We realize fthat botfi the parking lot and the 'cafeteria here'at Highacres -are overcrowded As a reult of the tremendous increase in ehrollment this semester„ The posSible solutions to these problems further eii!pansion of the parking lot and a studert Union Building - while important issues here at Highacre:3 cannot possibly., be taken care 'f sufficient:;time has been alloteci for sulving them. Until that time the ;student body must, make some adjustments to handle our overcrowded facilitieso Parking at the bottom of the hill must be done carefully to.allow everyone,ample room, A careless driver can, by disorderly parking, take up a space which normally should be used by two cars. He may also box in another , car so completely that it will be im— possible for the 'other driver to leave. The Traffic Committee'- if it is efficient - should be- : concerned with all our traffic problems and not just parking at the-top of the' hill. By any standards the fact that over 150 drivers are daily inconvenienced, by insufficient room is as serious as that some cars must be parked in the drive Way of the upper loto,Any drivev who persists in, unfair parking in the lot, will be fined on; the same' basis as those who park illegally. Since the cafeteriajsoyercrcwdedi arrangements should be made to ease conditions during : noon time. As soon as you finish: your lunch, you are asked to leave your seat in the cafeteria for someone else. Some people have solved the cafeteria problem by eating their lunches in their Cars, down at the parking lot, "TILL THENtt "Till Then" (con't) . . While we have no idea how' the, administration views, this practice, we will ask .theee students to be a littlemore careful about the manner in which they dispose of their refuse, They:are asked, not to litter the parking with lunch bags and newspaper, • but to put their empty lunch bags in garbage containers. The Traffic Committee should See about having trash containers placed down at the parking lot for these studentsc, ** 4 * FALL SOCYAL CALEHNDER. Student, Counr=,l ha ~ 3 confirmed a list of events le:: the Pall semester here at Illghares., 1, - ;sted beam are the events and their confirmed datess 28 - Ha'laveen Party 29 - Tho'a Sigma Pi Bayrlde 5 - FDoiajl gamea "l'enn 7 Syracuse 23 - nianksigiving,Seni -Formal 26 • Ch - rf!.sma., iNxty 6 "i4Lilta.-y Ball ? 1 4 .13Le,11.jah Party(End of semen te ) * * * 2 IS COMPANY 3 a CRUZ This year, up on the main campus, the official sted 9697 men anc' 2956 women:, This ls a. ratio of 3,28 men to ono girl (which sort of crows :age) La st, year t was company (2,92 •i)o I), with 8946 men to 3057 women. This is the first time in years that the ratio has been so great **** * * * The man whe says that he is a bachelor by choice man mean that the girl chose the other fellow. =E!I
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