VOL 22 No. 37 Holstein show held By DIETER KRIEG QUARRYVILLE - Top honors at this year’s Lan caster District Holstein Show were shared by two well-known families who are experienced and dedicated veterans of the show circuit. Winning both grand and reserve grand championship at the show, which had more than 120 Holsteins entered, was the Robert Kauffman family of Elizabethtown. Yield grades explained By KEND ACE BORRY LANCASTER, Pa. - Close to 200 people came to learn about “yield grades” at the. auction bam of the Lan caster Stockyards during the ' morning hourS jdf July 28; They Louis' Moore, agriculture economist from Penn State, Lester Burdette, livestock extension specialist from Penn State, Milton Marshall, cattle Strauss tops hog show By JOANNE SPAHR LANCASTER, Pa. - They thought he was crazy when he purchased the “but terball” for $lO7 back in April at the Lancaster County Swine Producers Association’s feeder pig sale, but 21-year-old Robert Strauss, Jr., Durlach Road, Ephrata, went on to take his “folly” to grand champion status at the 15th annual Lancaster County FFA Market Hog Show and Sale held last Tuesday at the Lancaster Stockyards. The 215 pound Duroc- Tobacco cutting begins By JOANNE SPAHR LTTITZ, Pa. - Although varying weather conditions around Lancaster County have put its tobacco crop in different stages of production, the overall crop is about one week early, according to John Yofcum, of the Penn State southeast research laboratory at Landisville. Aphids are a problem this year, although A special series on con- servation logins this week FanTcSendar 10 Editorial comments 10 Letters 10 Price proposal ( 19 Berks Jr. Holstein show 23 Conservation feature 28 Chester AH beef show 33 Homestead Notes 42 - Also Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware “Andfar Astronaut Cin derella,” a 5-year daughter of Pactajmar Astronaut, was chosen .'as grand champion by judge Paul King, York County Holstein breeder. King picked her over another Kauffman entry, “Sunapee Astronaut Ruth,” owned, by Linda Kauffman. Miss Kauffman had the grand champion at last year’s show as welL J. Mowery Frey and. buyer for Cross Brothers, Phi]a., and James Anderson, the JUSDA livestock marketing agent located in Lancaster, and see a .demonstration of being graded in the different yieldgrac^B. Mr. Max Smith, Lancaster Agent, and W|fta||3Mw>y, president of fnfiVlNHßer Livestock 1 Exchange, hosted the meeting. " Chesterwhite barrow was first named 1 champion middleweight tjefore edging out the champion lightweight for the grand ctuunpion title. The animal was later sold for $2.37 per pound to Hatfield Packing Company, Hatfield, Pa. * Reserve grand champion belonged to Christian Herr, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Herr, Narvon R 2, a second year FFA member from Garden Spot High School who culminated his first swine project by commanding $1.30% per not a severe one,- and growers of the new variety, Permian, report it is doing as well, if not better, then Pennbel at this stage. As of Friday morning, there were three reports that cutting bad begun in the county. Paul Groff, Manheim R 3, an area grower for 29 years, said that he had put away two double loads on Thursday because ■ln this issue Ida’s Notebook 45 Home on the Range 46 Recipe Swap 48 Dairy princesses 49 Jr. Cooking Edition 52 Classifieds 54 Chester DHIA 82 Lebanon DHLA 84 .Riders 86 Fair schedule 91 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30,1977 ' family were named premier exhibitor and premier breeder of the show. The Freys operate a Holstein dairy farm-.near Willow Street and won a number of blue ribbons with their en tries. Lasting for more than five hours, the Open Black and White contest was held Thursday at the Quarryville [Continued on Page 251 H. Louis Moore was first to speak. He gave a short history of the yield-grading system, stating that it became mandatory about 18 months ago on February 23, 1976. The grading system has been controversial with the big question being “Are the lower graded cattle really worth less?’’ The highest grade cattle are graded yield (Continued on Page 311 pound for his 205 pound Yorkshire-Hampshire gilt, Like Strauss, Herr also purchased his animal at the Lancaster County Swine Producers Association’s feeder pig sale held at the .New Holland Sales Stables on April 5. Purchasing Herr’s reserve grand champ at the afternoon sale was Lancaster County Farm Restaurant, Elizabethtown Rl. Strauss’ grand champion was bred by Dutch Valley (Continued on Page IS] the weather looked bad for Saturday - his originally scheduled day to cut. Groff, who farms seven acres of Pennbel, planted the cut tobacco on May 20. He estimates that it weighed 60 pounds per lath, and that at this point, it is the best he’s had in four years. Other growers around the (Continued on Pace 32] Southeast dress revue 92 Joyccßupp 93 Plant lovers’ corner 94 My Thoughts 97 Organic Fanning 100 Farm safety 102 FPA’ers honored 106 Life on the farm 107 Sale Reports 113 Public Sale Register 117 Premier breeder and premier exhibitor at this years Lancaster District Holstein Show is the J. Mowery Frey family of Willow Street. Left to right are: Susan, withf the first-place 3-year old and grand champion of the 4-H Show, owned by Jimmy wifi the best uddered 2-year old, and John with a second-place 3-year old. Lancaster County’s dairy princess, Twila Brubaker, congratulates Linda Kauffman for showing this Astronaut daughter to reserve grand champion Robert Strauss, Jr., Ephrata Rl, (left) who showed the grand champion market hog at the Lan caster County FFA Market Hog show and sale last Tuesday, shakes hands with Jerry Clemens, hog buyer from Hatfield Packing Company Hatfield. Pa. Clemens purchased Strauss’ grand champion for $2.37 per pound on Tuesday. $6.00 Per Year
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