016—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Sale Reports A Public Sale of real estate and farm machinery was held April 17 by Ervin Bortner, south of Spring Grove, York Co., Pa There was a good tur nout The 41 acres was sold for $99,000 and included a large farm house, barn, 2 car garage, steel smoke house, stone spring house and com crib Other items sold were- JD. A Tractor $6OO, 1955 Willies Jeep Pick-up w/Snow Plow and Dump Bed $2675 and 5 leg Oak Table $440. Blame N Rented was the auctioneer A Public Auction of Holstein cows and farm machinery was held April 16 by Robin N and Miriam J. Gmder at Schaefferstown, Pa. The 40 mature cows had 9 head that sold for over $l5OO. The top cow sold for $l9OO and the 2nd high brought $lBOO. The average of the cows, heifers and calves was $lOl9. Other prices were: J.D. Disc $2200, 3 pt. Scraper $370, Cultimulcher $575, J D. Blower $4OO, 220 amp. Welder $ll5 and 90 ton of Corn Silage $39 per ton. Sale conducted by Randal V. Kline & Lloyd Kreider. A Public Sale of personal property was held April 18 by Lee & Betty Moyer, between Reading and Kutetown, Berks Co., Pa Some prices received were: Rockwell Planer & Jointer $390,1 section Harrow $95, Potato Digger $270, Atlas Rototiller $2OO, Shenandoah Wood Stove Van Bla ream s SELECT HEIFER - - DISPERSAL LOCATION 6 miles North of Troy, Pa., Bradford Co., 15 miles South of Elmira, N.Y. (at former James Finnerty Farm) SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 ! aho n y n nr* uTw A 61 HEAD REGISTERED AND GRADE IhSiD HOLSTEIN HEIFERS SELL 61 2 REGISTERED BROWN SWISS 2 Consisting of many Summer and Fall freshening and open heifers of breeding age. All home bred with good size and type. Dtrs. from herds with RHA 15,000 M plus Majority animals sired by these outstanding sires: Jo- Dan BE Ivan EX, Rosemere Fury Ivan EX, Bun-Yard Money Maker EX, Paragon Bootmaker EX, De-Wa-See Carljo Chieftain EX, Junell Ivanhoe Chief Charlie EX, Redwood-Ramona Moonshot VG, Momll Star BB Bicken VG, Sageser Chief Astronaut VG. Ownbrook Elevation Atom, Wolfarm Rock Candis Carl and other choice sires represented. Actual individual dam’s records 17,000 to 21,000 milk; several with 4 0 Test 100% Calfhood Vaccinated Interstate T ested Catalogues Pregnancy Checked TERMS CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE DAY (I D Requested) WILLIAM, ROBERT, JANES VAN BLARCOM, owners Lunch - All The Dairy Products You Can Eat D. O. Rockwell ■& Associates, Sale Troy, Pa. Phone 717-297-3460 $l2O, Iron Kettles $BO each, Snow Blade $65, Dump Trailer $135, Pile of 2” Oak Lumber $75, 100 Board Feet Birch Lumber $220, Waterfall Bedroom Suite $155, Modem Cherry Comer Cupboard $260, Gun Cabinet $l2O. Kenneth P Leiby was the auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2 10:00 A.M. Located in Huntingdon County Centre Union on Route 26, North out of Hun tingdon near standing stone golf course, watch for sale signs. TRAIN COLLECTION 25 P.R.R. Railroad Lantern, Old Tram sets, some antique, P.R.R. Baggage Cart, 2 old R.R. carts, Railroad signs, old R.R. patch, old R.R. Guide Books, old Tram books. Tram picture, R.R. Torch’s Brass, Antique toy fire truck in goods 9 pc. Mahogany dining room set, Breakfast set, Lester Piano, T.V. Desk and chair, folding table, 3 pc. living room suite, coffee table, end tables, floor lamps, foot stool, mirrors, antique baby picture, 6 chairs, sewing machines, Rollaway bed, 6 pc. Maple Bedroom suite, 5 pc. Maple bedroom suite. Double bed, Linen, Zenith Record player, 30 year old. Records old, old trunk, old chest, old Christmas decorations, Maytag wringer washer, Whirlpool Dryer, cuckoo clock, lawn and garden tools, 8 pc. Fostona set with assorted milk glass set of dishes, Cut glass dishes, old antique candle holders, crystal pitcher and glass set. Old Jewelry, pots, pans, silverware. REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 2:00 - A Cape Cod setting on one acre of ground. With a double garage, 2 baths and 4 bedrooms, kitchen and dining room, large living room, oil and wood combina tion furnaces. It’s in real good shape. This is a good clean sale. Everything’s in good shape. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. Owner: MRS. JACK LEFFARD AUCTIONEER: Harold R. Carper, R.D. 2, Spring Mills, PA (814) 349-8214 LUNCH RAIN DATE—MAY 9th. A Public Sale of farm machinery was held April 17 by Mr. & Mrs. M. Frank Peterson, north of Hagerstown, Md. The attendance at the sale was good. The 30 acre farmette with a log and frame dwelling, 2-car garage, silo and swimming pool plus bank bam, hog pen, and chicken house was sold for $89,000. Other prices received were- Int 230 Tractor $l5OO, Int. 340 Tractor $2lOO, N.I. 213 Manure Berrysburg, along Spreader $2OOO, J.D. 24T Route 225, in Dauphin Baler $7OO, N.I. Rake Co., Pa. $875, Bale Wagons $6OO Some prices received each and Sheep $BO were: Ford Golden each. Jubilee Tractor $2OOO, A Public Auction of Alternator $430, N.H. 66 farm equipment was Baler w/motor $5lO, held April 18 by Mr, & N.I. 206 Manure Mrs. Edwin E. Buf- Spreader $200,3 pt. Disc fmgton, 1 mile south of $255, 2-Bottom Plow 3 AYRSHIRE DISPERSAL SATURDAY, MAY 9,1981 1:00 P.M. Located 7 miles Northwest of Selin sgrove on Route 204 between Kratzeville and New Berlin, Snyder co. Watch for signs. 23 Cows —2 Bred heifers. TB & Blood tested - 30 days Mostly sired by and bred to Sire Power Ayrshire Sires. 15 dau. of Oak Ridge Commander Star USDA 583 dau. avg. 11,854 M 3.9% 463 F P D. +7OOM +2OF +574.184 cl. dau. avg. 85.8. 5 recently fresh 2 due May, 6 Aug., 3 Sept., 4 Nov. Sale by ROY W. KUNE R#l Box 160, Winfield, Pa. 17889 Ph. 717-374-8882 Managed by Milt Brubaker 595 Snyder Hill Rd Lititz, Pa. 17543 Ph. 717-626-5788 ® \S ~ 10. 144 r How Po 17010 ? V J phono 7514004 -5 SATURDAY, MAY 9,1981 9:00 A.M. Located 1 mile East of Mandata. Penn sylvania, V 2 mile North of Route 225, 5 Miles South of Herndon. Watch for sale signs along Route 225 day of sale. REAL ESTATE 23 ACRES, more or less, situated in Jackson Township, Northumberland County. Having thereon a 10’ x 52’ mobile home, heated by a hot water oil furnace and assorted out-buildings. For additional information on real estate, phone 717-758-3706 or Real Estate to be offered at 1 ;00 P.M. 200 SHARES OF SEABOARD INDUSTRIES LIMITED STEAM ENGINES Payne Upright Automatic Steam Engine, App. 4 h.p. with Boiler; 2-Cylmder Steam Engine with Steam Tarbme-Electnc Generator; Troy Steam Engine 170 RPM 12” Bore 8” Stroke; “Detroit Electric” Steam Lubricators; Fnck 150 lb. Steam Gauge; Crossby Brass Steam Gauge; Steam Oilers; Flat Pulleys; Steam Whistles; 200 lb. Skinner Steam Gauge; Steam Injectors; Steam Engine Governor; Steam Whistles; Etc. WELL DRILLING ITEMS Sander-Cyclone Type 42 Well Drill on In ternational Load Star 4x4 1600 Truck; 8” r Rotary Stabilizer; Plus Assortment of Other Cable Drill Tools; Etc. TOOLS Delta Rockwell Floor Model Dnll Press; Fairbanks Power Hack Saw; Zephyr Model 30 Jig Saw; 13” South Bend Quick Change Gear Lathe; Sheldon Metal Shaper; Selson Earle Metal Lathe; Sear’s Roebuck 12” Band Saw; Wall Mount Drill Press; Craftsman 10” Table Saw; Craftsman 6” Joiner with Stand; Blacksmith Forge and Anvil; Wagon Wheel Run Roller; Miller AC Arc Welder; Skil Cham Saw; Marquette Model 22-101 Acetylene Welder and Cutter (like new condition); Smith Model 28A50-12 Air Compressor; Traveller Battery Charger; Propane Tank with Torch and Hose, Pipe and Bench Vise, Rockwell Circle and Saber Saw; Breast Drill; Assort ment of Pipe Threaders, Lg. Selection of Hand Tools, Metal Machinist Tools, Taps and Dies; Etc. MISC. ITEMS IH Model H Tractor; F-12 International Tractor, New Idea Model 452 Bush Hog; 1967 VW Bug; 1960 Corvair; 6’x3’ Dump Trailer; 12’L Van Body; Flat Bed Truck Box; Van Body; International Gasoline Power Unit; Ford 8N Tractor $1575, pt. $315 and 3 Section Int. 350 D Tractor & Harrow $215. Loader $1250, Int. 460 Auctioneers were Tractor $1550, Farmall George & Mike Deibert. M Tractor $775, Int xxx Self-Prop. #225 Haybme A Public Sale of farm $lOB5, A.C. No-Till 4-row machinery was held Corn Planter $2250, April 13 by Clara Fox, Gravity Bin Wagon $425 R.D. 2, Shippensburg, and Graham Chisel Pa. Plow $350. Some prices were: Auctioneer was Int. 656 Tractor $4550, Blame N. Hentzel. 290± ACRE TRACT For MAJOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Both Sides RT. 222 - 9 Ml. W. of ALLENTOWN ONLY 10 Min. to NE Ext. Pa. TURNPIKE at 1-22/78 BREINIGSVILLE, U. Macungie Twp., Lehigh County, Pa 10,000± Ft. Frontage on Rt. 222, Trexler, Dorney & Old Breinigsville Hwy. • tl to 61 Ac. Parcels AUCTION Subject to Confirmation As 9 Parcels, Combinations or Entirety AREA OF NAT’L CORPORATIONS including Schaefer Brewing, Kraflco and Air Products A Chemical Co. PARCEL 1: -13 Ac. w/circa 1720 2-Family Colonial and Farm Buildings. Zoned lE-2 (Living Environment-Subur ban District). Portion Zoned LE-3. Traversed by Schaefer Run Stream. Inspect Residence - Day of Sale SALE on Premises: SATURDAY, MAY 9 at 11 A.M. 15*. DEPOSIT AT SALE—BEQUEST ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE t^GuUJuUnuvn* AUCTION CO or PA. Heal Estate Brokers - AUCTIONEERS 1519 SPRUCE STREET PHILADELPHIA PA 19102 (215> 545 4500 PUBLIC SALE Hinkle Model C Threshing Machine; VW Engine; Centrifugal High Volume Pump; Bnggs & Stratton Model 58 Engine; Stanley Steam Boiler; Oil Trailer Furnace; 20’ Ex tension Ladder; Tower with Windmill; 1- Cylmder Vh h.p. Gasoline Engine; 15-Ton Crane Hook; Cement Mixer; International Boiler; Cardinal Junior Elevator; Wood Stove; 4’ Mill Stone; Lg. Locomotive Headlight; 32” Snow Blower for Int. Cub Cadet; 4’ Diam. Saw Blade; 1/3 h.p. Jet Pump; Mineralogy Set; Lg. • Assortment of Electric Motors, Brass Plum bing, Fittings and Valves, Galvanized Fittings and Valves, Log Chains. Tool Boxes, OClamps, Nuts and Bolts, Lumber, Junk Piles in Iron, Brass and Copper; Etc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Magic Chef Gas Stove; Fngidaire Refrigerator; RCA Whirlpool Automatic Washer & Dryer; 2-Pc. Living Room Suite; 5- Pc. Breakfast Set; Recliner; Repro Boston Rocker;.Metal Bed, Springs and Mattress; Smgle Bed, Box Springs and Mattress; Chest of Drawers; Bookcase; Bookshelf; Combination Radio-Record Player; RCA Portable TV; Hoover Swmgette Vacuum Cleaner; Cedar Chest; Reader’s Digest AM-FM Radio, Tape Recorder and Player; Wall Thermometer- Barometer Weather Station; WWI Bayonet; 22 Mossberg Rifle; Cast Iron Frog Door Stop; Antique Walnut Victorian Side Chair; Antique German Bible Printed in Reading, Pa. Dated 1805; Antique Seth Thomas Oak Case Wall Clock; Kerosene Lamp; Asst, of Jugs & Crocks; Service for 12 Nontake China; Wm. Rogers Silverware; 7x35 Binoculars; Repro Gone with the Wind Parlor Lamp; Asst, of Lifetime Stainless Steel and Guardian Service Pots; Misc. Pots, Pans and Dishes; Lawn Mower; Etc. Half Dollars, Quarters, Nickels, Dunes and Pennies. For complete list of coins contact Auctioneer. TERMS: Real Estate -10% Down. Further terms and conditions to be given the day of sale. Personal Property - Cash. Personal checks accepted only from persons having an established account with Auctioneer. WILLIAM C. BROSIUS ESTATE Corrine J. Rothermel, Executrix James S. Brosius, Executor WILLIAM H. WIEST, ATTORNEY DOCKEY & DOCKEY, AUCTIONEERS DEPPEN, APPRENTICE COINS
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