Vol. XVITI'No. 4 ' "■ PENNSYLVANIA STATE; SENATE i opx“lacion,"for"' ' scho'ols •'' ~ ” . Includes, plan for S3OO o CO Teacher Raise at |lso o oo a year for next two years. On Wednesday, October 12, the State Senate approved a $452,000,000 appropriation for Penn sylvania schools* Hie money Is earmarked for state school subsidies, which in some cases arts long overdue, the other schools will receive their appropriations in October and November.. Jfhe amount is $31,000,000,00 oyer the amount given in the past. The recorded vote was 49.-oj. although many Senators abstained from voting* The Appropriation now goes back to the House for concurrence. Two Democrats, Harry E. Seyler (York) and Jo Hays (Centre), were the . Senators responsible for Senate approval. The politically sensitive issue of teachers salaries had been shunted to the background for most of the 1955 legislation because of the tax. impasse* FOOTBALL Gi*ME h. football game trip has been approved Student Council a Ihis trip... wl .l be to the Penh State-,*Syracuse fouTf-bair game on Saturday, November ft* Student Council announced that it will finance‘the transportation to and from the game, but the .students ♦WO. have to buy the tickets aha any thing else. Bie tickets will be (to be con’t.) SOCIAL -COMMITTEE The social committee met on Wednesday, October 12, 1955, to plan for‘the dances that will be this semester. The first dance will be held on October 28, 1955 at the Eagles Clubhouse in Hazleton. This will be the Hallowed en Party and will be from 8300 P. M, to 12?00 P f - M, Music will be " furnished by a popular orchestra. Dancing will: not be the only form of entertainment, as there will ba many activities, such as bobbing for apples, etc., a program, and refreshments* ! The party will be very informal (jeans, etc.). Come to the Hallowe’en Party, October 28th. and have fun. STUDENT COUNCTL DROPS BiSKoTEALL By a unanimous vote Student Counci at approximately 9soo P,F, Friday evening decided that the Center’s basketball team ba disbanded fca? the coming year. , This decision wa reached after long debate begun during the regular session of C ouncil and continued during the evening session. At the beginning of the meeting Friday morning, Theresa Bobowsky moved, that the Center’s basketba! team be disbanded and that an intramural sports program be sub stituted. After this motion was made, it-was decided by Council that debate be limited to twenty five minutes. October 17, 195: (to be con l t.)
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