20 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 6. 1977 York County placed first in meats judging this week at the State 4-H Achievement Days held at Penn State's main campus. The winning team con sisted of, left to right: Laurie Dobrosky, Glen Rock; Brenda Warner, Hanover; Tim Beck, coach; Daniel Wise, Spring Grove; Kathy Sunday, York; and Peggy Brown, coach. Achievement Day results: [Continued from Page 14] Shrewsbury, fourth; Greg a spirit of competition and Chester, 2nd individual; Jeff Elicker, and Randy Bren- fun. But traditional rivalries Sheering of Hanover, sth neman, both of York RB, and flourished just as they do in individual Donald Flory, placing fifth and third, football games and the (12th) and Steve Trestle, respectively, as individuals quadrannual Olymics. (third) both of Red Lion. The Details on further placings Adams County 4-H’ers can meats judging team, con- may be found in upcoming boast having four top in sisting of Brenda Warner of portions of this report. dividuals in the state. t They Hanover, 2nd individual; The county which came were: ChrisGitt, Littlestown Kathy Sunday of York closest to equalling York R 2, (dairy cattle judging); (first); Laurie Dobrosky of County’s performance was Judy Smith, Gettysburg R 9, Glen Rock sth individual and neighboring Adams County (horticulture); Mary Ann David Wise of Spring Grove, whose 4-H delegation Klinger, New Oxford R 2, third highest individual. The numbered 91. All told, ap- (clothing); and Becky Piper, archery team, consisting of proximately 1500 4-H Gettysburg, (Fooderama). Sandy Deel of Stewartstown members competed for In addition the Adams second; Brooke Palmer of honors. Contests were held in County delegation captured Butler fornnalM Buildings What C & M SALES INC. FARMILL CONSTRUCTION RD#l Soudersburg, Pa 17577 Honesdale.Pa 18431 Phone 717-687-7659 Phone 717-253-1612 A.E.ENGEL, INC. P.0.80x 216 Marlton, N i Phone 609-983-4404 SLOPE-WALL OR STRAIGHT-WALL INSIDE OR OUTSIDE YOU’LL SEE THE BIG DIFFERENCE WITH BUTLER ALL-STEEL BUILDINGS CALL FOR MORE DETAILS..... KAFFERLIN SALES & SERVICE R.D.#2 Union City, Pa. 16438 Phone 814-438-3110 KNOXVILLE CONSTRUCTION Knoxville, Pa 16928 Phone 814-326-4188 ORVILLE MACK LEROY E. MYERS, INC. P.0.80x 47 Route #l, Box 163 Nazareth, Pa. 18064 Clear Sprint, Md. 21722 Phone 215-759-1331 Phone 301-582-1552 Top home economists is one way to describe these girls from Adams County. At right is Becky Piper, high scorer in Fooderama competition at the 4-H Achievement Days. The other three girls represent three-quarters of the first place 4-H Clothing team. They are, left to right. Sue Hoke and Patti Ellicker from , > Abbottstown and Cindy Reinecker from York Springs. The high individual scorer ’ in the contest, Mary Ann Klinger, was not available for the photograph. Adams 1 County 4-H Extension Agent Jared Tyson is also pictured. three first-place team Cindy Reinecker of York plaques. Christine Gitt Springs. Mary Ann Klinger spearheaded the state’s best ted the team with her first -4-H dairy cattle judging place as an individual. AH team. Teammates were received blue ribbons. Monica Miller, 12th; John All told, Adams County 4- Clowney, 34th; and H’ers captured seven first Dan Waybright, all of places, two seconds, four Gettysburg. The winning thirds, two fourths, and three horticulture team consisted fifths. Eight other con of Judy Smith, who placed testants came in for blue first as an individual; Tom ribbons or gold medals. Garretson of Aspers, 9th; Details follow in latter parts Brian Wilson of Biglerville, °f this article. 12th; and Karen Hobaugh of Lancaster County 4-H’ers Abbottstown, 21st. The top furnished two top individuals clothing team was rounded in the state and a first-place out by Pat Elicker and Sue team in senior livestock Hoke of Abbottstown and judging. The team consisted AL MAUER P.O. Box 78 Cambra, Pa. 18611 Phone 717-864-3135 I,?''#,-. JSMW BUILDERS FOR THE FARMER WHO'S IN BUSINE W.R. MOODY. CONTRACTOR 113 Walnut Lane West Newton, Pa. 15059 Phone 412-872-6804 O.A. NEWTON &SON CO. Bridgeville, Delaware 19933 Phone 302-337-8211 Sue Schneider ousee ROYER’S FARM SERVICE R.D.#l Winfield, Pa. 17889 Phone 717-837-3201 O.E.SMITH, INC. Miftfintown, Pa. 17059 Phon. 717-416-ZISI Q C ■££££& Adams County’s 4-H Greenholt, Littlestown; and Karen Updyke, Lit Agent. Kathy Sunday is what A' L GLENN M.STAHLMAN R.R. #l, Cash Valley Road . Cumberland, Md. 21502 Phone 301-777-0582 SUNNY MEAD SALES ★ 15% DOV
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