April 20, 1978 University Park, PA.--How much would you be willing to pay for a little more peace and quiet? For the past several years, a Pennsylvania State University economist has been trying to determine how homeowners in various locations would answer that question, in an attempt to put a price tag on noise pollution controls. Now Dr. Jon P. Nelson, associate professor of econo mics, has written a book summarizing his own research and the work of other specialists in the field. Entitled, "Economic Anal ysis of Transportation Noise Abatement," it is the first comprehensive economic study of U.S. noise pollution pro blems. Among other things, Dr. Nelson points out that: --Noise pollution is be coming increasingly offensive May Is High Blood Pressure Month During High Blood Pressure Month hundreds of national and local organizations, civic and medical groups are involved in educating the general public, patients, and health professionals on the nature of the disease and its treatment. The main emphasis of this year's High Blood Pressure Month will be on convincing patients to take their pills as their physician advises. That's why, according to Ward, the slogan for May is, "High Blood Pressure . . . Treat It for Life." „ 1 1111111111111 TROPICAL PHOTO WORKSHOP MIAMI BEACH JULY '7B ..i 7 DAYS/6 NIGHTS $465* Intensive field and workshop training to bring new expertise to your photography techniques. Known professionals provide personal and practical instruction: film and camera, portraits and figure, travel and nature. Photo field trips. •Single Rate, Double Occupancy. Includes hotel, Modified American Plan, parties. Free, daily film processing provided. Write for detailed brochure and reservation forms: PHOTOTOURSI, DEPT. 30 7745 S.W. 33 TER., MIAMI, FLA. 31155. PH: (305) 446-5764 Noise Pollution A Problem to Americans. However, there is no evidence to date that everyday noise from highway or air traffic is a health hazard. ----Federal noise emissions standards will become increa singly stringent over the next several years. Eventually, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may even regulate noise levels of such household appliances as blen ders and kitchen fans. ---Using property values and other economic data, it is possible to assign a dollar value to the benefits derived form proposed noise controls in specific cases. For example, existing EPA standards specify that new medium and heavy trucks emit no more than 83 decibels now, and no more than 80 by Jan. 1, 1982. EPA is considering cutting the max imum to 75 or 78 decibels in 1985, but according to Dr. Nelson's figures, the benefits of the additional cut probably wouldn't justify its expense. ----Decibel taxes, levied against companies whose trucks or planes exceed specified levels, might be more effective than government regulations and fixed standards in limiting noise pollution. Several other countries are currently experimenting with such taxes. "The benefits are that a decibel tax would avoid treating polluters as criminals but would appeal directly to their self-interest. It would be a positive economic incentive to cut noise," Dr. Nelson says. In the past, it has been difficult to design noise pollution controls because of a lack of hard economic data. Responses to surveys don't tell how much a community would be willing to pay--or what goods and services people would sacrifice--to bring noise from She laughs, she cries, she feels angry, she feels lonely, she feels guilty, she makes breakfast, she makes love, she makes do, she is strong, she is weak, she is brave, she is scared, she is... AN UNMARRIED WOMAN JILL CLAYBURGH ALAN BATES MICHAEL MURPHY Produced by PAUL MAZURSKY and TONY RAY Written and Directed by PAUL MAZURSKY Musk BILL CONTI Now in Paperback from Avon COLOR SY MONIELAS PRINTS SY DAME' (11 M11 IS giapmengo ofZio PO icamwmme , Original . Motion Pkture Soundtrack Purakatrie on ZOth Century-Fox records and tapes. POIMIT WNW NOW SHOWING CHECK YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOR THEATRE LISTING C.C. Reader 70th Century-Fox Presents PAUL MAZURSKYS - highway and air traffic under control. "If you live near an airport and someone comes to your door with a questionaire, you'll probably say noise is a very serious problem. It doesn't cost anything to complain," Dr, Nelson says. There's nothing wrong with that, he adds, except that it doesn't tell government stan dard-setters how far to go in restricting noise emissions in specific cases. There is almost always a point beyond which additional restrictions cost more than they are worth. In 1976-77, Dr. Nelson was a member of the National Academy of Sciences' Com mittee on Appraisal of Societal Consequences of Transporta tion Noise Abatement. His book was released this month by Ballinger Publishing Co., a subsidiary of J.B. Lippincott. co-starting CLIFF GORMAN Middletown-The Continuing Education Office of Penn State- Capitol Campus announces that "Two Sports Clinics: Power Volleyball and Soccer" are scheduled. The purpose of the Power Volleyball Clinic is to assist young players between the ages of 12-19 to aquire greater skill and individual develop ment in the sport through a series of work sessions. The Soccer Clinic is designed to increase individual and team skill of players between the ages of 11 and 18. European style of play and team strategy are discussed as well as participating in scrim mages each day. The Clinics take place on Mon., June 26 . through Fri., June 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Multi-Purpose Building. The fee is $65 for each clinic, which includes cost of instruc tion, lunches, break drinks, and a souvenir tee shirt. ed man ,00yoeshe < rmi forenteeth( emu, lon Page 7
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