ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAIRY SALE Friday, November 25,1977 12:00 Noon Selling at Art Kling’s Dairy Sale Barn, located 12 miles N. of Carlisle, 2Vi miles N.E. of Lan disburg. Perry Co., along rt. 74: GOTopHolsteins Load of Fancy P.B. Cattle from Cortland, N.Y. Featuring-such breeding as: Double Triune, Hagen, Astronaut, Rora Elevation, Willow 10 Top Grade Ist Calf Heifers from one herd - Nearly all Fresh or Very Close Herd of 25 cows from Huntington County Nice Cattle that are milking Good! Few Heifer Calves Health Charts Owner V. ART KLING Landisburg, Pa. 717-789-3883 Click, Auct. Naugle, Ped. Free lunch will be served at 11:00 A.M. - Bring the Family Door Prizes Door Prizes PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT HOLSTEIN COWS & HEIFERS FEEDER STEERS ANTIQUES, Etc. Thanksgiving Day, NOVEMBER 24,1977 TIME: 11:45 A.M. PROMPT Due to quitting farming will have Public Sale on the premises, located in York County, 4 miles south of York, Pa., on Route #lll, thence turn west 1 mile at Reynolds Mill Road, then turn north onto Overlook Drive, first farm. Sale Signs posted. 3TRACTORS3 Farmall 350 Diesel; W C Allis Chalmers & cults; DlO Allis Chalmers & cults; Massey Harris 60 10-ft. self propelled combine, in nice shape; McCormick 510 16 double disc grain drill, like new; good Allis Chalmers 2- row com planter; New Idea 135-bu. manure spreader, p.t.0., like new; New Idea 2-row semi-mt. trail com picker; McCurdy gravity flow box on Allis Chalmers chassis; New Idea rubber-tire wagon w/tight bottom box; Int. Harvester McCormick rubber-tire wagon w/metal box; iron wheel wagon w/grease fittings; I.H. McCormick No. 33A loader w/dirt bucket used very little; Iht. 7’ mower, 2 pt, PTO; McD. roll bar rake; C.H. Grimm 4-bar hay tedder, p.t.0.; Smoker 24’ hammer mill; I.H. McCormick 3-14” plow, 2 pt. M M 2- 14" plow on rubber; McD 18” disc harrow; tractor 35 spring tooth shovel harrow; 9’ single roll packer; 60 tooth peg harrow; 2 pt. rear carrier; snow blade for 350; Grove snow blower, 3-pt; rear ground scoop; Fairbanks platform scales; 30’ wood shifting ladder; electric chain saw 14” blade; grass seeder; 150-gal. gas tank; burlap bags; shovel plow; potato plow w/iron rods; 3 aluminum shovels; 3 iron hog troughs; 10 2”xl2”xl0” oak plank 18 pieces 16’rooders; 2 hog gallows; hog scalding trough; 3 wooden harries; good 13-6-38 tractor tire; rope & tackle; wagon load of small farm tools. FEED 280 Bushels of ear com 6 HEAD of HOLSTEINS Health Chart 2cows, 1 fresh w/3rd calf, other due Feb.; 4 heifers 3 mo. to 1 yr.; Surge S.P. 11 milker pump; Surge milker unit; 485-lb. cans; 14 HEAD of VERY NICE STEERS 500 lbs. to 900 lbs. Charolals, Hereford, Angus, and Holstein ANTIQUES, Etc. Empire jelly cupboard; very nice oak side board w/carvings; wood butter chum; child rocker; oak chairs; wood measure; 2 copper wash boilers; 2 milk stools; wood box; glass oil lamps; oil heater; picture frames; wood straw fork; 2 school desks; 12 doz. egg crates; 2 50-lb. milk cans; 251-gal., 3-gal., 4-gal., 5-gal., 6-gaL, 8-gal. stone crocks; straw knife; furrow plow; hard to find horse-drawn fifth chain hook-up complete; child chest of drawers; youth crib; adding machine; canning jars; iron kettle & stand; iron pot; many items not mentioned. A real lot of farm equipment. LUNCH AT SALE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ORDER of SALE - Wagon, Antiques, Equipt, Com, Cattle. TERMS: Cash or approved check Owner CHAUNCEY E. LENTZ, R.D, #B, York. Pa. Auctioneer Clair R. Slaybaugh Idaviile, Pa., Phone 677-7479 Sale reports HUNTERS SALE BARN, INC. held their weekly sale November M at Rising Sun, Maryland. STEERS: Good to Choice 1100-1240 lb. 34,00-36.75; Standard to Good 900-1080 lb. 33.25-24.00. HEIFERS; High Choice 29.50- Good to Choice 26.50- Other 24.00-25.75. FEEDER STEERS: Good to Choice 36.00-38.50; Standard to Good 32.00-35.50; Other2B.oo-31.00. BULLS: 840 lb. 29.00; 820 lb. 28.00. COWS: High Choice to Prime 26.25-27,25; Good to Standard 25.25-26.50; Utility 24.00-25.25; Cutters 22.50- 23.75; Canners 20.00-21.75. CALVES: High to Choice 140-180 lb. 58.00-66.00; Good COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL MILKING EQUIPMENT, Etc. Saturday, November 26,1977 TIME: 12:00 NOON PROMPT Due to having sold the farm, located in York County 1 mile north of Dover, Pa,, along Route #74. Watch for Sale Sign. 11 Registered Holsteins - 30 tirades Accredited Certified 30 Day Health Tests - Pregnancy Checked 29 Cows and Heifers in milk, 7 recently fresh or close, 9 due Dec., Jan., and Feb., others various stages of lactation; 4 bred heifers, 8 open heifers from 4 months to 14 months old; cows with size and-type. Herd sired by A.B.C. Sires and Herdsman Sire, heifers being in good size. EQUIPMENT Sirge Alamo 5-unit vacuum milker pump; 4 Surge 50- lb. milker units; twin stainless steel wash vats; stainless steel buckets and strainer; Stewart clipper; 2 butcher kettles; scalding trough. Owner SAM PAUL J. STARE, 5350 Carlisle Road Dvoer, Pa. Auctioneer Clair R. Slaybaugh Idsville, Pa., Phone 677-7479 C.L Jacobs, Clerk PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE 59 ACRE FARM Saturday, November 26,1977 At 2 P.M. Located along Main Street, V* mile east of Terre Hill. Between Terre Hill and Rt. 625. Valuable Farm Containing 59 Acres (More or Less) Some meadow and wood land upon which is erected A Stone Dwelling Kitchen, three rooms and bath on first floor, 5 bedrooms on second floor. Well and pressure system. Oil fired baseboard hot water heat. S.W. hookup, heating system only one year old. Storm doors and windows, full basement, insulated attic, wooden windows and cornish covered with aluminum. New roof on house. Other buildings consist of Large Bank Barn & Tobacco Shed Property has road frontage on both sides of road. Land in high state of cultivation, also ideal for development. 10% down day of sale. For inspection of property by appointment call 354- 8981. Property to be sold at 2 P.M. Terms By LOUELLA & SAMUEL W. GROFF Executor for Estate of Martha M. Bixler Auctioneers , Lester O. Weaver Barry D. Wanger Attorney Eric S. Coots Not Responsible For Accidents to Choice 120-140 lb. 44.00- 52.00, few 55.00-57.00; Standard to Good 90-110 lb. 34.00- Utility 70-80 lb. 32.00- few 39.00-40.00; Low Utility 60-75 lb. 23.00- 31.00. FEEDER PIGS $lB to $23 by head. SOWS: 27.00-29.00. BOARS; 25.50-27.00, GOATS: Billies $22 to $27 by head; Nannies $25 to $3O by head. Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer, Norman E. Hunter, Pres. A Virginia herd dispersal was held November 11 at Shady Lane Dairy Sales, V* mile west of Quariyville, Pa. The high cow sold for $l4OO and the low cow brought $250. The average of the 117 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 herd of grade and registered Holstein animals was $6OO. Sale conducted by David L. Fite & Glenn D. Fite. A large Public Sale of fine early American antiques was held November 11 by William W. Miller and Beatrice K. Miller at the McSherrystown Fire Engine House, 2 miles west of Hanover, Pa. Some items sold included: Music Boxes $3BO to $l5OO, Tilt top table $1325, Blanket Chests $3OO to $6OO, Canopy Bed $525, Child’s Market Wagon $lOO, Ladder Back Rocker $350, Ladder Back Chair $230, Little Bing Crosby Juke Box $l9O, Silk Shawls $24 to $27.50, Collections Fans $lO to $3l ea., Mmature Red Light $l5O, Blue Crock $4O, John Bell $41,7 pc. Bowl & Pitcher Set $2lO, Coo Coo Clock $l7O, and Bailey, Banks and Biddle carriage clock $6OO. Auctioneer Clair R, Slaybaugh. Craft lessons PARKESBURG - The Chester County Cooperative Extension Service will present a mini craft workshop on December 5 from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Parkesburg library. Dorothy Daily and Jan Renner invite you to learn to make Christmas items, childrens gifts, and adult items for A Public Sale of farm real estate and a brick home was held November 12 for the estate of Elsie E. Bear, 5 miles south of Carlisle, Pa. The 83 acre farm in Cumberland County con sisted of a large 2% story brick house, stone bam and silo and sold for $197,500. The all brick ranch home on .628 acre of land was sold for $39,500. Ben Rowe and Bill Rowe were the auctioneers. A Public Auction was held November 12 by Lizzie B. Brubaker, in the village of Clay, Lane. Co., Pa. and it was well attended. The two story mason stone house with electric heat was sold for $33,900. Other items sold included: Ironstone Teapot $5O, German serving dishes $4O to $5O, Coverlet $75, water bench $BO, Amber finger lamp $4O, Coffee Grinder $22.50, and General Electric stove $165. Wilbur H. Hosier was the auctioneer. (Continued on Page 122) set for Dec. your friends and family. Registration may be made by calling the library at 215- 857-3345. If you choose to make one of the crafts for yourself, a 50 cent donation will be collected to cover the cost. For more information, call the Extension Service at 215- 696-3500. 121
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