Page 6 PEOPI2E & LIFESTYbES By Sandy Stern There was a time when Americans consumed large multi-coursed dinners with homemade soup often starring as the first course. As dinners became more expedient and people more calorie-conscious, the hot, aromatic bowl of soup was frequently deleted only to be resurrected for company. The coming of Campbell's helped seal the fate of homemade soup. While it is still sporadically prepared, fresh soup no longer receives the prominence it once had on American menus. This is regrettable because well-made soups reflect some lovely characteristics of the cook. After all, it takes effort to transform a pot of water into something people want to eat. Quality soup is a product of patience and imagination. The mere possession of such illustrious virtues should in duce you to try your luck at a special talent long faded by the convenience of cans. Here are two recipes for By Susie Murphy Hershey is a name known and loved around the world. While you're in the area, Hershey Rose Gardens, cove ring 23 acres, are now in bloom with spring flowers, such as daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. The garden will be in bloom with various flowers and shrubs until October, with the roses blooming the second week of June. The hours are By Susie Murphy Looking for an unusual job after graduation? A job with challenge, excitement and travel? Lion taming may be just what you're looking for! Homemade Is Best soups that mirror Spring in their delicacy and fragrance. While light in substance, both soups are filling when accom panied by dark bread and sweet butter. Vegetable soup 3 cups vegetable or chicken broth 2 carrots V 2 cup fresh string beans 1 / 2 cup fresh peas J/2 cup mushrooms '/2 cup red bell pepper (green is okay) '/2 cup onion Y 2 cup fresh corn 1 / 4 cup butter 1 / 2 tsp. grated lemon peel V 2 tsp. fennel or dill salt and pepper to taste Slice carrots and mush rooms thinly. Cut beans into pieces and the corn from the cob. Finely chop the onions and red pepper. In a large pot bring the broth, carrots, beans and peas to a boil, cover the pot and let simmer for 20 minutes. While this is happening, saute the onions and peppers in the butter for 10 minutes. Then add Happenings In Hershey 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. everyday and the admission is $1.25 individually or $ .70 for a group of ten or more students. The Amusement Park is open week-ends from 10:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. beginning May 7, then daily after Memorial Day. Be sure to ride the Sooper Dooper Looper, the longest loop coaster on the East Coast. This year, the Park will feature a zoo and several new rides. Marcan The Magnificant The Shrine Circus was in town last week and it isn't just clowns and balloons like you may recall from your childhood memories. The lion tamer, Marcan the Magnificent, performed with 12 C.C. Reader the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more. Add these plus the corn to the soup and simmer 10 minutes longer. Add the remaining ingredients, cook another 5 minutes and serve. Greek Lemon and Egg Soup (serves 6) 7 cups chicken broth 1 1 / 2 cups cooked white rice 2 lemons 4 eggs '/4 tsp. pepper 1 Tbs. parsley In a large pot, heat the broth until hot. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl. Gradually beat in the juice from the lemons and stir in a few spoonfuls of the hot broth, as a preventative for the mixture curdling when it is added to the broth. Now pour this into the pot, stirring well to evenly bind the soup. Do not let the soup boil or the egg-lemon mixture will curdle. Now add the rice, parsley and pepper. Cook a few minutes longer until rice is heated through and serve immediately. Tickets cost $8.75 for a full day of rides, but with a group of 15 or more students, the cost is $6.75. They offer a sunset savings of $2.00 if you go after 5:00 p.m. Chocolate World gives you a free mini-tour showing how the world famous Hershey choco late is made. It's located next to the Park and is open daily 9 to 5 and Sundays 12 to 5. Sorry, no free samples. African lions, each weighing about 750 pounds (the average zoo lion weighs only 350 pounds.) Among their tricks, Marcan rode a lion and even put his head in a lion's mouth! When asked if he ever gets scared, Marcan said he still gets so scared, his pants shake each time before he goes into the ring with the lions. As he spoke, he showed the large scar on his neck and shoulder where he had been attacked by a lion. The circus takes him from South America to Canada each year. As a result of his travels with the circus, he fluently speaks 11 languages. The lions are not given tranquilizers; however, other circus members were openly selling Black Beauties on the arena floor. How do you get to be a lion tamer? Marcan, who's been doing it for 20 years, studied lion training at the State University in the U.S.S.R. for three years. Why would you want to be a lion tamer? Marcan shook his head and said he wasn't sure, but,le - must be crazy. Now Is The Time To Plan Your Future University Park, Pa. - Because inflation continues to whittle away at paychecks and savings, a Pennsylvania State University professor believes that American families-espec ially young ones-should take steps to safeguard their financial future. Dr. Cohen J. Hefferan, assistant professor of con sumption and behavioral eco nomics, says the rising cost of the necessities of life-trans portation, food and housing- has made financial security ex tremely hard for the average American family to attain. By using a little foresight and taking the right concrete steps, a young couple can provide security for their elderly years. "It is most important for young families to see that their planning is paying off," Dr. Hefferan says. "It makes the planning and sacrifice easier." One of the best investments a family can make is buying a house. "Houses rarely depreciate," saving their earnings and says Dr. Hefferan, "and even if getting more of a return on the a house doesn't produce a good dollar than the investment plan return on the original invest- of a large company may ment, a large chunk of a provide. However, Dr. family's living expenses will be , Hefferan says, people who paid for upon retirement." invest on their own need an On the other hand, home extra measure of willpower to improvements should be keep from dipping into their watched carefully. It is easy for savings for immediat% needs. 'farna. to lose money on a = - "' u "'"llwhere's a temptatibn to use house if they improve the house retirement fund befare you substantially above the value of 0 4tIN4htitioyeu 4114 Pon your other houses in the neighbor- own," she says. "People usually hood, Dr. Hefferan explained. respond to- present needs -Yard .imprevenients like swim- without thinking about the ming pools and tennis cowls consequences." April 20, 1978 are not always smart invest- ments because many potential buyers believe they are more trouble than they're worth. Less visible methods of safeguarding your financial future include getting an education or learning a trade or hobby that is enjoyable and that can be used later to supplement social security income. "It's good to learn a trade that you can fall back on later on in life," she said. "Not only is it something that could supplement social security, but many times it's a craft that provides a lot of immediate satisfaction." According to the Penn State professor, if your place of employment doesn't supply a retirement plan, it may be wise to invest part of your savings in one. "The sooner in life a young couple goes to a large investment company for advice, the less expensive that advice will be," Dr. Hefferan says. Some people are capable of
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