Thirsty’s Tavern Wednesday nite OLDIES Friday and Saturday DISCO mi New Submar Sandwiches m Big screen T Heineken Budwieser on 20 "Starview" gong show w/ Tucker Young = The I SALTY DAWG ! 11 Billy Price and the Keystone Rhythm Band j 13 "Starview" album night 15 American Madness Rt. ,39 Hershey 566-3776 >< >«■►< >•«■»< >•«■»< >^MI Route 230 Highspire Nome of Ybimc FEBRUARY 14 Susquehanna River Band I 16 Fat Chance 17 Fat Chance 18 Fat Chance 12 Tucker Young j 21 Open | The other day, sometime in October, I started working on my resume. Like 93 percent of the seniors on this campus, I find writing my resume a drudgery second only to studying for the EIT exam. Somehow, even when I do make some headway, it just doesn’t seem to be what I want it to be. For example: £ < P JOB OBJECTIVE: Desire a meaningful position in an Engineering capacity with a large, rapidly advancing company which will utilize as many of my skills as possible. This translates to (I want a token position with any company that is big enough to allow my slovenly nature to continue undetected as well as be able to pay me alot of money.) M 2 SPECIAL SKILLS 1. Prudent manager of funds. Exhibit natural marketing abilities and have been trusted with numerous ac counts. (I consider myself in a class with Jackie Onassis when it comes to shopping. I own every concievable charge plate and am terrific for getting my money back on a used item.) h u 1-1 > 2. As both spectator and participant, I enjoy intense athletic competition. (I will fight to the death for the last packet of Herhsey’s hot cocoa mix left in the house.) 3. Am especially proficient in evaluating and observing situations and developing action to improve situations when necessary. (I am really nosey and get great pleasure out of knowing who is with whom at what time, etc. If there’s something I don’t like, you are certain to hear about it because I also happen to be a top-notch complainer.) Do you get the picture? Speaking of jobs, I can think of a number of people on this campus who must really love theirs. Like that guy in the book store who makes me feel like it’s personally my fault (punishable as is any other hideous crime at Capitol) that he ran out of 3-cycle log paper. ’or how about the maintenance guy who came over the other day and told us (whilst standing in the 2 inches of water covering our bathroom floor) to call him back the next time the toilet runs over. Or the woman who is the head of Admissions who acted like she was giving me the opportunity of a lifetime by letting me come to this campus. (Who was she trying to kid?!) Or the people at BEOG who have known since the middle of last year that I was goint to get financial aid but won’t get my money to me until I owe 85 percent of the campus a quarter? >* Ph Oh •43 S 3 Anyway, back to my resume Resume writing Yuckilll by gayle greenwald Support reader advertisers c.c. reader
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