fasten. thAfJ An impulse -nm&nA TtaeMM une,„t* mOfiE ftSweftß/U, THM Atilt To UEaP JSHOI J&kdM at tirtlvfy, w Pimm ~~. V r yE$ CHOvE MM IS HEftE At CAIPfWI PQUiJC A? A SWRLf EET HE FI6HTJ? for tri/th, Justice Ajjo THE C>E LL SYSTEM . FOLLOW ftfOiUt MAH 4HD WATCH HOW HE fcATTLES ~ THOSE C&UEriE CALLS,THOSE WROHG WWlfteAS 1 ,, awi> mi/CM Mof£E. cCampPo&t INNW l — l MIDDLETOWN, PA. 17057 Daily: <>—-Soups, Sandwiches, Pizza, Snacks, •<>— Imported & Domestic Beers Genny, Lite, Weekly: Tacos on Tuesday Clams on Wednesday Seafood on Thursday, <>—• Shrimp on Saturday Open Mon.-Sat.ll-2a.m. f'lßjiiom io bp -ilq-'Hi r> WfSTEfW UtJIOIJ f 4j A PHoJE. koefTh iiJ A SIV&UE iSoua/D j. f| rf '3 a <? 101 E. MAIN ST. <><*»• Bud, Pabst on Draught Whether or not the Spring Concert tradition is carried on or a Spring Week is created instead depends largely upon the turnout for the Stanley Turrentine concert on Feb. 16. Good Peoples Productions has $lOOO left over from last year’s spring concert profits. Those profits were obtained from letting McDonald’s sell their food during the concert who gave GPP one half of the profits. If the Turrentine jazz con cert is a financial success then the decision must be made on Where's GPP 90(119 With Spring Concert? Let Lf» just what the students oi this campus want for spring enter tainment. The large outdoor concerts brought the problem of thou sands of outsiders to this cam pus. Those thousands raised the cost of porta-johns and secur ity. GPP money needs to be directed and spent on the stu dents of this campus. GPP hopes to have a de tailed plan for spring enter tainment on Dr. Jerry South’s desk by the end of this month. This one scores by lyda baker “I come to score, or maybe more” is a line from “The Grand Illusion,” the first cut off Janis lan’s new album” Janis lan.” With this album lan has scored - and maybe more! The album features strong piano and drums, and lan’s crisp vocals. The lyrics, all written by lan, are poetical and significant. With side one, there is a slight hint of a different musical quality never reached by lan Previously. Her songs, “Tonight Will Last Forever,” “Do You Want To Dance” and “Silly Habits” are in the flavor of lan’s blues These songs are in her se ductive - at times throaty voice. Also these three cuts have the unmistakenly Janis lan ability to* > reach beyond mellowness into the fringes of melancholy without losing the listener to total depression. The first inclination of a new lan musicability, emerges in the song “Hotels and One Night Stands.” In this song there is an energy that seems to flow right out of the stereo speakers. The piano and drums are forceful. The vocals, lan’s and Claire Bay’s, are a perfect blend of harmony. Each note is quick and deliberate. With side two, the energy grows. In the first song “The Bridge,” lan and Bay again harmonize. It is difficult to distinguish which voice is lan’s. The piano and drums are again strong. The tempo is moderate, not as slow as her blues music. In the next cut, “My Mam ma’s House,” the tempo is still moderate and instead of a strong piano, lan switches tc electric guitar. Again in this song there is a rising energy. Then it happens, “Streetlife Serenaders.” The piano cuts into the air with deliberate, quick notes and chords. The music subsides, and lan’s clear voice is heard. “Yes I’m out tonight, look into my eyes...” She places the notes precisely where she wants them. After the first two refrains, the tempo shifts. It becomes low and mild. lan sings a few smooth bars, then the music climbs and soars to an abrupt ending. As the final chord of “Streetlife Serenaders” lingers in the air the next song begins. This cut, “I need to Live Alone Again,” is also piano - but it is easy; floating. A different lan emerges with the song’s tight orchestral arrangement. “Hopper Painting,” the final cut, brings the musical theme of the album into exact focus. It is solo piano and solo voice. The song also reflects the albums title, attributing the music credit to “Janis lan.”
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