—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 122 Public Sales Register NOVEMBER SAT NOV 19 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Household Goods, located mid way between Hmkletown and Farmersville, Pa Owner Kathern Z Burkholder Nevm Z Martin and Lewis B Groff, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public Sale of Machinery, Furniture, Tools, Lumber and Personal Property Located at 710 South Union St, Middletown, Pa Owner E H Givler Auc tioneer Gerbench & Long 838-1825 SAT NOV 19 - 930 AM Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, and Anti ques Located on Church St, village of Bowmansville, Lan caster Co, Pa Owner Sally Shirk, Leßoy S Horst and Paul W Horst, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 - Public Sale of Farm Real Estate, Hogs & Farm Machinery Jackson Twp, Lebanon Co, Pa Owner Robert Derr Auctioneer Earl Buffenmeyer SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public Sale of Valuable 49 Acre Farm, 1977 Ford FlOO Truck and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sale reports ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ (Continued from Page 121) A Public Sale of real estate was held November 12 by Lloyd M. and Pauline Zimmerman, just west of Goodville, Lane. Co., Pa. The property consisted of a 2M> story frame house on s /* acres of land with a frame bank bam and a garage chicken house. It was sold for $42,100 to Daniel Kiler, R. D. 1, Narvon, Pa. Elton & Alvin Homing were the auctioneers. A two day Public Sale of real estate and antique and classic cars was held Nov. 11 & 12 by Charles & Dorothy Sprigg, 6 miles south of Gettysburg, Pa. It was a large sale and held in quite cold weather; 5 or 6 states were represented. The 4.3 acres of land in Freedom Township,-Adams Co. was sold to a man from Virginia for $117,500. The highest priced car sold for $4150; many ranged between $3OOO and $4OOO. There were 35 cars sold; they were from antique to junk stages. New tires sold very well. C. David Redding was the auctioneer A Public Auction of a mobile home and household goods was held Nov. 12 by Rebecca B. Smoker, Not tingham, Pa. A nice-sized crowd attended. The 12 ft. x 55 ft. Capital Mobile Home was sold for $4050. Other items included- Cherry single bed $6O, Cedar Chest $lOO and old bed cover $l5O. Auctioneer was Steve Petersheim. A Public Auction of a 78 acre farm and farm im plements was held November 12 by Ruth Sheaffer, 5 miles south of New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. The real estate consisted 1967 Chevelle V 8 Car Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques, and Tools Located 3 miles West of Dover along West Canal Rd and I'/? mile East of East Berlin on Rt 234, then turn North at Paradise Orchards 4 'n miles to sale, and Vz mile South of Davidsburg in Dover Twp , York Co , Pa Ed ward S Eisenhooth, Executor Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public Sale of Modern Farm Equip ment, and 3 Int Tractors Located V« mile West of Fnedensburg on Rt 443, app 2 miles South of Rt 443 at Gardner’s Cafe, app 8 miles East of Pine Grove, Pa , Wayne Twp, Schuylkill Co, at the Mary Weldermuth Farm, RD 3, Pine Grove, Pa. Owner Ray mond S Brensmger Auc tioneer Robert A Arner SAT NOV 19 - 1 P M Public Auction of 375-425 Feeder Pigs Located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Rt 422, at Stouchsburg, take Scharff Rd South 1 mile to third farm on left V? mile North of Sheridan Furnace. Marion Twp , Berks Co , Pa Sale by Walter M Horst John E and Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ milk and chicken houses. No living quarters were in cluded in the sale. It was sold for $337,500. Also sold were: 8N Ford tractor $BBO, Manure Spreader $625, small spring tooth harrow $l2O, 3 point hitch dump cart $lO5, Farm Bell $B5, Clover Hay $B5 per ton, Straw $7B per ton, Com Sheller $52.50, Barrel $26, Hog Trough $l7, Tobacco sizing box $l4 and Hay spear $9. Auctioneers were Ira & Dale Stoltzfus and Jay Leary. A Public Auction of farm equipment was held by Warren I. Seibel, R.D. 1, Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 377 numbers given out and there was an active crowd despite it being the first area snow. Prices included: Ford 4000 SU Tractor $7675, Ford 5000 Tractor $4250, M.F. 510 D Combine $7500, Wheelhorse Tractor 18 hp. w/loader $2450, M.F 35 Tractor $2300, Fox Blower $9OO, Field Sprayer $560, J.D Grinder-Mixer $1420, Gehl Forage Wagon $2375,16 ft Field Harrow $1140,10 ft. Chisel Plow $9lO and Fox 2200 Harvester $4200. John E. Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. A Production Sale of 60 certified Charolais cattle was held November 12 by Stauffer Homestead Farm, Elizabeth Groff Miller, owner The farm is 5 miles east of New Holland, Lan caster Co., Pa The top bull was sold for $B5O to Fred Vietig, Bloomsburg, Pa and the top cow went to Gerald Gilgore, Red Lion, Pa for $660 The average of the 60 purebred and percentage Charolais was $377. Auctioneers- New Holland Sales Co. ►Jvtr l ' SAT NOV 19-12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Machinery and a few pieces of Household Goods located 17 miles East of Lan caster, left on Route 897, one mile North of Route 340, at Spnngvi lie, Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pa Terms by Amos H and Eleanor M Hershey Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz. Auc tioneers SAT NOV 19 IPM Special Horse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located Old Rt 11, Danville, Pa Owner Bob Biel SAT NOV 19 -10 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Anti ques and Household Goods Located along Farmersville Rd , between Hinkletown and Farmersville, Earl Twp, Lan caster Co, Pa Kathryn Z Burkholder, Owner Nevm Z Martin and Lewis B Groff, Auc tioneers - SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public - Auction of Antiques and Per sonal Property Located 627 Pine St , Lebanon (Remoehlsville), near Rural Security Fire Co, follow Rt 72 North (N Ninth St), turn right on Maple St (Rt 343 North) Turn left at first light to N Seventh St then right on Elizabeth St and turn left on Seventh St and right onto Pine St Sale by Helen Weightier Ira Stoltzfus and Son and Jay Leary, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 - 930 AM Estate Auction of 61 Acre Farm, Antiques, Household Goods, Dishes, Tools, Misc Items Located on the premises 2Vi miles Southwest of New Freedom on the corner of Keeney Mill Rd and Oakland Rd, in the 6th District of Baltimore Co, Md Mrs. Frankie J Parrish, Personal Representative Charles W Shrodes and David W Shrodes, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 - 930 AM Public Sale of 9 Room Frame Dwelling, Household Goods, Quilts, Antiques and Tools Located on Church St in the village of Bowmansville, Lan caster Co , Pa Terms by Sal lie Shirk Leßoy Horst and Paul Horst, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 930 AM Public Sale of Building, Machine, Lumber and Anti ques Located at 40 Logan Ave , Manheim, Pa rear of ll lianos Italian Restaurant (formerly Longeneckers Hard ware Store) Sale by V llhano John H Cooper, Auctioneer SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public Sale of Household Goods, Anti ques, and Farm Equipment Located in Perry Co along Rt 274, 5 miles West of Slain, Vz mile West of New Germantown Mr & Mrs Charles E Groff, Owners Long Brothers, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 19 - 930 AM Public Sale of Tractors. Tools and Household Goods Located from Rt 11 at Inwood, WV, turn East on Rt 51, travel 3 miles to Haines’ Market, turn right, 2/10 miles to sale or from Charlestown, WV, take Rt 51 West app 8 miles to Haines' Market, turn left 2/10 miles to sale Edgar Bohrer Sale Manager, Bohrer, Miller and Martin, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19-12 Noon Public Auction of Furniture located at 658 N Pine St Lancaster, Pa Sale by Mrs Christ Nissley Wilbur H Hosier Auctioneer SAT NOV 19 1100 AM Public Sale of Livestock Trac tor Trucks Horse Trailers and Household goods Located 3 miles east of Elverson on Rt 401 5 miles West of Ludwigs Corner on Rt 401 to James Mill Rd turn on James Mill Rd 2 miles to sale Warwick Twp Chester Co Pa Sale by nrrtpr nf Blanch F Yoder SAT NOV 19 10 30 AM Moodys Complete Dispersal Located at Roaring Branch, Pa Ttoga Co, 8 miles South of Canton, Pa , 22 miles North Williamsport, Pa David & Julia"! Moody, Owners D 0 Rockwell, Auctioneer SAT NOV 19 - 10 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment? Anti ques, Household Goods and Coins Located along Walnut Hill Rd , RD 1, Millersville, Lan caster Co, Pa , app 5 miles Southwest of Millersville, on Walnut Hill Rd, just East of Safe Harbor Rd Sale by Mr & Mrs Paul Shertzer Howard Shaub & Roy C Probst, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 19 - 11 AM Bob- Juan Farms Complete Disper sal Located 1 mile West of the stoplight in Corfu, 3 miles East of Crittenden, 3 miles Southwest of Thruway Exit 48A, 12 miles Southwest of Batavia, just South of Rt 33 at 874 Genesee Street Rd Owners Mr & Mrs Robert Kruger William Kent, Auc tioneer, Bergen, NY 716-494-1890 MON NOV 21 - 530 PM Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co located one mile North of Lititz along Rt 501 Auctioneer Wilbur H Hosier. TUES NOV 22 - 5 P M Public Sale of Antiques and Collec tibles for the Lydia Stoltzfus Estate at the Farmersville Auc tion located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lan caster Co Sale by John J Rutt TUES NOV 22 -1 P M Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc, Lancaster, Pa TUES NOV 22 - 430 PM Public Sale of Many Antique sand Household Goods Located in the New Oxford Fire Hall, North Bolton St, Oxford Pa Wm Flaherty and Blanch Smith, Owners Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer TUES NOV 22 - 530 PM Farmersville Auction of Anti ques and Collectables Located in Farmersville, Pa , 3 miles East of Brownstown. Lan caster, Co , Pa Lydia Stoltzfus Estate John J Rutt, Auc tioneer 354-5095 TUES NOV 22 - 9 A M Public Auction of Miscellaneous Lumber, Hardware, and Millworks Located at Keath Planning Mill, E Front St, Lititz, Pa Sale by Keath Plann ing Mill Co EM Murray Associates, Auctioneers WED NOV 23 11 A M Public Sale of Real Estate (Ranch House), Modern Furniture, Household Goods, 1976 & 1968 Buicks, Riding Mower & Tools Located at 328 Park View Dr, Borough of Manheim, Lancaster, Co, Pa at the North end of Manheim, turn right off Rt 72 onto Hamaker Rd , turn left onto Park View Dr Sale by Mrs Theodore R Long Estate Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst, Auc tioneers WED NOV 23 1100 AM Public Sale of Real Estate (Ranch House), Modern Fur mture Household Goods 1976 [ 1968 Buicks, Riding Mower [ Tools Located at 328 Park View Dr, Borough of Manheim, Lancaster, Co, PA at the north end of Manheim turn right off Rt 72 onto Hamaker Rd, turnleft onto Park View Di Sale by Mrs Theodore R Long Estate Howard Shaub and Roy C Pro bst Auctioneers THURS NOV 24 - 10 A M Public Sale of Valuable 118 Acre Farm Located in Adams Co 4'/i miles North of East Berlin, Pa Take Rt 234 '/) mile 1 West of East Berlin, then turn No r th 2 miles at Morning Hour Chapel sign, at Lake Meade Rd sign then turn East 2 miles of Jennie C Crook deceased Clair R Siaybaugh, Auctioneer THURS NOV 24- 1145 AM Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Holstein Cows and Heifers, Feeder Steers, and Antiques Located on the farm of Chauncey Lentz, York Co, Pa on Rt 111, turn West 1 mile at Reynolds Mill Rd . turn North onto Overlook Dr , first farm Sale by Chauncey E Lentz, RD 8, York, Pa Clair R Siaybaugh, Auctioneer THURS NOV 24 - 130 P M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, 10x25' Silo,.Produce, 25 Beef Cattle Located on the Bndgeview Farm, 5 miles South of Forksville, along the Hillsgrove-Forksville Pa Rt 87 Highway (Sullivan Co) Owner Laverne Rmker Auctioneer Max Fraley & Son THURS NOV 24 11 AM Public Sale of Valuable Farm Equipment and Hogs Situated on Plum Creek Road, Center Township, Berks Co, Pa , 2Vt miles North of Bern Church, Rt 183, 8 miles North- of Reading Watch for signs on day of sale Conditions by William 4 Mary Spatz Auc tioneers Paul E Bixler & Gerald G Kramer THURS NOV 24 - No sale at Hat & Gavel Auction Co Sale to be held Monday, Nov 21 at 530 PM Wilbur H Hosier, Auctioneer -FRI ,NOV 25 - 12 Noon Special and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc, Lancaster, Pa FRI NOV 25 - 530 P M Gap Auction Complete close out of local Antique Shop No sale Dec 2, no consignments ac cepted Nov. 28 ■ Dec 2 FRI NOV 25 - State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Westminster Auction Livestock 301-733-8120 FRI NOV 25 - 7 30 P M Com plete Herd Dispersal of 96 Head Milk Cows Sale to be held at the New Holland Sales Stables Owner John F Cassel, Manheim, Pa FRI NOV 25 ■ 7 30 P M Public Auction of 4-H and FFA Steer Calves at Shady Lane Dairy Sales, Located mile west of Quarryville on Oak Bottom Rd , off Rt 372 Owners D Walter & M Miller Auctioneer K Bradley SAT NOV 26 -12 Noon Sharp Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc, Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don and Walt Keister, Owners Art Klmg and Larry Long, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 26 -10 A M Public- Sale of 110 Acre Farm, Equip ment, Household Goods, Tools, Antiques, Car and Truck Located app 2 miles East of Pine Grove, 13 miles West of Schuylkill Haven on Rt 443, Wayne Twp , Schuylkill Co , Pa Estate of Walter Wolf, Executor Ray Wolf Robert A Arner, Auc tioneer SAT NOV 26 -10 A M Public Sale of Valuable Farm- Machinery and Personal Pro perty Located on the property of Mary K Poff RD 12 Hellarfi Branch, app 2 miles West of East Prospect, Pa along East Prospect York Rd Mrs Mary K Poff, Owner Jacob A Gilbert, Auctioneer SAT NOV 26 -12 Noon Com plete Holstein Dispersal and- Milkmg Equipment Located at 5350 Carlisle Rd , Dover, Pa , 1 mile North of Dover, Pa along Rt 74 Sam Paul J Stare, Owner Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer SAT NOV 26 - Public Sale of Registered and Grade Hols tems Located in Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co, 6 miles North of Millersburg, 1 mile West of Berrysburg Sale by Paul Hockenberry Steve Petersheim, Auctioneer SAT NOV 26 - 10 00 AM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Personal Property and Tools Located at 266 Ridge Ave, Ephrata, Pa Terms by Luke Landis Auctioneer C L SAT NOV 26 -12 noon Oc toraro Farm Club Calf Sale Located at the Octoraro Farm, Lees Bridge, RD 2 Nottingham, Pa Sale by Sam Wylie 215-932-8923 SAT NOV 26 2PM Public- Sale of Valuable 59 Acre Farm Located along Mam St, V* mi East of Terre Hill between Terre Hill and Rt 625 Terms by Loueila & Samuel W Groff Auctioneers Lester 0 Weaver& Barry D Wenger PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY & PERSONAL PROPERTY^ On Sat. Nov. 26,1977 10 A.M. SHARP At R.D. #l2, Hellam Branch, approx. 2 miles West of East Prospect, Pa. along East Prospect -York Road. The un dersigned will offer at puclic sale farm machinery & personal property of die late Warren Poff. FARM MACHINERY Farmall Super C tractor, mover, two bottom plow, post hole digger & snow blade, Farmall C tractor with culivators, New Idea one row corn picker, Smoker elevator, McDeering grain drill, two row com planter, 2- two section harrows, disc, two wheel rubber tire trailer, wagon with hay flats on steel with tractor hitch, side delivery rake, manure spreader on steel, tobacco planter, two horse wagon with box & hay flats, wooden pickup cover, Dellinger chop mill, two hole corn shelter, pile of scrap iron, one horse culivator, Syracuse plow, potato plow, single row com planter, wood saw, several bags of fertilizer, harness, check lines, bag truck, usual wagon items. PERSONAL PROPERTY & ANTIQUES Homelite C-51 chain saw, Craftsman 7” power saw, cement mixer, pile of brick & cement blocks, mortar box, assortment of hand tools, garden tools, mason tools, wooden scaffolding, straight & extension ladders, approx. 20 pcs. new fir lumber, plastic pipe, 2 rolls of barb wire, log chains, wooden trussels, 2 lawn mowers, asst, small hardware, elec, drill, sabre saw, flower pots, some dishes, lot of jars, antiques consisting of 4 iron butcher kettles, scalding trough, 2 butter churns, 2 meat benches, lard press, 2 meat grinders one has motor, small press, carpet rocker, coal bucket, asst, of crocks, 5 spring wagon wheels, wash boiler, and many other articles to numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Refreshments by East Prospect Farm Women. TERMS: Cash or approved check. MRS. MARY K. POFF Auctioneer Jacob A. Gilbert Clerks Kline. Stermer. Gohn
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