DlB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 -m -r* bale Reports Public Sales Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week’s publication APRIL SAT APRIL 25 15th Col omal Charolais Spring Sale Location Win Chester Auction Market Winchester, VA Managed By Buzz Garey, 100 Walnut Lane Mornsviile, PA 19067 SAT APR 25 - 11 A M Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister s Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc , Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove Pa Don & Walt Keister Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auctioneers SAT APRIL 25 - 4th An nua) Public Consignment Sale of Farm Machinery, large quantity of New Building Materials Tools, Households, etc by Newburg Hopewell Vol Fire Co Newburg, Pa Cumb Co Art Rite Auct SAT APR 25 10 AM 6Y< Acre farm & personal property Located at east end of Cambridge From Honey Brook follow Rt 10 south approx I mile to Cambridge Rd turn west go approx 1 mile to pro perty Honey Brook Twp Cnester Co , Pa Terms By John B & Kathryn M Weaver Elton & Alvin Horning Auctioneers HORNING FARM AGEN CY INC SAT APR 25 Wayne Co Calf Sale at Wayne Co Fairgrounds 1 mile north of Honesdale, PA just off Rt 191 Donald Bryant Honesdale PA SAT APRIL 25 Spring Sale of Lawn and Garden Equ ipmen t by Farmersville Equipment Inc RD4 Ephrata, Pa John £ and Paul E Mar tin Auctioneers SAT APR 25 9 00AM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Many Fine Antiques Modern Tools Household and Antiques Located 322 W Locust St m the Borough of East Berlin, PA Cora A Gibbs Owner Clair R Slaybaugh Auctioneer SAT APR 25 Juniata Co Farm at Public Sale Located approx 35 miles northwest of Harrisburg, PA near Richfield Long Bros Aucts SAT APR 25 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Antiques Located 4V 2 miles west of Newtown Square, 8 miles east of West Chester, turn off Rt 3 on S Belchester Rd, Ist farm on right opposite Army reserve training center, watch for public sale signs Sale by S H Smedley Jr Robert E Martin and Son 656 7770 and Frank L Steller 656-8195 Aucts SAT APR 25 10 00 A M Public Sale of Real Estate Antiques, Household Goods Located off Rt 222 approx 3 miles north of Quarryville turn east on White Oak Rd , Vz mile to sale or 10 miles south of Lancaster off Rt 222 Terms by Walter G E.-kman Estate Gary L Shirk, Lloyd H Kreider and Randal V Kline Auc tioneers SAT APR 25- 11 OOAM Huntingdon Co Holstein heifer sale Held at the Huntingdon Co Fairgrounds off Rt 22 at Huntingdon, PA Spon sored by Huntingdon Co Holstein Club Mark Click and Dale Gibboney Auc tioneers SAT APR 25 - 10 00 A M Public Sale of Household Tools Lumber, Pickup, Etc Located 3 miles east of Mifflintown, Juniata Co , Jet of Rt 75 and 22 at Port Royal Exit turn off and go left for Vt mile Buela Brubaker Owner David J Bntcher Auc tioneer SA F APR 25 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property Perry Twp , Mt Pleasant Mills Rd 1, Snyder Co, PA Edna Arbogast Estate L S Klmgler Auc tioneer SAT APR 25 - 10 A M Sale of 114 Acre Dairy Farm near Bridgewater, VA Located approx 2 miles South of Bridgewater, VA in Rock ingham & Augusta Court ties at the end of State Rt 719 John G Leake Trustee PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:30 A.M. Located: Along old Susquehanna Trail, just West of Exit 11 off Interstate 83. REAL ESTATE 1:00 P.M. Large brick house w/3 bedrooms w/closets on 2nd floor plus bath Large kitchen w/cup boards & counter space. Living room storage w/H: bath on Ist floor This house has Oil hot water, sewage, city water, & storm windows & is located in Manchester Twp. Lot size is 100 ft. frontage w/depth of 220 ft w/black top drive way to a 2 car frame garage. There is a chicken house, storage room & out houses located at rear of property Large closed in rear porch & large front porch This house is only Vz mile from Rt 83 or 4 miles North of York. TERMS -10% down, balance in 60 days. For inspection of Real Estate PH. 764-2704. ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 9:30 A.M. 5 leg Oak drop leaf table, set of Oak chairs, Oak mght stand, Oak chest of drawers, Gold leaf picture frames, 6 Boat Back Plank bottom chairs, organ stool, Delux Perfection Kerosene heater, Oak dresser, Oak bed, Oak vanity, side boards, Oak chairs, York Safe (31”x22”), Singer treddle sewing machine, old cigar boxes, 2 old wash baskets. Square Gate leg table, stands, mantle clock, straight back chairs, sleigh bells (48 bells), rockers, stools, slaw cutters, broad axe (signed by W. Brady), kerosene lights, post hole axe, 2 hole butcher furnace (Frank Bentz), 2 iron kettles, 1908 Etlme Plate, old money bags. Flat irons, old calendars. Ironstone Plates, Cast Bracket shelves, flowered plates, old Screw key lock, Doutry Scraper, picture frames, shoe buttoner, advertising pictures (H.E Fetrow, Billogel, Rutter Bros.), bonnets, scarves, Junior B&D Light % shade, Ball & Claw stand, 3 A rope bed, wine decanter & glasses, quilts, ladden lamp, Kerosene lamps, Gramteware, razors & straps, pedestal Coke stand, tin ware, old York papers, comforts, old Bible, lap robes, blankets, plaid ed rugs, new Bib overalls, carpet sweeper, floor lights, doilies, muffen pan, feed bags, pots & pans, tinware, G E refrigerator (like new). Hot Point electric stove, Speed Queen washer, benches, crocks all sizes, kerosene cans, George Fisher double barrel Hammer Shot gun, canning jars, knives & forks, aprons,' day bed, radio, homemade soap, roasters. Enterprise Meat Grinder, meat saw, stir rers, waffle iron, coal bucket, platform scales, Skill saw, Homehte chain saw, meat bench,' cast kettle, buckets, sleigh box, baskets, Hew ing tools. 2 rotary lawn mowers. Grind stone, Buck saw, rope, hog trough, straw chopper, fencing, chicken crate, hand Culti, ladders various sizes, post hole saw, carpenter tools garden tools, cement finishing tools, slate tools, wooden wheelbarrow wheel, wooden rake, & many other items of interest This is on ly a partial listing. TERMS; CASH OR GOOD CHECK MRS. WARREN (Laura) MARTIN York. Pa. R.D. #22 Auctioneer: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. 764-6412 Attorney: Earl Doll A Public Safe & Judging Contest of project Feeder Pigs was held April 18 at Horst’s Machinery, 6 miles south of Chambersburg, Franklin Co, Pa The 100 head of Duroc, Yorkshire and York- Duroc crossed pigs weighed between 35 and 80 lb and averaged $54 per head Ralph W Horst, Auct. XXX The 6th Annual Machinery Con signment Auction was held April 18 at the Gordon Wood Farm on Rt 15 between Tioga and Lawrenceville, Pa Some items sold were N H Manure Spreader $llOO, Oliver Plow $BOO, NI Haybine *825, Int Dump Truck $1650, Hough Loader $l7OO, JD 3-B Plow $950, J D 3010 Tractor $4275, 35T Low Boy Trailer $6200, N H 850 Round Baler $4900 and Int. 300 Tractor $l2OO Sales Manager was Gordon Wood XXX The sale of Merle G Barnes held in Southern Bedford Co., Saturday, April 18 was well at tended Following FARM & WOODLAND PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 6 1:00 P.M. Located in Central Pa., Juniata Co. TRACT 1 - 130 acres farm, approx. 100 ac tillable. TRACT 2-48 acres mt. land. TRACT 3-74 acres mt. land. IGT 1 - 3Vz acres. LOT 2 -Vh acres. LOT 3-2% acres. For Brochure, Contact: Long Bros., Aucts. R.D. #1 Port Royal, Pa. 17082 Ph 717-527-4458 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE on THURSDAY, MAY 14 at 11 A.M. In Craley, Penna., York County. The undersigned Administrator of the Laura M. Frey Estate will offer at public sale the fo Mowing REAL ESTATE TRACT #1 - II A M. Laura Frey Residence - Located in village of Craley one block south of the mam intersection along route 425,2 1 /z story frame house covered with aluminum siding, approx. 1,600 square feet of living space, first floor has living room, dining room, foyer, kitchen, enclosed porch Sc laundry room, wash bowl Sc commode, second floor has 4 bedrooms Sc bath, plastered room on attic, cemented basement, heated by oil hot water heat, asphalt shingle roof, some storm windows, water supplied by a well, yard area with trees & shrubbery Sc concrete patio, also a 2-car frame garage, a public alley runs along north side Sc rear of this real estate. This property is in good condition and will be open for inspection on Sat., May 2, 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. or by special appt. with auctioneer. Also 1973 Ford Garden Tractor with Mower Deck in Good Condition. TRACT §2 - 12 noon - Residence - Located in village of Craley about 150’ west of square opposite Ford Garage along route 624, lot size approx. 56’ frontage on route 624 x 123’8" west side x 60’ rear line x 129'5” east side containing 30 perches of land more oi less unproved with a 2Vz story frame house with composition bncktex siding, house has 3 1 orris & pantry on first floor, 3 rooms on secoiv '. ir, no bath, space heaters, no water, hi electric & telephone, approx 1,500 square kei of living space, house is in lair condition TRACT #3-1 P.M - Farm consisting ot approx 41 acres of land located l z mile east of the village of Craley. This farm has frontage of approx. 1,350 feet along route 624 and approx. 580’ on the Bull Run Road. Farm has approx. 24 acres of farmland overlooking the Susquehanna River with majority of balance in woodland There are 2 houses located on this farm both being 2Va story frame, no bath or central heat, water supplied by spring Sc well, houses are in fair condition, both in need of improvements Sale will be conducted along route 624 about center of tract, will be offered on a per acre basis, final price to be calculated from a survey being completed at sellers ex pense. Zonmg none except sub-division or dinance. SPECIAL NOTE Much of this farm overlooks the Susquehanna River and could be considered for building sites TRACT #4 - 2 P M. - 31.5 acre farm located on route 624 immediately west of the village of Craley formerly known as the Lorenzo D. Haines farm. This farm has about 1,200’ prices were obtained by auctioneer Ralph W. Horst, Marion: 1974 Chev. truck $4450; M.F 165 Diesel $5000; Int. 574 loader $7050; MF 165 as loader $4200; NH spreader $1750; JD 2010 Cralwer loader $4125; Transport disc $2320, Gram bin wagon $lOlO- Gram bin wagon $825; JD 336 baler $2600; Int grinder mixer $2400; NH 469 hay bine $2600, JD 34 harvester $1200; NI 323 picker $3200; MF roll baler $2600, Brilhon harrow $l5OO PUBLIC SALE OLD BARN TIMBERS FARM EQUIPMENT - HOUSEHOLD FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 1 AT 6:00 P.M. D.S.T. Located 2 miles South of Littiestown, Pa. along route 194 at the Glen-Jen Farm. The undersigned owners, having taken down a 125 year old bank barn will offer the following remnants: Numerous logs 8” by 10” in various lengths up to 40’ long ... some hewed logs in different widths being 10’ to 30’ long ... lot of 2” planks from barn floor consisting of Oak and Chestnut being 14” to 20” wide and up to 16’ long. Lot of barn siding boards and many piles of Oak and Chestnut firewood. J.D, 34’ elevator with 3 H.P. electric motor ... J.D 28 disc .. J.D. 2-bottom 12” trail plow on rubber .. 5 Badger individual calf stalls ... Woods 2-row rotary stalk cutter ... aluminum storm windows wooden windows and doors .. large lot of assorted size new nails .. and miscellaneous items. Few household items. Oak library table... Oak kitchen cabinet .. reclining chair ... sofa ... open front desk. Whirlpool dishwasher... and small items not listed Lunch at sale TERMS: Cash or approved check Owners GLENN N. LIPPY JOHN W. RINEHART Phone <717) 359-5793 DENNIS J.PLUNKERT Auctioneer R.D. #2 Littiestown, Pa. 17340 frontage on route 624 and entire tract is relatively level and is excellent development land The tract is in a state of high cultivation and would be an excellent farm. Improvements consists of a 2Ms story frame house with imitiation brick siding, first floor has 3 rooms, second floor has 3 bedrooms plus bath, cemented basement, heated by oil fired hot air furnace, house is in good condition with about 1,300 square feet of living spade, also has a cement block garage with storage and work space. TRACT HB - 2 P.M. - 28 acre farm located on route 624 immediately west of tract 4A and adjoins tract 4A. Has about 700’ frontage on route 624, is in high state of cultivation and is either good farmland or excellent development land. The land is relatively level, this farm is known as the James and/or Clarence Miller farm. This farm has a residence, a 2% story frame house with bncktex siding with 7 rooms & bath, cemented basement, heated with oil hot water furnace. NOTE: Tract 4A and 4B will be offered for sale separately and then as 1 unit. The highest total bid resulting from both methods may be acceptable. The bidding will be on a per*acre basis. The final price will be calculated on a bid per acre times the number of acres shown on a survey now being com pleted at sellers expense. Sale will be con ducted on these 2 tracts near the house of Tract 4A located nearest Craley. TRACT #5 - Approx. 9 acres of land located in Lower Windsor Twp. about % mile south of the village of Craley along Hake Hollow Road. This land has been cultivated and does not have frontage on Hake Hollow Road but is believed accessable over a 12’ wide lane through ad joining lands. It will be offered on a bid per acre basis and the final price will be calculated from a survey now being completed at sellers expense. This tract will be offered immediately after Tract #4A and 4B at the same site. SPECIAL NOTE; Anyone on the market for farms oram:e residence m the Craley area, be sure and inspect these tracts of real estate & attend this public sale. Survey will be done prior to sale & copies will be available to prospective bidders. All residences will be open for inspection on Sat., May 2,10 A.M. to 2 P.M. or by special appt. with auctioneer. Land can be inspected most anytime. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE: 10% down, balance on or before July 1, 1981, other conditions will be given at time of sale. WILLIAM T. HAST Administrator Phone 845-7577 - 235-4991 Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer Phone 252-3591 Judson E. Ruch, Attorney
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