Life Cycle Costing Workshop Offered MIDDLETOWN-- The Of fice of Continuing Education of Penn State-Capitol Campus is offering a Life Cycle Costing Workshop. The workshop will be held Thursday, November 16, in the Multi-Purpose Build ing on campus. The program will run from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Realizing that an item with the lowest price tag is not always the cheapest in the long run, is to recognize the merit of life-cycle costing. The purpose Sports Women's Basketball There will be a meeting for all women interested in basket ball on Monday, October 9, at 6:00 P.M., in the gymnasium. IM Officials Flag Football Captains Please note!! There will be a very important meeting of all officials and captains, Thurs day, October sth, at 3:30 P.m., in the Multi-Purpose Building, Rec/Ath Office. This meeting is very important and it is imper ative that all concerned attend!! Cross Country The first cross country meet of the season is scheduled for Saturday, October 7th, at 12:00 noon, at Lincoln University. All cross country runners that plan to compete ulease contact the Rec/Ath Office by phone 787- 7751, or in person, by noon, Friday, October 6th. Departure Successful Interview Receives Job Offer Between October 15 and November 15, about 20 firms will visit Capitol Campus to interview graduating seniors for jobs in their respective organizations. During the win ter and spring terms, many more firms will be here. As a senior, you should sharpen your interview skills because, if you are seeking full-time employment, you will be interviewing either on cam pus or off campus during the 1978-79 year. The Career Plan ning and Placement Office is prepared to help you in the following ways: • 1. OPERATION DRY RUN Here's how it works. A group of faculty and staff volunteer to play the role of "recruiters" in mock interview sessions. Using questions typically asked in an interview setting, they will in terview you. The objectives are to help ease you into the role of a relaxed "interviewee" and to aid you in making an effective presentation of YOU when the real thing takes place. of this workshop is to give the participants a working know ledge of how to use life-cycle costing to determine the true cost of an asset over its life time. Registration deadline is Thursday, November 9, and the fee is $55. For further information, contact: The Continuing Edu cation Office, Penn State-Capi tol Campus, Middletown, PA 17057; or phone 717-787-7753. Shorts time for this event will be 9:00 A.M., Saturday, October 7th. Meet in the parking lot at the Multi-Purpose Building. Soccer The soccer game scheduled for Saturday, October 7th, at 2:00 P.M., at Lancaster Bible College will have a departure time of 12:30 P.M. Meet in the parking lot at the Multi-Pur pose Building. Martial Arts The martial Arts program is scheduled to begin Monday, October 9th, at 7:30 P.M. in the mat area, upper level, of the Multi-Purpose Building. Fee is $lO per person. Sign up now!! Men's Varsity Basketball Pre-season workouts are schedules for Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. in the gym nasium. If you would like to partici pate, you need to (1) register with the Placement Office, and (2) Indicate your inte rest in OPERATION DRY RUN. We will provide you with the name(s) of your interview er(s). It is then up to you to set up an appointment with that person (or persons). So, if you're interested, come in and see us NOW! 2. A cassette entitled THE ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEW may be borrowed at your con venience. 3. A video tape entitled WINNING IN INTERVIEW ING can be shown to a group or to an individual. Arrange ments may be made with In structional Services. 4. You may want to review some of the written material on the subject of interviewing in the Placement library. It has been our experience that the person who is able to have a successful interview re ceives the job offer. BE PRE PARED!! Election Forecasting Middletown--" Forecasting the 1978 Pennsylvania Elec tion" will be the first program of the 1978-79 year of the Harrisburg chapter of the American Statistical Assoc iation. The program will begin at 12:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 13 in Room 321 of the Education Building. Mr. William Cromer, president of the Cromer and Young Group Inc., will be the guest speaker. Dr. Jacob Deßooy is pres dent of the Harrisburg Chap ter, and Dr. Kenneth Masters is president-elect. Both men are professors at Penn State-Capi tol Campus. The American Statistical Association was founded in 1839 and is perhaps the oldest professional society in contin uous existence in America. An important objective of the ASA has been to improve govern'- ment statistics. With a new administration to begin in Pennsylvania in only four months, improving Penna. sta tistics is especially important to the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Statistical Associa tion. Persons interested in attending the luncheon/meet ing, please contact Jim Riley at 787-9610. A LIFE MAY BE IN YOUR. HANDS. Will you know what to do? TO LEARN C.P.R. and Emergency care for chocking victims stop by the Nurses Office, WlO2, and sign up for a class. Classes will be offered every Wednesday afternoon from 2-4 P.M. and every Wed nesday evening from 7-9 P.M. Several mannequins have re cently been purchased for use in these classes. Classes will be limited to six students. Classifieds Classified ads are published as a free service to the Capitol Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged 91.00 per ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129; or call 944-4970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm. FOR SALE-'7l Chevy Impala, new brakes and exhaust sys tem, 2 new tires, 2 tires in excellent condition, 2 extra wheels, automatic, radio, 94,000 miles. $650, or best offer. Call 566-3064. WANTED:Any students inter ested in position with the stu dent patrol (Dept. of Safety and Police Services) apply at the Campus Police Office located in the Admissions, Placement and Campus Police Building. Limit ed number of positions avail able!! Rock 'n Roll Guitarist wants to find other people to play. Contact Dave Latanision at 815 B Weaver Ave., Meade Heights. FREE CATALOG of COLLEGIATE RESEARCH Over 10,000 listings! All subjects. Send NOW for this FREE catalog. (offer expires Dec. 31, 1978) Send to: COLLEGIATE RESEARCH P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073 KNOW THE FACTS Don't think you're safe! Be sure you're safe; come for the facts. A no bullshit seminar is being held at the Student Center, concerning the ups and downs of birth control methods. It will be sponsored by the T6County Family Planning and the R.L.P.O. on October 11 at 1 P.M. For more info contact any R.A. or the R.L.P. office at 787-1665. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226 NOTICE--Anyone who did not pick up this year's copy of the Policies and Rules for Students 1978-79 during registration, can do so by stopping in at the Student Affairs office in W-103. EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 260 Reily St. or call for information at 232-1901.
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