—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14, 1977 14 Second annual FHA banquet By SALLY BAIR Feature Writer MILLERSVILLE, Pa.- Members of the Penn Manor chapter of the Future Homemakers of America held their second annual banquet at the high school Thursday evening. Adding a special touch were officers of the Penn Manor Future Farmers of America who served the meal to over 200 FHA members, their families, and special guests. Mrs. Mary Mattson, director of the Lancaster County March of Dimes, accepted a check for $75 from senior chapter president Cindy Hess. The money was raised through a chapter-sponsored bake sale and was part of a total of approximately $3OO which FHA chapters throughout the county gave to the March of Dimes. Mrs. Mattson said, “It is fitting that the March of Dimes and the Future Homemakers of America work in •partnership.” She explained that their goal is “public health education,” and she thanked the group for their support. Degree awards were given to chapter members for work achieved in program areas. In the Key degree, the purpose is to get to know yourself, according to Doreen Hershey, presenter of the awards. Those receiving the honor in cluded: Sandra Dagen, Lancaster R 6; Valerie Prey, Washington Boro; Jane Hess, Lancaster R 2; Kim Owen, Pequea, Rl; and Debra Shaiebly, 3216 Columbia Avenue, Lan caster. Jamie Gregory explained that the Scroll degree is awarded to those who have provided a worthy service to their school or community. Those who received the Scroll are: Cindy Hess, Conestoga R 2; Susan Raf tovich, Holtwood R 2; Nancy Fry; and* Karen Watson, Lancaster R 6. The Torch degree is given for a goal reached in r y>«f>YTTTTT‘ held at Penn Manor preparation for adulthood, according to Nancy Fry. Those members receiving the degree were: Cindy Hess, Conestoga R 2; Susan Raftovich, Holtwood, R 2; Karen Watson, Lancaster R 6; Lisa Groff, Lancaster R 6; Janie Funk, Lancaster R 2; Kim Owen, Pequea Rl; Ruth White, Washington Boro; and Robin Fry, Lancaster R 6. Cindy Hess also gave recognition to “those who have helped us during the year.” A special thank you was given to Joanne Spahr, associate editor of Lancaster Farming, for a feature ar- Times Not To Drive -Be aware of your condition before you .drive any kind of motor vehicle, urges the National Safety Council. Don’t drive when over-tired. Don’t drive when emotionally upset. Don’t drive when under the in fluence of alcohol or drugs including some prescription medicines. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 AM. EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 OONOdN NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC Phone7l7 354 4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct ticle written during FHA week. Cindy said, “We appreciate her helping us tell others about FHA.” Also receiving special thanks were Louis Bleacher, industrial arts teacher, for helping to print tickets, program covers and name tags, and the agricultural teachers, August Birchler, Mike Burton' and Steve Smith. Junior chapter president Debra Shaiebly presented a gift to Tina Hiller for her help as chapter advisor, and CSndy gave a gift to Patricia Alfalfa, weevil m control who, needs t Maybe you do. Maybe nol We’ll scout your fields an tell you. We’ll do more. We’ll advise on what to do about an infestation that needs treatment We’ll probably suggest newSupracide" insecticide. We don’t know of a weevil Suprac.de? trademark o( CIBA-GEIGY for mettudafhion Heffner for the work she did •‘in helping our chapter be really active.” A slide presentation was given showing chapter ac tivities for 1976-77, and Kim Owen, treasurer of the' senior chapter, sang two . selections. In her closing remarks, Cindy emphasized that FHA chapters do no “just cook and sew,” and she en couraged all members to join again and invite their friends. She also asked the encouragement of parents in getting new members. penntidd corporation 711 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 Chapter president Cindy Hess presents a $75 check to March of Dimes director Mrs. Mary Mattson. The money was raised through a chapter bake* sale. works better, or longer. A pretty complete serv ? You bet. It’s designed ave you time, and make more alfalfa. Call us. £ •' - 'x control material that We’ll also get the Supracide applied if you want us io.
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