GEO. V. SEIPLE & SON R.F.D. No. 2, Van Buren Road, Easton, PA 18042 Phone 215-258-7146 ANNUAL PUBLIC SALE ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 STARTS AT 9:30 A.M. SHARP A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TRACTORS AND ALL TYPES OF FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGN YOUR SURPLUS MACHINERY TO OUR SALE SEE US FOR A DEAL PRIOR TO SALE AT OUR JOHN DEERE LOCATION Auctioneers KIST & HARTZELL PUBLIC SALE Horse Drawn Farm Machinery Mules & Horses Milking Equipment Household Goods THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:00 a.m. Located in Lancaster County, PA - 7 miles southeast" of Strasburg - 1 mile north of Georgetown on Nickle Mine Road - watch for signs. LIVESTOCK Pair of sorrel molly mules, 9 and 10 years old, Pair of dark bay mules, 6 years old, mulley nose, Pair of sorrel work horses, 9 and 10 years old, all well mated and broke, ready to go; Sorrel driving horse, works double, very dependable 1 FARM MACHINERY Farmall M tractor with pulley on steel, hydraulic, P.T O , good condition; Oliver 2 way plow 14 inch steel bottoms, 2 Oliver trailer plows, 12 inch 2 steel bottoms, John Deere 24 disc harrow, John Deere 3 section spring tooth harrow, used 2 years, 8 ft. smgle cultipacker; log field roller, combination harrow roller, 2 New Holland 455 bar mowers, 1 with 7 ft New Idea crimper combination and mounted Wisconsin engme. New Holland 404 hay crimper, sold separately, New Holland 456 bar mower with 9 H.P. Briggs & Stratton engme, hydraulic controls, New Holland 56 hay rake, New Holland 273 baler with 2 cycle engme, super sweep; A-l condition, Pequea hay ted der, Wisconsin 4 cylinder engine with clutch reduction, New Idea 206 manure spreader; 2 horse barn yard scraper; 30 ft Smoker elevator, John Deere 919 corn planter with fertilizer attachment, McCormick Deenng corn binder with loader and 9 H P Wisconsm engme, Gehl C4O ensilage cutter, new web, good condition; Ontario 13 disc gram drill, 2 McCormick Deermg 8 ft gram binders, 1 for parts, Frick 28 mch threshing machine with Hart feeder, A-l condition, McCurdy 165 bu gram bin on gears; 5 foreearts, 2 flatbed wagons, 1 Grove, 1 Farm Bill, 1 yr. old, 4 McCormick Deermg 2 horse cultivators, 2 smgle shovel harrows; 9 ft 3 section John Deere spring tooth harrow, potato plow, wooden beam walking plow, bob sleigh, 1 horse square back sleigh, 12 set heavy har ness, bridles; halters; approx 25 collars, heavy breast strap; 2 endless belts, 50 ft and 90 ft, 6 volt small gram seeder, tobacco boxes, spears; shears, 2 Minnick presses, smgle, double, triple, 4 & 5 horse trees, 2 wagon load small items sold first, tools; parts, many items not mentioned MILKING EQUIPMENT 500 gal. Girton bulk milk tank, direct ex pansion, 3 H.P. compressor, 3 Surge milker units, 50 lb pails; SPII Surge vacuum pump, 3 carrying pails, 2-16 qt., 1 - 12 qt., stainless steel twin tubs; stainless steel stramer, gas hot water heater HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES Oak side by side desk, very nice, living room suite, waterfall bedroom smte; oak dresser, dove tail drawers; bottle gas space heater, Coleman kerosene space heater; bassmet, many goodies out of attic, metal dresser and stand, miscellaneous. TERMS BY: ENOS K.& BARBARA KING AUCTIONEERS: Steve Petersheim 215-869-2508 Everett Kreider PLENTY OF GOOD FOOD ON PREMISES NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS AUCTIONEER’S NOTE Livestock & Equipment well maintained Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MARCH 14 10 A M Public Auction of Valuable Farm Equipment. Hay, and Straw located just south of Bainbndge, Pa Take Wickersham Road East from Rt 441, first lane right after passing Arnold s Weld Shop Sale by A and R Nissley, Inc ISSOC lurry, wc SAT MARCH 14 tioneers SAT MAR 14 9 30AM Annual Farm Machinery A Public Sale of Tractors Equipment Sale Located and Modern Farm Equip at Elms, near auction PUBLIC SALE Strasburg Fire Company Seventh Annual Sale SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:00 A.M. West Main St., Strasburg, Pa. HORSES - MULES - HEIFERS FARM MACHINERY - HAY - STRAW TOOLS - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS - ANTIQUES New 9’ spring harrow, Vicon CM24O disc mower with 1W cut - used 2 seasons. New Smucker-built senu-hquid manure spreader, Aihs-Chalmers & Wisconsin engines rebuilt by Smucker Welding Shop, 2,3,4,5,6 horse trees, auto turn carts, round hay racks, 404 New Holland hay crusher with fore truck and AC motor mount - excellent condition, Hack-buggy spring wagon combination spring wagon AND MUCH MORE TRUCKLOAD OF FRESH FRUIT DIRECT FROM FLORIDA FRESH OYSTERS • STEAK FISH - SHRIMP TRUCKLOAD OF NEW TOOLS 6 month old bull - sired by Lawerest Marvey Dam 5 year old record - 20,600 - 3.9%, 4 bred heifers, 3 due March -1 due July, 1 yearling heifer sired by Elevation Son 1 TENT OF DRIVING HORSES - WORK HORSES - MULES 1975 CHEVROLET VAN 1 TON-30SERIES-VB-P.S. ONE OWNER Toyota Long-Bed Pick-Up Cap - 6 month old lOOcc Indian Motorcycle, four 16 5 tires, gasoline generator, like new 4” wood jomter, firewood by pickup load 1-Bxl2 & 1-Bxlo Utility Shed, Dog Boxes, Fireplace insert, old Milk Cans, Wheel barrows, Wmdow Air Conditioner. BUILDING SUPPLIES New & Used 6 trusses - 42’ tip to tip w'/4/12 pitch, 13-4’ o.c. 33’ tip to tip w/4/12 pitch, oak flooring, 2xB tongue and groove flooring, 3V 2 x 16 fiberglass insulation, variable pitch gable louvres, Wheeling channel-drain galvanized roofmg, paneling trim, 6 & 9 lite bam sash, sliding door tracks & closet rods of various sizes, metal & asphalt roofmg, new doors & windows, new vinyl siding with foam backer, 2” alum siding, nails, latex house pamt, joint cement - 5 lb &25 lb and much more New Hardware - Corner irons, brass & chrome butt hinges, strap & claw hinges, or namental hinges, tee lunges, masonry nails, door lunges & pulls for cabinets, sliding door latches, paneling nails - AND MUCH MORE. NEW LAZY BOY RECLINER Trundle dining table w/4 high-back chairs, 7’ book shelf, 22 cu ft upright freezer, bed, variety of T V’s, gas stove, waterfall blanket chest, coffee table, portable bar - excellent condition plus many more large & small items too numerous to mention. COUSIN WITH DRY GOODS QUILTS - Wedding Ring, Texas Star, Tumbling Block - and many other hand made quilts & crafts ITEMS SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT DONATED ITEMS APPRECIATED Other merchandise will be accepted until 10 00 P M Friday, February 27,1981 For i. formation and pick-up service phone &87-8917 687-6604 687-8491 or call Auctioneers No Poultry Equipment or Parts Food served all day by the LADIES AUXILIARY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR THEFT NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS TERMS BY, STRASBURG FIRE COMPANY Sale managed by; ALVIN MILLER & ELVIN SIEGRIST And Local Auctioneers merit and Trucks, Located 4 miles east of Rt 147 along Boile Run Rd in Lower Augusta Twp , Nor thumberland Co. PA, 9 miles south of Sunbury, 3 miles north of Herndon Oak Ridge Farms Owners George and Mike Deibert Auctioneers and Realtor 930 barn, Vmcentown NJ Richard P Allen Auc tioreer SAT fIAR 14 10 00 A M Public Sale of Tractors, Trailers, Trucks Potomac Horse Center, 14000 DuFief Mill Rd , Gaithersburg, MD SAT MAR 14 9AM PA Landrace Assn spring State Show and Sale Held at the Lebanon Co Fairgrounds, intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads SAT MAR 14 - 930 A.M Public Sale of Holstein Cattle, Machinery and Equipment, located on the Hornbrook River Rd , 5 miles northwest of Towanda, PA, 4 miles south of Ulster, PA Charles E and Esther Kit chin Owners D O Rockwell Sale Manager SAT MAR 14 9 00AM Public Sale of Farm Trac tors, Farm Equipment, Antiques, Household Goods and Tools. Located along Highville Rd , Rd 2 Conestoga Lancaster Co LARGE MACHINERY SALE On the farm located 2 miles north of Petersville at 5118 Catholic Church Road in Frederick" Co., Md. From Route 340 take the Petersville exit and follow Rt. 180 West to Catholic Church Road. Follow Catholic Church Rd. to farm. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 10:30 A.M. TRACTORS 19761 H No. 1566 Diesel w/cab, air-conditioning, heater, etc in excellent condition, low hours, 161 h.p., 1976 IH No 100 Hydro Diesel 105 hp, low hours, excellent condition, Int. No. 1466 Diesel with big tires, low, hours, Ford 8600 Diesel w/cab, 105 h.p, low hours, excellent condition, Ford 800 gas and Farmall M gas tractors FINE LINE OF ENSILAGE EQUIPMENT A FEATURE OF THE SALE! N H No 1895 Crop Cruiser power unit & chopper w/250 hp. Cat engine, 3-row com head, grass pick-up attach w/cab (A fine piece of equipment). Two IH No 120 tandem self-unloading 16 ft wagons w/roof, 10 ton running gear, (nearly new) Two IH No. 110 16 ft self-unloading wagons, 8 ton running gear, w/roof, (nearly new) IH No. 59 ensilage blower, (new in 79) JD Chuck wagon, two Gehl model BU 85 self-unloading wagons, 20 C IH single row chopper. HAYING EQUIPMENT NH No 479 haybme, NH No 256 hay rake, Oliver No. 107 hay rake, Int No. 445 baler w/thrower, (new in 76), Int. No 241 round baler, 6 hay wagons (16 ft.) w/high sides, 4 bunk feeder wagons, 2 Little Giant elevators, (one 40 ft and one 32 ft.), 7 ft Int. mower for H or M, Int. 5 ft. mower for cub. TILLING & PLANTING Oliver 5 bottom 16” plow, Int. No. 55 chisel plow (10 or 12 tooth) trailer type, Int 12 ft. disc, harrow, sprmgtooth harrow, 10 ft. Miller disc., Oliver No. 540 6-row com planter, Int. No. 51 gram drill 18x7, (like new), Oliver No. 540 4-row corn planter w/fert. attach., 13 ft. Oliver disc., Bnllion 10 ft. seeder. MANURE HAULING EQUIPMENT No 580 tandem manure spreader 1000 rpm, new in 78, Int. 2350 loader for 100 Hydro tractor, excellent condition, Hawk Bilt No. 157 spreader, 3-pomt scraper blade. MISC. EQUIPMENT Portable adjustable heavy duty loading chute, head gate, two 20 ft. gram elevators, feed troughs, hay racks, cement mixer, 1958 Int. truck with tilt bed and wench, OC 96 Oliver diesel track loader, 60 h.p w/1% yd. bucket. A few other misc items found on every farm. Sale Manager’s Note: Most of this.machinery is in fine condition, some of it nearly new, and all has been well taken care of. Terms are cash Owner: JOHN D. FOLKS 5118 Catholic Church Rd Knoxville, MD. 21758 (301) 834-7984 Sale Manager: Remsburg Sale Service PO Box 177 Jefferson, MD. 21755 (301) 473-8214 Uncaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1951—041 PA About 6 miles west of MillersvilleTabout Z miles south of Crestvi He bet ween River Rd and Pitt sburg Valley Rd Sale by Mr & Mrs Norman B Bleacher Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst Auc tioneers SAT MAR 14 -10 00 AM Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Old Tractor and Amish Buggy, Located between Gettysburg and Littlestown, PA at Two Taverns one tenth mile off Rt 97 (Formerly 140) along Barlow Rd Mr. & Mrs Steven Hostetler Jr Owners Dennis J Plunkert Auctioneer SAT MAR 14-10 00 AM Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Butcher Tools, Hay, Corn and Straw Located from 183 (exit 4) on Leaders Heights Rd to stop sign, turn left 200 ft then right onto Reynolds Mill Rd , approx I'/z miles to sale Mr Ivan Lentz Owner Ralph Brenneman and Nelson Ahrens Auc tioneers SAT MAR 14 10 00 AM Lunch available. Public Sale of Valuable Modern Farm Machinery, Hay and Potato Equip ment, Greenhouses, Etc. Located on farm 6 miles north -of Shenandoah off Rt 924 Near Purolator Plant, Schuylkill Co , PA Yamell Farms Owners Max Fraley and Son Auc tioneers TUES MAR 17-10 00 A M Public Sale of 65 Head Holstems, some dairy equipment and a good line of farm machinery Located in Centre Co. V/z mile NW of Woodward, PA turn north off Rt 45 onto Cemetery Rd at the West end of Woodward Mr & Mrs Clayton Hettinger. Box 65 Woodward PA Owners Mark Click Auc tioneer TUES MAR 17 - 10 00 A M Public Sale of new and used Orchard, Farm and Gardening Equip ment, Located 5 miles west of Gettysburg, PA on US Rt 30 thence turning north onto Blue Ribbon Rd , 3 miles to Blue Rib bon Orchard or 1 mile southeast of Arendtsville, PA Musselman Fruit Pro ducts Division Clair Slaybaugh Auctioneer TOES MAR 17 - Held at Ulysses, PA Potter Co Marj i Farms Complete Dispersal of Holstein Cat tie and Machinery, James and Mary Lynn Smith Owners Sale by Robert M Shaylor Sales and Jerry Pirrung WED MAR 18 9AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS MAR 19 Mon thly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown Rd , Woodsboro, Md 21798 Thomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auctioneer THURS MAR 19 10 00 A M Public Auction of Construction Equipment Located Rt 22, Grant ville, PA Sale by Dennis M Miller Construction Equipment Sales Dennis M Miller Manager John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers SPRING HORSE SALE Sat., March 14 10 30 AM Tack 1 00 P M Horses Held at Jersey Shore Livestock Barn, Jersey Shore, Pa (Barn is 2 miles East of Jersey Shore on Rt 44) Already consigned are 45 head of ac culimated and vaccinated horses from local farm consisting of 10 teams Belgium horses and 5 singles weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds 6 yearling Belgium stud colts 7 registered stan dardbred driving horse 2 bred standardbred mares 1 learn of light mules 3 head of large work ponies These horses have the breeding, size, color and quality you’re looking for all accuhmated horses —Excellent selection of riding horses already consigned— All consignments of horses, mules, pomes, harness, tack, and horse equipment are welcomed For further in formation call Lynn Bowes 717-398- 2194 Consign early for this yearly sale so they can be advertised.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers