ESTATE SALE of CONTRACTING ft BUILDING EQUIPMENT DIESEL TRACTOR w/SLEEPER-CAT - o’4's-AC EARTH PAN-DUMP TRUCKS - LOADER - 3 pt. MOWER-BACK HOE-FARM EQUIPMENT. SATURDAY, MAY 2,1381 10:00 A.M. AT 14331 OLD YORK ROAD JACKSONVILLE, MARYLAND Take RL 495 to Exit 27 - (Dulaney Valley Road) North 7 miles to Paper Mill Rd. - East Approx. 1 Mi. to Old York Rd. - North Vi mt - See signs from Jacksonville. TRUCKS - 1972-Ford 900 Cabover - T/A truck tractor CMC • BV7I diesel eng. 8 speed Fuller trans Henderson Air Ride - sliding sth wheel - 1976 Chev. P/U - 1962 Int’ll dump truck -1963 Int’il dump truck -1964 Ford F 950 dump truck - 1962 Ford F 700 Flatbed truck. EQUIPMENT - Caterpillar D-4 Crawler Bulldozer w/ cat #44 Hyd. control. Cat 45 Blade, pony mtr. start, seat type tank - D-4 Cat above less pony mtr-Allis-Chal. TS26O Motor Scraper- John Deere #92 backhoe quick disconnect - Trojan % yd. Rubber tire loader - woods - V 3 pt. rotary mower - 3 pt. Fork lift Attachment - Homemade tag along trailer - Farmali M tractor for parts etc. MISC. Chains, tools, wood, etc. ALSO SELLING OF CONSIGNMENT OF J.D. - INT’LL FARM EQUIPMENT Not Connected with Above Liquidation TERMS: CASH PLUS -5% MD. STATE SALES TAX MRS. FAYE MILLER Personal Representative Jervis S. Marshall • Auctioneers 3531 Mt. Zion Road, Upperco, Maryland 21152 301-239-8187 FARM AUCTION KING'S RUN ROAD. Watch for Auction Arrows off Rt. 44 at CERES, N.Y., 10 miles from Shingiehouse, Pa. 17 miles from Olean, N.Y., 28 miles from Coudersoort. Pa. SATURDAY, MAY 2,1551 Beginning 11:00 A.M. Sharp 61 HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS Herd consists of 29 Mature Cows, 14 Heifers bred for Aug. and Sept. 11 Open Heifers, 7 Started Calves, 11 Cows fresh past 60 days, 6 due in May and June, 8 bred back for fall. Pregnancy examined. Interstate Tested. Charts day of sale. MACHINERY Int. 656 Diesel Tractor/Cab, Dual Wheels, Turbo Charger (good) overhauled last year, Int. 300 Utility Fast Hitch/Front End Loader, Chains, Oliver 12’ Transport Disc, Int. 3-pt. Hitch 3 Bottom Plows, JD Harrow, JD 13 hoe Model 137 A Grain Drill, JD 2-Eow Com Planter, Mounted Weed Sprayer, NH327 Manure Spreader, Int. 130 Manure Spreader, Badger 120 Manure Spreader, Int. 435 Baler/Thrower, NH 66 Baler, Int. 990 Haybine, JD Side Rake, NI Wheel Rake, Two Wagons/thrower racks, 24’ skeleton type Hay Elevator/motor, Rubber tired Hay Wagon, NH 770 Forage Harvester/Com and Pick-up Heads. Int. 15 Forage Harvester/Com and Direct Cut Heads, Int. 16 Forage Harvester with Com and Pickup Heads, Colby SU Wagon, Gehl SU Wagon, Ford model 14 161 blower/2 sets of Pipes, 2 2-Wheel Carts, Blades for JD 420 Crawler, parts for Jamesway Feed Bunk, Easy 16’ Silo Unloader, Silage Carts, 14 Stalls and Stanchions, LPS Tank, 170 gal. Fuel Tank and Pump, Water Tanks. 1960 GMC 2-ton Truck (for parts), Badger Bam Cleaner, appx. 150’ chain (right throw). MILKING EQUIPMENT Dan-Kool 400 gal. Bulk Tank, Surge Almo Vac. Pump, 3 Surge Units, Topline Transfer Station, S.S. Wash Tanks, Pails, and Strainers. Reserve this date! You will find a good Milking Herd and big strong Heifers bred for Fall. "Most cattle are a result of Sire Power. Even tho this Dairy has not been pushed DHIA herd avg. last year was 12,800 lbs. milk and 475 lbs. fat with individual cows producing over 16,000 lbs. TERMS Cash or good check. ID required. Lunch available. Owners MR. & MRS. KENNETH BELL Auctioneer: Si Pepperman (814)698-2430 Not responsible for accidents on premises. If you are interested in holding an auction, call the above number. Remember, we let YOU decide! Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication TUES APR 28 -700 P M Livestock Market, just off Feeder Sale at the Carlisle 1-81 exit 12 CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 9 At 10:OOA.M. Located along Route 11-15, 8 miles North of Liverpool; 9 miles South of Selinsgrove, PortTrevorton, R.D. 1. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Hay, Straw Farm Equipment At 1:00 P.M. Tractors; Horse Drawn Implements; GMC with Grinder Mixer with Blower; GMC Power Unit; Sauder Loader for Wide Front End Tractors; Hay Fluffer; #8 and 10A New Idea Manure Spreaders; Side Rakes; 3 P Mowers; Cornplanters; Wagons; Cultivators; Plows; Harrows; 2 Hole Corn Sheller; Blacksmith Tools; Posts; Lumber; Channel Iron, New; Load of New Tools; New Farm Gates; Hay Feeders. OLD PHAYATON LADY FASHION 3UGGY and many other pcs. for Farm Machinery; and other articles; Household Goods; Good Used Restaurant Equipment; Kitchen Stove; Perfection Cook Stove; Large 6 Door Reach-in Refrigerator; 6” Oven Grill Hood; Soda Fountain; Redwood Tables and Benches; and other pieces; Load of Chips Pretzels Candy. SALE AT 10:00 A.M. By, ELMER STAUFFER 717-374-1575 Auctioneers Frank Snyder, 859-2688 B.D. imes, 717-527-2417 Fasnacht, Clerks No Out of State Checks Not Responsible for Accidents Refreshments PUBLIC SALE 1. Commercial/lndustriai Warehouse 2.1.1 Acre tract for dwelling develop- ment 3. Lumber, tobacco lath, metal roofing, scrap iron, heating plant, etc. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 th, 1981 25 COMMERCE ST. - MOUNTVILLE, PA. - A tract 106 by 146 feet more or less, sewer and water available, on macadam street - A sub stantial Commercial/Industrial warehouse - 4 story brick building 40 by 100 feet -16,000 sq. ft. of usable area -17 inch brick walls, 3xlo joists, double flooring, carrying a heavy weight load - Presently leased to Lancaster Leaf Tobacco Co., Occupancy contingent on a 30 day lease with present tenant - Welchans 2000 lb. capacity elevator from basement to top floor - Inspection call 291-2561 for appointment. 1:30 P.M. 1.1 acre tract fronting on Froelich Ave and extending in depth approx. 220 feet. With sewer and water-zoned for residential dwellings. New homes presently being built mi this street - On rear of tract are two one story frame storage buildings. Immediate possession, Inspect anytime. 2 P.M. Personal Property From the storage buildings on the rear of Froehch Ave., 10 truck loads of lumber The lumber to be offered is dry and good quality Lots of new boards - Ix6xlB - 4x4, 3xlo 6xB. All sizes. Metal roofing, scrap iron, light fixtures, hot water heating plant, metal grain bins, tobacco lath, fireplace wood, etc. Terms by: Estate of EDWARD F. FROELICH Deed, Fulton Bank, Executor Claude F. Smith V. Ronald Smith Aucts Ranck & Ranck, do John Milton Ranck, Attys IP.M TUES APR 28 - 5.30 P.M Alfred Ahouse Owner, Farmersvite Auction In Howard w Visscher Farmersville. 3mi East of *„rtinnp« Brownstown. Lancaster Auct County, PA John J Rutt, WED APR 29 -900 A M Auctioneer Public Sale of Union Co TUES APR 28 8 00PM Sennett Livestock Sales top Jersey Dispersal Located 4 miles east of Auburn, NY on Rt, 5 Robert Shaylor-Troy Auc tioneer TUES APR 28 - 1100 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Located at the farm on County Rd 137 l‘A miles south of Lodi, NY and Rt 414. PUBLIC SALE Stock Reduction of Lawn and Garden Equipment SATURDAY, MAY 2 at 1:00 P.M. Location: Ephrata Exit New Rt. 222, l A mile West on 322, turn left on Pleasant Valley Road. 420 J.D. crawler w/loader, 10 KW generator, garden tractors, lawr. mowers, chain saws, gas engines. Many other items. Terms by: WES STAUFFER SALES & SERVICE Aucts: John D. Kilmer, Manheim George W. Stone, Bainbridge PUBLIC SALE MANY FINE ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, 22 CLOCKS, 1000 PCS. OF ALL KINDS OF HAND TOOLS, ETC. Located 3'/z miles N/W of Taneytown, Carroll County, Md., turn off Rt. 140, formerly Rt. #97, at Baptist Road, travel IVz miles to sale. SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 At 9:30 A.M 2 pc. comer cupboard w/glass panes ui doors, 2 pc. cupboard w/panel doors, oak roll top desk, very early 1800 blanket chest w/strap hinges & crab lode, oak cupboard w/glass doors, large horse blanket chest, 2 oak buffets, 2 large pine cupboards w/glass doors, Mahogany large claw foot side board w/4 drawers in top & 4 doors in bottom, walnut hall rack w/mirror, dry sink, round oak table, library table, gate-leg dropleaf table, oak game table w/inlay, 4 nice pressed back chairs, washstands, fern stands, hall mirror hat rack, 2 showcases, oak bureaus & dressers, vanity, several early highchairs, chairs & rockers, several wooden beds, mirrors, trunks, fireplace cast iron stove, antique boards, large steel trap, crocks, jugs, toy steam shovel, ice tongs, rayo lamp, antique check writer. CLOCKS AT 1:00 P.M. Ingraham 8 day oak kitchen clock, Sessions 8 day oak mission style kitchen clock, oak 8 day kitchen clock, Sessions 8 day shelf clock w/alarm, Ingraham 8 day oak clock, Atkins & Porter 30 hour weight clock, Waterbury 8 day oak kitchen clock, Ingraham 8 day w/camel back shelf, Ingraham Venetian 8 day shelf clock, Gilbert (dated) 8 day shelf clock, time punch clock, International time recorder tune punch clock, Sessions-Mission Wall 8 day clock, New Haven 8 day Banjo clock, German 8 day w/Westminster chimes, Sessions wall box regulator 8 day clock, 2 German 8 day wall clocks, Gilbert 8 day camel back, Stromberg tune punch slave clock. 1000 PCS. HAND & MANY SHOP TOOLS & ANTIQUES Many hammers, hatchets, hack saws, planes, pocket volometer, tin snips, antique wrenches, squares, draw knives, pipe wren ches, “C” clamps, wood bits, 36” pipe wrench, vises, machinists’ vise, wood wedges, anvil, large motors, threaders, pipe clamp, grinder, 12" C Clamp, hand saws, pliers & 100’s of items not mentioned. Attention buyers; don’t miss this sale good merchandise. Order of sale - tools, clocks & furniture. Note: 1 Stradivanus model 523 violin, over 100 years old. Owners ESTATE OF JOHN N. DANEKER (OTHERS Terms - Cash Calvin L. Amoss - Auctioneer Taneytown, Maryland Phone 756-6784 Lancaster Famine, Saturday, April 25,1961-021 Dairy Farm, Antiques and Household Furnishings Held at the Snook Farm, Located 1 mile west of Union Co West End Fairgrounds, Laurelton, PA Estate of George A. Snook WED APR 29 - 6.00 P M Public Sale of Coins, Located at the Lykens Valley Shop and Play Hall, Rt 209, Lykens, PA John E Mellie Eardman Owners Lee D Doc key Auctioneer WED APR 29 - 7:30 P M Spring Cattle Sale Held at the terra Alta Livestock Market, Inc Terra Alta, WV Russell W Stover Jr. Mgr WED APR 29 - THURS APR 30-1100 A.M Public Sale of Dairy Herd, Dairy Equipment, Farm Equipment, Truck and Some Household and Truck, Located 7 miles south of Spring Grove and 3 miles south of Jefferson on Rt. 516 thence turning East onto Krebs Rd, Vz mile in York Co , PA Larry W Wagner Owner Clair Slaybaugh Auctioneer WED APR 29 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Anti Sues, Household Goods, Id Tools, Coins and Guns, Located at 750 South Queen St, Lan caster, PA across from Rebman’s Corner of Furance and S Queen St. Sale by Mrs T Hanes Reese Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst Auc tioneers WED APR 29 - 5 00 P M Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Collectibles, Etc Located Vi mile south of Elimsport, PA along Rt 44, Lyc Co Carl Farley Owner Max Fraley and Son Auctioneers THURS APR 30 630 P M Brummer-Hancock Production Sale, Bred gilts, open gilts, boars, feeder pigs and feeder lambs. Port Royal Fairgrounds Bryan D Imes, Auctioneer THURS APR 30 -9 30 A M Sale of Trucks, Trailers, Farm Machinery, Shop Tools. 34 acres of Wheat Sale for E K 4 A D Wambold Grain Located at Wambold’s Farm, 217 Ridge Rd., Sellersville, PA From Exit 26 of the PA turnpike pro ceed north on Rt. 309 to the Perkasie exit and turn left. Proceed to the stop sign and turn right onto Ridge Rd and proceed ap prox 1 mile to sale on the left Vilsmeier Auction Co. Inc TUES APR 30 - 1100 A M 319th Garden Spot and William Lasher and Nelson Myers heifer Dispersal Sale Held at the Guernsey Sale Pavilion on Rt 30 6 miles east of Lancaster R Austin Backus Inc Sale manager and Auc tioneers THURS APR 30 - 900 A.M Public Sale of Equip ment, Horse Drawn Equipment, Butchering Equipment, Antiques and Household Goods, Located on premises located 3 miles south of Rt 144 and 1 mile west of Kempton off Bartholow- Kemptonßd along Weller Rd . Frederick Co, MD Maurice M Mount Owner Nelson Myers and Robert Muenier Auctioneers THURS APR 30-1100 A M Public Sale of Heavy Equipment, Trucks, Cars Location - Rear Lot, State of Delaware Highway Ad ministration Center, Rt 113 across from Blue Hen Mall Dover. DE Wilsons Auction Sales, Inc THURS APR 30 - 6 P M Rockingham Livestock Sales Stocker Feeder Sale Harrisonburg, VA THURS APR 30 -5 30 P M Public Sale of Anti ques and Household Goods Held in West Lampeter Community Building, Lampeter PA along Rt 741 behind the Fire House, David H and Mary B Livengood Owners Robert E Martin and Son and Frank L Steller Auctioneers MAY FRI MAY 1 - 400 PM Horst's Mill Spring Auc tion, Lawn Equipment, Tools and Tractors, Located at Rd / Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA turn off Rt 419 between Schaef ferstown and Cornwall on to Rexmont Rd and con tinue south to place of Business, Horst’s Mill Owners Harry Bachman Auctioneer
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