lorth Maple Ave. Leola, PA aw & Grain Sales i ry Wednesday 2:00 Noon m Machinery Third Wednesday ry thru November irting at 9:00 ;h 6 Auctioneers and Hardware - Lawn & Garden Equipment 12:00 Noon Farm Machinery -12:30 No out of state checks No household Goods, no clothing. No poultry Equipment or scrap tin DAVID H. GOOD & SONS RD 1 Leola, PA 17540 717-656-9558 PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE, ANDOUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 At 11:00 A.M Located 5 miles South of Quarryvilie off Rt. 222 at Little Britian Rd. to Ashville Rd. East to Tayloria, or 6 miles North of Oxford West off Spruce Grove Rd. Watch for sale signs. REAL ESTATE CONSISTS OF One Story Block structure with Breeze Way and One Car Garage, Macadam Driveway, New Shingle Roof. The lot size is 60x365. House contains Nice Kitchen with Broom Closet, Living Room 2 Bedrooms with Closets, Full Bath. Hard Wood Flooring, Storm Doors and Wmdows, Hot Air Heat, Full Basement with Sump Pump and a Good Well. AUCTIONEERS NOTE This is a nice country setting. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase. 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days or when mutually agreed upon by both seller and purchaser. Inspection Dates, April 18 & 25 From 2 to 4 P M. Or call for appointment 717-786-3173. Real estate will be offered for sale at 2 P M ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS - Old Roll Top Desk; Marble Top table; Oak Ex tension Table; Bamboo Table; Dovetailed Blanket Chest; Oak Chest of Drawers; Oak Dresser; Old Wooden Bed; Cane Bottom Chairs; Ladder Back Rush Bottom Chairs; Cheese Cutter Rocker; Cane Bottom Rocker; Wing Back Chair; Early 1903 Couch; Sofa & Chair; Childs Chair, Kitchen Cabinet Top; William Knabee & Co Piano & Stool; Picture Frames; Mirrors; Old Light; Coal Oil Light; Floor Lamp; Old Shelf Clock; Crocks & Jugs; Taylona Post Office Sign; High Arm Treadle Sewing Machine; Color TV; Record Cabinet; Coverlet; Blankets; Bedding; GE Sweeper; Norge Dryer; Norge Wringer Washer; Bench; 6 Matching Chairs; Metal Cabinet; Fngidaire Refrigerator; Elec. Stove; Breakfast Set; Step Ladders; Wood Chisels; Asst of Tools; Push Mower; 5 H.P. JD Riding Mower. Many more items too numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. No out of state checks accepted Auctioneers Conducting Sale are Lloyd H. Kreider, Randal V. Kline and Gary L. Shirk Attorney, Warren Sample Lunch By Farm Women #l5 > /■ KR EIDER & KLINE 111Mmuim . AUCTIONEERS Phone 717-786-3394 or 717-733-1006 ———l 's Auction Terms By MARY E. WHITESIDE Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MAY 16 12 Noon York Sheep Field Day and Sale Market Lambs, Ewes, Rams and Fleeces, Held at the York 4 H Center in Bair, PA Blame Rentzel Auctioneer SAT MAY 16 - 10 00 AM Mastersonville Fire Co Third Annual Spring Sale Held at the fire hall, in Village of Mastersonville, Rd 4, Manheim, PA MON MAY 18, - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA FEEDER PIG SALE SAT. MAY 2 1:30 p.m. Located 1 mile south of Lebanon. PA. Take Rt. 897 north from Schaefferstown at lona turn on Mine Road, turn left at Fox Road (at Newmaster’s Store) 250-275 head ot tine quality feeder pigs, ranging in weight from 30-65 lbs All these feeder pigs have iron, erysipelas, and rhinitis shots, wormed and sprayed tor mange, teeth clipped, tails docked and castrated young Don t Miss This Fine Selection ot F eeder Figs' No outside pigs will be sold at this sale Conditions by ALVIN H. MARTIN 717-273-9029 Merle Eberly, Auctioneer 215-267-6608 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE (2V4 Story Frame House) ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS LUMBER, TOOLS & TRUCK SATURDAY MAY 9 At 10:00 Located at 3 W. Kendig Rd., south of Lancaster, Village of Willow Street, West Lampeter Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (Between Rt. 272 Southbound & Rt. 272 North bound.) Real Estate. 2% story frame house w/green asbestos siding, 8 rooms & full bath. Separate 1% story frame 1 car garage w/workshop & utility shed. Lot size; 61’ fron tage along Kendig Rd. by 280’ depth more or less. Property will be open for inspection Sat’s., April 25 & May 2 from 1 until 3. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00 Whirlpool 2 door refrig, frost free; Norge chest freezer, Frig, auto washer; Frig. auto, dryer; Frig. 8,000 BTU window air cond.; elec. Singer commercial sewing mach.; Sears port, colored TV; maple cabinet w/stereo radio & record player; elec, window fan, early pine dough table; curly maple desk; other furniture in uph., oak, walnut, mahg., maple, chrome & metal. Picture frames Bottles: J&H Casper, Lane., F. Engle, Lane. & others. Iron muffin pan; milk cans. Orange (N), dark & opalescent Carnival; pressed. Fiesta, Nippon, etched, milk glass, Eng. & other good glassware & china not listed. Kitchen articles; Bell & Howell super 8 movie projector; Argus super 8 movie camera; 1971 Ford 100-6 cyl. pick-up truck w/dbl. tool boxes, stick shift in A-l shape; David Bradley garden tractor w/old iron wheels; rotary mower; leaf chopper; air com pressor; 2 metal wheel barrows; 9” Craftsman radial arm saw; 28’ alum., 40’ alum, ext. & 4 wooden step ladders. Elec, motors; 7 HP boat motor; well pump; elec. B&D disc sander; elec, vibrating sander; bench grinder; paint sprayer; wooden work bench; shop, hand & garden tools; metal tool boxes; raise, hard ware; sash; lumber & other misc. articles not listed. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Sale by MR. & MRS. LAWRENCE A. FOULK Sam Ferguson Musser Atty Howard Shaub Auctioneer 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst 464-3190 Melvin M Lei owner man, TUES MAY 19-7 00 PM Public Sale of Real Estate, Located at 23 W Hillcrest Ave , Strasburg, PA From the main square in Strasburg go south on Decatur St, 3 blocks and turn right on to W Hillcrest Ave Sale by Thomas S and Phyllis W Ruoss Ira Stoltzfus and Son and Jay Leary Auc tioneers WED MAY 20 - 9 AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located W mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS MAY 21 - Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown Rd , Woodsboro. Md 21798 Thomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullen dore, Auctioneer THURS MAY 21 - 12 00 PM Public Sale for Christ R & Katie Beiler, Rt 3, Quarryville, Holstein Dairy Herd, Registered & Grade, Equipment, Etc Steve Petersheim and Everett Kreider Auc tioneers Pennsylvania State Shorthorn SATURDAY, MAY 2 Show 2:00 P.M. Sale 7:00 P.M. Mercer 4-H Grounds, Mercer, Pa Bulls, Cow-Calf Pairs, Bred & Open Heifers, Expect 40 Head. Something for everyone. For Catalogs Write: Harry Foulk Mercer, Pa. RD#2 OF FARM MACHINERY; HOUSEHOLD ITEMS; ANTIQUES; GUNS Along Peach Bottom Rd.; 1 mile West of Wakefield from Route 222 and 272.17 miles South of Lancaster. SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 9 A.M. 2 Farmall H tractors 1 with cultivators; IHC 7 ft. mower, Oliver 13 disc drill w/mech lift; Oliver 4 wheel manure spreader; Oliver 28 disc; flatbed wagon w/thrower sides; 3 sec. spring harrow; land roller; field sprayer; wheel barrow clover seed sower; com sheller w/motor; part roll of page wire & barb wire and stakes; hillside hitch App. 12 cord of Hard wood split ready for stove. ANTIQUES Corner cupboard (good); large cloth doll; dry sinks; 2 mantle clocks, wash stands; bureaus; 6 pc. rose pattern toilet set; grandmother, dulds, and other rockers; hat pins; 1 ship trunk; Copper wash boiler; 2 telephones 1 old; Childs wicker potty chair; ox yoke (nice); large brass kettle; iron teakettle; platform rocker; morris chair; 2 butter chuns, 1 needs repair; crocks 1 to 6 gal.; 3 burner New Perfection coal oil stove w/oven; 3 spring scales; produce scales; Cruet w/5 glasses; kitchen cabinet w/flour sifter (nice); kerosene lamps, butter bowl & mold; md salts; small iron kettle; clothe trees; agate & tin ware; comb & brush box; old canes; pocket watches; old mirror; radio, 26 in. wood block plane; hay fork; hay knife; clothe hanger; 2 old pm cushions; wicker fernery; 2 Bissel sweepers; Pea & Beam scales, grindstone; large iron kettle; childs 2 section bob sled; 2 meat benches; double prong hay fork; 3 gallon glass water fountains; 3 milk stools; irons, picture frames & old pictures; jewelry & watches; 2 Old Gasoline Engines New Holland SHP mounted on steel wagon w/saw buck on rear. IHC P/2 HP gas Engine (both loose) 2 freezer Sears upright & IHC chest, Maytag wringer washer; 2 refrigerators 1 IHC and 1 GE, G.E. toaster oven; elec, kitchen clock; pressure cooker; Revereware, cutlery, pots & pans; elec fryers, utility cabinet; aluminum tea kettle; 2 Hollywood beds, springer & mattresses, small cedar chest; bureau & matching chest; wardrobe w/drawers & mirror; other wardrobe; odd chairs; comforts; spreads; blankets & other bedding; new & used wash cloths & towels; iron bed; wash baskets & other baskets. U.S. Army rifle; Kurz 22 single shot rifle; A.J. Comde 16 ga. hammer double barrel Lane. Pa.; 12 ga double barrel hammerless. 1950 Dodge pickup w/racks, running; 1964 Tempest 2 door 49,000 in spected. 3 pc. living room jiute; Zenith color TV; elec, irons; 3 elec, fans; por table elec heatei; New elec, fly fogger; monitor; old singer sewing machine electrofied; sewing table; doiles; bookstands; table lamps; pole light; matching server & buffet; oriental plant stand; round old ex. table; round walnut ex. table; 4 spindle back chairs; oval kitchen table w/6 matching chairs; Electrolux sweeper; wood breakfast set w/4 chairs; luggage; birdcages; library table; tablecloths; egg nog set; set of dishes; drop leaf table; many pints; quarts & 2 quart jars; window air conditioner; barb-e-que grill; lawn chairs; fishing rods & reel. 40 ft. ex. ladder; hay rope, 3 rotary lawn mowers; Craftsman riding mower less motor; 6 in. belt; large jack #5l Stewart clippers; 2 cross cut saw; buck saw, table vice, 6 large boxes empty gun shells; 2 wheel barrows, traps; garden tools & many articles not mentioned. Terms by BARRY L ENGLE Ex. of estate of Susan E. Fite Auctioneers J. Everett Kreider Steve Petersheim Carl Wiker, Atty. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 D 27 FRI MAY 22 7 PM Public Auction of 100 Feeder Cattle and 20 Holsteins, Machinery sold on commission Owner- Lewis R Fink, 269 Stone House Road, Carlisle, PA 717 249-3224 FRI MAY 22 - 10 30 A M Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Heifers, Located 1 mile north of Churchtown, take Chur chtown Rd to Y, turn right on Hammertown Rd , Lancaster Co , Nancy S Smucker Owner Frank and Paul Snyder Auc tioneers SAT, MAY 23 11 00 AM Linden Farms presents PUBLIC SALE GUNS Ultimate I, Linden Farms, Lagrangeville, NY SAT MAY 23 Juniata Co, PA Weekend Retreat and Land at Public Auc tion Located near East Waterford, PA Long Bros Auctioneers 717-527-4784 SAT MAY 23 - 900 A M Public Sale of Farmette, Antiques, Household Goods, Cars, Guns and Coins, South Heidelberg Twp Located along Hunt zmger Rd (Corner of Mountain Top Rd and Huntzinger Rd Berks Co, PA Terms by George F Koch Estate T Glenn Horst Auctioneer SAT MAY 23 10 00 AM Public Sale of 54 acre Farm, Located Upper Mahanoy Twp , Nor thumberland Co, PA IVi miles northeast of Boyer’s Butcher Shop, Kl ingerstown, PA , 20 miles southeast of Sunbury, 5 miles north of Gratz and Rt 25 Glen W Snyder and Susan Snyder Owners George and Mike Diebert Auctioneers SAT MAY 23- 1100 AM Public Sale of 140+ acre Farm Located 10 miles west of Lehigh ton, 8 miles SE of Tamaqua, along Rt 443 in Beautiful Mahon ing Valley, 30 mm north of Allentown, W Penn Twp, Schuylkill Co, PA Sale by Craig Shreve Cur tis, Doug and Tim Houser Auctioneers
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers