Mail Box Markat For Sale • Ford 8N tractor with good rubber, excellent condition 11600. or beat offer. 717*744*2645 (near Towanda). For Sale - Gravity Bin for wagon, like new. Enos Miller, Rl, Paradise, Pa. 17562 At Nickel Mines. For Sale - 6 arrow back chairs, French Provincial finish, new, never used. 445- 5796 For Sale - Corner cupboard, very good condition like new. Also 6 acres of com out of the field. Jacob K. Lantz, Honey Brook, RDI, Pa. 19344 215- 286-5409 For Sale - Butler-Oswalt bunker silo unloader, very good condition $lOOO. Boice’s rrandview Farm Mehoopany, Pa. 18629 1962 Chevy U-tag cattle truck, good condition, 1967 Int. 30,000 GVW with or without lime spreader, used for cinders. 717-684-8011 For Sale - 1956 Chevy % ton pickup, heavy duty, 6 cylinder, new tires and rings, good condition. $375.00 285-5325 Breeding Service Now Available ... Call for information and availability in your area Mail Box Market For Sale - 7 year old sorrel work horse light mane and tail, broke the best single and double. Also a two horse spring wagon good condition. Call at daytime 717-656-6523 Antiques For Sale - 2 brown top 4 gal. crock jugs, per fect; cherry high-boy, Larkin rocker, Maple platform rocker and more. Clarence L. Hilbert, 717-639- 5050. Wanted - Hammermill with automatic feeder in good condition, state price. Christ S. Lapp, Box 210, Gap RDI, Pa. 17527 400 gal. craft bulk tank for sale. A-l condition $575.00 located in New Jersey. Call eve. 201-369-4784 For Sale - Galvanized roof, never unpacked, for 16’ round com crib, also hard ware. Used galvanized floor for 16’ round com crib, good condition. Donald B. Bun can, Robesonia, Pa. 19551, Phone 215-693-5213 2 and 4 wheel ground drive manure spreaders. Elias S. Beiler, RDI, Leola, Pa. 17540 *5*F (7H156) USDA Sire Summary (May 1975] 37 Dtrs. [32 Herds] 16.157 M 3.52% 569 F Fred.Diff.74 +1246M -.10% +3OF Repeatability 63%, Dollar Difference +s9l HFA Type Summary [May 1975] 7 Class. Dtrs. 80.9 Actual Lime Hollow Admiral DeKol is a big strong bull. He is a son of Irvington Pride Admiral (Ex. 92-GM) and a maternal grandson of Burkgov Inka DeKol, well known foundation sire of the Holstein breed. Admiral can be used as a “Strength” bull but also sires the same udder quality that made his sire “Pride Admiral” so popular. We like the Admiral daughters and we are sure you will too' Call in your semen order today! Mail Box Market For Sale - M.F. 65 gas tractor high clearance on steel wheels. 859-1321 For Sale - DeLaval milker pump No. 73 - $20.00 Westlnghouse 2 can milk cooler like new $20.00. Milk cans $lO.OO. Milton RD2, Phone 649-5320 St. Bernard and German Shepherd 6 wk. old pups. Dam purebred St. Bernard, Sire German Shepherd, reasonable. Phone 717-386- 4440 For Sale - 1 pr. Peafowl. Joseph S. Blank, Narvon RD2, Blank Rd., 2 mil. NE of White Horse. Wanted - Power take off and clutch for 14T John Deere baler. Would trade engine for chafe. Write to Amos M. Nolt, East Earl RD2, Pa. 17519 Wanted - Hay drying fan with 000 motor. Ellis R. Kunkel, Kempton RD2, Pa. 19522, 215-756-6070 Good home wanted for a male beagle dog. 215-286- 9456. 3-01 116 d 2X 6.237 M (In Progress) Owner: Howard R. Davie Jonesboro, 111 9/B Box 46, RD2, Cochranville, PA 19330 FIELDMEN: DICK BROWN, 717-656-8626 AARON B. STOLTZFUS, 717-442-4074 Mail Box Market 1 For Sale - Feeder Pigs. 717- 529-6239 For Sale - Chinese Cabbage. 717-656-9025 For Sale • 2 Deep well tur bine electric pumps, (1) 40 h.p. & (1)50 h.p. PH: 609-769- 0702 For Sale • 200 yearling laying hens. PH: 354-9368 For Sale -1 pair 650-20 8-ply Goodyear snow tires on rims, $3O ea. PH: 354-0266 For Sale - 3 Purebred Angus cows with calves at side. 1 Purebred Angus bull. PH; 717-665-2387 For Sale • Massey Ferguson hay crusher has 1 steel and 1 rubber roll is in good con dition. Reason for sale, moving and no place to store. Henry J. Yoder 717-649-5282 For Sale - Nice German Shepherd pups $2O or best offer born Oct. 11, Stephen L. Stoltzfus, Leola Rl, E. Eby Rd. 17540 Case 400 tractor with two (2) row mounted picker. 717-632- 3786 Ga-Na Admiral Jewel 4 25% 265 F COUNSEL Mail Box Market Sale - Horse or beef farm. Improvements on entire property. 16 acres pasture with stream - balance of land tillable. Oxford, Pa. 215-932- 2393. For Sale - Big Dutchman Poultry Founts. 8’ Porcelain Troughs. Two lid Richie Hog Founts, with electric heat. Slide Projector. D. M. Garber H 26-1395 For Sale - Purebred Polled Dorset yearling ram. Proven breeder & priced reasonable. Call 284-4706 For Sale -1 Yorkshire boar, good stock, reasonable price. Evening only, John Stoltzfus, R 2 Nottingham, Pa. Route 272 Little Britian. For Sale - Tractor, 8N Ford, wagoner loader, hi and lo range transmission. Com pletely rebuilt, looks like new. Best offer 717-529-2549 For Sale -14 Roll-away isle fathering nests, $2O ea. inger treadle sewing machine, $35. Lester Upright piano, $125. Call 529-2126 For Sale - One Niagara Alternator 110 or 220 volts, 4,000 watts, $235, David S. King, Box 359, RD3, Myerstown, Pa. 17067. For Sale - Large size poratble Hotpoint dish washer, cutting board top. Used 6 mo. Must sell. Moving. Works perfect. $175.00. Call: 717-656-7875. For Sale - Small size electric egg washer with heating element. Also automatic water troughs, in good condition. PH: 717-442-8317. For Sale - International 2 bottom Rollover, 14” plow, 2 point. Wanted - 3 bottom Rollover, plow, 3 point. Phone 717-872-5275. For Sale - 1963 Ford 800 tractor, good condition, extra cylinder control valve Phone 717-933-2523. LOST - (1) steer between 600 or 700 lbs. David Hoover, Jr., Rl. New Holland, Pa. 17557. For Sale - 5,000 gal. air tank. $l5OO. Levi S. King, R 3, Box 392, Myerstown, Pa. 17067. For Sale - 2 service age purebred Yorkshire bores. Also open gilts. John S. Nolt, Rl. New Holland, Pa. 17557. Phone 717-354-9370. 88) For Sale - (1) 3 yr. old standard bred buggy horse with snap. Daniel S. Click, Rl, Bird-m-Hand, Pa. 17505. For Sale - (2) 14.9” x 24” 6 ply tires and tubes mounted on wheels that fit any self propelled New Holland machinery. Never used. Phone 215-593-5444. For Sale - (1) Farmall H tractor nice shape. 717-786- 2517. Call after 6:00 p.m. For Sale - Me. I. P. Corn Picker. Motor Driven, Good condition, $300.00 Steel on rubber wheels. Amos S. Fisher, Boc 419, R 2, Nyer stown. Pa. 17067. For Sale - Winchester Mod. 94, 30-30 rifle. $70.00 Phone 717-354-7975. For Sale - Pickup bed 8 ft. step side, milk cans, corn shelter, reconditioned buggy, Phone 215-384-2249. A Bicentennial “D” Day will be held on Nov. 6 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Farm and Home Center. Con tributions of $1.50 will be asked to benefit the Child Development Center. To make reservations call 569- 9388. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 25,1975 FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 20 words; all advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week's paper; no business ad vertisements accepted. For Sale - Reg. Morgan Horse, 3 yrs. old, broke to ride and drive. Also 1 service age bull sired by elevation. Stephen R. Click, Leola R 1 at Millport. For Sale • 2 Holstein bulls. 1 Penn State breeding and 1 Capsule. 4 percent test & better Service age. Howard C. Miller. PH: 949-6862 Wanted - Raydex 3 btm. 14” trailer plow. Mechanical lift. CaU after 6:00 P.M. 215-562- 8766 For Sale - Electromode Baseboard heaters. 500 to 1,500 Watts good to heat basements, also few lights. Henry S. Fisher, Osceola Mill Rd., Paradise, Pa. 17562 For Sale - 1 service-age Holstein Bull, Sire - Paclamar Triune complete, can be registered, $225 or best offer. Phone 717-432-3869 For Sale - Nice wide boards taken from an old car bam. Makes nice paneling. Also nice log rafters handcut. 215- 593-6577 Wanted - Old used Cub Cadet for parts. 717-626-6802 For Sale - Hesston Haybine, $lOOO. 215-777-5045 Used roller bearing top buggy for sale at David Good’s Sale on Wed. Nov. 5. Farmhand com blurr ideal for grinding Hi Moisture or dry com. 7 ft. Graham chisel plow 3 pt. hookup. Com swivel chute for N.H. or Smoker elevator. 717-687- 6377 For Sale - Farmall M tractor good condition. Also Farmall 450 tractor with fast hitch, fork and Power Steering. Also 2 MH picker will fit both tractors or will sell separately. Asking $6OO. for picker. 717-933-8713 One PR Int. com picker for sale, good condition. Also 300 to 400 bu. high protein com. 717-548-2163 For Sale - Oliver 77 with hydraulic, good condition. 2 bottom Oliver Raydex plow, 4 cylinder. PH: 665-7155 For Sale - John Deere 227 com picker with model 50 sheller attachment, $650. PH: 717-362-8730 For Sale - 1966 Chevrolet Pickup, good condition. 548- 2587 Horse stalls For Rent. 367- 3106 or write Allen Rutherford, Rl, Bainbridge, Pa. For Rent - 160 Acre farm. Steer, hogs & tobacco. Ap prox. 130 tillable. Room to feed 250 steers and 20 acres to tobacco. Near Lancaster. PH: 717-898-7075 39
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