c.c. reader Club'n ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ annual nomination of officers for the 79 - 80 year is currently in process. The offices include president, vice president, sec retary and treasurer, Nomina tion forms can be obtained from Professor Donald Miller in W-2 62 by 4:oo p.m. Wed., Feb 14. Office positions should be carefully considered by any member who feels he possesses the capabilities of fulfilling its responsibilities. Aside from apportioned duties, ranking officials of ASME can expect to be held in high regard by prospective em ployers. Also, the positions offer the opportunity to de velop personal leadership traits, prestige and profession alism. The advantage of profes sionalism is clear to anyone who has started interviewing. The society sincerely urges all interested persons to run for office and wishes the best of luck to those that accept the challenge. Hie Yearbook Staff wants quality, out-of-the-ordinary candid photos of this unique campus. Drop them off as soon as possible to Rm. W-129. Ini tial them for they will be returned to you. We need them now! Senior portraits will be tak en February 24th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and the 26th, 27th and 28th from 5:30 to 9 p.m. in Rm. W-129. Sign up at Student Activities Office. $7 covers 4 - 6 photos, 5“ by 5“ and sitting fee. This is the last photo session for graduating seniors of 1979. ROTC seniors at Capitol have received their branch assign ments: Bernice Port - A Regu lar Army Commission with the Signal Corps. Among the active duty assignments were Mark Calhoun and Ken Jones with the Corps of Engineers, and Robert Watkins with Field Ar tillery. Charles Ruhl recieved a reserve assignment with Fi nance. This weekend ROTC will be going on an explosive school demonstration at Indian Head Maryland. Do you want another concert at the Forum? If so we need help! Help is needed in selecting the entertainment, due to va cancies created. This is a chance for you to have your favorite band appear here. Your duties will be to con tact some of the vast number of booking agencies, and to find out who is on tour, and when they will be passing our way. Most of the time is spent on the phone, but remember you will be helping to negotiate a contract. If interested give me a call at 944-7831 or leave your name and phbhd #iir GPP’s mailbox. around Randy Myers and John Flanagan, co-editors of the 1979 Tamhelm, the campus literary and art magazine, remind un dergraduate and graduate stu dents faculty, and staff that original writing, photography, and drawings may be deposited in the Tarnhebn box or left with the secretary in W-360. Free to members of the Capitol Campus community, Tarnhelm is produced each May through a grant from the SGA. A few copies of last year’s issue are still available by request at the Tarnhelm office.. All submissions of literary work are evaluated anonymously by the editorial staff. Names of writers are recorded on a master list by one editor and then blanked out on the submitted manuscript which is given a code number. Independent of each other, the staff members rate each piece according to what they consider its literary merit. Those which receive high ratings are auto matically selected; other works are discussed until some agree ment is reached. Writers whose work is not selected are notified if they include name and full address with their work. Manuscripts, photographs, and other work submitted are available for pick-up in W-360 aftrer pub lication of the Tarnhelm in late May. All students interested in working on the publication staff as readers or in graphics or lay-out are invited to the next meeting which will be announ ced in the Reader. Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed. International Affairs Association On February 22, 23, and 24, the International Affairs Asso ciation of Penn State Capitol Campus in conjunction with the United Nations Assn, of Harris burg will be sponsoring its seventh model United Nations. This model assembly of high We Will Pay You To Study While you donate plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals per month and you can study while you earn for more details call 232-1901 or stop by 260 Reily St., Hbg., PA 17102 We are open Mon.-Thurs. 8:45 a.m. to 7p.m. Friday 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. school students is designed to promote greater understanding of the United Nations and will provide a forum for discussion of major international issues and concerns. Groups of students will be assigned to serve as delegates from particular countries to the United Nations. There are, at least, three delegates to each country and so far there are at least 48 delegates with a few more late entries expected. There will be at least one hundred and fifty students coming this year from schools as far away as Bethesda, Md. and Ohio. Students are needed to put up some high school students for the three days of the con vention. If you want to put up a student contact Patty Bloom or Sue Stapleton at 855 A Kirtland Ave., Middletown, 944-5440. If your roomate is cranky and hates kids then there are other ways you can help. Contact Andy Arce at 367-7726 or Tony Hyczko at 944-7205 or leave a note in the International Affairs Assn, mailbox in the SGA office. STUDENTS Yoga classes by instruction of Swami Sweaen baream are being given at 322 State St., West Fairview. Cost is $20.00 for 10 classes. Call 732-3926 or 561-0284. BECOME A COLLEGE CAMPUS DEALER- Sell Brand Name Stereo Components at lowest prices. High profits; no investment re quired. For details, contact: FAD Components, fix:. 65 Rissaie Ave., P.O. Box 689, Fairfield, New Jersey 07006. Bene Oriowsky (201) 227-6800. That’s right, if you donate regularly, you can earn as much as Black February 13th Valentine candy Sale / Vendorville / 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lecture/Soul Food Dinner and Viewing of Roots 11. Prof. Gilpin will deliver the lecture. February 18th Time: 5:30 p.m. Place Admission: $3.00 students $5.00 others February 26th Panel Discussion on Roots 11. Gallery Lounge, Capitol Campus Main Bldg. Trip to Washington February 28th Visit to Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial, Frederick Douglass House, Lincoln Square Emancipation. See Prof. Gilpin for details. History Moittk Classifieds IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226 HELP WANTED Adressers Wan ted Immediately! Woikat home no experience necessaiy- exel lent pay. Write American Sen vice, 8350 Phik Lane, Suite 127, Dallas, Texas 75231. TYPING: 12 years experience - 50 cents to 75 cents per page, call Linda at 939-2891. *6B Student Union Calendar EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open Monday to Thurs. 8:45 am to 7:45 pm, and from 8:45 am to 4:00 pm on Friday. Stop in at 260 Reily St. or call for information at 232- 1901. FOR SALE 1976 131 Fiat 4- door,AM/FM stereo, tinted glass, 25 m.p.g., 38,000 miles, Ziebart rustproofing, 5 speed. Call Carol Kilgore, 8674920. page 11 Rm. 216
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