PSU Capitol Campus Vol. 8, No. 2 Budget Recommendations The Finance Committee of the SGA presented its budget recommendations for the 1978-79 acedemic year to the SGA Senate and organizational leaders at the first SGA meeting on Tuesday night, September 26. The SGA received approxiamately $17,000 from University Park this year. An estimate of $5OOO generated income (parking tickets and pinball and vending_ profits) should bring the total to $22,000. This figure was used by the Finance Committee as a base for its budget recommendations. It is to be divided between 41 clubs and organ izations. The SGA is holding $4500 of this money for future use. $3OOO is tagged to be used for potential problems and in the anticipation that new clubs will be chartered. $l5OO is being held for travel expenses for the individual clubs. Clubs will not receive any funding for travel expenses in the beginning of the year. They will have to go to SGA and request this money as needed. The budget recommendations are as follows. Black Student Union, $600; Black Cultural Affairs, $605; Beta Chi, $466; Chess Club, $27; Cheerleaders, $268; Project Helpline Begins Operation Project Helpline is a new program now in operation at Capitol Campus. The function of "Helpline" is to gather information from community agencies, organize the information into a referral system, and make them available to students by dialing 944-5997 between the hours of 6 pm and 12 pm, Monday through Friday. The line is run by student volun teers from Capitol Campus. The ques- All-U Day Guest Tickets Available Guest tickets for All-U Day are now available in the Student Activities Office. Tickets are ;10.00 for guests or other non-students. Student tickets are $4.00. C.C. Read SGA Holds First Meeting Presented XGI, $670; Instit. of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, $135; Instit. of Trans. Engineers, $113; Penn. State Education Assoc., $480; Photo Club, 128; Penn. State Grad. Student Assoc., $166; Outdoor Club, $166. Social Committee, $2370; WNDR, $165; Aviation Club, $166; NOW, $220; Tarnhelm, $688; International Affairs Assoc., $1080; Accounting Club, $437; Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engineers, $165; Phi Beta Lambda, $265; SPS, $6O; College Republicans, $170; Young Democrats, $63; C.C. Reader, $2900; Soc. of Automotive Engineers, $111; SGA, $1100; Student Gov't Operations, $2400; and Penn. Society of Profes sional Engineers, $lBO. There were no budget requests from MHBOG, Resident Student Coun cil, DTK, Capitolite, or Returning Women. Clubs and organizations which are unsatisfied with these recommend ations will be given the chance to meet again with the Finance Committee and to petition individual Senators. The budget will. be voted upon at the next SGA meeting to be held Tuesday, October 3 in room 216. The time of the meeting has not yet been announced. tions asked and the information given is kept completely confidential. The line provides information on a variety of programs, agencies and services in the area. For example, Project Helpline is equiped to handle questions about: T.V. Guide informa tion, abortions, legal services, and school problems. Please take full advantage of these services. The football game is against Texas Christian University on Saturday. Sep tember 30. Any ordered tickets which are not claimed by 12 noon on Friday will be sold. Investigation Con tinuing Burglary In Heights A 35 mm camera, light meter, clock/radio, portable T.V., cassette AM/FM player, and various other small items were reported stolen from a room in 910 B Weaver St. in the Heights. Security was notified at ap proximately 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sep tember 24. An estimated $750 was the total property loss. The investigation failed to reveal any evidence of forced entry, according to Officer James Paul of the Campus Police. The investigation is continuing. If you see any suspicious activity report it to the Campus Police immedi ately. If possible, try to obtain a description of the suspicious character and/or the vehicle. Student charged With Drunk Driving A student was apprehended by Campus Police early Wednesday morning for suspicion of operating a vehicle while under the influence of Perspectives - Students Speak 0ut.... Sesatarial Electians.... Arts - Album Reviews Lifestyles - Russian Student Sports - Soccer Win September 28, 1978 alcohol The driver was arraigned before the night magistrate at City Hall in Harrisburg and released on $5OO bail. A student was stopped by Campus Police on Weaver Street in the Heights on Tuesday, and charged with driving 40 mph in a 20 mph zone. The defendant was taken to District Justice 12-2-1 wherein a fine of $65 was levied with $lO court cost. Offieer Leahy Completes Course Officer Terrence P. Leahy recently completed a 2 week course of training for Crime Prevention Officers conduct ed by the National Crime Prevention Institute of Lewisville. The training took place at Mansfield State College in Mansfield. Pa. from August 21 to September 1. IN THIS ISSUE Page 2 .Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Speeding Arrest
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