CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Auctions ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAT., JUNE 15 10 a.m. Willow Run Farm 8 mi. s.e. Clarksburg-Bridgeport, W, Va., on State #23. Being sold to dissolve partnership, 1100 acres In varions size tracts. 2 complete fanns; grazing boundaries; bot tom land; building sites; hunt ing camps; 2 Ige. woodland tiacts, ideal for recreation and growing timber. At 1 p.m. 125 registered Angus cattle; bulls, cows with calves at side; bied & open heifers. 40 pure bied Quarter Horses; many with foals at side, and an outstanding registered stallion. Everything must sell! Bargains galore! For details, call or write Geo. Cann ing. partner, Rt. 1 Box 78, Bridgeport, W. Va. Ph. 304/842- 2998. Buildings and Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BUY! ... for quality and economy is . . . THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors. Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer in your area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, -INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Penna. 17870 (717) 374-8157 Mole Help Men for training in feed mill work. Shift work available. 50 hour week. Paid vacations and holidays. Uniforms furnished. Call MILLER & BUSHONG, INC Rohrerstown, Pa Phone 392-2145 Ask for Ken Brubaker Moil Box Market FREE. Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one adver tisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday for next week’s paper; No busi noon or same will be held over ness advertisements accepted. See us (for fast, quality, custom pea shewing You pick ’em. we shell ’em. Floyd H. Ranck, Par adise GRI, Box 437, 17562, Ph. InL 4949 If no nnswer call 442- 4909 (No shelling afternoon of June 15 ) For Sale-A. R. Wood Gas Brood ers with or without flash tubes; 6 m auger type grain or feed conveyor, 32 ft. long 4 ft chick leeders with stands. Ph. 687-7004 oi 687-6910. Pnced to Sell - 1 used David oiadley tiller, 4 h.p.; 'For Sale one 1,000 watt 110 volt electric plant, practically new. Eli F. fmg, Pond Rd., Ronks Rl, Pa., 2 mi NW of Intercourse. For Sale-Leghorn hens-60c ea. laying 50%, excellent for eating, lieezing or laying. Ralph S. wngley, Oxford R 3, Pa., Ph. 215-9*32-0144. Wanted-Odd jobs to do with my o«n chain saw. Trees cut to any length desired, reasonable. Ph. Mountville 285-5649. For Sale-Allis Chalmers 780 For age Harvester with 2 row corn head and pick-up attachment. Phone (Hensel 548-2877. Buy It Sell It With a Classified Ad In Lancaster Forming Sewing Machines 1967 ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, slightly used, fancy stitches, sews on buttons, makes buttonholes, no attach ments needed. UNPAID BALANCE $28.50 or pay payments of $4.10 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, cabinet model, slightly used, monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and serv ice guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $58.30 or pay payments of $5.75 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect SINGER ZIG-ZAG Late model, slightly used, 5 year parts and service guarantee. No attachments necessary. Sews buttonholes, fancy designs, blind hems and straight stitches. UNPAID BALANCE $46.30 or pay payments of $4.86 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect DOMESTIC ZIG-ZAG Slightly used, fancy stitches, sews on buttons, makes button holes. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and service guar antee. UNPAID BALANCE $33.40 or pay payments of $4.30 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect . WHITE ZIG-ZAG Sewing machine, cabinet model, slightly used, monograms, fan cy stitches, overcasts, blind hems dresses, sews on buttons. No attachments needed. 5 year parts and service guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $43.70 or pay payments of $4.53 per month. Call Capitol Credit Mgr. till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 If toll, call collect Real Estate 48 ACRE LIMESTONE FARM in high state of culti vation. Good buildings, south east of Myerstown, Pa. 16 ACRE FARM NORTH EAST OF MYERSTOWN, ex cellent for steers or horses. Small orchard, good build ings. 125 ACRE FARM, 6 year old barn, 3 bedroom home, plus other necessary buildings. Ideal for steers. HeaUy Qa, Myerstown Ph. 866-5550 866-2747 933-8239 FOR SALE 163 Acre Dairy Farm Modern stable with 40 tie stalls, Barn cleaner, large milk house, Farm pond, 10 Room House, 3 Car Cinder block garage and other build ings. Contact; Ralph C. Austin R. D. #2 Box 16 Wellsboro, Pa. 16901 Dairy Equipment 300 gal. Mojonnier bulk milk tank; 350 gal. Esco bulk tank; sofne used milk can coolers. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-8501 Used 300 Mojonnier Vacuum Dr. Walker Washer, dumping Sta tion; Also many other sizes. We will also buy or trade your tank. CURRY SUPPLY CO. Curryville, Pa. 16631 Livestock For Sale 1200 and 1300 lb. heifers freshen ing June and July. Wilmer Hos tetter, Oxford, Pa. Phone (215) 932-9599. For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, R.D 1, Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717- 786-2562. Miscellaneous WATER As a rule can find a good spot for a well, measure the depth and make a good guess whether it will produce 2,5, 10, 20, 40 or 80 gallon per minute. Con tact David B. Fisher, Rl, Box 118, Christiana, 'Pa., VA miles east of Kirkwood. For Sale Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm. Phone: AC 215-268-8808. Lane. Area Ph. 394-2611. Money To Loan jjjS vi ' *> v v •* V V ♦.* ' LOANS ALL TYPES - $lO,OOO to $100,000,000 s Anywhere in USA and P< Canada. iJ ;" y FISHER Real Estate- { * Mortgage Corp. * - J Financial Consultants * P Joy, lU. 61260 r ’ ] Mortgage Brokers t y Joy, m. 61260 f. m if((i a. v. ««* nmMwnwT« •SStevAtMwA’VaSa Insurance rgT)~gTnnrgTß~rinrrririrffW?g ALL TYPES i INSURANCE i FARMERS I Special Package Policy ° Fire - Storm ■ Liability o ■ Call us for FREE Survey % and Savings. ° __ ° 1 Apartment Tenants ° ; or Homeowners <= ‘Protect your Personal Pro-° ,perty and Home from Fire -® ’Theft - Storm - Vandalism - 0 [Malicious Mischief and manyo >other coverages. ° 5 c > 1 1 1 c IWt have several •combinations that could re- Q [duce your insurance costs, a — Boats, Autos,® ’Seasonal Dwellings, Vacations Jand Travel. 3 L W. MUSSER 1951 Larch Avenue EAST PETERSBURG, PA. Phone 569-2876 17520 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 8.1968—15 Farm Equipment GOOD USED EQUIPMENT A.C. Dl7 IV Diesel Tractor 500 hrs. (1966) . . $4200.00 A.C. Dl7 Diesel Tractor (1959) $2500.00 A.C. WD4S Diesel Tractor $1500.00 A.C. WD4S Gas Tractor $1250.00 A.C. WD Gas Tractor . $BOO.OO J.D. 630 Tractor (1961) $2600.00 M.H. 44 Tractor $300.00 All Sizes PLOWS. DISC HAR ROWS & CULTIPACKERS Planters and Cultivators 2-40”, 4-40” and 6-30” Rows Several Misc Mowers, Hay Con ditioners A.C. & I.H.C. Forage Harvesters & Blowers, Fox, J.C. and 1.H.C., A.C. Gleaner Com bines and Corn Heads E, A, & C. Super 92 M.F. Combine (Top Condition) $3800.00 A.C. 190 Mtd. 2 row Corn Picker (like new) .. .. $2000.00 L. J. C. FARM STORE Cecilton, Md. 275-5941 John L. Nafzinger, Owner G Allis Chalmers w/Cull, hoer, 2-way plow; Allis Chalmers D 17 Tractor; Allis Chalmers CA w/- loader; Allis Chalmers Snap coupler mower; Case Hay Con ditioner . ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata R 2 Ph. 859-2441 Good used Semi-trailer Mower. New Idea 751 Conditioner. New & Used Hay Tools. WILBUR H GRAYBILL New Idea - Clay Mach. Shop Lititz Ph. 626-5221 FICKES SILiUS and Feeding Equipment. New and Used Trsctors GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 Be sure to see us for a New Mower Conditioner; New & Used Hay Conditioners. ALLEN H MATZ, INC New Holland Ph 354-2214 Massey Ferguson Super 92 com bine with mtd. John Deere 14T baler in good condition Good price. Titus M. Hess Phone 656- 6944. Used bushel crates, very good condition, reasonably priced Milford S. Mast, Elverson, Pa. 19520. Phone 215 286-9118. Used Combines; 4-row front and rear mounted cultivators. WENGER FARM MACHINERY Myerstown, Pa. 717-866-2138 Cunningham Hay Conditioner, Myers Mower Conditioner. ARTHUR S. YOUNG CO Kinzers, Pa. Ph. 442-4186 Trucks 1963 International Load Star 1600, U Tag. CHET LONG Akron Ph. 859-1020 Poultry & Supplies Richard R. Forry Ph. 397-0035 £pnay in 9' Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses. Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. KimberChiks and Started Pul lets, Warren Sex-Sai, Golden Sex Link Broiler Chicks - Cobb and Wt. 'Mt. MOYER’S CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, Pa. Ph. 215-536-3155 Farm Equipment New 3 pt. rotary mower $295; tor and cultivators; Cub tractor 140 Farmall high clearance trac with mower. KEENER EQUIP CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa Used Cunningham Hay Condi tioner; Used Hershej Trans planter; John Deere MT with Cultivators. SHOTZBERGER’S EQUIP. Elm, Pa. 665 2141 Farmall 460 High Utility Trac tor; MD Tractor. COPE & WEAVER CO New Providence Ph 786-7351 Cub A, C, H & M Used Tractors; Used John Dear a Tractor C B HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. Ph 768-8231 Used Case 300 Harvester FABMERSVIULE EQUIP CO. Ephrata, Pa. Ph. 354-9221 Allis Chalmers Dl4 Tractor M. M. WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. 'Ph. 656-7702 Poultry & Equipment SHAVER ST/ "rS LAYERS Creider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA, BURUNG'S Golden Tri-Cross BEST BROWN EGG LAYERS IN 1967 PENNA. RANDOM TEST Earned $2,209 income over feed and chick cost, 6th best among all 30 entries in test - Averaged 243.7 eggs per bird housed (350 days) - 4.27 feed efficiency, best for all brown egg entries - 5.32% laying house mortality. Also: Bnrllng-lawton Golden Buff Sex-Xilnks, Hxrco Sex* Units, Bernier Xegal Xeghoms, Wh. Cornish. Crosses If you like friendly service and quality chicks at fair prices, call or write BURLING’S HATCHERY OXFORD, PA. Ph. 932-8286 ITS NOT TOO LATE! JULY LEGHORN CHICKS Will Lay Eggs In December Musser Leghorn Farms R. D. I, Mt. Joy, Pa. “Serving Egg Producers Since 1916”
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