HORNING'S PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT at my farm located between Ephrata and Miliway, Ephrata Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., along Meadow Valley Road off Route 272 and 322, watch for signs on Route 272 and 322, near Ephrata on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Sale at 9:30 A.M. 35 OR MORE TRACTORS - SKID LOADERS - S.P. COMBINES John Deere 4430 Diesel; J.D. 4230 Diesel, J D. 4020; J.D. 3020 Diesel; J.D.; 4030 Diesel, quad range; J.D. 2510 Diesel, above all have wide front ends; J.D. 2030 Diesel; J.D. 350 Crawler Diesel; J.D. 420 crawler and blade; J D. A; J.D. L. with cult and plow; Int. 756 Diesel Int. 464 Diesel with Sauder loader, 835 hrs.; Int 584 Diesel, like new Int. W 4; Cub and mower; Oliver 1650 Diesel, w.f.; Oliver 1800 Diesel, w.f.; Oliver 1250 gas; Oliver 88 and 77; Ford 6000 Diesel; Ford 641 and 8 N; Allis Chalmers 170; David Brown 1212 Diesel; Case #430 gas; Long 460 crawler, 3 pt. P.T.0.; Case 1737 skid loader; Zimmerman skid loader; Bobcat 500 skid loader; M.F. 265 and loader; Oliver loader; Case loader; other tractors not listed; Gleaner Model S.P. combme and with cab, 4 row corn and gram heads; Q T. M.F 410 with cab, 4 row com and gram heads; F BALERS - HAYBINES - RAKES - COND.- MOWERS Balers including N.H. 278 ; 2 N.H 276’5; 2 N H 275’5, 2 N.H. 273’5; N.H. 271, N.H. 69; J.D 346, 2 J.D 336’5; 2 J.D. 24 T’s; Oliver 520, Oliver 620, all above balers have throwers; following balers without throwers N.H. 278, N H 273, N H. 275, N.H. 277, N.H S-66, J.D 346, J.D. 24 T, 2 J.D 14 T’s; N.H. 273 and Super 69 with engines; the following haybmes N.H. 489, N H. 488, 3 N.H. 479’5; 3-469’5, 2 NH 461’s, J D. 1209, Int. 990, 2 Hesston P.T. 10’s 1, New Idea 299, the above are all 9 ft cut; the following 7ft haybmes - 2 N.H. 467’5, 2 N.H. 477’5, 1 J D 1207, Int. 990, Hesston P T 7, Case 310 sp haybme; N H 495 12 ft. haybme; 2 N.I. No 279 cut conditioners; 2 N.I. 270 and 2 N.I. 272 cut conditioners; M.F. 31 3 pt. mower; 2 N.H. 450 mowers; N.H. 455 trad mower, 2NI 752 crushers; Nicholson hay tedder; 2 NH. 56 rakes; N.H. 258 rake, M.F. and N.I rakes; HARVESTERS - PICKERS - WAGONS Harvester me the following Gehl 800,2 row, Hesston 720, narrow row; N H S 717 and N.H. 770, M F. - 260 narrow rows; 1 row harv me. N H Super 717; N.H 707 3 pt. N.H. 717; J D 25 3 pt; Gehl 300; Int. 350; J D 38 2 row. Fox2ooo, Papec and Int 1 rows, Gehl 99 and N.H S 23 hopper blowers, forage wagons me new Gehl 940 - 3 beater; Gehl 310 - 2 beater, N H 7 - 2 beater, 2 N H. No. 8-3 beater; Badger 3 beater tandem axle, N.H. 1010 bale wagon, corn pickers me. new N.I 323; used N I 323, N I 12 roll 2 row narrow; N I. 8 roll 2 row wide, N I No 10, N I picker shelter; GRINDER MIXERS - SPREADERS • PLANTERS-DRILLS NH 352andlnt 1150 grinder-mixers; N H 790 tandem spreader, 3 yrs. old, tailgate, Int 475 tandem wheel; N.H 202 ground drive, 2 N H tank spreaders; M F 16 disc drill, planters me 2 J D. 7000’s maxi-merge, dry fert monitor, 3 J D 1240 plateless with disc openers, J D 1240 plate planter, 3 J D 494 A planters, J D. 494, 2 J D 290 - 2 row planters, J D 246, Int 56, 2 Int 456’s with msect hoppers; new Int 400 air plainer, used Int. 400 air planter, J.D 1250 - 6 row planter, Ford 311-4 row planter, A C no till, Int 2 row 3 pt, Oliver 44 - 3 pt, 6 row wide no-till planter; PLOWS - DISC HARROWS - PACKERS plows me. following - White No 508 4 -16 semi mount, White 348 3-16 3 pt, J,D 4 -16 auto reset; Int 5-16 auto-reset, Ford No 142 3 - 16 auto-spring, J D 4-16 semi-mount, Oliver 361 3 -16, 3 pt, Oliver 3-16 roll-over, Int 4 -16 semi-mount; MM.S-16semimount, AC 3-16 3pt ,J D F 125 3-163 pt., Oliver No 32423-16 3 pt, 5 and 7 tooth chisel plows; disc harrow me J D K.W A., J.D. A W, Oliver 252 10 ft., J D K B A 28 trans disc; 1 No 11 plow disc, JDI4 ft late model cultimulcher, 8,10 and 12 ft packers; J.D. 3 section harrow; 16 ft trans harrow; other equipt. and misc items not listed Cousin with drygoods AUCTIONEERS’ NOTE Sale will again feature one of the best lineups of tractors and equipt. to be sold this spring. Be on tune as not many small items. Terms Cash or Good Checks; Ident. required for bidder’s numbers. Lunch at sale; Not responsible for accidents. Owner EDWIN HORNING R.D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Phone: 717-733-7408 Ralph W. Horst. Blaine Rentzei and Clyde Wolgemuth, Auctioneers Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week’s publication SAT MAR 21 11 OOAM Special Horse Sale at the Belleville Livestock Market, Draft Horses, drivers, mules SAT MAR 21 100 P M Sale by PA Yorkshire Coop, Bred gilts, open gilts and boars, held at the Lebanon Fair Grounds, Leon Arnold 717 273 5880 SAT MARCH 21 Sale of Farm Machinery, Silo Equipment and Tools Off Rt 897 at Gehman School Terms by Eli Mar tin Leroy S and Paul W Horst, Auctioneers SAT MAR 21 Saxby Im plement Corp Annual IRISH BOARS and GILTS of this great Dam will sell. Greenback 3044, one of our foundation Irish Yorkshire Sows. 260 head of SCOTCH & IRISH and other foreign bloodlines • New Bloodlines on Each Sale YORKSHIRE LANDRACE Born and raised on our farms from our parent imported stock 100 ■> BRED GILTS - most of which carry Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters. 50 * YORKSHIRE - Many carry Scotch litters 50 LANDRACE - All carry Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters. 50 * BOARS 30 YORKSHIRE - New Scotch Bloodlines as well as Irish and American Bloodlines 20 LANDRACE - All 100% SCOTCH, IRISH or other foreign blood 100 •- Commercial Open Gilts - Mostly Irish & Scotch blood. Scan-O-Probe Loin Eye & Back fat figures. Production tested - Certified Meat Proven & Show Ring Champion Stocks. CERTIFIED BRUCELOSIS FREE & PSEUDORABIES FREE. Health Charts Sale Day For Entry lnto Any State. 1980 SETS NEW RECORDS NEW FIRST PLACE TEST STATION WINNERS Our breeding wins at both Penna and Delaware Test Stations Richard Miller, York County was the Penna winner with 4 boars sired by Alpine Leon Arnold, Lebanon County, was the Delaware Station winner His boars were sired by Explorer Each of these sires were purchas ed from Brooks End Farm Feed conversion on the Alpine pigs was 2 4 Feed conversion on the Explorer pigs was 2 2. A perfect example of how it works for others when they buy tested stock from us Oor Latest Big Winner - 1981 PA Farm Show Reserved Landrace Bred Gilt Owners: RENO & PARK THOMAS & MARK STEHR RENO PARK MARK 717-658-5821 717-658-6544 717-658-7007 717-658-7304 717-658-6702 Catalogs Available Dan Baker. Lafette, Ind. Auctioneer Sale of Farm Equipt Near Mendon, N Y Ralph W Horst and Blame Rentzel Auctioneers SAT MAR 21 Public Sale of Power Farm Equipment, Antiques, Tools and Personal Pro perty, Located 3 miles east of Oxford, PA E Nott Twp , Rt 4721 1 mile nor thwest of McComseys Store (Hickory Hill) Sale by Charles H & Lois L Taylor Harry W Whiteside Auctioneer SAT MAR 21 - 9 00 A M Spring Sale at Kempton Community Center, Kempton, PA Northern Berks Co Sale of Farm Equipment r r rj SAT MAR 21 900 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery etc Held at Towne Tractor Freehold, NJ John Kachmar Auc tioneer SAT MARCH 21 930 A M Public Auction of Land, Farm Equipment A Tools, Antiques A Collec tibles and Personal Pro perty Located mile north of ENDERS, 1 mile south of Rt 225 between Fisherville and Elizabethville, 20 miles north of Harrisburg in Jackson Twp , Dauphin Co, PA (watch for auc tion sign the day of sale) Annie J Kolva, Owners Deibert Auctioners SAT MAR 21 Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Hay A Straw Located 2 miles East of Mt Joy, 1 mile West of Rt 283 off the Mt Joy A Manheim Rd along Stnckler Rd Sale for Glenn Bncker Auctioneers Rufus Geib & Raymond Miller SAT MAR 21 2 00PM Public Sale of Valuable 45 acre Lancaster Co Farm, Rahpo Twp Located along Mastersonville Rd , 6 miles north of Manheim, PA Close to the village of Mastersonville, PA Sale by Lewis and Dorothy Sauder conducted by J~ Omar Landis Auction Ser vice SAT MAR 21 10 A M Public Auction of Real Estate consisting of 2Vi story home & barn, household supplies, anti ques, automobile, etc Located at 164 N Mam St, Reamstown, Pa Auc tion for Lena L Brubacker Auctioneers Paul Landis, Ephrata & Roy Good, Jr, Denver SAT MAR 21 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment Real Estate and Note: Auction to begin with farm related items. PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Real Estate & Personal Property SATURDAY, MARCH 7 8:45 A.M. Located in the West end of the village of Penryn, Pa. Real estate to be offered at 10:00 A.M. Parcel #1 Real Estate consists of a farm containing 34 acres M/L situated in Penn Township, Lancaster County, Pa. thereon erected a frame bank barn, and various storage areas Also, 3 bedroom frame farm house, with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen and various storage areas. Oil fired hot water heat system. Also at the same time & place, a separate tract of land containing 7 acres M/L will be offered at the aforementioned location, being a part of same estate. Inspection of Real Estate Feb. 21 and 29-1.00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on each of the aforementioned dates Farm Equipment consists of John Deere 1020 tractor, J.D. 430 tractor, cultivators, Sauder loader, J.D. 12 disc, steel wheel gram drill, J.D. rollover plow, Hershey transplanter, J D 3 pt. 7’ mower, J.D. 2 row com planter, Meyer crimper, J.D. #34 manure spreader, 2 section spring harrow, J.D 100 riding mower, bale and gram elevators, 2 wagon loads of small items, numerous hand tools, flat wagons, lots of harness, Mmnich tobacco press, side delivery rake, cement mixer, 2 horse wooden wheel wagon, team scoop, approx 6000 tobacco lathe; cast iron troughs, grind stone, 2 horse plow, saw mandrel, hand operated com sheller, rubber tire and wooden wheelbarrows, Lane chain saw, extension ladders, tractor chains, chicken crates, numerous pcs. metal chicken equipment. Various milk cans, lots of used lumber, rough cut Cherry lumber, chain hoist, wire and wire fence, offset discs, hot bed sash, B&D % drill & press 1967 international Pickup Truck 1966 Ford Custom 500 Sedan Household Items. 2 cedar chests. Bedroom smte, bedroom furniture, wicker rocker, lanterns, large early chest, 2 jelly cupboards, dry sink, secretary desk, Boston rocker, clothes tree, extension table, rocking chairs, pictures & frames, lamps, butter scale, tin items, dining room smte, baskets, tables, chairs, crocks, jugs, butter chum, plank chairs, chest freezer, kerosene lamps. Singer treadle sewing machine, Remington 12 ga pump gun, cast iron door stops, dep. glass, linens, fat lamp, bureau, clock, Carnival glass items. Set Nontake china dogwood pattern, Zenith color T.V. set, jars, also numerous valuable items not listed. Sale by, GLENN I. SHOWERS & EUGENE HUBER Executors for Paul Yeagley Estate J. David Young - Atty. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981—D43 Household Located Rd 1 Bloomsburg, (Jersey town), off Rt 254 west of Millville or Rt 642 east of Danville, PA Florence G A Leon L Zeislof Owners John Autotore and John Jr Auctioneers SAT MAR 21 1100 AM Public Sale of Recrea tional Business Property and Inventory Locatea at Fisherman's Wharf, off Rt 411 about 15 minutes south of Harrisburg, PA, next to Falmouth Access area InConoyTwp along Susquehanna River near Bambndge Auctioneer Ron Funk SAT MARCH 21-9 30 A M Public Sale of Wood working Tools, Equipment & Household Antiques Located 1 mile East of Nicholmmes, 4 miles West of Christiana Take Rt 372 to White Oak Rd , go to Old Dam Rd, turn South on Old Dam Rd past Petersheim Store to first farm on left Lan caster Co, Pa Terms by Mrs Enos S (Sadie) Petersheim Auctioneers Leon Kurtz, Apprentice Auctioneer J Omar Stoltzfus SAT MAR 21 - Public Sale of 46 acre farm with 12 chicken houses and pig space Located 'k mile north of Rawlmsville adja cent to Eshbachs Bus Sta tion Terms by Carroll Herr Everett Kreider and Steve Petersheim Auc 'tioneers SAT MAR 21 - H H Mylm Inventory Reduction & Consignment Sale of Trac tors, Self-Prope’led Com bines, Trucks, Farm Machinery & Miscellaneous Located V/i miles West of June tion US 15 & I 80, Union Co, Pa George Deitnck Auctioneer Full listing March 7 & 14 £ J^wiujl^odakz 287 Lime Rock Road Lrtitz, PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626-5244 - 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 - 949-2280 Ken Miller 665-2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 TUES MAR 24 - 11 00 A M George W Hayes Complete Dispersal of Holstems Held at the farm from I 81 take Exit 26 go north on Rt 220 (Former ly Rt 120) about 3 /< miles to first crossroads, turn right, go 2 miles to village of Rote Go thru stop sign for Vi mile to first crossroads, turn left, follow 1 mile to T turn right and 1 mile to farm on left George Hayes Owner Sale manager Austin Backus Inc WED MAR 25 - 11 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment Locatted on Airport Rd , Northwest of Bethel, Pa Sale for Cletus Doutnch Auctioneer Sylvan Witmer WED MAR 25-1100 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, on the Bethel Haven Farm, located 1 mile northwest of Bethel, PA Rt 501 north crossover I 78 and Rt 22 turn left onto Brown Rd , go to Airport Rd . turn right to first farm on right Conditions by Cletus and Esther Doutnch Sylvan Witmer Auctioneer WED MAR 25 -1 00 P M Public Sale of Real Estate Located 5 miles NE of Shippensburg between US 11 & Rt 533 John B Niesley Broker Auc tioneer Mr 4 Mrs Une Chamberlin Owners WED MAR 25 -10 00 A M Public Sale of Anti ques and Collectibles Located at Lykens Valley "Shop and Play Hall" Rt 209, Lykens PA Sale con ducted by Lee D Dockey THURS MAR 26-9 00 AM Annual Spring Public Sale at the Mel Stoltzfus Farm, Located in Centre Co , about Vt mile west of Rebersburg, PA Click, Gibboney and Snyder Auctioneers
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