Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct. 25. 19: 38 Raol Eitofi FARMS FOR SALE ON THE MARYLAND BORDER. 130 acres of limestone soil equipped with free stalls (or 75 head, a 24 stalls milking stable with a 5 unit pipe line milker, 2 silos and a beautiful 10 room and 2 bath brick home. 70 percent financing by owner available for reliable buyer 130 ACRE DAIRY FARM in northern Pa. 62 comfort stalls, Cornell barn cleaner. 4 silos, 38’ x 168' new loose housing barn. 2 very nice modern farm homes. Priced at $130,000. 300 TOTAL ACRES of excellent farm land on adjoining farms near Sunbury. A crop farm and a dairy farm with 75 dairy stalls, barn cleaner, pipe line milker, 1,000 gal milk tank, 4 silos. Each farm has a very fine modern farm home. 70 percent financing available by the owner on both farms. 11l ACRES OF LIMESTONE SOIL in Perry County. 38 stalls, barn cleaner, silo and 8 room farm home 70 percent financing by owner available at $122,000. CALL; |KpI]£iNGSWAY Realty j HRSjfc/ RfAirOHS / 149, £ King Slfccl Lnncoiler jj|j/ Phone 299-07 W Jj FARMS FOR SALE LEBANON COUNTY LEBANON; 40 m-1 acres, aU tillable, frame house has (2) two bdrm. apts. JONESTOWN: 30 acres of which 10 are meadow, 2 acres woodland, bnck mansion w-5 apts. Frame barn, brick mill and carnage house. MIDDLEBURG- 12*z acres beef, and hog farm. 14 story 3 bdrm. frame house plus barn, well and stream. $39,500. Near NEW BERLIN -100 acre modern dairy farm, large silo. WESTERN EDGE BERKS CO. FRYSTOWN: 100 acre Dairy Farm adjoining truck terminal on Rt 645 off new Rt. 222 4-lane hwy. FRYSTOWN: 131 acres beef farm. CLINTON COUNTY Near MILL HALL: Reduced in price, owner wants immediate sale. 146 acres beef farm. All buildings good cond. Also another beef farm, over 100 acres more or less, new barn with beautiful brick mansion type home. SOUTHERN LANC. CO 3 acre Farmette near Tamaqua. More land available with farm Modern kitchen, house with heat, barn. 60 acre dairy farm near Morgantown only a few miles from Morgantown Turnpike Exit Commuting distance from Philadelphia. Buildings in excellent condition. Lake view MONTGOMERY COUNTY NEAR QUAKERTOWN - 52 acre Dairy farm, equipment, ready to go. BUCKS COUNTY 43 Acres, 28 wooded, completely modernized house, small barn, A-l cond. Over 300 acre Dairy farm, 200 cow operation with comfort stalls and stanchions. Barn cleaner, pipeline, Ig 5 bedroom house. Can be purchased with cows and equipment Commuting distance to Harrisburg. JUNIATA COUNTY Near LIVERPOOL - 95 acre Dairy farm, 65 tillable, balance meadow and woodland. About mile off Rt. 11 and 15. We will visit you in your own home if you are plan ning to sell your fam and would like an appraisal Your choice of Dairy, Beef, Hog or Cash Grain Farms in Lancaster, Lebanon, Bedford, Union, Berks, Snyder, Perry, Juniata, Schuylkill, Centre and Carbon Counties CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN, REALTOR 734 Main Street Office Phone 717-859-1004 717-733-1224 FRANKLIN COUNTY 190 acre farm with 180 acres tillable near Mercersburg Good buildings, extra nice laying land Asking $152,000 00 Offers considered Owner wants action VAN CLEVE REAL ESTATE, New Oxford, PA 17350. Phone 717-624- 8201 Anytime. Rto( Estate SNYDER COUNTY PERRY COUNTY CALLUS Moil Box Market For Sale - ‘57 GMC 12 ft Dump Grain Body, good condition, $6OO, Farmall H, new rear tires, excellent condition, $750; Deere 12A Combine Engine bin, auger and spare canvass, excellent shape, $200; phone 215-536- 4065 Wanted - 50 gallon or more butcher kettle and gas butchering furnace Call 717- 949-3965 For Sale • Old car corn, 717- 7334324. For Sale > Acclamatcd feeder cattle, will sell Just one or two, 717-733-7192. For Sale • One-Row Mounted International corn picker, call 717465-5471, evenings. For Sale - 3 year old Stan dardised horse, broke to carriage. Also, Stoltzfus windows, 41 x 41; Aaron J. Speicher, PO Box 105, Wilmer, Pa. For Sale or Trade on Garden Tractor - 7 h.p. mini-dozer snow Pusher - Excellent Condition. Also, several Electric Ironers, 717-626- 5187. For Sale - New Idea 323 Single row com picker, like new condition, $2OOO. Jerry L. McCleary, Stewartstown, Pa. 717-933-6808. For Sale - Muscovy Ducks. Smauel L. Fisher, Rl, Gordonville, Pa. 97A Newport Rd. For Sale - Big Dutchman farrowing crates with feeders & water bowls. $6O ea. Take G. Amos S. Zook, Rl Box 192, Strasburg, Pa. May Post Office Road. For Sale - Rye for Seed. 150 bu. at $4.00 per bu. Also Wanted to Buy - Gooseneck Livestock trailer. PH; 532- 2458. For Sale - 4 Purebred Angus heifers, no papers. Call 548- 2732. For Sale - Dairy herd, 60 Holsteins. Some Reg. Will sell part. 301-578-1224 bet ween 7:30 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. For Sale - Locust posts. Kadie Fisher, R 2, Gap, Pa. Wanted - Local shell corn or ear com. For Sale - MM 2- row self-propelled corn picker. PH; 548-3181. Hay for Sale. Phone 215-488- 6914. For Sale - 6 ft. MC Rotary Scythe with 3 piece plate for finder fodder, $450. (2) 590-15 tires, used 2 yrs. $2O a piece. Gideon F. Stoltzfus, R 2, Gap, Pa. Along 897. For Sale - IVz h.p. Farm fans in bin dryer fan w-control box. 3450 RPM. 6” Cardinal vertical unloading auger. Auger used once. Phone 717- 528-4416. renovated For Sale - 2 service age reg. Holstein bulls. 1 by Harrisburg Gay Ideal, 1 by Harborcrest Marcus both dams VG with over 100,000 milk lifetime. PH: 717-422- 4291. For Sale - 55 gal drums, Phone 345-4109. For Sale - Papec portable grinder-mixer Model 870. Good condition 717-865-2659. Wanted to Buy - Cloth bags from seed, flour, etc. Send details to Deirdre Borgan, Box 96, Hope, N.J. 07844. For Sale - Registered Holstein Heifers. Due in November. Phone 717-733- 4432. Akron, PA For Sale - A.K.C. Boston Terrier, Female five years old. Will make a wonderful pet. Call 354-5984. For Sale - New 3 /» h.p motor - $60.00 Used 7Vi h.p. motor, best offer over $75.00 - both single phase Also Wanted - Good used pipe from 2” to 4”. PH: 345-4854. Wanted - 3 used Delevaule Flo-Vue claws and hood for silo chute for 7-10 inch staves. Write to Michael R. Stoltzfus, R 2, Narvon, Pa. or Call 717-768-8620 Moil Box Market Moil Box Morket Wanted - 'a" to V screens for 13" Papcc hammcrmill. Also wheel for 1965 Ford 'a ton pick up truck. Call 273- 0038 Lebanon. For Sale - Sorrel mare mule 10 yrs. old. Sound and good worker. Also roll-away chicken nests $5.00 each. Elam H. Zimmerman, Rl, Narvon, Pa. For Sale - Two 250 gal. Dari- Kool bulk tanks with com pressors. Case 420 Corn Picker, will fit DC or 400 tractor. $5OO. Call 215-756- 6227. Wanted - Looking for a farmer in Lebanon Co. who wishes to sell a few acres of land for the purpose of raising Reg. Holstein heifers. 717-599-5672 or 717- 599-5011. For Sale - Antique - 16 foot Gruber Haywagon. All original condition mclud ng - paint, hitch, and hay n eks. A 1 Condition. Call 215-582- 8170. For Sale - 2 MH International Cornpicker. For 400 or 450 Farmall. $150.00. Also Redcoat Seed Wheat, cer tified in 1974, cleaned and treated. $5.00 a bushel. Call 215-267-6164. Wanted - Ney htter carrier, track 100 ft. Jonas S. Click, Box 298 Rl, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - 2 Rabbit pens, 3 pens in each. 717-626-0152. For Sale - 1954 Ford F 600,14 ft. Grain box, 53,000 orgmial miles. Body fair, $700.00 or make offer. 215-445-4824. For Sale - Ford 1 row side mounted corn picker, model 601 with wide elevator. Also McCormick 28 disk harrow. 717-367-6975. For Sale - Wagon with high sides and false end gate can be used for com or silage. 717-665-4245. Shoe Specials - Leather work, Status Georgia Giants, Neohte guaranteed soles $14.00. Also Carolinas, leather dress shoes $11.45. Tingley bubbers, knee boots $2.45 to $5.45. Root’s Auction Tuesday’s. Wanted - Ear corn not over 25 percent mositure. 215-269- 3442. For Sale - John Deere mounted corn picker, No. 227, $5OO or best offer. PH: 717-244-2905. For Sale -15 Disc John Deere grain drill, rubber. 653-5332. For Sale - 1968 Ford 4-door 500 Custom. Good tires. Also, 55 gallon drum. Call 717-626- 6695. . EXTRA SPECIAL v L MASSEV-FERGUSON J ■ 11 mm, W umm warn 9,000 FT. or 10,000 FT. 7®® PW BALE LEBANON VALLEY M. M. WEAVER IMPLEMENT CO. & SONS 700 EAST LINDEN STREET North Grofftown Road RICHLAND, PA Leola, PA 17540 PHONE 866-7518 Rhone-17171656-2321 Mail Box Market For Sale - 1064 Ford 5000 diesel, new dual clutch, P.S.; 7 ft. backfill blade: 5 ft. rotary cutter; 3 bottom plow; New Holland 66 Baler. All for 1 price - $3500.00. 717- 3624797. For Sale • International TD6 industrial loader. 165 Massey Ferguson silo loader, bracKct and hydraulic. Open Gilts from own farm stock. Phone 215-4454796. For Sale • Fork assembly for Sauder loader, Ontario 16 x 7 Grain Drill on rubber, for parts, ph. 717-9494439. For Sale - Model oo jonn Deere tractor, power steering, excellent motor. $1600.00. Ralph Ketterer, Peckasie RRI, Phone 766- 8531 For Sale - A.K.C. Boxer Puppies. 2 Fawn and 1 Brmdle. Call 273-7238 For Sale - One standard bred horse. Five years old, safe and sound, not overly am bitious. Alvin M. Brubaker, New Holland Rl, Pa. PH: 717-354-9875 For Sale - 2 row com head for M.F. 310 combine, like new. Wanted - Farmall lug wheels or just the lugs to bolt on wheels. Call 215-682-7811 For Sale - 1965 Chevy Pick up truck, runs, good body, no rust. 1966 289 Ford engine for parts. 1966 Ford Ranch Wagon 57,000 miles P-B, Auto. 255-4424 8 to 5, 869-2665 5:30 to 9:30. Wanted - Good radiator & wide front end for JD A. PH: 354-0293 Wanted - N.H. 456 mower. JohnD. Lapp, Irishtown Rd., Box 122, Ronks, Pa. For Sale - Service age Registered Holstein bulls. By popular sires, dams records up to 20,000 milk. Call S. R. Shellenberger, 653- 4770 For Sale - German Shepherd pups. Ammon F. Fisher, Ronks, Rl, Pa. For Sale - Shetland mare, 10 h., fat & sound, rides and drives. $5O Garnett, Trenton Rd., Upperco, Md., 301-374- 4054 Q A6RI EQUIP. 3 Cattle Hog Poultry Equipment PLUMBING and ELECTRICAL RD#2 EPHRATA, PA 17522 PHONE IFARMERSVILLE) BUS 717-354-4271 Moil Box Mark** For Sale • 100 head feeder piga. Phone 215-445-6423 For Sale - 15 - 10 gal. milk cans $l5 a piece, 1 - 20 gal. hot water neater like new $25.00.1 • six can milk cooler $15.00. Robert H. Dubhs, R 2, Spring Grove, Pa. Box 2846 17362 Wanted - Set of 400 - 36 tires and tubes for side rake. Telephone 717-3334511 For Sale - New Metal Head Gate, special made half new cost. Duroc Boars Reg. Ready for use certified herd. Philip Johnson, 301-396-3451 For Sale - Holstein Heifer calves. Registered, reasonably priced, 1 mo. old. 301-592-9943 For Sale - One good used buggy with good lights and gooa paint. John E. Fisher, RDI, Gordonville, Pa., IM> miles East of Intercourse along Newport Road. Wanted - Fresh Cows. Contact Adam Kuehner at Kunkletown, Pa. Box 404, 18058 or phone 215-381-3766 For Sale - Registered Holstein cows and Heifers ready to freshen. Some with records over 20,000 lbs. milk. Phone Lloyd E. Kreider, 215- 932-2934 For Sale - New Idea 2 row wide pull picker. 865-2364 For Sale - Disassembled barn framing lumber, Chestnut and Oak. Leroy Zook, Atglen RD, 215-593- 5793. For Sale Soft coal for forge or steam engine by ton or 100 lbs. Oliver 2 row Mtd. com picker, best offer over $50.00' fits Oliver 70. Also clipper pull type combine w-bin and PTO; new canvas $lOO. Grantville, Pa. Phone 469- 2413 Duroc Boars Service age, cut out information on litter mates, will deliver. Wanted - 2 farrowing crates. Rodger Bankert, Hanover RD3, 717- 637-2932. 2 row mounted corn picker for DC Case $350. AC forage harvester with 1 row com head $2OO. Rollover scraper $75. 215-767-6588
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers