October 24, 1955 STUDENT COUNCIL DROPS BASKETBALL )c\s DO YOU? TWI4M, A poll takes by this reporter reveals the following opinions and comments on the action II ets ty tho stifeht lcounil37 John Salatal think a,school:of this size Should have thi'es basket— ball teams." Edward Birosh: "It'S the-hept.thi : hg that Studeht Qounail did..' Joseph B4les i!Vm in favor of drop...! ping basketball as long as Student Council can pick up someother. sports activities." Edward Plesniorski: "I think it was wise of Student Council to drop basketball because not enough students support it." Edward Pensocks "Basketball would limit the numberrpf students who would participate in the sport; a larger number of students will be able to participate in extra curricular activities if other sports prograMS,are adopted." George Popsont "I think we should have basketball because it would give the school a little spirit," Larry Housers "I.donft see any sence in having-basketball because nobody goes to:t,hegames.ll Donald Payer: "I think it was a good idea to drop basketball because of the lack of student HAZLETON COLLEGIAN (Nhat do you think cont.) interest." John Potash: "I think basketball should be dropped in favor Of. howling, golf, and other such student acti— vities.ft , Vernon Sinn: "I'm in favor of drop— ping basketball because it costs too much money for only a few to benefit by," Joseph Yese.nofskit "I think it was a fair dectsi on because of the lack of students who are interested in playing.n - George Atort uT think it was very foolish because last yelrts team Showed that there are possibilities for Penn State having another excellent team," Joe Hoffman, "I'm in favor of drop— ping basketball because tt costs too much money." Percy Satorts: ttl ththk Student Council made a good decisi on.n Mary Marker: in favor of drop-- ping basketball because the attendance at the games wasn't high." Beverly Rlmms "I think it was a good idea because only 'a few were bene fiting from the great amount of money being spent." Florence Bones s onsidering that very few students, attend the games, I dontt think enough students benefit from the large amount of money that is spent for tasketball." The upper freshman who darries that oversized Lunch everyday, Tony Spock has yet to bum a sandihiqh or better still a drUm. Comin dhudkero4 break down. NOTICE Page 6
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