D46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday. 5 00 P M of each week's publication THURS APRIL 9 11AM Lamb & Goat 10 A M Rabbits Located at the Keister’s Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selin sgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI APRIL 10 10 AM Special Draft Horses and Mules Sale at New Holland Sales Stables SAT APRIL 11 Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Antique Steam & Gas Engines and Household Goods Located 1 mile east of Blue Ball along Rd 322 Ervin M Horst, Owner Nevm Z Martin and Paul W Horst, Auc tioneers SAT APRIL 11 - 9'30 A M C H Wolgemuth and Sons Annual Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Tools located 4 miles West of Manheim, Lancaster County, Pa Take Hosier Road to Valley Road just North of Rt 283 and 10 minutes from Lebanon Hershey Turnpike Exit 20 (Look for sale signs) C H Wolgemuth, Sale Manager, RD H 2, Manheim, Pa iAT APRIL 11 - 11 AM . 80 acre Poultry Farm .ocated approx 2 miles ROCK-A4.AND FARMS KENSINGING, CONN. To be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1981 12:30 P.M. There are 35 head - including 4 Reg. cows bred by Top bulls out of Eastern A-I Units. This is a Summer & Fall Herd with 24 cows out of the 35 due to freshen from May till Sept. 6 yr. - Duncravm Royal Successon - Due June. 7 yr. - Woodside Farms Victor Bell 5 yr. - Wenron Fifty Five Rockman - Due Sept. 6 yr. - Collins Crest Buddy Burke - Due Aug. Cows milking 50-60 lbs. per day, due May to Sept. Fresh cows milking 60 to 90 lbs., with 3.8 to 4% creamery test. Good milky herd of cows. Cows mocculated Also one load of cows & heifers out of New England states Reg. sires include 3 yr. Glenafton Ragapple Hagen - Due Feb. 27 to Singing Spring Per Sterling. 3 yr. Simpons Apostle - Due March to Fracer Farms Sears Halo. 4 yr. Emerlmg Hoppy Clarence 5 yr. V.G. 86 pts. Duke Kendale Centunon - Due March 1 - to Ariinda Bootmaker Bouquet 3 yr. Woodbine Pearl Comet - Due Feb. 25 to Busy Acres Lmdy Dean Wallace Security -12,000 to 16,000 m. Fresh milking 60 lbs. per day, ready to bred back. Dam. 12,000 -17,000 m. Hickory Fields Chem Andy - Bred to Decision 2 yr. 6 yr. 11,000 m to 14,640 m. - Dam records - 2 yr. 10 yr. 14,000 m to 18,900 m. 2 yr. Unit Admiral - Dam - 6 yr. -10 m. -305 d. 16,800 m. 4.0 T -673 F. Reg. Red & White cow just fresh. Cows never on test, but good working group of cows to put records on. Young, milky and good udder cows. 3 Grade Bulls Bom 1-6-80 - Sire Elevation Son, Dam 3 yr. 5m 18,214 m. 585 F. G-Dam 372 d. 24,661 m. 862 F. Bom 2-11-80 - Sire Don Wood R.A. Pride, Dam 7 yr. sm. 25,783 m 809 F. Last 4 records over 22,000 m; G.Dam - 9yr. 2m. 379 d. 25,100 m. 832 F. Bom 11-20-79 - Sire Pen Mar Apollo Topper, Dam 3 yr. 7m. 290 d. 16,134 m. 583 F. G. Dam - Lucky Type Blazer - 4 yr. 343 d. 19,480ra. 4.1 T 812 F. 4 records over 4% T. - Half Sister 3 yr. lira. 354 d. 20,000 m. 4 6T 923F.' This is an opportunity to get milk, bloodline and foundation cows. Out of state buyers - written I.D. from your bank. Cows milked at regular tune Cash or good check day of sale Carl Oilier, Auctioneer Henry Kettering, Pedigrees- • ■ Lunch by Bird-in-Hand Auxiliary west of Morgantown along Rt 23 Caernarvon Twp , Lane Co, Pa Terms by Jesse R S Verna Mae Stoltzfus Elton & Alvin Horning Auctioneers, HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC SAT APRIL 11 9AM Franklin County Annual Amish School Consign ment Sale at Jacob Flaud Farm, 15700 Burnt Mill Rd , Newburg, Pa Quilts, HH goods, furniture, new tools, farm machinery, wagon load items, cattle & horses SAT APRIL 11, 13th An nual Public Sale of the Rawlmsville Fire Co, Farm Implements, Build Materials, Households Goods & Antiques Items sold on commission Food served Call or 284-4383 WED APR 15 9AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located l h mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Mpi tin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS APR 16 Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb. Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown Rd , Woodsboro, Md 21798 SHORT NOTICE SALE COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL Thomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullen dore, Auctioneer THURS APR 16 Public Sale of Complete Dairy Herd and Farm Equip ment Dispersals Located west Cocalico Twp , along Rt 897, Lancaster Co, PA Sale for Robin -N & Mim Gmder Randall V Kline and Lloyd H Kreider Auctioneers FRI APR 17 630 P M Consignment of Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pigs at Keister's Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selin sgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers FRI APR 17 1100 AM Public Sale of Valuable 97 acre fatm, 2 Ford Tractors Farm Machinery, Household Goods Etc Located 6 miles NE of Hughesville near Mt Zion Church Lycoming Co Rolland & Eleanor Fry, Owners Max Fraley & Son Auctioneers 546 6631 SAT APR 18 Public Sale of Lawn & Garden Equip ment Sale for Lawn Care of PA, Daniel Z Martin, Martmdale, PA Kline & Kreider Auctioneers SAT APR 18 - 100 P M Public Sale of Feeder Steers Located 12 miles west of York, PA Vt mile east of East Berlin, PA along Rt 234 C L Cot Jacobs and Barry L Jacobs Owners Clair R Slaybaugh Auctioneer Sale by GORDON W. FRITZ 717-393-0930 gilts open gilts and boars FRI APR 24 Spring Held at the Lebanon Fair Heifer Sale 250 300 head Grounds For information of Registered and grade Leon L Arnold Holstein heitgrs, spr 717 273 5880 mgers, bred and open, qAT ApR 2S wavne Co held at the Belleville f, Wa/ne Co BeMevil ePA Market ' Fairgrounds 1 mile north Belleville, PA of Hones( j a i ei pa just oft FRI APR 24 630 P M Rt 191 Donald Bryant Yorkshire and Duroc bred Honesdale, PA AUCTION SALE SMimUT.WMHHIW 10:00 A.M. TRACTORS, TRAILERS, TRUCKS BY OWNER USED FOR FARM WORK ONLY TRACTORS 1968 Mack Tandem; 1969 Mack Tandem; 1970 Mack Tandem; 1958 For Single-axle. TRAILERS-DUMP 1965 Transco 25’; 1969 Ravens 30’; 1971 ail 32’; 1974 Winnebago 16’ Goose Neck. TRAILERS FLAT BED 1971 Tag-a-Long, 6-Ton, 3-axles; 1973 Clark/Brown 30’, 3-axles. TRUCK-DUMP 1971 Ford 14’. TRUCKS-FLAT BEDS 1969 Ford, single-axle, 20’, steel body; 1973 International, dual wheels, 12’ body TRUCKS-PICKUP 1976 Ford 150; 1977 Ford 350, dual wheels; 1979 Dodge 200. Can be seen and inspected at any tune at POTOMAC HORSE CENTER 14000 OuFief Mill Road Gaithersburg, MD 20760 (301)840-5737 (301)869-2620 2-DAY SALE MONTOUR COUNTY FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 1981 * REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEIN dispersal ißr m m FARM EQUIPMENT jf \ Friday, 11 a.m. Sharp, Sat., 10:30 a.m. 3 miles east of Turbotville; 12 miles North West of Danville, U // 1\ near intersections of #54 & #44 or 7 miles north of 1-80, near .Aiii l the village of Comley. Watch for Auction Signs. 100 COWS & HEIFERS 19 Registered, 55 cows & Ist calf heifers; 45 heifers all ages me 5 R & W Hoi ; 13 - 2 yr milking & springers; 10 - 3 yr olds; 13 - 4 yr olds; 20 head fresh this winter, 8 due March & Apr.; 16 due early summer others during late Summer & Fall. Sire Power, Carnation, Select Sires, Atlantic, Tri-State ABS breeding, mostly home raised. 40 Heifers I’-s yrs & younger, Vacc., Health Charts & Catalogs day of sale, enoculated for shipping fever D.H.I A. Records make under very average conditions w/not the best of feed. Gr. “Citenan” dtrs 6y, 18,206,658, 3.6% milked 90 lbs during winter Reg “JoJo”, 8 yr. 16,103,553,3 4% (family) 2 by Kmghtson, Kit Buildei, Arhnda commander, Iden Gr “Apollo Rocket” 2y, 13,682, 516, 3 6%, her dtr by Penstate Ivanhoe Star Gr “Transmitter” 3y, 13,921, 519, 3 7% Bred to Gay Ideal Gr M “Ivanhoe Prince” 3y, 14,081,508,3.6%, has dtr. by “Belshazzer”. Gr. “F Monitor” 5y 15,079, 584,3 6%, a dtr by Triple Threat, (1) by home bred Sire Reg “Fond Matt Art” 2y 12,121,431, 3.5%, Springing to “Marvex”, has a Molly Chief dtr Reg. “Vernon” bred to Bend-Mead Magic and has a Molly Chief Special Men tion" 5Gr R. &W Hoi Inc (3 Maternal Sis ) Larry Moore R Transmitter, Baum Cita Fire Star, Dr Mac, Reddy 5 yr pro] 15,700, 598, 3 9%, Red Ho 4y, 13,734, 527, 3 8% (Sired by Home Sire) Others Siers (4) Diamond S Knight Son; B B Lad, S Dewdrop H Joe, Hagen etc Cattle have nice udders & dairy quality, nearly all home-bred, an opportunity to buy young cows 1 1 A number milking 80 lbs a day Following semen sells (2) R 0 Rag Apple Elevation, (10) Kingstead Shine, (6) Charm Cross, (9) Jet Stream, (6) Job, (13) Merry King Keserve fnday, feb it tor this dispersal sale'' Aucts. Carl, John Oilier, & J. Everett Kreider (717) 464-2233 “Extra Good Lunch Available” ' NEFLAN FARM HOLSTEIN MILKING HERD DISPERSAL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Starting At 12:00 Noon Located in Cumberland County, 4 miles northeast of Shippensburg, Pa. IIAl l A miles northeast of Int. 81, Exit 10. Along Route 174. First farm west of Lees Cross Roads on south side of 174. 40 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS CERTIFIED - ACCREDITED - MOSTLY VACCINATED - PREGNANCY CHECKED - D.H.I. RECORDS All are cows or heifers in milk or close heifers Majority are between 2 yrs and 5 yrs old 10 fresh since November 7 due February and March 10 due June and July. Balance are bred for various times A good number selling with records from 17,000 to over 20,000 lbs milk and 650 to over 800 fat Sires include Hbg Gay, Pioneer Admiral, Samson, Burke Gov Demand, Imperial Knight, Utag Ivanhoe Ultimate, Skagvale Frasea Rocket, Paclamar Combination, and others. Services are to AB S and a son ot Wapa Arlmda Conductor. LUNCH AT SALE - SALE UNDER COVER CATALOGS Owners CHARLES L&ELVAL NEHF R.D. 2- Box 75 Shippensburg, Pa. Phone 717-532-8260 Aucts. V. Art Kling Ralph W. Horst Fred Naugle, Pedigrees FULL LINE OF EQUIPMENT Sat. 10:30 A.M. 4 - Tractors M.F. Diesel 1130 Turbo-Charger 120 bp, Completely rebuilt, new clutches like new condition; M.F. 180 Diesel; M.F. 185 Diesel (New Rubber); M.F. 44 Gas. R.C.; N.I. 2-R #326 Corn Picker; N.H. 275 Baler (Thrower); N.H. #995 S.P. 13 Combine (Grain Head); N.H. 717 Super Harvester (both Heads); Int. Air 4-R 400 Cyclone Cornplanter; N.H #479 Haybme (Trail); N.H. #346 (Tub) Spreader (Right) w/Hyd. Lid; N.H. PTO #222 Spreader; 12-Ton Tandem N.H. #8 Chuck Wagon; (2) Forage Wagons; (2) Bale Wagons, Coby; J.D. 10-Ton 3- Beater Forage Wagon; Bin Wagon, 8 Ton Chassis; M.F. 52 Transport 12’ Disc; M.F #l5 Grinder Mixer; Cross 40’ Elevator; M.F. #236 Fast Attach, loader; (1) MF. 4-Bottom 14”, (1) Int 3-bottom 16" 3 Point Plows, 12’ Dunham Cultipacker; 3-Section Tooth Harrow: J D Brunt 13 Disc Drill; 3 Point Fert Spreader; 3 Point 2 R Tomato Transplanter; Int Flail #236 Chopper, Fox Blower; M M Hay Rake (Good), Field Sprayer (Very Good); 2 Horse Cultivator J D ; old Corn Wagon, 3 Point Ford Cultivator, 3 Point Cement Mixer; 10 Hole Hog Feeder; 3 Surge N Bore Milker Units; Lot of Gardner Stanchions; Water Bowls; Berg Barn Cleaner; Fiberglass Fence Posts; Tomato Baskets; 28’ I-beam, Radial Arm Saw, Wood and Coal Heater, Servel Gas Ref Stevens 12-Ga. Single Shot Gun, Liester 20- hp Diesel Auto-Switches, Controls, Battery Operated Agitator Motor and Numerous Small Items Oak Rocking, Swival and straight Chairs STANDARD-BRED STALLION 3 yrs old (green broke) Sale by MR. & MRS. RUDY HOSTETLER an) SMS #1 Turbotville, PA
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