tin \nl 1111 1 1 S Ml Serving The Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas - Also Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware VOL 22 No. 25 Ag weather service stalled By DIETER KRIEG LANCASTER - That special weather forecasting ser vice for farmers, which was to begin this Spring, isn’t likely to be implemented until several months from now or even later. The delay seems to be a combination of costs and a lack of sponsors. Congressman (then candidate) Robert Walker of Lancaster revealed the unique weather service in a joint announcement with Noah Wenger, who has since been elected to the General Assembly in Harrisburg. Lancaster County was chosen for the initiation of the farm weather service'becauseof its top ranking in agriculture among non-irrigated counties. The Garden Spot ranks third in Big poultry events on tap HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Poultry Federation has recently revamped its Annual Poultry Conference and the change is going to have wide appeal for Pennsylvania poultrymen, say PPF leaders. The conference is scheduled for June 23, 1977, at-the Host Farm in Lan caster. Three separate conferences will be held Farm story being told on TV By DIETER KRIEG LANCASTER - The farm and the fanner - his work, problems, goals and opinions - are the subject of a new television program which had its debut here last month over WGAL-TV, Channel 8. Conceived by Lancaster County Extension Director, Max Smith, the half-hour show is designed to bridge the gap between consumers and farmers. WGAL-TV is carrying the show as a public affairs presentation on alternate Saturday evenings, at 7 p.m. Two shows were aired last month; two more are on tap for transmission this month. The next broadcast of “Out on die Farm” is scheduled for May 14, when Smith will present an educational segment on beef and hog production. Two Lancaster County formers - David E. Buckwalter of Lititz R 3 and Farm Calendar 10 Comments 10 Barney Niznuts 32 . Rural Route 36 Mylboiiglits 20 42 Homestead Notes 42 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977 under the same roof and industrymen can attend a Broiler Congerence, and Egg Conference, or a Turkey Conference for the entire day. In addition, a separate Hatchery Seminar will be conducted in the morning for hatcherymen. Individuals with more than a single commodity interest will have a difficult time deciding which sessions to WML * ® In this issue , Home on tbe Range Ida’s Notebook Jr. Cooking Edition Recipe Swap •Embroidery by Lisa Kritf* agricultural production among all U.S. counties. That’s a whopping $335 million worth of goods during 1975. Interest in providing more detailed weather in formation for farmers is becoming more widespread. USDA Secretary Robert Bergland is noted for his backing, of more advanced'weather reports for fanners. An idea being entertained by some is the stationing of an Ex tension meteorologist at each of the nation’s landjjrant colleges. According to Hugh Koffman, aide to Congressman Walker in Washington, D.C., finding for the weather service project is the primary stumbling block. An Atlanta firm, PASTEL, is to market the weather service (Continued on Page 16] attend from the great variety of topics and speakers. Speakers come from all over the United States including California, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Delaware, and New Jersey. Topics have variety (production, processing, and marketing); controversy (the recent industry expansion in Pennsylvania and a new Mark P. Nestleroth of Manheim E 5 - will discuss their respective beef and hog operations with Smith for the benefit of thousands of viewers who may be tuned in. Preparations for that show were being made this past Thursday when video-tape crews from WGAL-TV visited the featured farms with the county agent. Earlier, scripts and production were reviewed to assure proper organization of various segments and topics. Smith, who has served Lancaster County agriculture for 40 years, told Lancaster Fanning in a recent interview that the object of the program is “to present the farm operation of each participant... discuss his product and give some idea of problems related to that particular commodity. In general, we would be interested in getting IContinued on Fage 26J 43 Bam feature 48 ] 44 Women’s Calendar 54 ] 46 Life on the farm 56,119 f 47 Joyce Bupp 58 ] approach to forced molting); and immediacy (price outlook for feed, broilers, eggs , and turkeys as well as a look into the future for the broiler and turkey industry).The Pennsylvania Poultry Federation reports that the program is presently at the printers, but the master [Continued on Page 331 Classifieds 61 Ladies Day Out 110 Ladies Have You Heard 118 Plant lovers’ comer 125 Sale Reports 127 Public Sale Register 130 $4.00 Per Year
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