—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 8.1968 14 Ball Player* To Milk Cows During Games In D.C. - Balto. When the Baltimore Orioles phone (301) 454-3932. face the Oakland Athletics in For tickets to the D. C. game Memorial Stadium on June 7, —contact Chester Bletch. Mary- Marvland Dairy Princess Cyn- land-Virginia Milk Producers thia Mathews will be on hand to Association. 1530 Wilson Blvd., oversee a cow-milking 'contest Arlington, Va. 22209. between two players. Between games of Friday’s twi-night double-header Orioles’ That - S not sap which spots relief pitcher Eddie Watt will try your car w b en parked under a to outsqueeze A’s catcher Phil shade tree _ it > s “honeydew” Rouf during the milking meet, made by hundreds of aphids or Spectators will bO treated to p]ant lice whlle bees, ants and 2,500 half pints of free milk. fi Je s j ove motorists hate it. A repeat performance of this sa y entomologists of the State Dairy Night will occur June 10 Department of Agriculture, m Washington when the Orioles New and tender leaves of play the Senators in D.C. Stadi- street and roadside trees pro um. vide welcome shade for parking Putting down their pitchers’ gloves for milking buckets will be Baltimore’s John O'Donoghue and Washington’s Bob Humph reys. A limited number of tickets are available for the Dairy Night games at the discount price of $1 50 To order tickets by June 1 for the game in Baltimore, con tact John Morns, dairy science annex. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 20742 - SALE NOTICE HORSE SALE OF MONDAY EVE, JUNE 10th HAS BEEN CANCELLED Special Saddle Horse Sale will be held MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 17th We Sell on Commission. MARTIN’S SALE STABLES PAUL Z. MARTIN PH. (717) 354-6671 BLUE BALL, PA. ALL-DAY COMPLETE FARM DISPERSAL STROHECKER FARMS, INC. Sat, June 22,1968 - 9:00 a.m. Directions: Thirty-eight (38) miles north of Harrisburg; three (3) miles east of Pillow off Route '#225 at Herndon #l, Northumberland Co., Pa. Farm Machinery And Trucks Twenty (20) tractors Two (2) crawlers Jilt. ‘XP-JB’ w/bladej AC ‘H-3’ w/loader; 2 J.D. ‘4020’ fully equipp ed including power shift; J.D. ‘3020’ RC; J.D. ‘2510’ RC; J.D. ‘1020’; 2 J.D. ‘2010’; J.D, ‘1010’; AC ‘l9o’ dsl.; A.C. ‘Dl7’; A.C. ‘D-15’; Int. ‘3414’ Ind. w/loader; J.D. ‘ll2’ lawn tractor and other makes and models. Twenty (20) trucks Nine (9) trailers Five (5) truck-tractors including: 1967 GMC ‘9500’ dsl., twin screw; 1966 GMC ‘7500’ dsl.; 1960 Ford ‘F-950’; 1966 GMC ‘4ooo’, dump; 1964 Chev. twin screw w/1966 Stoltzfus spread er; 1956 Ford twin screw w/Stoltzfus spreader and various makes and models not listed. Six (6) tandem trailers: 1967 Trailco 30’ aluminum dump; 1964 Fruehauf 40’ grain; Frue hauf 31’ aluminum van; Heil 6,000 gal. capacity fuel and others not mentioned. SPECIAL MENTION: 1962 Ford ‘C-750’ tilt-cab with Daffin feed mobil unit with GMC dsl. 125 H.P. motor and air unloading unit. Five (5) Self-Propelled Combines 1966 Gleaner ‘C-ll’ 13’ grain header, 4-row corn head and cab, all power; Int. ‘4o3’ dsl. 12’ header, 4-row corn head, 100 bus. grain bin, all power; Oliver ‘33’; MH ‘B2’ 12’ header, 2-row corn head; J.D. ‘ss’ 12’ header, also other sizes and makes. Four (4) balers: 2 N.H, and 2 J.D. ‘24-T’, 1967 models. AMERI CAN AUTOMATIC GRAIN DRYER w/1,000,000 8.T.U., (fully automatic, also a full line of plows, planters, wagons, mowers rakes, manure spreaders, elevators, grain equipment, seed, ferti lizer, baler twine, minerals or approximately 200 pieces of equip ment to farm 2,500 acres. Discontinuing farming due to shortage of labor. Farms are for sale by private treaty. Equipment in excellent condition, mostly 4»eing purchased in last 2■ 4 years! Come Early to register for number in order to buy. Lunch Full particulars later Terms: Cash or contract, financing available by Associate Discount Corp. of Harrisburg, phone: 717-758-2988. Write for brochure By order of the owner. Whitford Sales Company L. Robert Frame, Auctioneer Box 128, Exton, Pa. 19341 Phone: 215-363-7379 “Chester Countys’ Foremost Auction Company” "HONEYDEW” ON CARS cars but they also attract aphids which suck the sap and excrete honeydew, that gooey, sticky stuff that gets on your windshield, car roof and fenders all summer long. Only a heavy rain or a car wash will remove the spots. There are only two ways to avoid honeydew drops on your car—spraying the tree with a chemical called cygon, or don’t park under a- tree. Form Products Help Bolonce Of Payments America’s modern, highly ef ficient agriculture can help balance U. S. imports and ex ports, according to W. T. Mc- Allister, extension farm man agement specialist at the Uni versity of Delaware. For many years the government and pri- vate citizens have spent more money in foreign countries than those countries have spent in the U.S. To balance our international accounts, some nations have re quested payment in gold, so U. S. gold stocks were reduced. Other nations have accepted U.S. dollars, but these dollars can be converted to gold if the nation requests it. The imbal ance in trade and the demands on our reserve gold supply are main factors in the gold crisis. Agriculture can increase U.S. exports and thus help correct the trade imbalance. Rising in come levels in emerging na tions are creating a growing export market for American produced food and feed-stuffs, McAllister points out. Approxi mately one-third of our soybean crop is exported each year and large quantities of corn, wheat, fruits, vegetables, eggs and poultry are sold to foreign na tions. Agricultural industries and organizations in the U. S. are working with the Foreign Agri cultural Service to open even larger overseas markets for farm products. Every major U.S. agricultural product was represented in the recent American Festival in Japan. Custom Pea Hulling & Washing Bring Your Peas To Us We will hull and wash t-hem ready for your freezer RAYMOND MILLER Elizabethtown R. D. 3 Ph. 665-4188 5 miles East of Elizabethtown Midway between Chiques Church and Risser’s Church Watch for Signs Kent R. Ferrell, Jr. Auctioneer John H. O’Neill Public Auction REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE DAIRY CATTLE 70 HEAD 70 Sale to be held in the dairy arena at the Aberdeen Sales Com pany in Churchville, Harford County, Md., located on Md. Rt. 22 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md. (via U.S. Rt. 1) and 6 mi. west of Aber deen, Md. (via U.S. Rt. 40 and 195 Kennedy Highway) on FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1968 8:00 P.M. (EDST) NIGHT SALE We will sell the herd of Mr. George Throne of New Park, Pa. This is one of the best herds of Ayrshire cows that we have had the privilege of selling. Mr. Throne has been using artificial breeding for the past 15 years and has been on D.H.I.A. for sev eral years. Some cows are giving over 50 lbs. and testing 5%. Mr. Jack Bailey will sell several fine cows which will be fresh and close springing. Mr. James Carter will sell a shipment of top springers and fresh heifers from Ontario, Canada. PLUS other consignments. If you are looking for additional cows for average months, plan to attend this sale. Freshening dates, breeding dates, due dates and milk weights will be available at sale time. All cattle are T.B. Accredited and Certified Bangs Free. Tested within 30 days of sale. TERMS ~ CASH ABERDEEN SALES COMPANY Sale Managers Phone: 301/734-6050 (night): 301/734-7105 (night):. 301/272-1368 Gibson Nomed United Campaign Chairman John M, Gibson of Drumore Rl is named Large Business Di vision Regional Chairman of the Lancaster County United Cam paign by R. Wesley Shope, Gen eral Chairman. A farmer and member of the The American Soybean Asso ciation spearheaded the soybean promotion; the Institute of American Poultry Industries promoted the sale of broilers and turkeys. Wheat Associates, U. S. A., demonstrated the num erous ways wheat could add to the attractiveness of the Japan ese diet. Potentially large mar kets for rice, raisins, fruits, ve getables, corn, food processing equipment and animal feeds were developed by this effort to sell U.S. farm products. The American soybean stole the show in Japan, McAllister says._ Japanese people were in troduced to salad dressings made from soybean oil; they raved over soybean oil mar garine as an improvement over the whale or fish oil or beef talldw margarines common in Japan. Japanese children were enthusiastic over soft ice cream, popcorn buttered with soybean oil products and doughnuts and corn sticks cooked in vegetable oils. The Japanese exhibition is a good example of the way farmers and industry organiza tions can join forces with the Federal government to enlarge the market and improve the balance of payment position, McAllister concludes. Religious Society of Friends, Mr. 'Gibson is active in many com munity activities. Since 1063 he has been a board member of the Lancaster Coun ty Boy Scout Council, having served as president since 1965. He was chairman of J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation Cam paign. He is the representative of this agency to the Delegate Assembly of Community Chest. Large Business Division rep resents the contact and solicita tion of almost 400 firms and em ployees in Lancaster County. In order to complete this solicita tion, nearly 284 volunteers are needed. Last year $1,008,006 were contributed by tie firms and employees included in this Division. for Butter Sale Register SAT., JUNE 8 at 1 P.M. - Dis persal of Sugar Loaf Farm Clydesdales at Front Royal Va. Livestock Market. SAT., JUNE 8 at 11 AJM.-Auc taon of 114 Reg. Ayrshires for Raymond Bardeen, Hornell, N. Y., at the farm along Rte. 70 about 4 mi. E of HOrnell. FRI JUNE 14-8:00 p.m. Puib hc Auction Registered "& High Grade Dairy Cattle, in dairy arena at the Aberdeen Sales Company, in Ohurchville,. Har ford County, Md. Sale for Mr. George Throne of New Park, Pa. SAT. JUNE 15 - 10 a.m. Abso lute Auction, Willow 'Run Farm, 8 mi. S E of Clarksburg-Bridge port, 'W Va. on State #'23 MON. EVE, JUNE 17 - Special Saddle Horse-Sale (previously scheduled for June 10) at Mar tin’s Sale Stables, Paul Z. Mar tin, Blue Ball, Pa. MON. EVE, JUNE 17-Horse & Pony Sale, Martin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Paul Z. Martin. SAT , JUNE 22 at 9 A.M -All- Day Complete Farm Dispetsal, Strohecker Farms, Inc., 38 mi. N of Harrisburg, off Rte. 225 at Herndon Rl, Northumberland County, Pa. Local Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issue* 14 or Less $l.OO $2.40 15 1.05 2.52 1.12 2.69 1.19 2.86 1.26 3.03 L 6 17 18 1.33 3.20 1.40 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm ing): 50c additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $l.OO minimum. . DEADLINE: Wednesday noon of each week’s publica tion. LANCASTER FARMING P. O. Box 266 Lititz, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 394-30*7 bi Lititz 626-2191 3.36
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