Page 8 May 1 Deadline The important May Ist filing deadline for students who need aid to finance higher education costs is quickly approaching, and students who have yet to do so are urged to file immediately for a State Higher Education Grant, ac cording to Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. Executive Director Kenneth R. Reeher of PHEAA wants to remind students that May 1 is crucial. "After that date," says Reeher, "an application for state grant aid will be considered late, and since applications received after the deadline are consi dered on a 'fund available' basis a late applicant may get nothing by way of a state grant." The May 1 deadline applies to all students wishing to renew their present state grant, as well as 1978 high school graduates planning to attend a four-year degree granting EDET Program Middletown--In response to an expressed community interest, Penn State-Capitol Campus will offer the Electrical Design Engineering Technology pro gram during the evening hours. According to Wesley G. Houser, Program Chairman, the evening program will start in the Fall 1978 term and will be academically the same as the EDET daytime program. Students in the evening program will take one course per term--three terms per year. The courses- are four credits each and classes will start at Lifecycle Costing Workshop Middletown--Penn State- Capitol Campus is going to present a workshop entitled the "Lifecycle Costing Workshop." To say that the item with the lowest price tag is not always the cheapest in the long run is to recognize the merit of lifecycle costing (LCC). The purpose of the session is to give the participants a working knowledge of how to use lifecycle costing to deter mine the true cost of an ASSET OVER ITS LIFETIME. The method is of value to those in CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published free as a service to the students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the , Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). For Sale: 2 G7O-14 Lee GT belted tires mounted on Chevy rims $75.00 Call Bob 566-8283 For Sale--Car & Home 8 track tape players, speakers, 4 channel speaker adapter, psy chedelic light. Also a bWlwork er, C4IJ AriKe. college and those seeking a two-year degree at a com munity college or a junior college. Students planning to enroll at a business, trade, technical, or nursing school have until August 1, 1978, to apply for a state grant as do those hoping to enroll for non-degree courses at com munity colleges. For 1978-79, the state grant form is a composite application, the completion of which allows the student to apply for both a state grant and a federal Basic Educational Opportunity Grant. The May 1 and August 1 filing deadlines apply only to the State Grant Program. Copies of the State Grant/BEOG Composite Application can be obtained from the financial aid office at the school the student plans to attend, any high school guidance counselor, or by writing PHEAA, Towne House, Harrisburg, PA 17102. 6:45 p.m., meeting three nights per week. To qualify for the evening EDET program, applicants must have an associate degree in electrical engineering tech nology from an approved institution. Those completing the program will earn a bachelor of technology degree with major in Electrical Design Engineering Technology. Persons interested in ad mission to the program should write to the Office of Admissions, Penn State-Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA 17057 or call 717-787-7734. government, industry, business as well as the consumer. The workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00p.m. on Thursday, May 4 in the Multi-Purpose Building. Regis tration for this workshop must be made by mail. The fee for the session is $55 which includes all instructional ma terials as well as coffee breaks and lunch. For information contact the Continuing Education Office, Penn State-Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA 17057; or phone 717-787-7753. ROOMATE Wanted immedi ately for a two-bedroom apt. located in Highspire--only two minutes away, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Cheap and convenient!! Phone 939-1080. Note: The Campus Lost & Found is located in Room 118. C.C. Reader /I==lo=ll==l4B4==*lB4=NlC:=l4X::::=olllC=Xl4:=l SERA TEC" BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 Did you know that you could earn from $6B to $lOO per month for as little as 4 hours of your time each week? Sera-Tin Biologicals is in desperate need of plasma donors. Your plasma will be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia, and for reagents that help make modern blood banking possible. Here is a unique opportunity to earn up to $lOO a month and help others at the same time. Be a special person; be a plasma donor at Sera-Tec Biologicals. For in formation call 232.1901 or stop by 260 Roily Street, Harrisburg. k== o lllo=4l4==lll4l=ll4==4 X=lN=oll4:=4l=4 • Photography Club Invites You Interested in becoming a better photographer? The photography Club covers topics and offers hints that will help you. Last week, photographic lighting was discussed. This coming Thursday, April 20, Tricks and Special Effects with Filters will be the Subject. Interested in making movies? That will be covered in May. Also in May, the Photo Diploma That the words "Capitol Campus" will appear on your diploma? While students here at Capitol are aware that the education and degree that they are receiving is equal to or superior to that received at U.P., many do not wish to have to defend that fact to employers who question the additional words (Capitol Campus) on the diploma. Students, particularly social science and humanities majors, may be asked to justify their decision not to attend U.P. to employers and graduate schools outside of Pa. We are not a separate entity; we are part of the Penn State University-and our diploma should read as such. If you agree that your diploma should state that you have graduated from Penn State (no inclusion of the words Capitol Campus) let your opinion be known. Sign the petition at the round table or see one of the following people: Don Cernugel Sheila McCaffrey Sandy Mancuso Woody Menear It has been requested that those who must smoke while in Vendorville would not smoke In the non-smoking areas which consist of the western half of Vendorville, the vending ma chine area and the fold awoke liwi now it. via whore smoking is permitted is is the eastern half of the main cafeteria [the side with the pin graphy Club will be taking a field trip. Rickett's Glen, with its many waterfalls, or Hershey Park and Gardens are just two of the possible locations. Members will be shooting color slides which they'll develop into prints in the Photo Club darkroom. During the Fall term, the Photo Club shaped up and improved their darkroom. Photography Club members,left to right, Curt Rounds, Susie Murphy, Professor Trunk, Ralph Hanes, experiment with the effects of lighting. Fourth Annual Used Book Sale The fourth annual used book sale, sponsered by Middletown Friends of the Library, is set for Friday, April 21, and Saturday, April 22, in the Middletown Community Build. ing gym. Hours are from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Saturday. Friends of the Library members will be admitted at 10 a.m. Friday by showing a current membership card. The sale features categories of book selection such as classics, gothic romance, and best sellers in the area, the range in non-fiction is broad, including psychology, religion, home arts, economics,ecience, ,cimsumerism, human sexua li ty, humor, "how to"books, obbies April 20, 1978 Photography Club members may have use of the darkroom for only $7.00 per term. Winter term was used to prepare for the Photography exhibit just shown in the Gallery Lounge. So, whether you're a beginner or an expert photo grapher, the Photography Club invites you to meet with them Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. in the Admissions Building. and games, sports, animals, art and music, travel, inspiration, mysteries, astrology and the occult, black history, foriegn language, biography, war nov els, westerns, education, and reference. There are some encyclopedia sets available, as well as a number of diction aries, and a selection of phonograph records. Also available are several Scouting books and Red Cross first aid books. There is also a good selection of children's books for those who come earty: Obairman of this year's sale are Mr. and Mrs. Dana Olsen. Profits from the Friends Book Sale support the library.
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