHC 715 COMBINE, diesel, hydrostatic, cab, nice tires, com & soybean special, 13’ platform, 700+ hours. JD 2030 Diesel tractor; JD 2500 - 6 -18 on land plow; Brilhon Cultunulcher; IHC vibra shank drag; JD 3 btm. 16” plow; JD 8350 Gram Drill; Brilhon Cultipacker; Century Spray w/hydrauhe pump; NI Mower-cond.; JD 336 wire baler w/#3O kicker; 3 basket wgns 8T gears; Kilbros 350 box w/auger + 8T gear; Allied 6” x 42’ auger; Ferguson rake; 2 JD drags; Mackissic Grinder-Mixer; N.I. #lO picker; JD manure spdr; Bush Hog rotary mower; 3 pt. cultivator; 36’ skeleton elevtor; 20’ skeleton elevator. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH AVAILABLE OWNER: ALFRED AROUSE 607-869-2205 SALES MANAGER & AUCTIONEER HOWARD W.VISSCHER R.D. 2 So. Main St. Nichols, N.Y. 13812 Phone 699-7250 SATURDAY, MAY 9 starting at 10 A.NI. Benton, R.D. 2, off route 487 North of Benton, 3 miles-turn at Camp Levine toward Elk Grove 7 miles, .2 tenth mile (Follow Auction Signs). Canadian Aces are dissolving partnership and selling the following. Real Estate - Household - Collectibles 4 leg Mission Oak table, 9 pc. Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, wing-back chairs, parlor stands, Westmghouse Ref., 40” gas range, Maple bunk beds. Waterfall chifforobe, double Maple bed, gun racks, dishes, cooking utensils, Saw Smith 8” Radial Arm Saw, Pittston coal stove (Tan), butchering kettles, Craftsman H D. Jigsaw, Ford Fairlane 2 door sedan, 6’ truck cap, 2 Walnut 28” slabs, com shelter, lard press, fanmg nulls, sulky shaft, Benton Wagon, buggy seats, whiskey barrel, hay forks, 2 row hand duster, walking plows, Sears 12 H.P, Tractor W/3 pt. hitch, snow blower, blade & wheel weights, 250 gal. feul tank, plus many unlisted items. Real Estate to be offered at 1 P.M. Located in Sugar Loaf Twp. Columbia County, within walking distance of Fishing Creek (fishing-swimming) & adjacent to State Game Lands. Ideal for retired couple in a beautiful surroundings on app. 6 acres a 20’x40’ cottage offering 2 bedrooms, Ig. dining & kit chen combination, bath, Stone fire place heat W/supplementary elec, base board heat, full cellar, 200 amp. service, excellent, water (well), and ample septic system. To preview real estate prior to auction, an open house will be held on Sunday, April 26,12 noon till 3 P.M. & May 312 noon till 3 P.M. Terms - Personal Property - Cash. Real Estate - $3,000 down day of auction balance in thirty days. Buyer pays all transfer taxes. Statements made day of auction regarding real estate will take precidences over any previously written material Sellers, CANADIAN ACES Attorney William Kreisher Auctioneers; John Autotore 784-3506 John Jr. 784-0381
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