PUBLIC AUCTION LIVESTOCK & MACHINERY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 at 9:30 A.M. Located in Clinton County, 7 miles West of Loganton, Pa., or Vz mile East of Route 880, at Tylersville, Pa., on the Greenburr Road. 8 Head Draft Horses 2 Grey geldings hitch good, Black smooth mouth mare, 8 yrs. old sorrel gelding, 8 yrs. old bay gelding, 4 yrs. old bay gelding, sorrel and bay geldings coming 3 yrs. old. Harness and 8 horses, collars, lines etc , 4 horse trees, single and double trees, etc. MIXED HAY - CORN FODDER AND SOME EAR CORN 40x70 open shelter hog f attemng pen 57 Registered & Grade Hoisteins 34 cows in milk (5 registered), registered son of Astronaut 2 yrs. old, 5 bred heifers, 17 open heifers and started calves. Several cows just fresh; others m all stages, a good young herd with good production. Owner sampler records will be given at sale. T.B. and BANGS TESTED Dairy Equipment Mueller 600 gals, tank, Lister 12 H.P high speed dsl., 3 H.P. compressor, Conde Vacuum pump, 3 DeLaval sterling milkers, 2 extra pails, (the above items used less than 2 yrs ), 2 S S strainers, SS. pail, gas water heater, 2 feed carts, calf replacer mixer, large Volcan gas bake oven and 20 gals dough mixer, milk cans, some butchering equipment Farm Machinery Frick threshing machine, Pequea manure spreader, N.I. tobacco planter, 28 ft elevator, Meyers hay crimper, NI no. 206 manure spreader, Farm Bill wagon w/flat bed, 2 turn carts, I.H. no. 9 mower cut 7 cu I.H. com binder, Papec silo filler, J.D 8 ft lime drill, J D 7 ft. K.B. disk, 3 cultivators, J.D no. 999 com planter, potato plantei, IH. 2 way plow, ground driven potato digger, spring wagon, market wagon w/top, Oliver 2-12 m plow, har row, cultivator, potato plow, dirt scoop, bob sled, 1000 tomato baskets, table saw, forks, shovels and small misc. farm items Terms-CASH Lunch at Sale LYDIA K. STOLTZFUS R.D. H 2 Loganton, Pa Mark Click - Auctioneer Reedsville, Pa. Lawrence, Leon and Thomas Arnold 17th PRODUCTION SALE Yorkshires AUCTIONEER, Harry Bachman, Annville, Pa. ★ 50 BRED GILTS (All gilts are hand mated) Due March & April Pick due dates to lit your (arrowing schedule Saturday Afternoon, February 28, 1981 1:00 P.M. Sale To Be Held At The LEBANON AREA FAIR GROUNDS Cornwall & Evergreen Roads, Wt Miles South Of LEBANON, PA Thao*'* 00 B oarßU*e' s <v c> v RD 7, Box 705, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: (717)273-5880 s’*.*!* t >V< '»'*’» t * *' OF ★ 40 BOARS (Ready for heavy service) 25 Yorkshire, 15 Duroc. 7 to 8 months old Ready for Heavy Service Feed efficiency & test station information Spring Valley Farm, Ephrata. PA Wm. Smiley, New York Robert Wilson. Delaware John Myers, Schwenksville, PA, American Cyanamid Corp., New Jersey CATALOGS AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 15 LEON L. ARNOLD Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P.M of each week's publication SAT MAR 28 930 A M Machinery, Located along Public Sale of Lancaster Frurtville Pike, 5 miles Co Farm, Antiques, north of Lancaster, PA Rd Household Goods and 3, Lititz PA Edna H SPECIAL HORSE SALE DRIFT HORSES, MULES Si DRIVING HORSES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1301 AT NEW HOLLAN SALES STABLES, If 12 Miles East Lancaster, Pa. just of 23, New Holland, Pa, Horse Sale at 10:00. Tack Sale at 9:00 A.M. y 2 Load Draft Horses, Mules and Driving Horses consigned by Ward Wnght. 1 Load Draft Horses and Mules consigned by Norman Kolb. 1 Load Draft Horses and Mules consigned by John King 1 Load Draft Horses consigned by Christian L. Smucker I Load Draft Horses consigned by Steimer Bros 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Jonas Beiler 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Don Boring 1 Load Draft Horses consigned by Ken Mc- Nealy 1 Load Saddlebred Driving Horses consigned by Clayton Waterbury 1 Load Saddlebred Driving Horses consigned by Reuben G. Stoltzfus. 1 Load Draft Horses consigned by Steve Meadows. Plus many more consignments. For more information contact: Abe Diffenbach, Mgr. Norman Kolb 717-354-4341 Next Horse Sale March 13,1981 Durocs ★ 40-50 OPEN GILTS (Ready to breed) Yorkshire Duroc Crossbred All animals vaccinated for Erysipelas & Lepto Negative tested for Brucellosis & Pseudorabies 717-397-5538 Sire 2 Hustle 1 Hustle 2 Top Choice 1 Explorer 2 Lexington [f Lancaster Faming, Saturday, February 21,1981—D45 Huber Estate J Omar Landis Auction Service SAT MAR 28 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Valubale 123 acre Lebanon Co Farm and Farm Equip ment, located along Col ebrook Rd approx 2 miles north of the Village of Mastersonville, PA Sale by Walter H and Gladys M Weaber E M Murry Assoc Auctioneers TUES MARCH 31 930 A M Consignment Sale Located at S Race St, Myerstown, Pa 17067 Sale held by Wengers Farm Machinery, Inc IDE MAR 31 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of Draft Horses, Holstems Dairy Equipment, Farm Machinery and some Fur niture Located 2'A miles southwest of Belleville, PA along Front Mountain Rd Mr & Mrs Line A Peachey Owners Mark Click Auctioneer TUES MAR 31 200 PM Public Sale of 23 acre farm located 1 mile NW of Reamstown off Rt 272 at Triple G Dairy, take Stevens Rd, Ist farm on right. East Cocalico Twp , Lancaster Co , PA Terms by Harvey and Leroy Brubacher ex ecutors for Rebecca W Brubacher Estate Auc tioneer Paul W Horst and Lamar Z Sensenig FARM EQUIPMENT The undersigned quitting farming will sell on the farm located 4V2 miles northeast of Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., Pa., along Rte. 533, Shippensburg to Newville, Pa., leave Rte.Bl at King St. Exit at Shippensburg or Newville Exit on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Sale at 9:30 A.M. Sharp TRACTORS - SKID LOADER - J.D. 4400 COMBINE - EQUIP!. M.F 2675 Diesel with cab, Hydra-Power, only 200 hrs.; David Brown 1210 Diesel, 1065 hours, with Dunham-Lehr loader; Oliver 1850 Diesel, Hydra- Power, w. front, 2200 hours; Oliver 1600 Diesel, narrow front, 3880 hours; 4 row cults to fit 1600; Farmall Super M gas; Farmall BN; Case 1530 Skid loader; J.D. 4400 Diesel S.P. combine with cab, 13 ft. gram head, No. 444 four row com head, 1660 hrs., exc. condition; 1954 Ford dump truck; J.D. 4 row 3 pt. cults.; Case 4-18 auto-reset plow; Oliver 348, 3-16 in. auto-reset plow; Athens transport disc; Wmco P.T.O. generator, new, 30,000 w.; 3-10 ft. cultipackers; Brilhon spring harrow on wheels; Int. 3 section harrow; trailer with P.T.O. dump bed; N.H. 352 grinder mixer; Snowlander snow blower; Arps 3 pt. hydraulic blade; Shaver post digger; Danuser post digger; tandem axle trailer; small trailer; tractor chains; hyd. cylinders. HAY*FORAGE EQUIP!.- PICKER - DRILL-PLANTERS N.H. 278 baler with thrower; N.H 469 haybme; Hesston P TlO haybme; N.H. 450 mower; N.H. 256 and N.H. 56 rakes; Century trailer type sprayer, new; 40 ft. hay elevator; N.I. 35 ft. elevator, like new, P.T.O. or motor; 4 Bale King 16 ft. racks, on wide track wagons; wagon with 14 ft flat bed; 3-8 ton wagons with McCurdy gravity bins; 2 Int. 110 tandem axle forage wagons with roofs, N.H 770 forage harv, 2 row com head and pickup attach ; large Badger hopper blower; some blower pipe; Green Chop wagon; Little Giant 6 in. portable gram elevator; Little Giant roll way elev.; Brady 722 flail chopper, Brady stalk shredder; New Idea 324 two row picker; A.C. 333 four row No-till Planter; Int. 510 offset double disc drill, drill and planter like new; Int. 2 row planter. GRAIN DRYER - SPREADER - OTHER EQUIP!.-MiSC. ITEMS Gram Chief No 300 portable gram dryer; Hawkbilt 157 tank spreader, used 1 year; N I P.T O. fert. spreader; 4 ton feed bin; Meyers blade; platform scales, endless belt, grindstone, drill press, hog feeders, hog shelters, chicken and turkey shelters; hog waterers, steel hog and cattle gates, 3-4 in. treated posts, lumber, 1100 bu. wire com crib, new’ chicken and turkey crates, water tanks, cattle oiler, liquid protein tank, Ritchey chicken and cow fountains, brooder, large fan, elec, motors, gram moisture tester, Century pressure washer, new wagon tires, new heathouser for Int. M, air compressor, air tank, battery charger, torch cart, bag wagons, old forge, 55 gal. drum of oil, other hyd. and motor oil, hyd and handyman jacks, 2 large vises, % inch elec, drill, bolt cutters, lot of assorted bolts, lazy susan organizer, bolt cabinets, ext. cords, tools of all kinds, chains, forks, shovels, bars, hammers, etc. Girton 625 gal. bulk tank, auto, temp recorder; Zero pipe line milkers, stainless steel, auto, washer, 4 units, line for 47 cows; DeLaval wash tank, steel table, Smith water heater, Queen B portable heater, 150,000 BTU; Maternal Robot calf milk feeder; pails; strainers; Patz 18 ft. sdo unloader; Patz transfer elevator; lot of alfalfa, orchard grass and clover mixed hay. Dairy Equipt. sells at noon. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE This will be the sale of the year for this area. For excellent equipment don’t miss it. Terms: Cash or Good Check. Went required for bidder’s No’s. Lunch at sale. Ralph W. Horst, Marion, Pa., Auctioneer Gossert and Eberly, Clerks APRIL WED APR. 1-9 AM Con signment Sale by David H Good located ‘/z mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co, Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS APR 2 Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneer FR> APR 3 Public Sale of 60 head Holstein heifers. 3 tractors and full line of Machinery Sale for Floyd, Justin and Letha Briggs, Loomis Hill Rd , Deposit, NY Mel Manasse Auctioneer SAT APR 4 10 00 A M Real Estate 1 00 P M Public Sale of lot with mobile home, Camping trailers and supplies and Wood Shop Tools Located 4 miles east of Lancaster and 2 miles west of Leola along Rt 23, Lancaster, PA Sale by Veltsoe Brothers Robert E Mar tin & Son 656 7770 and DISPERSAL DAIRY EQUIP!.-PATZ UNLOADER-HAY Owner MRS. WARREN MERKEL R.R.5, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257 Phone: 717-532-7811 v --. Frank L Steller 656-1895 Auctioneers SAT. APR 4 - 930 A.M. Large Inventory Reduc tion Sale at Marshall Machinery, Inc , R D 4. Honesdale, Pa 18431 Over 60 Farm Tractors, 25 Industrial Units, 200 Pieces of Farm Machinery Watch for complete listing or write for information SAT APR 4 - Wakefield Lions Club Annual Sale Held at Powls Feed Ser vice, near Wakefield, along Rt 272, Everett Kreider and Steve Peter sheim Auctioneers SAT APR 4 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Trac tors, Trucks, Sale for Steve McCarty, Held south of Muncy, PA along Rt 54 near Turbotville, Ralph Horst. C H Wolgemuth and Harry Anderson Auctioneers SAT APR 4 900 A M Sechnst Annual Spring Consignment Farm Machinery and Tool Sale Located at the Livestock Auction about 5 miles south of own, near New Park, PA Sechnst Sales Co Manager WED APR 8 Easter Lamb and Goat sale at the Belleville Livestock Market. Belleville, PA
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