dams County. At ion at the 4-H ters of the first itti Ellicker from , individual scorer f itograph. Adams e Schneider li see is what you get. s££ YQUR LOCAL AGRI-BUILDER l P. E. Hess, Butler Mfg. Co. IE FARMER WHO’S IN BUSINESS TO STAY I 1 -»■ —■ ” 9363 FOYER'S FARM SERVICE R.D.#l Winfield, Pa. 17*89 Phone 717-837-3201 )E SMITH INC. SUNNY MEAD SALES TAP ENTERPRISES INC. ..~1. .- \,«c« R.D. #3, Box 409 R.D.#3,80x256A S!rftnß?Wl C'~ Moona,Pa. 16601 Fleetwood,Pa. 19522 'hone 717-436-2151 J Phone 814-944-6045 Adams County’s 4-H demonstration team consisted of, left to right: Wendy Greenholt, LittlestowhT Stephanie Steele, Littlestown; Julie Hoke, Abbottstown, and Karen Updyke, Littlestown. With them is Jared Tyson, Adams County 4-H Agent. Kathy Sunday A' L GLENN M.STAHLMAN TAM AGRJ R.R.#l, Cash Valley Road . CORPORATION Cumberland, Md. 21502 R-D.«, Mountain Road Phone 301-777-0582 Dillsbui*. Pa. 17019 Phone 717-432-3376 of Sarah Brubaker, Lan caster; Sam Long, Peach Bottom; Judy Zimmerman, Ephrata; and Deb Carmean, East Petersburg. Sam Long was second-high individual in this popular contest. High individual honors were taken by Cindy Risser of Leola, (Fooderama), and Dave Brubaker, of Lancaster (junior livestock judging). June Grube of Manheim R 7 won a gold medal in her 4-H demonstration on clothing and textiles. The Garden Spot fielded the second-place poultry judging team for the second year in a row. A year ago they lost the top spot by one- NEW FINANCE PIAN •"ASCS Financing" * 15% DOWN PAYMENT ★ 5 YEARS ON BALANCE ★7% INTEREST tenth of one per cent to an Adams County Team. Anita Augsburger of Reinholds was second-high individual in the state to lead the Garden Spot attack in poultry judging. She was assisted by Grace DeLong of Quarryville (4th high in dividual); and Joyce and Paul Aument, both of Peach Bottom. A year ago Miss Aument broke a 30-year record by scoring 1091 points out of a possible perfect 1200. The contests encompasses making 1000 decisions judging 45 eggs on 10 characteristics each and 34 chickens on 20 charac teristics each. In addition, TEM6O PARTS CO. INC. C.H. WALTZ SONS INC. Route 213 and 544 Cogan Station, Pa. 17728 Cheslertown.Md. 21620 Phone 717-435-2921 Phone 301-778-4454 TRI-STATE MARINE DIST. INC. Route 256 Deale, Md. 20751 Phone 301-867-1447 Dauphin County fielded this first-place Consumer Presentation Team at the State 4-H Achievement Days this week. They are, left to right: Mary Louise Wise, Holly Sheppard, Patti Haughney, and Mrs. Robert Wise, coach and member of the Extension Service staff. All are from Hershey. there’s a written examination and an oral reasons test which must be completed. There’s a 50- minute time limit on the contest. Carole Ebersole of Lititz R 2 brought her honors home in a style. She was one of eight ribbon winners in the State 4-H Dress Revue, in which 35 contestants com peted. The contest was held in conjunction with the 4-H Achievement Days, and was won by a Potter County girl, Ellen Rigas. She will represent the state at the National 4-H Congress in Chicago this Fall. Miss Ebersole is the 16- BUTLER MARKANTHONY &SONS R.D.«I Rochester Mills, Pa. 15771 Phone4l2-216-9250 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6,1977 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ebersole and is a member of the Elm-Penryn 4-H Community Club. A senior at Manheim Central High School, she plans to be a florist. She modeled a suit of heather burgundy ga bardine with fitted pin striped jacket and flared skirt. Wanda Yoder of Gor donville and Glen Seidman of Lancaster each scored blue ribbon victories with their demonstrations. Seidman’s subject was photography, while Miss Yoder discussed “Fondue Fun.” Kim Weaver was recognized for her speech, GRAIN MINI® DRYER ©HUM® IC,, I’m interested in more information on Butler products. □ Buildings □ Bins □ Dryers □ Bulk-O-Matics Name Address County. City im entitled “Making the 4-H Pledge Meaningful,” which earned her a blue ribbon. Phil Risser of Leola spoke on “4-H and American Values” and earned a third place with a red ribbon. Details on other placings from the Garden Spot’s 58 contestants are printed in latter portions of this report. It should be pointed out that winners of contests at the State 4-H Achievement Days will have the honor of going on to national coir petition. The 4-H program, leaders proclaim, provides opportunities for learning, developing skills, building [Contfncied on Pate 22] BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER State. 21 %
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