D44—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M ol each week's publication THURS & FRI MAR 26 27, Horsts Two Day Sale of Farm Equipt, one mile East of Marion, Pa , Ralph W Horst, Marion, Pa 17235, Manager THURS MAR 26 1100 A M Irvin B Horst Com plete Dispersal of Hols tems Located just olt Rt 419 between Schaef ferstown and Womelsdorf, PA Turn west oft Rt 419 at the Millbach School on to Millbach Rd and Ist farm on left, about 5 miles • south of Rt 422 and about 24 miles north of Lancaster, PA About 5 miles south of Myerstown, PA R Austin Backus Inc Sale Managers and Auc tioneers FRI MAR 27 - 5 00 P M Public Sale of Household Goods and Antiques, Held at Kempton Community Center, Kempton, PA Nor them Berks Co FRI MAR 27 12 00 P M Public Sale of Approx 60 bulls at PA Dept ofAgnc Meat Animal Evaluation center 651 Fox Hollow Rd State College, PA FRI MAR 27 Public Sale of Farm Machinery, 65 Beef Cows and Heifers ‘Located off Rt 2727 at Little Britain, south on Brown Rd, IVi mile Walter Jackson Owner Everett Kreider and Steve Petersheim Auctioneers SAT MAR 28 - 1 00 P M Public Sale of 100 Bred Gilts, 30 boars, 40 open gilts, Sale held by Calvin H Lazarus & Sons (Duroc, Yorkshire and Spotted) at our farm in Whitehall For Catalog Calvin Lazarus, 4290 Bridge St , Whitehall, PA 18052, 215-799 3375 Lehigh Co PUBLIC SALE of Holstein Dairy Cattle Farm Machinery, Team, Hay, Straw & Corn & Milking Equipment & Silage, Some household goods South of Route 30 from Paradise at Bylers Quick Food Market on Black Horse Road to Oak Hill Drive. 22 Black & White & 22 Red & White Holsteins w/2 Registered, 33 Milk Cows, 7 bred heifers, balance younger. 1 Willow Farms Rockman Ivanhoe milking 80 lbs. with second calf 1 Reg. Harrisburg Gay Ideal fresh sale day 1 Red & White bull from 3 yr old 19,000 lb. dam, 30 day test, TB & Bangs Certified. 13 fresh Dec., Jan. & Feb , balance throughout year. This is a nice herd with production up to 100 lbs. per day. 3 unit DeLaval milker w/sterlmg pulsation; 2-20 qt carrying pails; 2 stainless steel strainers; SS twin tubs; 30 gal. gas water heater. 4 mules; 1 driving horse; 6 sets harness, single trees, 2-4 horse hitches, 5 * & 6 horse lutches. New Holland 7 ft mower w/motor, clutch and hyd. lift; New Holland crimper; N.H. 68 Super haylmer baler w/motor; 2 flat bed wagons w/Grove gear; Farmhand rake; John Deere big 4-7 ft. mower; NH 30 ft. bale elevator; 1 hyd. motor w/100 ft. hose; 30 HP Wisconsin Motor w/starter (1 year); New Holland motor w/reduction gear; 4 box tomato trailer w/rollers & dump. 1 Oliver steel bottom walking plow; 2-106 Wiard walking plows; 1 Oliver & 1 John Deere single bottom walking plows; 2-Fore trucks w/plows for hillside hitch; JD-KBA 24 disc; 24 sec. spring harrow; IHC corn binder w/long loader w/wheel set out; 7 ft. IHC wheat binder; Superior 9 hole drill; weed sprayer w/200 gal. fiberglass tank 8 row; IHC-PRI w/motor mount; bin wagon & gear; 2 IHC cultivators, Cornsheller; Pequea manure spreader w/end gate (1 yr.); McCormick W 955 HP belt tractor; 75 ft. 7 in. belt nearly new; large Case silage cutter; 2 Fore trucks 1 w/brakes & steering; bobsled; bulk feed bins; 1 Mmnick tobacco press, Starlme Utter earner & track (200 ft & switch); 2 battery fencers 6& 12 volt; 30 cow trainers; silage cart; 15 milk cans; gas lanterns; 10x10 brooder house, 16 ft. aluminum canoe; elec, clippers; forks, brooms, shovels, other articles not mentioned. Feed Appr. 15 ton hay; 7 ton straw; com silage from 12x50 silo Some household goods. Chairs; iron kettle, crocks of many sizes, etc Terms By, AARON S. FISHER J. Everett Kreider, Auct. Steve Petersheim, Auct. Sale Order - Wagon items, house, farm machinery, hay, dairy &team. ,m* * «* SAT MAR 28 11 AM Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auctioneers SAT MAR 28 12 30 P M 3rd Annual Spring Red & White Sale to be held at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Pen na Red and White Dairy Cattle Association, Sale Managers SAT MAR 28 Public Sale of Power Farm Machinery, Cattle, Anti ques, Tools and Household Located just off Rt 10 on Corner Rd , turn at Land Hope. 2 miles north of Oxford, PA Sale by order of Graham J Sr & Martha E Delp Harry W Whiteside Auc tioneer SAT MAR 28 9 00AM Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Car, Lawn and Wood working Equip ment, Carpenter, Mason and Plumbing Tools, Anti ques Located in York Co , 3 miles north of East Berlin and 23 miles south of Dillsburg, PA on US Rt 194 Thence turn east at Red Run Church Rd Sign 2 miles Mrs Edith King Owner Clair R Slaybaugh Auctioneer SAT MAR 28 9 00AM Public Sale of Household Goods, Antiques, Lawn and Garden Equipment, Held at Kempton Com mumty Center, Northern Berks Co SAT MAR 28 Myerstown Church of the Brethren Men's Work Consignment Sale Myerstown, PA THURSDAY, MARCH 5 9:30 A.M Milking Equipment Team, etc. Farm Machinery Lunch Furnished SAT MARCH 28 10 00 A M Public Auction of Modern Farm Equipment Located 4 miles southwest of Ashland, 3 mi north of I 81, Exit 35, 1 mile south of LAVELLE, turn east off Route 901 at Malho Coal Co , take first road right cross Mahanoy Creek to Bolich Farm (watch for auction arrows on the day of sale' Margaretta S Bolich, Owner, Deibert Auc tioneers SAT MAR 28 Public Auction of Farm Equp ment & 10,800 bu gram bin Located along Bowmansvi Me Rd , Bowmansville, Pa Sale by J Roy Wise Auctioneers John E & Pau‘ E Martin Fifth Annual Fire Com pany Sale to be held at the Gap Fire Hall in Gap, Pa , March 28. 930 AM Household goods, food, new tools, machinery, and much more Local auc tioneers For information Call Elvin Beiler, 717 442 8126 SAT MAR 28 Copenhaver Farm Supply will hold their spring machinery sale of 25 trac tors, 100 pieces machinery, tools, lumber and tirs Held at New Bloomfield, PA Perry Co Kling and Shull Auc toneers SAT MAR 28 11 00 A M Seidof's Annual Machinery Consignment Sale, Sciota, PA SAT MAR 28 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Located in Bloomsburg Rd 5, off Rt 487 north of Bloomsburg to Fowlersville Rd , Leg Route 19034 Sale by Ray mond Fritz John Autotore and John AutotoreJr Auctioneers SAT MAR 28 10 00 A M Public Sale of Modern Farm Equipment, located 4 miles southwest of Ashland, 3 miles north of I 81 exit 35, 1 mile south of Lavelle, turn east off Rt 901 aiMalho CoaiCo Star Route Alexandria, take Ist road right cross PA Owners Mark Click Mahanoy Creek to Bolich Auctioneer Farm MargaretaS Bolich SAT MAR 2 S Public George anc * Mike gale of Machinery and Deibert Auctioneers and Misc Farm Items Located Realtor between Richfield and SAT MAR 28 10 00 A M Oriental in Jjjmata Co Public Sale of Farm Elwood Flowers Owner Machinery, Some Fur- Long Brothers Auc niture and a few old tioneers pieces Located in Hun SAT MAR 28 10 30 AM tingdon Co , 1 mile west of RE 200 P M Farm Auc Water Street, PA on Rt t ion 0 f 160 Acre Farm, 60 22, turn north on dirt lane head cattle, full line of it the Donnlley Farm farm machinery, Antique larry V and Zoe Hough Hart Parr Oliver tractor PUBLIC SALE Having rented my farm, I will offer the following for Public Sale on the premises located V/z mi. W. Rte. #94 or 2Vz mi. E. Rt. #27 on Gillis Road, Woodbine, Carroll County, Maryland on SATURDAY, MARCH 7,1981 Beginning 10:30 A.M FARM MACHINERY: 4030 J.D. tractor, 600 hrs., gard range transmission, ft. wgts., like new; 40 J.D. tractor w/2 row cultivator, IH Farmall “H” tractor, new pamt, 40 J.D. combine 10’ gram head, w/wirc reel & lift guards, 2 row corn head; 323 N.I. one row com picker, picked less than 50 acres; 543 4 row Oliver no-till com planter; w/dickey john; N.I. haybme 9’; 256 N.H. roller rake, 69 N.H. super haylmer-baler, J D. 16 disc grain drill w/gram & seed box, 16A 6’ J.D. Frail chopper, 300 gal. John Blue sprayer, Hvy. duty pump; 327 N.H. 130 bu. 3 beater manure spreader, N.H. tractor driven com sheller, Athens 8’ chisel plow, J.D. 4 bottom 15” tnp back plow, 3 pt. hitch; Danuser post driver, 3 pt. hitch; J.D. 12’ 36 disc harrow on rubber; 2 28’ Case elevator, 16’ A 1 grain elevator, 4 rubber tire wagons, 2 w/flat beds - 2 gravity flow grain bodies; 2 wheeled trailer, pick-up att. for 45 J D. combine, 5 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, new; J.D. off set disc on rubber, 50 ft. endless belt, anvil, platform scales, 290 locust posts, tractor chains, ladders, elec, drills, J.D. cylinders, cattle dehomers, 2 hay forks, butchering kettles, lots of tires, milk cans, bath tub, riding lawn mower, 2 wagon loads of small items. 1969 Ford F6OO truck w/hoist & gram body, 62,000 mi., 1970 % ton I.H. pick-up truck, 63,000 mi AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Machinery is in very good condition. Not responsible for ac cidents on the premises. TERMS: CASH on the day of the sale MR. & MRS. RAYMOND MAKING Gillis Rd., Woodbine, Md. 301-795-0895 Auctioneers: Ridgely & Streaker 301-489-4637,301-489-4039 Clerks: M & E Craig Lunch Will Be Served Bred Gilts - Berkshire: Arlie Corn blower #1 Box 41 New Freedom, Pa. 17349 Chester White. Charles p oland: Keilh McConne || ?k1! S 1 R o p , Box 46 Volant, Pa. Abbottstown, Pa. 17301 1G156 Duroc: Ken Fetterolf R. #1 .. . u . Box 314 Centre Hall. - Spo^: p ,air Hartman Box Pa 16828 222 Gratz, Pa. 17030 v. v* ’’ Hampshire: Charles Bomgardner Annville, Pa. 17033 Set's Sale Manager & Auctioneer PA. CO-OP rry Bachman SWINE BREEDERS 13SCollege Ave., Annvilla, Pa. 17003 _ . 1.1.717-167-1109 ASSN. Held in Columbia Cross Tears Owners, Managed Roads PA 12 miles from and sold by'Dick Grit Mansfield. 10 miles from tenden Auction Co Tro/, Herman and 'Dale 717 662 3131 „ v*. FARM EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL The undersigned quitting farming will sell on the farm located eight miles northwest of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile east of Edenvile along Edenville- Cheesetown Road, on Massey Ferguson 180 Diesel, roll guard cab, 2880 hours; John Deere 3120 Diesel, fully equipped; M.H, 22 with 3 pt. hitch and cults ; M.F. pulley; Int. 450, 3-16 in. auto-reset plow, like new; Brilhon 7 tooth 3 pt. chisel plow, like new; J.D. 3 pt. subsoiler; Int 3 pt. adaptor; J.D. KT lifer disc; Brilhon 10 ft. cultimulcher; J.D. light disc; 9 ft. single packer; Katohght 25 KW generator, new, J.D. cab; 2 wheel trailer; Ford 3 pt. woodsaw; N.I. 213 spreader, like new; J.D. F B 137 A, 13 disc drill; J.D. 494 A planter; trailer type field sprayer with plastic tank; J.D. Model N spreader; 4 in. gram auger; N.l 323 com picker, used 2 yrs. HAY & FORAGE EQUIPT.- WAGONS - ETC. J.D. 24 T baler with thrower; Hesston P T 10 haybme; M.H. No. 6 mower; Cunningham conditioner; Case and J.D. rakes, Muikey 28 ft. elevator; N.H mow conveyor; N.H. rollway elevator; J.D. No. 6 forage harv., good with 1 row com head; N.H 36 flail chopper; N.H. Super 23 blower; Grove 3 beater forage wagon, good; Bncker wagon with Kil-Bros. 350 gravity bin; Bncker wagon with flat bed, high sides and false endgate; J.D. and Grove wagons with 18 ft hay racks; 18 ft. flat wagon bed; platform scales; score out plow, new and used cow mats; milk cans, poultry equipt., 2 Springfield riding mowers, some shop tools, block and tackles; log chains, forks, shovels, horse gears, 1-3 H.P. elec, motors, lots of oods and ends walnut, cherry and other lumber, wire fence, hog wire, lot of small items too numerous to mention; Mossberg2oga. bolt action shotgun. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE - This is an ex cellent line of equipment with many pieces like new. Don’t miss this sale Terms Cash or Good Check. Lunch at Sale. NORMAN R. BRICKER Owner 8417 Edenville-Cheesetown Rd Chambersburg, Pa. Phone; 717-369-2396 Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer Bricker and Bricker, Clerks ALL BREED SHOW & SALE Farm Show Building Show: MARCH 6,9:00 A.M. Sale: MARCH 7,11:00 A.M. Boars - Open Gilts Breed Secretary’s Landrace: Larry Baum R #3 Box 422 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Yorkshire: Leon Arnold R #7 Box 705 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Sale at 11:00 A.M. 3 TRACTORS - FARM EQUIPMENT
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