D42—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication THURS MARCH 19 10 ween Mercersburg, PA A M Public Auction of and Ft Loudon Ralph W Farm Machinery & Some Horst Auctioneer Hog Equipment Located in Centre Co, IVi miles East of Centre Hall, Pa on Manor Rd , about halfway between Rts 45 & 192 Sale by Mr & Mrs Dean W Fetterof, R D 2, Cen tre Hall, Pa Auctioneer Mark Click Tl ji idc ..An c - Prospect Exit, go south on THURS MAR 19 Farm prospect Rd to Franklin Equipment Dispersal for Rd sale for Edward p Elmer Froelich Estate J Omar Located along Rt 75 bet Landis Auction Service PUBLIC SALE COMPLETE DISPERSAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 At 9:00 A.M. Sharp TRACTORS: FARM, HARVESTING & DAIRY EQUIP.; TRUCK; HOUSEHOLD; ANTIQUES, ETC. Located in Adams County, Pa. AVz miles west of Gettysburg on U.S. Route #3O thence turning south Vz mile to first farm. 3 - TRACTORS - 3 ETC. J.D #2520 Diesel; J.D. #2510 Diesel, both fully equipped, 3 point hitch; both on good rubber, 13-6-38 tires, set of rear cultivators, J.D. pulley, J D #35 loader, New Holland #325 Sperry skid loader with manure and dirt bucket, like new, J D. F 125 3-16” trip-back plow, 3-pomt, J.D. RWA 8’ 24 x 24” Transport disc, like new; New Bnlhon 9’ Packer, like new; Tandom 8’ packer, New Holland Model #35 Grmdermixer, like new; J.D. #495 4-row Com planter with Herbicide attachment; H. McCormick 13-7 Disc drill on rubber; INT 2-row Com planter; AVCO - New Idea 176 bushel manure spreader, PTO, like new; Trail 2-bbl. Field sprayer; J.D. 2-sec. Rotary Hoe; 3 Sec. Spring tooth harrow; J.D. Hydraulic cylinder, like new; 2 sets Tractor chains 13-6-38,1 set like new; J.D. 7’ Haybme; J D. 38-7’ Trail mower, like new; J.D. 24T Baler, like new; J.D 640 Roll bar rake, JD 33 16’ Bale elevator; AVCO New Idea model #177 32’ Corn and bale elevator, PTO, same as new; New Holland #737 Harvester with com and grass heads, like new; AVCO-New Idea Single row pull type com picker, like new; J D. Flail chopper, Allis Chalmers Ensilage blower w/pipe, like new, INT. Ensilage blower with drag bed & pipe; Gehl Chuck wagon, Parker gravity box on heavy duty chassis, like new, with high flotation tires, J & M Gravity box on heavy duty chassis, like new with high flotation tires; J.D. Heavy duty wagon and flat, like new with high flotation tires; Grove Heavy duty wagon w/tight bottom and sides, like new; Iron wheel chassis, Misc. Barrel cement mixer; Metal rubber tire wheel-barrow; Metal 4-hole Hog feeder, J.D. Single hole corn sheller; Stationary wood saw w/blade; Roll barbed wire, Rolls smooth wire; 6 Telephone poles; 40 gal. drum of oil and pump; Can grease pump, Log chains; 30’8” belt; New and used lumber; Pile of Scrap iron; Wagon load farm tools. TRUCK 1976 FORD F-250 % ton pick-up with cattle racks, standard shift, in nice condition, one owner with 14,418 actual miles. 200 bushels of oats; 5,000 bales mixed and timothy hay; 800 bales wheat straw, by the bale. Seed wheat; 7 doors of a 10’ silo-Sorghum and Ensilage. 2 Surge Stainless 50 lb. milker units; 2 Stainless 50 lb. carry pales with lids; Stainless twin wash vats, same as new; 20 85# milk cans. GARDEN AND SHOP TOOLS J.D. #57 7HP Garden tractor with rotary mower; Squire Applegate SHP garden tiller with reverse; J.D. 295 amp electric welder, about new; Portable air compressor with % HP MOTOR; 2 Nice #574 Skil saws; New Baldor double end emory bench grinder; New B&D M>” Electric drill; New 48” Fluorescent light; Hydraulic jack; Post vise; Large work bench, like new. HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES Speed Queen wnnger washer, used 6 tunes; Titan electric heater; 2 Burner oil stove; Oil space heater; Clothes drying rack; Dishes, Empty canning jars; Boys bicycle; Nice solid oak claw foot round top table; Oak dropleaf extension table; Oak library table; Oak chairs; Plank bottom chairs, 2 Bam lanterns; Meat bench; Cast iron butcher kettle; 2 Puddm stirrers; Large meat grinder; Stone crocks; Oak clawfoot sideboard with mirror; Lard press; Egg baskets; Hand com choppers; Wooden pulleys; Horse furrow plow; 2 Crosscut saws and many items too numerous to men tion. PLEASE NOTE: This is a fine lot of farm, dairy and shop equipment. All in excellent condition. Public inspection is invited one week before the date of sale or by telephoning 717-334-3745 for appointment. Not responsible for accidents time of sale. Lunch stand at sale TERMS: Cash, Travelers, certified checks - Personal checks with ap proval only. ORDER OF SALE: TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD, EQUIPMENT AND FEED, Owner MRS. CATHERINE J. SPEELMAN R.D. #2, Bigierville, PA 17307 Clair R. Siaybaugh, Auctioneer idavilie, PA Phone: 717-677-7479 PLEASE CLIP AND SAVE THURS MAR 19 1 00 P M Public Sale of Valuable 125 acre Manor Twp , Lancaster Co Farm Located along Franklin Rd Manor Twp, ■/. mile east of Prospect Rd in tersection Take Rt 30 West of Lancaster, PA to OUTSTANDING HARVEST EQUIPMENT FEEDS DAIRY ITEMS THURS MAR 19 - 10 00 A M Public Sale of Horse Drawn Farm Machinery 15 Holstein Dairy Cattle 3 Work Horses Household Goods Located along Turbotville McEwensville Rt 44 Highway Nor thumberland Co, PA Owner Clemens Nissley Auctioneer Max Fraley and Son 546 6531 FRI MAR 20 630 P M Consignment of Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pigs at Keister s Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522 3 miles East of Mid dleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI MAR 20 10 AM Large Farm Machinery, Corn Drying Equipment and Trucks Public Auction for Habecker and Carper, 2401 Spring Valley Road, Lancaster, Pa just off Rohrerstown Exit, Route 30 Sale conducted by J Omar Landis Auction Ser vice, J Omar Landis and Jay M Witman, Auc tioneers FRI MARCH 20 530 PM 50 Tractors and Trucks at Kempton Com mumty Center Northern Berks Co FRI MAR 20 9 30 A M Public Sale of Household Goods, Hogs, Feeder Pigs and Full Line of Farm Equipment Located 1 mile north of Leola off Rt 23 on 772 Sale by David A & Lizzie Martin Robert PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, PICKUP, CROPS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FEW ANTIQUES FRIDAY, MARCH 6,1981 ll:OOA.M. One mile east of Fleetwood, take Oak Haven Rd. north to Mertz Rd. turn right to first farm on left. Richmond Twp., Berks Co., Pa. Watch for yellow sale signs. JOHN DEERE 2640 DIESEL tractor, 760 hrs., with 540 and 1000 R.P.M P.T.0., Front End Weights; JOHN DEERE 1020 DIESEL Tractor, 2400 hrs., Live P.T.0., with J.D. 37 Hyd Dump Loader; FARMALL 300 Tractor with Rear Weights; KUBOTA L 175 DIESEL Tractor 17% H.P., 340 hrs., Category #1 3 pt., 540 - 1000 PT O ; 5’ 3 pt Mott Flail Type Mower, like new; 6’ 3 pt. Disc, like new, John Deere 3-16” Auto Reset Plow, 3 pt; John Deere 3-16” Trip Plow, 3 pt.; John Deere 2-16” Trip Plow, 3 pt.; John Deere 494 Com Planter; International 37 10’ Transport Disc, like new; New Holland 352 Grinder-Mixer, like new; New Holland 717 One Row Harvester, 9 Knives; New Holland P.T O 68 Hayhner Baler; New Holland Trailer Mower with Crimper Hitch; New Holland Crimper; new Holland 568 Rake; New Idea 323 One Row Compicker, used for 260 acres; Kools P.T O Table Blower. 50’ 9” Pipe, like new; International 8’ Disc; 8’ Bnllion Cultipacker; 3 - Flatbed Wagons 2-14’; 1 -16’ two with False Ends; Two Wheel Trailer; John Deere 43 P.T.O. Portable Com Sheller, like new; New Idea 10 Cora Picker; In ternational 16 Disc Grain Drill; Case 125 P.T.O. Triple Beater Manure Spreader; Bear Cat PTO. Portable Hammemull; Little Giant Cora Drag; 24’ Smoker Elevator; s”xl6’ Grain Auger, 2 Row 3 pt Cultivator; Massey Hams 7’ P T O. Clipper Combine; 10 Hole Pride-of- Farm Hog Self Feeder, like new; 10 Hole Hog Self Feeder; Small Farm Trailer; Two Row Transplanter; Shovel Harrow; 4-Section Spike Harrow; 1 - Ton 7-28-28 Fertilizer; Clipper Seed Cleaner; 275 gal Fuel Tank; Galvanized Water Trough; False End Gate Unloading Unit; 500 lb Platform Scale; 40’ Ext Ladder; David Bradley Garden Tractor; 225 amp. Lincoln Welder, like new; Baler Twine; 2 - Hyd. Cylinders; 3 pt. Weights; Wheelbarrow; Bag Wagon; Roof Ladder; Firewood; Electric Feeder; 2 - New J D. 16” Mold Boards; Ms” Socket Set; 90 gal. White Oil Base Paint; 50 gal Black Roof Coating; Saw Buck; few Misc Hand Tools. 1000 BALES OF WHEAT - OATS STRAW; 400 BU. OATS. WALNUT AND WILD CHERRY FURNITURE LUMBER TRUCK-CAR 1973 FORD FlOO PICKUP, 6 Cyl, Straight Shift, 73,000 miles, with cattle racks and camper. 1964 CHEVY IMPALA 4 door sedan, 283 engine, 70,000 actual miles HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES Warm Morning Coal Stove, like new; Monarch Full Size Kitchen Coal Range, good condition; Cedar Wardrobe, like new; Reclmer; Allens Wood and Coal Stove Butcher furnace, good condition; Twin Tubs, itique Wood Chest; Oak Buffet with Carvings, very nice; 2 - Washstands, one with Towel Rack, Blank Chest with Shelf; Oak Parlor Stand SALE ORDER Tools, Household Goods, Equipment, Crops NOTE. Come early, not many small tools Reason for sale due to poor health Sale for JOHN W. & LILLIAN SAUDER 215-683-7802 Aucts. Nevin Z. Martin, Lewis B. Groff Lunch Served Not Responsible for Accidents No Out of state Checks E Martin & Son 656 7770 and Frank L Steller 656-1895 Auctioneers FRI MAR 20 10 00 AM Public Auction of Livestock, Farm Machinery and Household Goods Located Rt 896 4 miles west of Nine Points or take Rt 472 5 miles south of Quarryville, 1 mile east of Black Rock along the Bartville Road, Lancaster Co Sale by Benjamin K Stoltzfus Lloyd Kreider, Randal Kline and Gary Shirk Auc tioneers FRI MARCH 20 9AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Horses and Mules Located at the Reuben Stoltzfus Farm, west of Reistville off Rt 501, Lebanon Co Manag ed by Dan Rhodes and Reuben Stoltzfus PUBLIC SALE PRODUCTIVE 154 ACRE LANCASTER COUNTY DAIRY FARM TUESDAY, MARCH 10 at 2 P.M. on the premises On Goshen Mill Road, between Route #272 and Route #222, in Fulton Township. 5 miles south of Buck, 2 miles north of Wakefield- (About 1 mile east of Route #272.) 154 acres of Chester silt loam soil, very productive land with a gentile slope, good pasture with Conowmgo Creek. Lot of frontage on Goshen Road No waste land or woodland. This dairy farm equipped for 200 dairy cows, plus heifer and calf pens Improvements consist of a 2Vz story stone and brick dwelling divided into 3 seperate dwelling units with all convemencs. Fireplaces- A very early dwelling with some fine appointments- There is a dairy bam built new in 1968- of Laminated alum mum, 86 by 266 feet Two Harvestore silos, three concrete stave silos, 24 X 60,20 X 50,20 X 50, 12 X 40 and 24 X 60. Frame com bam, concrete block implement shed, a 34 X 58 scaffoled tobacco shed, garages etc- Dairy bam is equipped with 200 free stalls milking parlor with 12 stations, Mueller bulk tank, Big Dutchman feed bins On South side of Goshen road is 3 6 acres with dwellings, storage barn, old mill. Immediate occupancy, Terms 10% down, balance 45 days. An ideal opportunity toi a real family dairy farm with capacity Amish farm adjoining FINANCING- The present mortgages with Equitable Life may remain for the purchaser, with prior approval. Contact Mr. Clifford B. Huffman, at Equitable Life, 392-4370. Look this farm over anytime. Terms by- James R. Leonard Jr., Trustee for JERRY W. HINOTE Claude F. Smith, V. Ronald Smith, Aucts. PUBLIC SALE FARMING & TRUCK FARMING & GARDENING TOOLS & SOME HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 At 10:00 A.M. Located at 253 Cherry St. York Twp. York, Co., PA. Turn east off exit 4 of Rt. 83 on Leader Hgts. Rd. go to the Animal Hospital and take the Powder Mill Rd. to Cherry St. and watch for Sm. farm and place of sale on left, or turn off So. Queen St. in Spry onto Cherry St. and watch for sale on right. A C. D-10 tractor, w/WFE, 1 row cultivator, A.C Model CA tractor w/TFE, New rubber, 2 row cultivators, 2 bottom mounted plow, A C 6 ft. mounted mower, A C. 2 row corn planter; small disc harrow, land roller, 2 & 3 section S.T. harrows; A.C. subsoiler; McDeermg 1 row PTO potato digger, 1 row tomato transplanter; Iron age 1 row potato planter; single row corn planter; Iron age 200 gal wooden tank PTO sprayer, Grove rubber tire wagon w/gram bed; DB corn sheller, 2 hole corn shelter, plat form scales; iron beam walk plow, potato plow, shovel plow, 1 row cultivator; single & double trees, hames, roto tiller, planter Jr garden tractor; sm. garden seeder; brooder stove, chicken coops, chicken wire, feeders & fountains, log chains, Block & Tackle, assort, of tools; wooden wheelbarrow; 40 ft ext. lad der; hot bet sash, misc. used lumber, pile of maple, cherry, and walnut lumber; racks for 6 ft. bed Ford Pickup truck; piles of firewood; kettle stove & butcher kettle; berry crates, bushel boxes, gas cans, crocks, lawn mowers; hanging scales, ice tongues; elec, trimmers; used road pipe 8 ft. long x 30 in. wide, 14 & 15 inch new tires & wheel, Dayton comp scales, tin measures; bookcases, 3 pc. L.R suite, B& W T.V ; Zenith stereo, 3pc B R suite, 2 swivel rockers; and many items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or approved Check Owners MR. & MRS. PAUL B. HARTMAN 253 Cherry St., York, PA Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer Anderson & Warner, Clerks Not Responsible For Accidents Refreshment Rights Reserved
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