PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS OLD TOOLS, COINS & GUNS WED., APRIL 29 at 10:00 Located at 750 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Across from Rebman's, corner of Furnace & S. Queen St. Philco refng; Philco TV; Phiico floor model radio; Singer elec, sewing mach. in walnut case. Pine; jelly cupboard, fine acorn top rope bed, cannon ball rope bed, wash stand & dough tray. Windsor plank chair; cherry table w/drawer; 2 Boston plank bottom rickers; 10 plank bottom chairs; fine cottage dresser. Other furniture in walnut, oak, maple, mahg., metal. Wood box; distelbank; Atkins, Gilbert & German cuckoo clocks. Crocks, jugs, slipware jar etc. Articles in brass, copper wash boiler, blue & gray agate, tin, iron & wood. Hubley cap gun & Demuth’s box. Baskets; beaded pocket books; reverse painting on glass; picture frames; oval braided & throw rugs; sterling; Bennington bowl. Glassware & china in pressed, hobnail moon glass, milk glass, Japanese, pink Depression, Blue Willow, orange Carnival, German, Nippon, Nontake etc. Kitchen articles; jardinieres; blankets & linens; metal table & porch chairs; wooden work bench w/vise. Lawn Boy rotary mower & push mowers; painter’s & paper hanging equipt; hand, shop & garden tools; misc. hardward etc. Guns; fine cap & ball dbl. barrel pistol, fine brass powder flask, Ithica 12 g. dbl. barrel hammerless shot gun. Coins: Indian Head pennies- 1864 - 1880’s, 1890’s, 1900’s, V mckels, silver quarters, silver halves, 1854 seated half, etc. Guns & coins to be sold at 1:00. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Sale by MRS. T. HANES REESE (Blanch B. Reese) Auctioneer Howard Shaub 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst 464-3190 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 9,1981 12:00 Noon VALUABLE REAL ESTATE HEIDELBERG TWP., LEBANON CO, Real Estate consists of two year old Lmdal Cedar Home on a 21,812 sq. ft. lot with 20 mile view of Lebanon Valley. This 2 story all Cedar structure has hand split Cedar shake roof. 26x13 living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 1% baths, 3 bedrooms, 26x13 Family room with fireplace and % bath, one car integral garage, large wraparound deck 8x66, balcony off master bedroom; over 2000 sq. ft. of living area, macadam driveway. DIRECTIONS - at square in village of Schaefferstown, go North 6/10th of a mile on Rte, 419, property is on right. Follow Auction signs. FINANCING AVAILABLE - owner will finance $60,000 at 10%% for 20 Yrs., Payments of $599.40 a month. INSPECTION - Day of sale or by ap pointment call 717-274-2286. TERMS -10% Down day of sale, balance due in 30 days. Conditions by, GREGORY & KAREN TRAUTMAN Attorney: Robert J. Eby, Esq. lEbersole Sr Skooj), J{uctioneers 717-867-5221 or 717-534-2030 PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, MAY 16,1981 1 o'clock P.M. Located along Noble Road between Nine Points and Christiana, 2 miles West of Christiana, Sadsbury Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Heal Estate consists of all that certain tract of land containing 3 acres and 145 perches more or less. Erected thereon is a 2 story frame dwelling covered with asbestos siding con taining 6 rooms, enclosed porch and bath, oil hot air heat, well water, electric & other con veniences. Also erected thereon is a 1-1/2 story cement block dwelling stuccoed containing 4 rooms, running water & bath; storage shed and corn mb, cement block garage, small barn, and 2 small storage sheds. Real Estate may be inspected Sat. April 25th between 12-3 P.M. and Wednesday April 29th between 6-8 P.M. Real Estate will be offered for sale at 2 P.M. Personal property consists of Zenith color TV, mantle clock, chest of drawers, bureau, bookcase, kitchen cabinet, refrigerator & freezer, small chest freezer, small space heater, lawn chairs, Bolens 8 HP. 30” riding mower, 2 Lawn Boy Whirlcut mowers, 3 HP. brush cutter, 14 ft. aluminum ext. ladder, 2 step ladders, wheel barrow, garden tools and other articles. Personal property will be sold at 1 P.M. SALE BY HAMILTON BANK, Guardian for William M. Wood Windolph, Burkholder, Stainton & Gray, Attorneys Kersey A. Bradley, Auct PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT MONDAY, APRIL 27,1981 Starting at 1:00 P.M. The undersigned will have public sale on the premises at the following location; Take Route #234 West of East Berlin. After crossing bridge turn North 2 miles in Adams County, PA. Watch for Sale Signs. EQUIPMENT Ford #6OOO Diesel tractor, 15 5-38 tire, like new; Int. McCormick #4OO Diesel tractor with front cultivators, pulley and manure loader; Semimount 4-16” trip back plow; New Holland #469 9’ hay bine, like new; N.H. #6B Hayline baler with NH #5O thrower; 4 Nice wagons, 2 Groves and 1 Case bale wagon having well built racks; J & M 150 bu. Gravity box wagon; Grain-o-vator #2O Gram box with auger on 2 wheel trailer; J.D. 17-7 Disc gram drill with band seeder; Int. 200 Bu. double beater spreader, PTO; Nice Farmhand 5-wheel side rake; 40’ Elevator with down-chute and 1 HP motor; Smoker 28’ Elevator with motor; Kmgwise Rollway elevator with motor; Harvest Handler 16’ grain elevator; J.D. Grinder with screens and bagger; Disc Harrow; 3-Sec. Spnng tooth harrow; Case 2- sec. Rotary hoe; Tandem 9’ packer; 2 Hydraulic Cylinders; 2 False end gates; Shovel plow; 500 gal. aluminum tank; 3 Single lad ders; Endless belt. 7”x6o’; Plastic pipe; Case iron hog troughs; Supplement tank; 5 Gal. Cans; 2-Wheel trailer of small tools; Many articles too numerous to mention. NOTE: This equipment has been well cared for and is in nice condition. CARL V. SNYDER, Owner RD #2 East Berlin, PA Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Idaviile, PA Phone: 717-677-7479 At the same time and place the following will also be sold: Urasystem #707 Diesel with dual wheels, #717 Combine with #7314-row com head and 13’ Gram head; Massey Ferguson #260 Forage Harvester; Walsh 300 gal. fibre glass tank trail field sprayer; 2 Manure spreaders, Avco New Idea flail and Badger 200 bu.; New Holland self-propelled forage harvester as is. ROY P. HOLTZIKGER, owner Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT APR 25 10 00 AM Auctioneer Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Antiques, Household Goods Go west from Newberrytown on Rt 382 to Quaker Meeting House, turn south on York Rd to Sus quehanna Speedway At Speedway, turn left on Kissel Hill Rd , follow to Pappas Ford Rd , keep right, last place on left James W Duncan Jr Owner Blame Rentzel PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, 3 TRACTORS COLLECTIBLES, ETC. on farm Vz mile South of Elimsport, Pa. along Rt. 44 (Lyc. Co.) WEDS. EVE., APR. 29 5 P.M. IH 444 G utility tractor; IH M w/Kit., new rubber; MH Pony tractor; 3-14” plows; harrows; IH 2 row planter; Ontario disc drill; AC 66 & 90 combines; NH & IH rakes; IH 46 baler; NH & IH manure spreaders; gravity wagon; JD flail chopper; 24’ elevator; 20’ auger; 6’ blade; IH loader; hammennill; Star 4 cyl. engine w/woodsaw; 2 snowmobiles; copper applebutter kettle; some Construction Items; 8’ truck tool boxes; Many other items; nuts; bolts; etc. Owner CARL FARLEY Auct. Max Fraley & Son 546-6631 Machinery before dark. Lunch. Clip & Save only ad in this Paper SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC SALE FARM AND ORCHARD EQUIPMENT, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, TRUCKS, TOOLS, ETC. TUESDAY, APRIL 28,1981 At 1:00 P.M. Sharp Due to having sold my farm I will have Public Sale on the premises located on US Route #34, 6 miles north of Bigler ville, PA, the first farm beyond Kuhn Transportation terminal in Adams County, Pa. 4-TRACTORS-4 Allis Chalmers #l4OO WF, 3 Pt., 14.9x24 Tires with Century Bulk bm loader; Allxs-Chalmer WD with wheel weights, 13.6x28 tires and snap coupling; Farmall #l4O WF with cultivators and 5’ front end scraper blade; Cub Cadet 8 HP Garden Tractor with mower, needs repairs; Power Trim sickle bar mower; Troy-Bilt 7 HP Garden tiller; Oliver #242 14” trip back plow, 3 pt.; 28-16” disc harrow; 20-20” Orchard side drift disc; Spring tooth harrow; Allis 2-row corn planter; Trail 2 barrel field sprayer; Subsoiler; Nice Sperry Rand 7’ highway mower, 3 pt.; Rubber tire wagon chassis; 2- Hole corn shelter; 6’ Bence vise; Platform scales; Jamesway 12-hole hog feeder; 275 Gal. fuel tank with pump; 5 Bags 5-10-10 fertilizer; Rope and Tackle; 2 Bag trucks; Bath tub; Tractor chains; Wood wheelbarrow with rubber tire; 10’ Bush hog. ORCHARD AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Hardie Due-fan 400 gal. speed sprayer; 1- Row Tomato planter; Hydra-Ladder with primers; 2000 1-bu. crates; 500 tomato and peach baskets; 100 berry crates; 10 Various size straight and stepladders; Air compressor and air shears; Attend storage cooler, B’xl4’; Very good Gom irrigation pump with a 5” 1400’ mam line and 22 sprinkler system stands; small tools. TRUCKS 1979 Ford F-250 % Ton Pick-up with Cap; 1965 Chevrolet 60 with 4 speed transmission, dual wheels-axles, stake body, 27,600 miles in ex cellent condition, Dodge stake body needing repairs plus many items too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash or personal checks with prior approval. CHARLES HELLER, owner Gardners, PA CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer Idaville. PA Phone: 717-677-7479 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—019 SAT APR 25 - 930 A M Public Sale of Holstein Bulls, Farm Machinery An tiques, Guns, Household Goods Located 1 mile west of New Bndgeville, along Richmond Rd off Rt 425 from Craley to New Bndgeville, Chanceford Twp York Co , PA Mr 4 Mrs Henry L Arnold Sr Reynold L Burke Auctioneer SAT APR 25 -10 30 A M Sand Rock Farm Large Brown Swiss Auction, George Bassler and Fami ly, Rocky Ridge, MD Wayne E Sliker Sale Manager. SAT. APR 25 - 11.00 A.M Public Sale of Real Estate, located on the premises, approx IVi miles south of Dalmatia, PA and IV4 mile south of Rt 147 in lower Mahanoy Twp, Nor thumberland Co, PA Mary B Long Owner Adams and Adams Auc tioneers SAT APR 25 -12 30 P M Public Sale of Real Estate, located in Todd Twp, Huntingdon Co, near Raystown Lake, 1 mile west of Newburg on Rt 994 or Rt 994 east from Rt 2G to Little Valley Rd (At Trough Creek Park in tersection) John J Billing Auctioneer Richard Wilt and Rex Hershberger Owners SAT APR 25 -10 30 AM Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Trailers, Trucks and Cars, Located just off Rt 33 and 512 5 from Ceasars Diner for two blocks, turn left to farm, Northampton Co, PA Robert Kemmerer Owner Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auction Co, Inc SAT APR 25 -10 00 AM Public Sale of Machinery and Tools, Located on PA Rt 741 mile north of Alm da, Perry Co , PA 12 miles north of Carlisle at Lan disburg, RDI, Kell Bros & RS Kell Owners Kling’s Auction Service SAT APR 25 300 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located 20 miles west of Selmsgrove, 20 miles east of Lewistown at Beaver springs, Rt 522 go north on Maple St, 2 Vi miles to Stoge Rd turn right to Farm on right approx 1 mile, Snyder Co , McClure PA Whiteford Sales Co L Robert Frame Auctioneer SAT APR 25 -12 00 A M Public Sale of Black Smith Equipment, Tools Horse Related Items and Guns Located at the rear of 264 Miller St, Chambersburg, PA at the northwest part of town Mrs George Biesecker Owner J Robert Meyers Auc tioneer SAT aPR 25-IX 30AM Maryland Jersey Cattle Club, Held at Gaywmds Farm, Keymar, MD Spon sored by MD Jersey Cattle Club S Braden King Auc tioneer SAT APR 25 - 10 A.M Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located at 821 Hook Rd , Westminster, MD Sale by Paul W Leister McNulty Auctioneering SAT APR 25 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods, Farm Related Items Located Rt 1, Jonestown, PA, take old Rt 22 East of Jonestown towards new Rt 22 to last farm on right, property approx 1 mile NE of Jonestown and SW of Fredericksburg Conditions by Roy F Moyer, Harry H Bachman Auctioneer SAT APR 25 - UOOA.M Lawrence Howland Shop, Barrett Ave , Port Allegany off Rt 6 at red light to east Mill St Si Pepperman Auctioneer SAT APR 25- 10 00A.M Public Sale of Real Estate Located at the site of Sweetwater Rd 7 mile north of Dry Run, PA in the Twp of Fannett, PA Melvin V and Anna M Naugle, Owners Robert R Foust Auctioneer SAT APR 25 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Located 821 Hook Rd Westminster, MD Paul W Leister and Others owners McNulty Auctioneering, Inc SAT APR 25 12 30 P M Dairy Dispersal Held about 2 miles off the Dimock to Brooklyn Rd , turn off 4 miles from Dimock (Rt 29) or 1 mile from Brooklyn (Rt 167) Take New Milford exit 67 off 1-81 then to Mont r ose and Rt 167 Susq Co Ed win and Larry Noble Owners Jim Adnanceand Sons Auctioneers
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