D2o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Public Sales Register SAT APR 25 - 1 00 P M Special Holstein Heifer Sale Held at Kent Farm located on North Shore Rd off Rt 305, 5 miles NW of Cuba, and Eixt 28 of Southern Tier Ex pressway, Victor Kent and Sons Auctioneers and Managers SAT APR 25 930 A M Large Auction of Antiques and Quality Furnishings Held 1565 Mission Rd, Lancaster, PA just north of New Holland Pike and east of ByPass Sale for Mr & Mrs Arthur W Bassett Claude F Smith and V Ronald Smith Auc tioneers SAT APR 25 - 630 P M Public Sale of 400 Head of Livestock Located 5 miles North of Chambersburg, Pa & 5 miles South of Ship pensburg, Pa on Rt 11 Sale by John C Diehl & Sons Auctioneer Robert C Mullendore MON APR 27 7PM Public Auction of Brick Ranch Style Dwelling Located along Rt 322 bet ween Ephrata & Clay Owners Harvey W & Anna Ruth Hahn John E & Paul E Martin Auc tioneers MON APRIL 27, 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON APR 27-1100 A M Witle Farm Dispersal of Brown Swiss and Hols tems Mr & Mrs J Rohrer Witmer, Willow Street, PA Wayne t Sliker Sale Mgr MON APR 27 6 00PM Public Sale of Farm Machm° Located from McSheri . iwn, PA go west on Rt 116 just beyond the Borough and turn north on the Mt Rock Rd and go 2 5 miles to sale or from New Ox ford, PA go west on Rt 30, 1 mile and turn south on road to Bonneauville, go approx 2 miles to cross roads and turn left onto Leg Rt 01005, 2 miles to sale George A and Margaret H Smith Owners Dennis J Plunkert Auctioneer MON APR 27 100 P M Public Sale of Farm Equip merit, Located taking Rt 234 west of East Berlin after crossing bridge turn north 2 miles in Adams Co, PA Carl V Snyder owner Clan R Siaybaugh Auctioneer MON APR 27 11 30 A M Public Sale of Modern Farm Equipment Located 4 miles southeast of Middletown, PA Rt 230 to Geyers Church Rd to Bnnser Rd George Sensemg Owner Harold (Abe) Shaffner and c H Wolgem uth Auctioneers MON APR 27 600 P M Public Sale of New Tools for Farm, Garden, Shop and Carpenter Located in the village of Farmersville at the Farmersville Fire Hall, 3 mi North of Rt 23 between New Holland and Leola, Lancaster Co . PA Terms by AK King Robert E Martin and Son and Frank L Steller Auc tioneers TUES APR 28 12 00 P M 31st Central PA Spr mg Classic Sale Held at the Reedsville Youth Park in Reedsville, PA Mifflin Co, about 60 miles nor thwest of Harrisburg along Rt 322, exit at Reedsville onto Rt 655 to village Central PA Hols tern Breeders R Austin Backus Inc Managers and Auctioneers TUES APR 28 1 00 P M Public Sale of Farm and Orchard Equipment, Ir rigation System, Trucks Tools, Etc , Located on US Rt 34, 6 miles north of Biglerville, PA the first farm beyond Kuhn Transportation terminal in Adams Co , PA Charles Heller Owner Clair R Slaybaugh Auctioneer A PUBLIC Ku|Hi SALE TRUCK LOAD OF NEW TOOLS FOR FARM, GARDEN, SHOP AND CARPENTER MONDAY, APRIL 27,1981 At 6:00 P.M. Located in the Village of Farmersville at the Farmersville Fire Hall. 3 miles North of Rt. 23 between New Holland and Leola, Lane. Co., PA. Brand name Atlar-True Temper Amer SK. Fuller, Stanley Plum Lufkin - Diamond Horse Shoe Hanron Duracraft and others, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Brooms, Scrapers, Hoes, Jacks, Digging Iron, Grinders, Vise, Tool Boxes, Levels, many kinds of Wrench and Socket Sets, Companation Sets, Adjustables, Vise Grips, Clamps, Hammers, Sledge Hammers, Maids, Pliers, Garden Hose, Skill Saws, Hand Saws, Blades, Tin Shears, Chisels and Chisel Sets, Tapes and Rules, Flashlight, Batteries, Tape, Power Pulls, Wheel Puller, Brushes, Files, Wedger, Wheelbarrow, many kinds of Handles, Wrecking Bars, Nads, Electric Cords, Con crete Trowels, Drills, Plus many other items too numerous to mention. Terms by A. K. KING AUCTIONEERS Robert E. Martin & Son, 656-7770 Fiank L.Steller, 656-8195 Refreshments by the Ladies Auxiliary NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS PUBLIC SALE OF HEIFERS, STEER, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, QUILTS, BOOKS, MISC. ITEMS. Located 3 miles south of Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. turm west off U.S. 11 onto Social Island Road, V* mile to Shalom Christian Academy on SATURDAY, MAY 2 Sale at 9:00 A.M. for Misc. Items Heifer Sale at 12:30 P.M. Quilt Sale at 2:00 P.M. 30 REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS & CALVES 2 JERSEYS - BULL - STEER • SEMEN Heifer offering includes animals mostly 2 months to 11 months of age and includes some outstanding individuals consigned and donated by Elementary and High School students. Sale features include Cumva Proud Performer dtr. born Jan. 7, ’Bl, dam has 305 D. rec., 18,023 M., 572 F,; Char-Sam Elevation Pabst dtr., bom Dec. 10, ’BO, dam has rec. of 326 D., 19.633 M., 669 F.; Arlmda Jet Stream dtr., bom Jan. 3, ‘Bl, dam has in 325 D., 17,400 M., 630 F.; Shardale Arlmda Chief Jemmi dtr., bom Oct. 14, ’BO, dam has in 350 D., 23,879 M., 772 F.; one Jemmi bull, bom May 10, ’BO, dam est. at 17,000 M., 572 F. tius lactation; other sires Inc. R.D. Wood side Julius Red, Paragon Bootmaker, Jules Pride Elevaton Ace, Marlu Titan and Many others, 1 small steer, most calves are vacc. and most from certified and accredited herds. Following semen sells - 10 units Yules Pride Elevation Ace, 30 units Arlmda Commander, 15 units Willow Farm Rockman Ivanhoe, up to 50 units Hilhaven Standout Job, 20 units Woodbine Mohawk, up to 100 units of Woodbine Milkman. Catalogs on request to Ralph W. Horst, Auc tioneer, Box 103, Marion, Pa 17235. HOUSEHOLD & MISC. ITEMS - QUILTS-MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF ALL KINDS 45 NEW ASSORTED PATTERN QUILTS LUNCH STAND Specially prepared chicken bar-b-que, dutch style food, cart rides, children’s activities. There will be a flea market on the side. Tent provided for bidders. BENEFIT SHALOM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY MACHINERY & STOCK TRUCK PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY EVE., MAY 7 7:00 P.M. Located on south side of Port Royal, follow direction signs off Rt. 75 at 6th & Market St. STOCK TRUCK 1972 Int Loadstar 1600 truck w/15’ cattle bed w/side & rear, spring lift, loading ramps & roll up Vz door in rear, power steering, bed in good cond., engine just completely overhauled, 8:25 - 20 tires, good rubber. MACHINERY Ferguson 35 tractor, good cond., good rubber; Kelly loader now on Ferguson, used very little; PLEASE NOTE - tractor & loader will be offered separate & then as one unit; Ford 641 Workmaster tractor, good cond., good rubber; Oliver 3242, trip back, 2-16, 3 pt. plows; Ferguson, 3 pt cultivators, MF 7’ - 3 pt. scraper blade; N.H #55 rake; 10’ disc; N.H. #450 - 3 pt 7’ mower; McC 2 row disc corn planter w/3 pt and tung; 2 - 16’ flat bed wagons; 30’ Harvey #3OO hay & gram elevator, folding sides, w/1 hp. elec, motor; 8’ dbl. cultipacker; 3 section harrow; N.I. #I2A manure spreader; 3 sheet metal gates, 10,12 & 14’ long; the usual misc. farm items. PLEASE NOTE - Be on time, very few small items TERMS —CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH OWNER, MRS. HAROLD H. “Whitey" MOYER Long Bros., Aucts. Ph. 527-4784 •Y ORDER OF THE SECURED PARTY A PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Re: NAPOLI CHEESE FACTORY, INC. f ILL TUBS., MAY 12,11 A.M. AT 23rrf A ALTER *T„ HAZKLTON, PA., ENTIRE CONTENTS OF CHEESE MFC. FACILITY MOZZARELLA A RICPTTA S.S. CHEESE MAKING EQUIPMENT (3) S.S. MMROW CWIMI CUMING VATS MODELS RM L t MOO ffl s (5 WIDE X It LONG 5 WIDE x 15 LONG) w/MOTORS I PADDLES CHERRY BURRELL MOD RP 200 S S SPRAY PASTEURIZER w/AGITATOR (2) GIRTON S S INSULATED OPEN TOP MIXING TANKS 3 1 /t HIGH x 6*/? WIDE 4 HIGH x WIDE YORK S S PLATE TYPE (25 PLATES 10 WIDE x 42 LONG) HEAT EX CHANGER TAYLOR HTST RECORDING CONTROLLER LAN CASTER S S PUMP w/MOTOR I AUTO FLOAT CONTROLLER ESCO S S BRINE VAT 5'A x 9 w/PENN REFRIGERATION COM PRESSOR OE LAVAL SEPARATOR TRI CLOVER SS CEN TRIFUGAL PUMPS 3 HP WAUKER SHAW SIZE 55 POS DISPLACEMENT PUMP w/REEVES l'/ 3 H P DRIVE SS CHEESE PRESSES MISC CHESE MFG MACHINERY I EQUIP QUANTITY OFSS SANITARY PIPES FITTINGS £ VALVES (21 CNICAM 1.1. MILK IVHAtI TANKS 2 A 4H» CAP. TMK.UIHIT HI nliMial HIM HCMII ■•IUH MOD SRHV HtO (60 H P ) NEW IN 1978 GAS (/OR OIL FIRED CHUM MCUMM ■WIRMUMT CRYOVAC COMPLETE CHEESE PACKAGING LINE WITH MOD •100*2 PACKAGE FILLER MOD Z 2107 TIPPER TIE (RHEEM) 6543 B SHRINK TUNNEL CRYOVAC 2949D* CONVEYORS ROTARY TABLE MOD 6680-4 niiiirirmHUWTMinriAWiu ) ALL-PILL MSP. AM A NTS PACK APOIMKW IN NPV. 71 MISC CHEESE PACKAGING MACHINERY £ EQUIP £ PACKAG ING SUPPLIES MIKILAHIOUI PLANT ■QUIBMIHT SS WORKTABLES SS 1* 2 BAY SINKS 20 GAL BULK MILK CANS ASST D S S UTENSILS MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIP etc U) KILL a P««TU AUIMIMNW pwun WALK-IN ceouii 10x15 t 12x20 w/INOIVIDUAL COMPRESSORS (BOTH NEW 1978) BIT All. STOBIA OPPICI HOBART MOD 512 SLICER I MOD *Bl2 GRINDER HOBART MOD 1000 ELECTRONIC SCALE PHILCO CHEST TYPE FREEZER SCHAEFER SELF CONTAINED FREEZER CASE CASH REGISTER COUNTERS SHELVING DESKS CHAIRS FILE CABINETS BUSINESS MACHINES etc IHMBCTIBMt MSN., MAY 11, 10 A.M. - « B.M. BAY OP lAU 9 A.M. - lAU TERMS 25% DEPOSIT CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE wICHECK DIRECTIONS HAZELTON IS APPROX 7MI SOUTH OF I*o OFF 181 MAJOR AIRPORTS ALLENTOWN BETHLEHEM EASTON REGIONAL AIRPORT APPROX *OMI FROM HAZELTON WBITI, WIKI OB CALL AUCT'B. POB PUBTHIB BCTAILI By BALDWIN INDUSTRIAL LIQUIDATORS INC. AUCTIONEER S ADDRESS P O BOX 920 WANTAGH LI NY 11793 AUCTIONEERS TELEPHONE (212)895 2*31 (516)826-4700 UCUUI MNMSriVANIA AUCTIMtIMS R S BOTWINIK lAU 0000*. 4 S VALENZISI lAA 00*2* L PUBLIC SALE OF FARMING EQUIPMENT & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 at 10 A.M. Located off the E-town Rd. along Sunnyside Rd., between Chiques Church of the Brethren and Heistand Bro. Mill; RaphoTwp., Lane. Co., Pa. Super A Farmall tractor, Farmall H tractor (both m good cond.) Ohver 24 disc harrow, 2- section harrow, 2-row corn planter, pull-type grass mower, Me. trader-plow, cuitipacker, New Idea manure spreader, Me. fertilizer spreader, flat wagon, 3 tobacco wagons, single row tobacco planter, tobacco press, Fairbanks platform scales, Ig. water tank, od stnppmg room stove, Simplicity garden tractor, snowmobde trader for 2, Smith air-compressor w/tank, battery charger, chain hoist, hog trough, 10,000 tobacco lathe, tobacco spears, tobacco shears, 32 ft. ext. ladder, step ladder, ( can’t-sag gate, 5 elec, brooder stoves, chick feeders, chicken nests, 6 range shelters, wire netting, sub pump, lots of 1” pipe, tools. 32x69 ft. FRAME TOBACCO SHED, scaffling for 7 acres of tobacco, (real good condition)— must be moved. To be sold at 1 PM. Guns: 22 Winchester-69A, Winchester 12-12 ga. (exc. cond.), Stevenssloo-12ga.. 22 Remington #6-single. To be sold at 1 P.M. Wooden breakfast set, china closet, tables, old blanket chest, 2 dressers, old wooden chair. Singer treadle-type sewing machine, Wringer type Maytag washing machine, twin tubs, Zenith console radio/record player combined, radio’s, wall mirror, lots of lights, dishes (some old), qt. jars, crocks, picmc table, lawn mowers, manohn, old ukehn, and other items. Sale by: ELLA MAE KEAGY Auctioneers: Rufus Geib (665-4136) Raymond Miller Food stand by Mastersonville Fire Co. No out of state checks! Not responsible for accidents! 10th ANNUAL Mt Zion Church of the Brethren CONSIGNMENT SALE Fredericksburg Fireman’s Park (Lebanon County) Route 343, South of Fredericksburg, PA SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:30 SHARP J.D. 490 Corn Planter; International In dustrial 2606 Tractor, 60 Horse Power, rebuilt engine with 15 foot hydraulic extended grass mower; Farmall C with cultivator. Ford BN, J.D. 302 loader tractor, very good condition; J.D. 4020 overhauled new rubber; New Idea 12A spreader, Papec 54” hopper blower; 300 gallon, 3 point, 10 row sprayer. Potato plow; 8’ Oliver disc; 1976 Keller Craft truck camper, sleeps 4, has stove & refrigerator; 5 hog far rowing crates; oil Heatrola; 4 - 75R15 Radial tires on white spoke Chevy wheels; 2 -14” mag wheels; 4 -15” cragers w/tires. Locust posts, firewood; wood desk; 45 yr. old cherry wood dining room table with 6 chairs. New Idea 8 HP electric mower; Snapper 8 HP electric start mower; plus misc. mowers. Fence posts; hog wire; oak square table; 4 maple chairs with cushioned seats. 12 metal lawn chairs; 2 oak wash stands; 3 oak beds; 14 old wooden chairs; old library table with drawer Queen Ann legs. 3 metal cupboards; old captain chan-; 2 rockers; solid walnut coffee table; dry sink; wooden benches; oak clothes tree; long strap bam lunges; Chief garden tractor with plow and cultivator. Dishes. Many more items too numerous to mention. Cousins will be here with dry goods. A. King will be here with new hand tools at 3:00 p.m. Terms By: THE COMMITTEE H. Bachman, R. Myers, D. Rudy, R. Hoke, D. Risser, N. Hoover, A. Wike - Auc tioneers. We sell on commission - will accept items till 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Contact: Bob Lentz-933-8211 Roger Kirst-933-5392 Leßoy Geesaman-865-4304 Mrs. Art Kunkle-865-2846 Refreshments and bake sale by the ladies of the church. Not responsible for accidents, fire, or theft. Sponsored by Heisey Farm Equipment
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