D4o—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication THURS MAR 12 ■ Great Expectations Sale Chapter 4 Held at the Guernsey Sale Barn, Lan caster, PA R Austin Backus, Inc Sale Managers and Auc tioneers THURS MAR 12-9 30 A M Public Sale of Trac tors. Cultivating Equip ment, Trucks, Ear Corn, Harvest Equipment and Tools Located in York Co, PA Take US Rt 234 one mile east of East Berlin, then turn nor theast onto Canal Rd 3 or 4 miles north of York on US Rt 74 at Dover Square Red Light turn southward 4 miles Canal Rd at Robin Rd turn south first farm Mr 4 Mrs George H Shenberger Owners Clair Slaybaugh Auctioneer FRI MARCH 13 - 10 AM Special Draft Horses and Mules Sale at New Holland Sales Stables FRI MAR 13 9 AM Machinery Sale at the Keister's Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selin strove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI MAR 13 12 00 PM Weim Shar Farm Heifer Sale Located from New Oxford (On Rt 30) turn north at the square and SAVAGE-LEIGH SALE On the farm located on Schaeffer Road near Germantown, in Montgomery Co., Md. Take the Germantown exit off 1-270 and go west 2 miles to Clopper Road, turn right and go 500 yds., turn left and follow Schaeffer Road 2 miles to farm. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 11:00 A.M. 65 HEAD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS SELLING 65 47 Cows 7 Close Bred Heifers 11 Calves Tested for Interstate Shipment Examined for Pregnancy THIS ATTRACTIVE LINE-UP SELLS ' - From left to right: GPB4 Astronaut dtr. with 19.380 M and 671 F, dam VGB7 with 23.580 M and 735 F - VG Elevationdtr. bed to Jemuu, dam VG. A Conductor (Kfc with 16.590 M and 590 F as a 2-yr. old, dam has 703 F V 6 grand dtr.&fKate with 18,610 M and 702 F Elevation dtc. (should go VG) with 17.470 M and 656 F as a 2-yr old. Grand dtr. of djobtmaker with 18,490 M and 559 F bred to Conductor A Northcroft Atfaural Citation dtr. sells fresh. SHOW CALVES SELL: A fancy Astronaut dtr. bom September ‘BO (Sr. calf) Zion Meadows Admiral dtr. bom September ‘BO (Sr. calf) Shardale Arlinda Chief Jenum dtr. bom December (Int. calf) Glendell Arlinda Chief dtr. bom December (Int. calf) The herd will be classified before the sale. Many animals sold in previous Savage-Leigh sales have proven to be sound, profitable investments for their new owners. Semen selling: 30 units of Paclamar Astronaut Sale Manager: REMSBURG SALE SERVICE Jefferson, Maryland 21755 Phone-301-473-8214 SAT MAR 14 @ 10 A.M Farm Machinery & Dairy go 3 miles thru New Equip Located 1 mile Chester and farm is on north of Rt 254 at left From Rt 15 take Limestoneville, which is Heidlersburg exit, go east between „ J, on „ “ for 100 yards to first rd Washmgtonville Pa Mon turn right farm is 3 miles tour Co Watch for sale on right Stanley L signs. Terms by Titus 4 Weimer and Sons Owners Susanna Snader Elton & Austin Backus and Penna Alvin Horning Auc Holstein Assoc honors HORNING FARM Managers AGENCY, INC FRI MAR 13-11 00 AM SAT MARCH 14 930 Public Sale of Valuable AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Trucks General Farm Equipment Located 5 miles north of Vegetable Growing Equip Allentown, get off at 15th ment, Irrigation System, St exit from Rt 22 go and Household Items, north on Mauch Chunk located 5 miles North of Rd , between Ruchsville Shippensburg off Rt 696, and Ironton, near Ironton between Shippensburg Agway, Lehigh Co, PA and Newburg Leroy 4 Thelma Mantz Cumberland Co Watch Owners Ralph W Zet for Auction Arrows Terms tlemoyer Auction Co , Inc by Paul L Nuschke. John - B Niesley, Realtor- SAT MAR 14 8 30AM n - -■ 13th Annual Sale of the SAT MAR 14 9 00AM Gordonville Fire Co Sale Public Sale of Farm Equip of Household Goods, Anti ment and Household ques, Livestock 4 Farm Goods Located Rt 645 Machinery Terms by Gor- north of Myerstown, PA donville Fire Co Local Henry Brubaker owner Auctioneers Sylvan Witmer Auc SAT MARCH 14 10 30 I'°!^„ —— AM Public Auction of 2 SAT MAR 14 Public Tractors, 4 a Line of Farm Sale of Household Goods Machinery Located in an d Antiques Located at Huntingdon Co, 12 miles 973 Rettew Mill Road. South of Huntingdon, Pa Ephrata, PA Howard J or */z mile North of Kreider, Owner John E 4 Marklesburg on Rt 26 Paul E Martin, Auc- Sale by Scott Donelson, tioneers James Creek, Pa Auc SAT MAR 14 Blam, tioneer Mark Click Perry Co , PA Complete SAT MAR 14 200 P M Ime of farm machinery in Public Sale of 1 Story eluding 5 tractors. Home Located along Rt household goods and 625, close to Centre misc items Blam, Perry Sale in heated tent. For catalogs contact: Owners: SAVAGE-LEIGH FARM Boyds, Maryland 20720 Phone-301-253-4423 Church, Bowmansville and Terre Hill, Lancaster Co Marvin Good Exec for Elizabeth Good Estate Leroy S Horst and Paul W Horst Auctioneers Co, PA George Ruoss Household Good<s, Owner Safe by. Klmg-s .Located m Centre Co ,PA Auction service 4 miles west of Old Fort, SAT MAR i 4 10 00 AM ch?. ro 4 Rt as Public Sale of Farm dh U ?nH i' Machinery, Located in FhtihTthKw Catawissa Rd 2 oft Rt 42 Edgar Elizabeth Rim south of Bloomsburg. to a!?m rS ’ Carpers Mt Zion Rd, turn at Auctioneers Three Points or off SAT MARCH 14 10 00 Danville-Elysburg Rt 54 AM Public Sale of turn left at Cherokee Golf Valuable 4 Acre Farm, 58 Course Mr & Mrs Ray- Acre Farm, 8 Acre Clear mond Dailey Owners Land and 2Vz Story Frame John Autotore and John House, Town Farm Jr Auctioneers Equip , Butcher Equip, SAT MAR 14 -10 00 A M I??!?, Ih o| | Public Auction of Farm Rr°^i| d ,n Machinery and Misc miles east °* ln PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT HOUSEHOLD GOODS - ANTIQUES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1981 Auction Time 10:30 A.M Location: Rt. 272 North from Ephrata, to Schoeneck Road turn North on Schoeneck Road, to Schoeneck, turn right at Fire Hall, to Swamp Bridge Rd. Turn left on Swamp Bridge Rd. to first farm on left, Lancaster County, PA. International 656 Tractor with W.F.E., 2400 hours International 574 Tractor with W.F.E., less than 1400 hours, with Saudcr, Hydraulic Dump Loader John Deere 10’ Disc Harrow on Transport; John Deere 10’ K.B.A. Disc Harrow on Tran sport; Oliver 8’ Disc Harrow; John Deere Flail Chopper; Farm Hand Wheel Rake; Nichelson Hay Tedder: Niemeyer Hay Tedder; Ontario 7x13 Gram Drill; 7 foot 3-Pomt Blade: 12’ Cultunulcher; Aluminum Portable Elevator; 7’ diameter, galvanized Water Trough; Platform Scales; 5 Hole Hog Feeder; 14’ Wooden Gate; Iron Hog Trough; 1900 Tobacco Lath; Minmch Tobacco Press; Hydraulic Jack; Handyman Jack; 452 V.L. ECHO CHAIN SAW; Block & Tackle; Log Chains; Milk Cans; Anvil; Tractor Wheel Weights; Wooden Pulley; Circular Saw; Cham Tightner; Misc. Hand Tools; Egg Baskets; Iron Pile; Knapsack Sprayer; Barrels; Garden Tools; HOUSEHOLD GOODS-ANTIQUES G.E. 14.7 CUBIC FOOT FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR, Harvest Gold; Philco 18 cubic ft. Chest Freezer; Tappan Electric Cook stove; Hardwick 36” Gas Range, Harvest Gold; Sunbeam Mixer; Electric Toaster; Waring Blender; Maytag Wringer Washer; Electric meat grinder; G.E. FLOOR MODEL RECORD PLAYER; Metal Cabinets; Wooden Cabinets; Electric Heater; Bone Saw; Roast Pan; Table Lamps; Family Scales; Food Grinder; Electric Fan; Lazy Boy Rocker Recliner; Step Stools; Metal Wardrobes; Ice Skates; Mirrors; Record Player; Bird Cage; 2 Wooden Smgle Beds with Box Spring and Mattress; Vacuum Cleaner, Hampers; Room Size Rug; Double Bed with Spring and Mat tress; High Chair; Card Table; Canning Jars; Hassock; 2 Plant Stands; World Book En cyclopedia Set; Records; various types of Kettles and Kitchen Wares; Living Room Suite; OAK EXTENSION TABLE with 6 Boards; 6 Wooden Kitchen Chairs; OAK SLANT TOP DESK; OAK SIDEBOARD; Empire Type Bureau; 5 Oak Chairs; other Chairs; Small Wooden Chest of Drawers; Small Wooden Tables; Wooden Rockers; Half Spindle Arrowback Rocker; Wooden High Chair and Cnb; Oak Dresser; 3 Iron Beds; Dresser; maple Bookcase; Clothes Tree; Dining Room Table; 5 Oak Dining Room Chairs; Woven Baskets; Tobacco Sizing Boxes; Milk strainer; MARX ELECTRIC TRAIN SET #5850-3882 - LIONEL TRAIN SET. TYCO HO TRAIN SET; Alex Guitar; WINCHESTER MODEL 30-20 Gauge Single Barrel; REMINGTON 22 CAL. Single Shot; Glass Butter Chum; Kerosene Lantern; Crocks; REDWARE Pie Plates; Ironstone Platters; Depression Glass; Egg Plate; Bud Vase; Agate Kettle; Wooden Stool; Porch Bench; Porch Chairs; Books, Toys; 3 NEW QUILTS; Pearce Simpson C-B Base Set; Picnic Table and Benches; Hahn Mower; Ariens Rototiller and many more items. Auction by order of MRS. JOHN H. HOOVER (MaryS. "Weaver” Hoover) RD #1 Stevens, Pa. 215-267-6364 Auction conducted by John E. and Paul E. Martin Auctioneers 717-733-3511 - 717-733-3305 Ephrata, Pa. Food At Auction by Ephrata Mennonite School Pine Grove, PA John SAT MAR 14-10-30 A.M." Stattizahn Estate Robert, Spring Horse Sate Held at A Arner, Auctioneer Jersey Shore Livestoi SAT MAR 14 Inventory Bern. Jersey Shore, PA. Reduction Sale by Finger Barh in 2 miles east of Lakes Tractor, Penn Van, Jersey Shore on Rt 44 NY Sale by Goodrich Auc- For information call Lynn tion Service Bowes 717-398-2194 PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ll:OOA.M. Auction on premises located on Laurel Grove Rd., 3 miles from Federalsburg, MD Approximately 86 acres more or less, 60 acres open farm land. Balance in woodland, house & barn. Terms - $20,000 down, cash or certified check day of sale, balance 30 days All transfer costs of purchaser. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Owner GRACE MATTHEWS A. Curtis Andrew Auction Inc. Auctioneers 301-479-0756 FARM SOLD AUCTION OF POWER FARM MACHINERY - TOOLS & PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 On Premises Located in Upper Oxford Twp., Chester County. Turn off Rt. #1 By Pass at Exit 896 - go North 1 block to Penns-Grove Rd. Turn East V* mile to Farm Lane, 4 miles from Oxford, Pa. • 21 miles from West Chester & 25 miles from Lancaster. (Follow Whiteside Arrows). Schedule - Small Items First, Machinery 1:00 P.M. Sharp. AUCTION STARTS AT 10:OOA.M. SHARP Rain-Snow or Shine 2 Fanmali Model H Tractors, Model 3401HC Tractor, #B6O N. Holland Harvester w/Blower, N.H Pickup Baler, Model 10 New Idea Com picker, 2-16 foot Lamco Self-Unloading Wagon w/8’ gears, 2 Oliver 16’ Low Down Wagons, IHC-16’ Low Down Wagon, 2 McCurdy Gram Bui Wagons, Model 249 Mc.D 2 Row Com Planter, John Deere 12A Combine w/Motor, Old 12A For Parts, Cultivators For H or M, 2A New Idea - 3 Beater Manure Spreader, Kools Silo Dist. Hood, Auger Gram Elevator w/Motor, P.T.O. Seed Sower, IHC 7 ft. No. 31 Tractor Mower, Lilhston Rotary Mower, 24’ N.H. Bale Elevator, New Idea Conditioner, Brillion Cultipacker, Case Transport Disc, IHC 28. Plow, Side Rake, Spring Harrow, Ford 3 pt. 7’ Mower, Papec Hammernull, 3B Oliver Trip B-Plow, 12’ #4O Oliver Combine, 36’ Little Giant Elevator, Com Sheller, Irrigation Pump w/4 H.P. Wisconsin Engine, 16 Inch Papec Ensilage Cutter, Oliver Sub-Soiler, 4 cyl. IHC Power Unit, Bob Sled, Esco 435 gal. S/S Milk Tank, Burr Mill, and 3 Wagon Loads of Good Small Items Used on a Large Farm - Also - Gas Engines, 1% H.P. Headless Fairbanks Morse, Ite H.P. New Way, #2-V/z Fairbanks, Fuller- Johnson w/Mud Pump, 1 cyl. Maytag Gas Engme, 1 Elec. & 1 Gas. Sq. Top Maytags, 2 cyl. Maytag, Also - Elec. Stove - Refrig., Wood Benches, Tar Pot on Wheels, Locust Posts, Pile Iron, Sessions Mantel Clock, Bnggs-Stratton Engine, New Harness - Hames - Bits - From Old Garrett Store m Stnckersville, Pa. All sizes Wood Augers, Old Blacksmith & Carpenter Tools, 2 Broad Axes, Lot Small Good Hand Tools, Iron Hog Trough, Butchering Kettle. Cook Stove, Insulators, Wood Bows for Covered Wagon, 2-52 gal. H W. Heaters, Also - 600 feet of 1 & 2 inch, Sawed Walnut Lumber, & 400 feet of 1 & 2 inch Sawed Ash Lumber & Many Small Items By Day of Sale. (Machinery At One P.M.). Above list for adv. puposes only - no guarantee, authenticity or recourse - Not responsible for accidents. Lunch by Russellville Grange #9l. Terms: Cash-Trave. Check - Personal Check if Known. By Order of, WILLIAM F. ST. JOHN JR JERRY LEE ST. JOHN SUSANNA ST. JOHN LESTER EXECUTORS Estate of Alice A. St. John John I Watson, Atty. Harry W. Whiteside, Auctioneer WHITESIDE AUCTION SERVICE 215-932-2291 >ck SI
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