John Yocum, superintendent of Penn State’s research farm near Landisville, inspects some of the tobacco grown there. He’s the only tobacco growing specialist on the staff of the University and also works closely with research conducted at USDA’s Beltsvilie research station. 40 TOUGH HORSES. VERT out of soft spots power steering .thermo-stai jrfast. cold weather starting foot throttle plus hand throttle! and more—all at no extra backed by Allis-Chalmers warranty and our prompt, professional service‘Come in Test drive a hard bargain with us now on this 5040, aniji save' ‘Manufacturer s maximum observed PTO horsepower at rated engine; speed A. J. NOSS & SON, INC. RD 2, Oley, PA 215-987-6257 L H. BRUBAKER, INC. Lancaster, PA 717-397-5179 BHM FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Annville, ROl, PA 717-867-2211 A fcA ALLIS-CHALMERS C. J. 'WONSIDLER BROS. C. J. WONSIDLER BROS. RDI, Quakertown, PA 18951 Rt. 309 & 100 Phone 215-536-1935 R 2 New Tripoli, PA 18066 215-536-7523 215-767-7611 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE ROY H. BUCK, INC 717-786-7318 Ephrata.RD2 717 786 7318 717-859-2441 SHARTLESVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT Shartlesvilte, PA 215-488-1025 H. Daniel Wenger, Prop. (Continued from Page 1] cut on nitrogen fertilizer being accounted for. If his applications, findings hold true and ap- Scientists at the University plicable to commercial are also searching for an farming, then costs can be variety of potato which Japanese beetles were out in force this year. John Yocum inspects some of the damage done by them to grapes. - The Rjsta Power nrwmmg AG.-INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT R 2, Rising Sun, MD 301-658-5568 Crops field day scheduled CLICK'S ROOFING & SPOUTING Handler & Installer Of BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors: Turquoise, Red, Mint Green, Rust, Brown, White and Plain. Sizes: 5 ft. up to 36 ft. All in one. Also cut to exact length. SAMUEL B. CLICK R,D.I, Kinzer, Pa PH: [717)442-4921 Call in Morning Before 6:30 and Evenings after 6:00 P.M. No Sunday Calls CYBOtr 400 k? Y * T <wiE & Protects ALFALFA From Potato Leaftopper DAMAGE THE POTATO LEAFHOPPER CAUSING YELLOWING/REDDENING AND STUNTING OF NEW AND ESTABLISHED STANDS OF ALFALFA SEEN DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER ARE PRIMARILY CAUSED BY THE POTATO LEAFHOPPER, NOT A LACK OF MOISTURE, AS MANY BELIEVE. WbY CYBDW? Because CYGON Gives You Yield Protection.... Contact action for quick results. • Moderate toxicity. Residual activity on the leaves, • Low cost per acre, and availability Systemic action for control from in easy-to-use five gallon con within the plant. tainers. i JJy BREAK YOUR YIELD BARRIER! •TRADEMARK KERR-M^GEE CHEMICAL CORPORATIOH Located at Rt. 322 & Reservoir Roads Honey Brook, Pa. Phone (215) 273-3546 Atglen, Pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6,1977 can be commercially grown in the state, and are trying to find out when’s the best time to spray for weeds and bugs. Eighty varieties of tobacco are being worked with to study each disease. Farmers will be a com plete planting of the Ex tension hybrid com trials. This includes commercial hybrids and open formula hybrids developed at Penn State. Hybrids for short, medium, and long growing seasons will be shown. In addition, the com plots will display current findings from breeding studies and disease control work. Fer tility trials will be highlighted as well as her bicide trials. And studies of factors affecting corn maturity will be described. Of interest to homeowners will be a tour of plots devoted to annual flowers. Dr. Richard Craig of Penn State will describe in particular some of his studies of viruses in geraniums. Variety trials ~ CYGON*4OO SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE FOR CUSTOM APPLICATION CALL; Harry J. Hostetler, of grapes should also appeal to homeowners. Experiments with forage crops will include interesting new clover varieties, Yocum said. Alfalfa plots with show trials with different varieties and different fertility levels. Variety trials will also in clude crownvetch, or chardgrass, and red clover. Soybeans, potatoes, and tobacco will be featured in variety trials. Dr. Nathan Hartwig of Penn State will describe his experiments with herbicides on soybeans planted conventionally and soybeans grown with no tillage in a double crop following barley. Herbicide and insect trials will also be seen on tobacco plots. Pennlan tobacco, new this past Spring, will be shown. These are just some of the many projects which will be introduced to visitors coming to the 88-acre research farm on August 11. The facilities are located a few miles west of Route 72 on Auction Road. Auction Road starts just south of Manheim at the Manheim Auto Auc tion. JimsonWeed Some of the colonists of Jamestown, hunting for a nourishing local wild food, boiled up glossy leaves that looked like spinach, ate them, and went on binges of hallucinations that lasted for days. Their adventures with Jamestown weed gave name to today’s^Jimson Weed. 215-593-5346 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers