—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 120 More water quality control needed PHILADELPHIA, Pa, Environmental Protection Agency Region 111 ad ministrator Jack J. Schramm said recently that Pennsylvania needs much greater control over its drinking water quality and waste disposal to reduce the contamination of State water supplies and related waterborne disease out breaks. ‘‘Pennsylvania ranks third in the Nation in generating solid waste and hazardous materials and for the past three years has led the nation in the number of waterborne disease out breaks,” said Schramm at a luncheon held in the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre area. “I think that these facts should be of concern to every Pennsylvanian. Without greater control over drinking water quality and solid waste hazardous material disposal, these PUBLIC SALE Saturday, November 26,1977 11:30 A.M. Herd Dispersal of Grade Holsteins Hay - Straw - Grain Located in Lykens Valley, Dauphin County. Pa. 6 miles east of Millersburg - 4 miles west of Berrysville, just north of Route 25 - from Harrisburg Follow Route 322 west of route 147 north to route 25 east, at Dauphin Animal Hospital turn north. 40 HEAD OF MILK COWS 3 Heifers; 1 stock bull; approximately 15 fresh in October, 11 due from now to January Ist. Balance in all stages of lactation. Cows in this herd that will milk to 70 and 75 lbs. per day. Mostly young cows with potential P.G. checked. 30 day charts Interstate 400 Gallon Wilson Bulk Milk Tank 5 Surge Milker Units - 3 - 50 lb.; 2 Stainless Steel Carrying Pails; 2 Stainless Strainers; 82 Gallon Electric Water Heater; Stainless Steel Twin Tubs. Approximately 80 ton of Good Alfalfa and Clover Hay; Approximately 10 ton Straw; 12’ x 70’ Trench Silo, half full; Approximately 900 Bushel Barley and Oats mixed. HAY AND GRAIN WILL BE SOLD AT 11:30 Terms By PAUL & MARY HOCKENBERRY Auctioneer Steve Petersheim For transportation from Lancaster County call 215-869-2508 or 717-442-8126 * problems will probably increase in the coming years,” Schramm said. He said that when Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, it decided that while' uniform stan dards could be best carried out by the states. Pennsylvania has already declined the primary responsibility to enforce drinking water standards and has indicated that it will probably not accept the responsibility for solid waste when the opportunity presents itself. If a state refuses to accept primacy, the EPA must then take the responsibility. Schramm said that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, who would carry out the enforcement programs, would be willing to accept the responsibility with; more. support from the State legislature. He said that DER feels there has been a loss of momentum m the en vironmental movement in Pennsylvania. Legislative support is necessary to make changes in the State’s drinking water and solid waste laws before Penn sylvania can assume primary enforcement lesponsibility. The EPA is attempting to enforce the drinking water program by forming a task force with DER and County health departments and PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE 110 ACRE FARM, FARM EQPT., HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, ANTIQUES, CAR AND TRUCK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1977 Located app. 2 miles east of Pine Grove, 13 miles west of Schuylkill Haven on Route 443, Wayne Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. FARM CONSISTS OF; Approximately 110 acres with app. 85 acres of farm land, balance brush land, with stream running through property, 2% story frame house, 7 rooms and bath, attached 1 car garage, coal H.W.H., spring water, large bank bam, drive through com crib, plus other outbuildings, many feet of Route 443 highway frontage. This is a very nice farm in good cond. FARM EQUIMENT: Allis Chalmers w.d. tractor tricycle front end good tires in good condition, John Deere model M tractor wide front end in good con dition, Allis Chalmers 7’ PTO mounted grass machine, 2 row cultivator for Allis Chalmers, 4 section spring tooth harrow. New Idea 4 bar side delivery rake, lime spreader, 24’ Smoker grain and bale elevator with motor, 2 row pull type com planter, 2 row transplanter, disc, double roll cultipacker, McCormick pull type grass machine, 2 wheel flat wagon, wagon chassis, 2 bottom 16” mounted plow for WD tractor. New Idea ground drive manure spreader, hand potato plow, wooden wagon wheels, cast iron troughs, hand plow, chicken feeders, platform scale, rubber tire wheelbarrow, assorted forks, shovels, picks and rakes, asstd. chains, asstd. new lumber, ground scoop, old horse harness and collars, wire stretcher, endless belt, asstd. hand tools, scythe, scrap pile, app. 2 ton com on cob, app. 400 bales straw, building jacks, saw buck, 1946 Chevrolet UT truck with dump body, 18’ aluminum extension ladder, cow clipper, brace bits, meat tubs, sharpening steel. CAR: 1962 Chevrolet Impala 4 door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering with 59,000 miles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES: Old dry sink, blind corner cupboard, milk cans, old wooden high chair, music cabinet, pressed back chairs, round glass display case, butter churn, meat fork and strainer, Hoosier cabinet, small benches, plank seat chairs, oak bookcase, old stand, flat irons, candle stand, kerosene lamp, 3D picture viewer and cards, old blanket chest, 5 pc. wooden bedroom suite, square trunk, Singer treadle type sewing machine, old chest of drawers, old pictures and frames, old potty, brass trim crib, old single shot shotgun, Carnival glass butter dish and other carnival glass, Depression glass, chicken on nest, Duncan Phyfe table, crocks and jugs, shoe lathe, old canning jars, old radio, house jack, Int. chest type food freezer, refrigerator, 5 pc. dinette set, table lamps Kelvinator electric stove, 7 pc. dinette set, platform rockers, sofa bed, hospital bed, lanterns, tea kettle, utility carts, coal and wood stove, porch swing, bar stool, cuckoo clock, AM-FM radio, kitchen cabinet, stereo record player, foot stools, gossip bench, coffee table, metal clothes closet, Electrolux sweeper, maple rocker, chaise lounge, step stool, rugs, cleaver, step ladders, Lawn Boy rotary self-propelled lawn mower. Many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Real Estate • 10% down in cash or certified check, balance within 45 days. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cash or approved check, Not responsible in case of accidents. Inspection of Real Estate - Saturday, November 5 and Saturday, November 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. each day; or by appointment - call Ray Wolfe at 717-345-4119. Real Estate will be offered at approx. 1:00 P.M. Estate of: WALTER WOLFE EXECUTOR: RayS. Wolfe ATTORNEY: Richard Adams, Pine Grove, Pa. Auctioneer: Robert A. Arner Route 2, New Ringgold, Pa. Phone. Mantzville 717-386-4586 REFRESHMENTS assigning a full-time person to Harrisburg to work with DER. The EPA itself is also gearing up for enforcement of the drinking water standards In the solid waste area, the EPA is continuing to develop management guidelines to be put into effect ‘ under RCRA. Schramm said that* all of this effort will probably not be enough. “The EPA at present, cannot do the job as -thoroughly as we think is necessary. If the State does not assume these respon sibilities, the people of Pennsylvania will be the losgrs in the end.” he said. At 10:00 A.M. TRACTOR AND MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT mE SATURDAY, DECEMBERS, 1977 Sale to be held at Visschers Farm in Nichols, NY. Take Nichols exit off Rt. 17 (Southern Tier Expressway) follow arrows. 35 TRACTORS ALREADY LISM Howard Visscher, Auctioneer 607-699-7250 Ed Goodrich, Jr. 607-729-2866 PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE 118 ACRE FARM HEIRS of JENNIE C. CROOK, Deceased THANKSGIVING DAY, NOVEMBER 24,1977 TIME: 10:00 A.M. PROMPT The Heirs will offer the following Real Estate, located in Adams County 4Vz miles north of East Berlin, Pa. Take Route 234 Vi mile west of East Berlin, then turn north 2 miles at Morning Hour Chapel Sign, at Lake Meade Road Sign, thence turn east 2 miles to SALE. SALE Signs posted. NICE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE Farm containing 118 acres, more of less, lying and being in Reading Township, Adams County, Pa., having 1640 ft. frontage along Black top road, im provements erected thereon a 2% story and a IVz story main frame and weather boarded dwelling house, having kitchen, dining room area, large living room, guest room, 2 open porches -1 has cement floor; second floor contains 4 bed rooms, storage attic; basement cemented with outside entrance. Home has electric hot and cold running water. There is a 1-story frame summer house; frame bank bam 40’ x 70’ with white asbestos shingle siding & attached machine shed; frame hog pen; frame poultry house; farm has ap proximately 85 acres of good tillage soil, 33 acres in clear and wooded pasture land with 2 never-failing streams of water running through. Spring water for domestic use from stone spring house. All buildings are in good state of repair with metal roofs. NOTE: This farm has a lovely setting with unlimited potential. FOR INFORMATION: Telephone (717) 2594)776 or 2594)995 or 2924921. TERMS: 10% down day of Sale, balance within 30 days with possession. HEIRS of Jennie C. Crook, Deceased Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer idaville, Pa., Phone 677-7479 Jan M. Wiley, Attorney
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