PUBLIC SALE SHOP TOOLS-FARM EQUIPMENT HOMEMADE QUILTS SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 At 9:30 A.M. (DST) Located midway between Gettysbrug and Littlestown, Pa. at Two Taverns along Route 97 formerly (140). Due to discontinuing his business the un dersigned will offer the following: SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Schramun 25 H.P. air compressor (like new) with hydraulic pump attached and powered with 6 cylinder Hercules Diesel power unit, 2% H.P. ADK vertical air compressor with 2 cylinder Onan motor, portable air compressor, Hobart welder with 6 cylinder Chrysler motor, Craftsman 10 inch radial saw with 8 AM air motor. Craftsman 10 inch table saw, large jig saw, swinging table saw, Duro bench drill press, heavy duty double end grader on base, Landis leather sewmg machine, 11 Ft. flat bed conveyor, reel lawn mower sharpener, air drills, air router, air sander, air jig saw, air nailer & stapler, impact wrench, lot of air hoses, several bench vises, large steel anvil, smaller anvil, Homelite gas skill saw, Homelite XL 16" chain saw, Skil 12” chain saw, battery charger, pipe clamps, pipe threader, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters, asbestos shingle cutter, masonary tools, ladder jacks, roof jades, new & used buggy parts, new buggy shafts, shelf brackets, new & used bolts, 100 ft. drain snake, nails, hardware, paint, and many fine hand tools of all description. FARM EQUIPMENT F-12 Farmall on steel, New Idea manure spreader, McDeermg flat bed wagon on steel, McDeenng 5 Ft. mower, 32 Ft. double chain elevator, ndmg plow, walking plow, spring ,ooth harrow, spike harrow, wooden land roller, smgle & double row cultivators, shovel plow, railroad freight wagon, wood and metal wheel-barrows, 20 ft. & 40 ft. aluminum ex tension ladders, step ladders, 275 gal. fuel tank, two oil tanks with hand pumps, log chains, block & fall, paper cutter, single trees, shovels and numerous misc. items. HOUSEHOLD Oak bed, Oak dresser, 12 Hickory back chairs, very nice old Civil War era muz zleloader, Oak office desk, 2 steel office desks, office chairs, square china closet, and mat ching server, 3 Pc. dinette, lot of very nice old and new home-made quilts, fancy pillows, crocheted items, hand painted pictures, Rohonola record player, some dishes and knick-knacks. ISAAC STOLTZFUS R.D. 2 Littlestown, Pa Terms: Cash or approved check. Lunch stand at sale Not responsible for accidents sale day Dennis J. Plunkert, Auctioneer R.D. 2 Littlestown, Pa. 17340 717-359-4489 ANNUAL HEIFER SALE at the Green Dragon Livestock Sales, RD4, Ephrata, Pa. TUESDAY, MAY 12 6:30 p.m. Approximately 200-250 heifers consisting of bred heifers, open heifers, and heifer calves. Daughters of top sires being offerd All con signors welcome. Watch for future ads on this sale.. Walter H. Risser, Proprietor Office-717-733-2444 Home-717-838-4318 PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 9:00 A.M. Located at 809 East Sunbury Street in Shamokin, Pennsylvania. 1 block East of Route 61. Watch for sale signs day of sale. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 3-Pc. Mahogany Bedroom Suite with Queen Anne Feet, Reeded Quarter Columns, Pineapple Posts; Pr. of Mahogany Twin Beds with Queen Anne Feet and Shell Carved Headboards; Chippendale Semi-High Chest of Drawers with Reeded Quarter Columns; (2) Semi-High Chests of Drawers with Queen Anne Feet and Reeded Quarter Columns; 9 pc. Mahogany Duncan Phyfe Dining Room Suite Made by Georgetown Galleries; Matched Pr. of Duncan Phyfe End Tables; Mahogany Corner What-Not; Mahogany Love Seat (The Above Mentioned Are Circa 1900); Maple Governor Wmthrop Slant Front Desk; Oval Marble Top Walnut Victorian Stand; Victorian Love Seat; (3) Victorian Side Chairs; Duncan Phyfe Side Chair; 3-Sectional Stacking Bookcase; Duncan Phyfe Wall Table; (2) Flat Top Trunks; Assortment of Frames; (2) Quilts; (2) Wallace Nutting Prints; Assort ment of Occupied Japan China; Lacy Edge Bowls; White Milk Glass Lacy Edge Open Compote; Roseville; Alabaster Electric Light; Early Chinese Bowl; Assortment of Pressed and Pattern Glass; Movado 17 Jewel 14K Gold Ladies Watch; Numerous Other Items. H’xl3’x6” Blue Chinese Oriental Rug; 9’xl2’6” Oriental Rug; B’3”xlo’6” Kashan, American Made; 9’xl2’ Royal Kashan by Gulistan; (4) 3’xs’ Kashan, American Made; 2’x4’ Kashan, American Made; 9’xl2’ Rug by Hardwick & Magee Co. TERMS ON RUGS: CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTER STRUCK DOWN. STERLING SILVER 112 Pc. Flatware Set by Gorham; (2) Candy Dishes by Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; (2) Oval Trays by Prelude; Salt and Pepper Shakers by Rogers Silver Co.; Pr. of Candelabras by Prelude International; Sugar and Creamer by Prelude International; Sugar and Creamer by El-Sd-Co.; 10” Plate; 10” Bowl by Wallace. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS (2) G.E. Refrigerators; G.E. Automatic Washer and Dryer; Westmghouse Stove; Zenith and Magnavox Floor Model Color TV; 3- Pc Living Room Suite; Reproduction Marble Top Coffee Table; (3) Upholstered Chairs; 5Pc. Breakfast Set; Lane Cedar Chest; 6-Pc. Rock Maple Bedroom Suite; Mahogany Chest of Drawers; (2) Metal Base Cabinets; Metal Porch Glider; Lg. Assortment of Bedding, Pots, Pans and Dishes; Etc. NOTE: IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR QUALITY HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, DON’T MISS THIS SALE! TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT WITH AUCTIONEER. Northern Central Bank Elizabeth A. Ryan, Trust Officer For the Estate of INES L GARDINER - [ AU i7ouida»oVap»>»aisi(» N N -s f I levs A. 170®0 / _ , _ I’n *Cr>j ■— H. Robert Mattis, Attorney Dockey & Dockey, Auctioneers Oeppen, Apprentice RUGS Sale Reports A Public Auction at 826 D Tractor $BOOO, the old “Dr. Hoch Oliver 1850 D Tractor Farm”, 4 miles nor- $5450, Int.Haybmesl6oo thwest of Middletown, and Brillion Delaware was held on Cultunulcher $1525. April 18th. Harry Rudmck & The highlight of the Sons, Inc., Aucts. & sale of antique cars was Sales Mgrs the 1936 Packard 4 door xxx convertible which was A Public Sale of sold for $16,000. building contractor Other items sold material was held April were; 1967 Mustang 18 by B.F. Lapp, 2510 S Conv $3900, 1972 Cherry Lane, Ronks, Triumph $2400, Horse Lane. Co., Pa Drawn Opera Coach Items sold included: $2050, Mail Sleigh $5OO, ’7l Chev Van Truck 4-seat Sleigh $4OO, Int. $lOOO, Air Compressor Gas Engine 5825, Snapper 8 hp. Lawn mower $575, Army S GAP AUCTION ■ W FRIDAY HL MAYI >Sf iXRSSS I con pm ■ to $6O each and 10x40 . Marlette Storage Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue Op- ® posite Turkey Hill Mmrt Market Cross RR Bridge ■ ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS ■ SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION ■ Double door refrigerator, cedar wardrobe, . bar stools, two love seats, wing back chairs’ | linens and bedding, Persian nigs, two a dehumidifiers, Virginian sofa, small comer cabinet, file cabinet, garden tools, Jacobson 8 I hp riding tractor, Parker sweeper, three air | conditioners, and much more. This is a partial _ listing. J CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS ■ FROM 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. ■ OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT | Call us tor pick up service ■ IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers I 442-4936 or 442-8254 | CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES *■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■» PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY, HEIFERS FRIDAY, MAY 22,1981 Located 1 mile North of Churchtown, Take Churchtown Rd. to Y turn Right on Hammertown Rd., Lane. Co. Watch for sale signs. 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Some open heifers, short bred, springers, 30 days test, pregnancy checked. 4000 J.D. Diesel Wide Front; 3020 J.D. Gas Wide Front; 1020 J.D. Gas with 48 Loader Wide Front; all tractors on rubber. N.H. #7lB Harvester, like new; N.H #469 Hay Bine; N.H. #56 Rake; J.D. 14T Baler; J.D. 24T Baler; New Idea Single Beater Manure Spreader; J.D. 3-16 Plow with Automatic Reset; J.D. 4 Section Harrow; Badger Blower; Gehl Table Blower; J.D. 3 Section Harrow; J.D. 215 Forage Wagon; Gehl Forage Wagon; 40 Disc Transport Disc; Massey Ferguson Mower 3-pt; J.D, Fluffer; 3-16 ft. Wagons, 2 like new; Oliver 2-14 Bottom Plow 3-pt; Ferguson Cultivator 3-pt.; Scraper 3-pt. 9 ft. Brillion Cultipacker; 20 ft Elevator; 20 ft. Rotary Hoe; 3 pt. Weeder; McCormick Horse Cultivator; 2 Wheel Trailers; Horse Carriage; Harness; Driving Harness; Collars; Single and Double Trees; Baler Twine; Electric Drills; Vise; Fan; Mmiuch Tobacco Press; Tobacco Lath; Wheelbarrow; Feed Carts; Silage Carts; Bag Wagon; Campbell Air Compressor. Dog Houses; Gates; New and Used Lumber; Shovels; Bolts; Lawn Mowers; Log Chains; Screw Jack; Forks; Tires and Wheels; Shovel Harrow; Fence Posts; Round Water Trough; Wooden Drag; Fence Wire; Chicken Nests and Feeders; Electric Cords; Electric Fencer and many more articles not mentioned Sale at 10-30 AM. Terms by NANCY S. SMUCKER Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers 717-859-2688 - 717-733-7052 Fasnachts, Clerks No Out of State Checks Refreshments Not Responsible for Accidents Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—D17 10:30 A.M. FARM MACHINERY $430, Black & Decker 10” Power Mitre $l3O, Milwaukee Whole Hog Drill $125, Transit Level $9O, 30-30 Gun $97.50, Metal Scaffolding $71,5’ Stepladder $22 and 8’ Stepladders4l. Elvm Siegrist was the auctioneer. A Public Sale of tools, gas engine and car was held April for the estate of Charles W. Pyle of Fawn Grove, York Co., Pa. Items sold were'. J.D. 420 Tractor $2200, Plows $250, 1973 volks Wagon Car $l5OO, Trailer $lOO, Trialer $5OO. Robert L. Sechrist was the auctioneer. XXX A Public Auction of new and used tractors and lawn equipment was held April 18 by Lawn Care of Penna., Daniel Z. Martin & Son, near Martindale, Lane. Co., Pa. Items sold were; Lawn & Garden Tractors $3OO to $lBOO, Int. Cub Tractor $2850, Yanmar Awheel D 16 hp. $3700, Mitsi-Bitsi D 15 hp. $2500, 2 unit Snowmobile Trailer $275, and Log Splitter $350. Auction conducted by Randel V. Kline & Lloyd H. Kreider. xxx A Public Auction of a bnck rancher was held April 11 by Ralph D. and Joanne L. Bitler, 3 miles north of Little Britain, Lane. Co., Pa. The 1 acre wooded country lot with a 7 year old bnck ranch house and 2-car garage was sold for $64,000 to Clarence and Mable Neff, R.D. 2, Quarryville, pa. Sale conducted by Randal V. Kline & Lloyd H. Kreider. xxx A Public Sale of farm equipment and dairy cattle was held for James Zimmerman Tuesday, April 14, east of Campbelltown in Lebanon County. Some prices mcluded: alfalfa feeder, $1600; chisel plow, $1025; elevator, $750; John Deere com planter, $4,075; silo blower. $1000; Harvestore, $10,000; wagons, $3100; J.D. tractor, $6,200. Also sold were 40 dairy cows averaging $lOB5. Highest cow brought $1375. Auctioneers were Lamar Sensemg and Paul W. Horst. FEEDER SALE TUES., APR. 28 7:00 P.M. CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Just off 1-81 Exit 12 Phone 717-249-4511 or 301-733-8120
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