MITE '''..k l ll,e Pen v . zTLp o Va],, 1 ,~ n ; I\ r L, 11 . ETEHANSCLU4 . 3 1,104. MS The veteranssof Nigha?res*gapiPo into a group-this past Frid4 consolidate - thedselvesin matters whioh affect the-veterans here at school. The aims of this or'gani 7 zati on ' are tQ promote. the sOcial and polAical . ,prollQfas.Of.the veteran. The club will also serve to infQrm the veteran onA4estions concerning the Cr, T . Bill, 'the: beneflto and problems connePted with this Bill, as well as informatiOff of A scholastic nature, Lee Schmeltz was elected as ?resident of the grpup with Conrad 1011bugh'erty and Jame Dine IDeing 'elected Vice- President and Secretary-.. Treasurer respectively, Representatives named to attend Student Council meetings and other flulptiOns inclUde,Joseph Boyle, George Ater, Bernard Stoker and Albert Humza, A committee was aQt up to draft a charter and constitution subject ' to. group aPlsrovai. 13rjd r ides the three officers, this committco also . includ4s Jose - Ph Boyle, Jahn 4eiehart, and Methody Sirkot: (pont vd on paEe 6) E:.:_.. e gft-Vploll. s rivania Stat - LiniverQit C jt , ,,:zle 'O4l 'enna' EiiI=EMICIE:::•= ) t''' Y \A ) j I 3 upleamo DF,c'r s - r ON IiF4C ED TER ZaTC/711 TITC 1-r 4- ThP Studeptpouncia accepted the plans for a .Penn State Center T3a7lin6 tea 7@ on Friday, Octg*T The leatiue was fnrmulated by the . Sports Comm4ttee, headed by Ben Tuchi and by 4amps Kore 4, a non, mcnber of the commititoc who, at this meet inc, was' nomlnatod techl.s poSt by the Council. . . The TqasrhekW Bowline,' Alleys have dcfinitelY been oe -eV-red for, the use pf the leactO with each player payipg IC4 per game. The bowling ' shoes will be.prpvided by 'the manage_ merit, along with trophiep aw , lrded to each individul t i of he winropg tcam,The Sports Qommittee will take into considation the awarding of troPhieP ,t/C) the high Gews ocor:Jr in both male and female claswv„ and also to the high 'avera4e in each class. It was decided that the season will last 19 weeks, including 4. week 'Vorroll for aver l / 4 eS, It was decided that identification cards will be issued to each bowler. Alec), the faculty has been invited to compete in the leatw. ~,) ,4.... t: , 4 " -- ~, ( 4 ' e 6, . ~ I ''' \ • .0 • ' ..l , : ii i • . • 00 L LSO :per 1 __ BMW '4O ",?2, .1:704,r0 P 9,t 0 ,.: 1 ) 9r. . 3 _ (conticl on pa,Fo 6)
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