istor Farmii inc* :$ £23 ass :sui as sbs 223 as -sa i3B s OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE SALUTES NORMAN GUNDRUM Lehigh-Northampton County lARVESTORE AREA MANAGER irday. Oct 25, 1975 r- irs NOT BUILD A FOR CORN STOR You can Build Spring settlement V— PENN JERSE HARVESTORE P.O. BOX 91 NEW HOLLAND, £551 5539 f3SB ISIS SSS HSUS HBB BB&i S^3 Dear Harvestore: I’m interested in what Slurrystore can do on my f; Phone me for an appointment on or about We will want to see you sometime after H Send me a FREE copy of the Manure Managei Name Address Town TOO LATE HARVESTO purchase a Ha NOW it - use CONTACT (717) 354-4051 PENN JERSEY HARVEST! P.O, box 91 NEW HOLLAND, PA it and en date Stale
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers