CENTRAL TRACTOR CARRY ASSORTED 4388 Reg. 58.88 / SAVE 10.00 17985-113 Super Transistorized Holds animals better under con ' such as wet fences, weeds rass. Nail wire directly to wood no insulators needed. 1499 Rea. 19.99 / SAVE 5.00 2656-040 Swivel Jack -lat bottom. Assembly may be turn ed 90° horizontal or vertical. Locking ievice holds handle in any position 89" Reg 109 99 / SAVE 20.00 16475-100 Ace Centrifugal Pump Mounts directly on power take-off shaft Sprays 20 gpm at 60 psi when driven by 600 rpm PTO. All iron con struction, sealed ball bearings, spr ing loaded idler, OSHA approved safety shield CENTRAL TRACTOR THREE LOCATIONS LANCASTER, PA SHAMOKIN DAM, PA CHAMBERSBURG, PA 1570 MANHEIM PIKE ORCHARD HILLS PHOHE: 717-569-0111 SHOPPING PLAZA PHONE - 717-26MZOZ c»am c.on n m Rte. 11 &15 Hours: Mon.-Fri.9a.m.-9p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-5.30 p.m. PHONE: 717-743-1911 Sat. 9a.m.-5 p.m. Fn. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Hours: Mon. • Sat. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. LAWN FRUIT TREES, SHADE TREES, YEWS, ARBORVITAE, POTTED ROSES AND FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS 42" Reg. 52.99 / SAVE 10.00 17981-113 Transistorized Fence Charger Solid state - no moving parts means trouble-free operation. Nail wire directly to wood posts, no insulators needed. & GARDEN HEADQUARTERS UNCASTER AND SHAMOKIN DAM STORES ONLY 990 Rea. 1 69 / SAVE 70C 10854-090 12 Oz. WD-40 teaks and qui dy usted parts Prevents rust ion 9" )226 157 2" 1227 157 " Economy "7099 >249 157 Rofl. 2*o*4 I # W pictured "uwj'mi w i.jiw jm ' ■»^m [’ •<-.■■' ' -v- a" *>•"<: ... I V- - *** v> ' • SAVE up to 83° 5 Panel Steel Gates 10 ft. 17CM-253 12 ft. 176*7-253 14 ft. 17C71-253 16 ft. 17977-263 SAVE up to 70“ Post Hole Diggers SALE 229" Hag. 299 99 SALE 2d999 Rag. 309 99 W SALE 2499 ■Uf.32.7t SALE 2699 ■Uf. 38.29 SALE 31" R«S-17.M SALE 3699 R*«. 44.19 149" 4Q. 184.99 / SAVE 35.00 9454-145 y 2 Ton Hydraulic ervice Jack id power unit Rugged coi. instruction makes jack easy to 4 long lasting. 119 95 Reg 139 95 / SAVE 20 00 17980-106 1 / 2 Horsepower I Air Compressor ' 10 gallon tank. 3.4 CFM displ, 2 2 CFMat4opsi Dial-O-Maticcontrol with easy to read gauge enables you to dial the pressure desired • no ad ditional regulator needed 14995 Reg 169 95/SAVE 20 00 17981-106 % Horsepower Air Compressor 15 gallon tank. 4 4 CFM displ. 2 9 CFM.at 40 p s i. Dial-O-Matic control with easy to read gauge enables you to dal the pressure desired - no ad ditional regulator needed. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. May 14,1977—1! SPRUCE, SAVE up to 40 00 Wagon Gear 5 tOn LESS TIRES SALE I999S •030-046 ... Itog 23»9* ■ W W 6 ton LESS TIRES QO5 8039-046 Rofl ITIRfc^FW 8 ton LESS HUES EALE ?QQ9S 8045-046 Rofl 32999*» WW 10 ton , I ..™es SALE I*I;Q9S •069-046 1K39196«1W%1 your BAHKAMERICAHD, ISPi We Reserve the right to limit quantities. SALE PRICES GOOD TUES. MAY 17 THRU SAT. MAY 28 099 i 2.00 / SAVE 12 01 .279 ' Elevator ixtenslon. 6999 199.99 / SAVE 30.00 -279 ' Bale Elevator cions can easily be handled by man as they are made of sturdy, itweight square tubing. Comes ipletewith heavy 55H chain with •»od link every 30" Oilitebearings ied throughout Easy to move and install 259 95 Reg 294 95 / SAVE 35 00 17982-106 1 Horsepower Air Compressor 22 gallon tank, 8 4 CFM displ, 6 0 CFMat4opsi Oial-O-Matic control with easy to read gauge enables you to dial the pressure desired - no ad ditional regulator needed 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers