VOL. 13 NO. 29 ~ Contestants for the new title of Lan caster County Queen of the Furrow are, (seated - left to right) Donna Kay Eshle man, Eileen Eshelman and Averril Royer. Prices Increase 2% In May Prices received by Pennsylva- aSd S to the State Crop Reporting Service The Service reported that in- creases in prices farmers re- ceived for fruit, vegetables, po- tatoes, meat animals, milk and milk cows more than offset de- clines in poultry and egg prices Steers and heifers were up 20 cents a hundredweight, slaugh- ter cows up 80 cents and calves up 20 cents. Lambs were down $1 per hundredweight and hogs down 10 cents Egg prices for May were down two cents to 30 cents a dozen Giam prices were mostly lower Fay Stoner Tops 4-H Strawberry Exhibit; Keeps Title In Family By winning “Best an Show”,, and taking first place in total score. Fay Stoner enabled the Stoner family of 1051 Eden Road to retain the 4-H Strawberry ti tle it won in five of the last six years. Fay is the 14-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs H Raymond Stoner Her brother, Erie, show Farm Calendar Sun., June 16-Thurs., June 20 -NEPPCO Egg Quality School, U of Maryland Tuesday, June 18 Bpm -4-H Leaders Council, Farm & Home Center Thursday, June 20 9 a m.-Livestock Workshop Meet, Pequea Valley. Friday, June 21 9-30 a.m.-Poultry & Land Judg ing Meet., New Holland High School. Research Holds Key To __ Healthy Future: Bull Says by L. H. Bull Secretary of Agriculture It is logical to assume that our ever burgeoning popula tion will require more and more food This is why the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is so interested in research It is through patient, system atic investigation words wmch are synonymous with re- search that we are going to be able to furnish the food our hungry world needs and will ed the best berries in the annual event in 1963, ’64 and ’66 In 1966 Fay finished right behind Eric, in second place Fay won her latest honors with Sparkle, a variety different fiom the Catskills, which won the previous four Stoner titles Fay has grown Sparkle m other years at home, however Reserve championship honors a + the Holiday Inn this year were won by Audrey Yungmger Marietta Rl, who also showed the Sparkle variety. Miss Yungmger, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Yungmg er, and a newcomer to county 4-H strawberry competition, placed first last year in a straw berry show sponsored by the Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club Judge for the annual event was vegetable and strawberry grow er Isaac Miller, 2148 State Road In scoring, Fay tallied 98 of a possible 100 points, wit.i Miss Yungmger close in second place (Continued on Page 9) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 15,1968 (Standing) Dorothea Lutze, Linda Welk and Lynn Heistand. Lilli Ann Wivell was not present. —L.F. Photo continue to need One of the research projects being supported by the State Department of Agriculture in volves hybrid wheat If wheat capa bi e 0 f producing 100 bush els an acre can be developed, it will be a boon to eastern United states where soft wheat is in shoit supply, We are supporting research at Pennsylvania State Umveisity to determine if Holstein cattle, (Continued on P.ge 9) FAY STONER, 1051 EDEN ROAD (left) proudly displays her prize-winning 4-H strawberry exhibit. Second place went to Audrey Yunginger, Marietta Rl. Judge Seven Contestants Vie For Queen Of Furrow Seven girls have entered the first County Queen of the Fur row Contest, according to Aaron Z. Stauffer, chairman of the event. The contest, sponsored by the Lancaster County Soil and Wa ter Conservation District, will be held next Saturday, June 22 at 8 pm. at Millersville State Col lege. The winner of the county con test will compete in an 11 county regional contest in early August at the Allentown Fair Winner of that contest w'lll be entered in the State and National Contests, to be held in conjunction with the State and National Plowing Contests Aug 27-29 at Hershey D „ -i , B roller Placements Down In Penna. Placements of broiler chicks Placements ot broiler cmcKs in the Commonwealth during the T J ed 956 000, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service The placements dechn- ed 8% from the previous week and 5% from the same week a year earlier Average place- ments during the past 10 weeks advanced 1% from a year earh- er Settings for broiler chicks totaling 1,687,000, advanced 1% rom the previous week and 2% from the comparable period a year earlier The current 3-week total of eggs set is 9% more than the same period in 1967 Inship- ments of broiler-type chicks dur- “Sff/, 10 w ® eks fveraged 16,100-25% less than the com- parable period in 1967 Outship- ments averaged 254,900 during the past 10 weeks, 54% more than a year earlier was Isaac Miller. 2148 State Road. Lancas ter. In 3 years of countywide 4-H competi tion Fay has won two top championships and one reserve title. $2.00 Per Year Entered in the county contest are: Lynn Heistand Lynn Heistand, 19. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Walter E. Hei stand, Manheim R 4 is a gradu ate of Manheim Central High School and the Kendell School of Cosmetology. She is presently a beautician in Elizabethtown. Miss Heistand has blonde hair, hazel eyes, is 5’3”, and held the title of FFA Chapter Sweet heart at Manheim, and was a membei of the Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef Club She will at tend the Farmers Cooperative Institute at Shippensburg State Teachers College this summer. Eileen Eshelman Eileen Eshelman, 17, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Horace s. Eshelman, 332 Washington Avenue ’ Ephrata, has brown black hair and is 5 > 7 » A recent duate f E hrata High School, she will enter the Phlladelphia career and Model later this month . S he w » a member of the Ephrata 4 , H c] and the Lincol £ Bak in„ 4 R Glub ** Averril Royer daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Royer, 202 g 0 Plke Lancaste r, is 1968 | raduate of M anheim Townsh 5 H igh School and was ex te / at Millersville State Teachers College She is work . par t-Um e for a local veter manan Mlgs R has brown and h 1S s>r and 1S a member o£ the Garden Spot community 4-H Club and the 4 . H Ho istein Dairy Club (Continued on Page 5)
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